Part 25

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swara blinked her teary eyed,hide her locket and knock at the door.
swara in mind:GOD plz give me strength
swara walked inside and stand in middle of room.and looks at him.he was clean shaved,wearing suite but there was no tie around his neck.he was looking same cruel old sanskar which she saw 8 months before.swara felt pain in her heart.sanskar look at her without a single exprssion on his face.then he look at his wrist watch,exact 7.
he get from his seat and walked towards her.swara maintains her flat expressions.
sanskar:let me tell u something very clearly.........u will come at office sharp at 7 and whatever i will give u work u will complete it at 6.i don't want sunny and pari to get affected because of it?
swara:yes sir.
sanskar went close to her and said:and if u didn't complete your work then punishment will be in my bedroom.
swara's whole body stiffened,sanskar smile satisfactorily,goes and sit on his chair.
sanskar:these are 100 files complete them before 6 and remember my warning.
swara pick files and leaves from there.sanskar saw her leaving and closed his burning eyes.
swara was quickly completing files when her phone ringed.she pick and put it on speaker and continue her work.
kavita yelled:swara where are u....its our flight time.
swara:sory kavi i can't come....i am in office there is a lot of work...i promise when u come back i will be there.
kavita:what but sanskar is here why can't u come wait i will talk to him i am going for one month,can't he let u meet me for 20 mins.
swara quickly:no...noplz kavi u have swear on me don't say anything to him.plz
kavita sad;what yaar....u will not meet me.
swara"i will do video chat with u when u and karan will reach hawaii.
kavita sadly:okay....bye.
swara:best of luck for your honeymoon.
kavita blushed a little:shut up.
swara smile and cut the call,
swara:u are also going don't know how will i handle everything.
she again started doing work.

Swara place 100 files on table,sanskar look at his wrist watch.
sanskar:not bad....i am impressed 
swara:can i leave now.
sanskar just nodded,swara leaves from there sanskar throw files on the ground frustrated
sanskar:i will see how long u will stay strong.
pari sadly:maasi why did friend left.....i am missing him.
sunny:me too
swara:his house completed na therefore....
pari poutingly:didn't even said me bye....
sunny:i have an idea
sunny:maasi give phone.
swara give him phone,sunny dial sanskar's number.
sunny:we can at least talk to him on phone na.
swara:sunny put phone on speaker and don't tell him i am here.
swara meekly:i am angry on him na.
sunny smiling:okay
he put phone speaker
sanskar look at swara's number with narrowed eyes.
sanskar:why is she calling me.......
he pick the call and put phone on speaker before he could have said anything sunny start talking.
sunny:partner what is this?.....u left without meeting us very bad very bad.
pari loudly:i am also angry from u.
sanskar smile hearing their sweet scolding.
sanskar:arra first listen to me then said anything.....i had some important work therefore i left in emergency otherwise i would have not left without meeting u both.
sunny:then it is okay....i forgave u don't know about pari.
sanskar laughed a little at that.swara sighed hearing his laugh.
sanskar:pari how will u give me forgiveness?
pari:first promise u will come here to meet us i am missing u.
sanskar:what is the need to ask this i will surely come to meet my princess.
pari:then i forgive u..
sanskar:thank u sooo much.
sunny dramaticaly:your welcome.....
sanskar chuckled.
swara entered inside sanskar's room,sit on bad and start looking around.tears without her notice start falling down.
she look at her locket and smile painfully.
swara:don't hate me that much....which i can't bear.plz
she get up and walked toward her room open the drawer and take out one pick.sanskar and swara were standing together and were laughing about something.swara caressed the pic and her crying increased.

sanskar was sitting in his room,drinking alcohol.he was staring at swara pic on his phone.he throw phone with full force
sanskar:i hate u swara....hate u
he drink another glass of alcohol in frustation.dadi saw this and entered inside the room.
dadi:sanskar what are u doing don't drink alcohol.not good for your heath....plz for me.
sanskar:okay dadi...
he put glass on side table.
dadi:i just came here for two days....tomorrow early morning is my flight.
sanskar nodded and said:i will drop u.
dadi:not needed i will go with driver...just wanted to see u.take care of yourself okay.
after saying this she left from there.sanskar get walked toward broken phone and pick up memory card.

AT 3:00
swara was crying in her room,folding her legs near her chest when her phone started ringing.she look at screen.
swara:unknown number.
she wipe her tears from back of her hands and keep the phone on ear.
swara sobing:hello! response
swara a little loud:hello!....
she sighed and cut the call,keep phone on side table and keep her head on her knees.

sanskar:these are list of files find them from store room....they should be complete.
swara take list from his hands,their hand touched a little but swara quickly leaves from there.
sanskar look at his hand.
swara look at the list then at store room.what files????? there were only pages spread on the ground,in different ranks.swara sighed sufferingly and start collecting the luch break she had completed her half files when her phone started ringing.she pick up phone without looking at number.
BUA in ordering tone:swara we are reaching mumbai in 10 mins.....come and pick us
swara shocked:aj....abhiiii.
bua taunting:nhe kal.....come fast
swara:but i am in office.
bua angrily:swara we have no keys of house.......we will stay outside the house until u don't come.not a single word and come.
after saying this she cut the call.swara look at her phone then at list.about 10 files were remaining.she look at wrist watch.
swara:thank god it is lunch break.she pick completed files and put it in her cabin and move toward lift.she press the button but lift door was not getting open.swara cursed the door and move toward stairs just at that time door get open and sanskar come out.he saw her leaving.
sanskar:where is she going?
sanskar goes after her through stairs.swara was walking very fastly,for once her foot slipped,sanskar forward his hand quickly for holding her but stopped seeing her fine..swara hold the railing tightly and took deep breath.and again start walking.sanskar cursed her badly.

swara come out,stop taxi and leaves from there.sanskar take his car and start stopped at bus station.sanskar angrily:how dare she thought to run away.
swara come out from taxi and start looking around worriedly.after one second she saw bua and kvya to walk toward her.bua's expression turned a little soft seeing her their.kavita show her full attitude.swara take blessing from her.
bua curtly:bus bus....theak ha.
kavya:swara take luggage.
after saying both sit in taxi.
swara shook her head:ya nhe sudhar sakti.
swara tried to pick but couldn't.swara look at bag with wide eyes.
swara worriedly:for how long they came?
she again tried to pick bag and staggered a little,a unknown smile appeared on sanskar's lips.
driver was looking at swara smiling,forward and stopped her.
driver mocking:bibi ji start eating food.he pick bad easily and keep it in taxi
swara make faces,she look at her wrist watch and her eyes widened.
swara:only 10 mins.

she walked fast and said to driver:keys i will drive the taxi.
driver confused:why...
swara pleadingly:i am in really hurry plzzzz.
driver shrugged and give her keys.swara sit on driving seat put seat belt and start the taxi.sanskar shook his head at her antics but he get extreme shock when swara drive taxi will full speed.driver start murmuring hanuman chalesa,bua were yelling at her to stop the taxi.kavya's eyes were close tightly.she was cursing her badly in heart and pleading GOD to save her.
swara in mind:here i am getting and they are doing their drama.sanskar increased his speed so that he can match with her speed.his temper was raising with each passing second.
sanskar furious:trying to commit suicide or what?........impossible woman.
swara stopped taxi in front of office.she look at time.only 5 min.sanskar closed his eyes and lay back on seat.
sanskar muttered slowly:nothing happened
swara driving is still good
she come out from taxi,driver also come out.swara look at driver face.he was looking at her as she is alien.
driver showing her his two fingers:how many are these?
swara confused:huh....four
driver showing two fingers:and these?
driver:what i am?
driver:man or woman?
swara shocked:what?
swara laughing little:man.
driver pointing toward taxi said loudly:in the same way this my taxi not an Aeroplane.
swara laughed loudly at that.driver glares at her.swara take deep breath and give him money.
swara:drop them near india gate.
driver:keep your money with yourself...i am alive that is enough for me.
after saying this he sit inside the taxi.swara chuckled and give keys to bua.bua give her death glare.and snatch keys from her.
bua angry:u didn't changed a little.....
swara smile.

bua turn her face and sign driver to drive the taxi.they left from there.swara walked inside the office humming happily.swara start picking pages again.sanskar entered in store room and stand behind her.
sanskar angrily:get up
swara get scared at his sudden angry voice,papers fall down from her hand.she looked back at him.
swara in mind:why is he angry now?
she then look back at papers poutingly,she collected them with so difficulty.
she get up and turned toward him.and start thinking what she did now?
sanskar crossing his arms:if u want to commit suicide then tell me i will love to kill u.
swara look at him with fully open wild eyes.
swara shocked:sanskar
sanskar hold her from arms and pinned her to wall.
sanskar angrily:how were u driving?
swara sighed understanding everything
swara irritated:u again started following me.
sanskar furiously:u are very good at speeding right.......there is a lot of mess here clean it fully,arrange whole store room before six.

swara look around 10 files her whole day spend how will she arrange it.she open her mouth to protest but her phone started ringing.swara and sanskar look at screen.BUA'S CALLING.
sanskar take phone from her hand and keep it on ear.buaa yelled swara's name with full strength.sanskar closed his eyes getting little heart attack,swara pressed her lips to hide smile.
buaa yelled:swara....ya kuta yahan kia kar rha ha.aaaaa!.
sanskar cut the call,give her phone with jerk.
sanskar:clean the mess.
he leaves from there thinking that whole family is made.swara laughed after his leave.she call bua.
swara:bua his name is bunny and he don't bite....he is very good boy.
buaa angrily:i don't know anything he is barking at me.... come and take him away.
swara:put phone on speaker.
bua put phone on speaker.

swara softly:bunny go to my room.
bunny barked loudly and move toward her room.bua cut the call without saying anything.swara think something then call pammi aunty.
swara:anty i want a little help.
pammi:haan bolo beta.
swara:bua and kavya came today.
pammi shocked:what? why?.....and u allowed them to enter home.
swara sighing:allow...they didn't ask for permission?
pammi:okay tell what were u saying?
swara:house papers are present in my cupboard under clothes...can u plz take them to yur home and take bunny with u also.
pammi in deep voice:swara beta u did wrong by letting them enter.
swara:last time aunty if they did anything this time then i myself will kick them out.
pammi mocking:look who is speaking for kicking them......
swara irritated:aunty....bye.she cut the call
pammi laughed.
swara muttered:don't know what they think of me....
she again started working.

swara put last file in rank and sighed,her back was aching.she look at time.6.
swara with painful smile:after snatching everything at least god give this little little favors to me.
she shook her head and walked toward sanskar's room.
swara:may i come in sir?
swara entered inside and said:sir work is complete can i go?
sanskar look at her face,she was looking tired.
sanskar:u are looking tired.....drink this.
sanskar pick one glass and keep it in center of table.swara look at glass.BITTER GOURD JUICE.
swara in mind:sanskar no plz i can't drink this bitter juice.
sanskar smirking:drink it u will feel fresh.
FRESH swara mind yelled out loudly.
swara step forward cursing him with all bad words she knows.she pick up glass and smell it.swara's face changes from bad to worse after smelling it.
swara close her nose and start drinking it,sanskar clenched his fist unknowingly seeing her drinking juice.swara drink half glass,keep it on table and run from there keeping hand on her mouth.sanskar keep on staring at half filled glass.
swara was sitting in taxi,eating chocolate.
swara poutingly:don't know from where these ideas came in his mind.
swara to driver:u tell me who drinks bitter gourd's juice?
driver exclaimed:arra madam ji girls drinks to get beautiful.......don't u know from this colour get white.many girls drink this.
swara making faces:chiii.......
driver:but u don't need it why did u drink are already beautiful.
swara get straight and said angrily:look forward and drive fast.
driver get straight and increase speed.
swara whisper:still mouth is bitter.
she open another and start eating it.
swara,sunny and pari enter inside the house.
buaa and kavya look at them.
swara:go greet bua.
pari goes silently,sunny make faces.
he also goes and greet bua.bua hug them with genuine smile on her face.
bua happily:meeting with u after so many are u?
pari smilingly:fine
sunny dryly:fine.
swara smile and went to her room,changed dress and move toward kitchen.she knew that nothing would be prepared.and she was right.swara was preparing dinner when pari came there with worried face.
pari:maasi where is bunny?
swara make pari sit on slab and said:pari bua was scared from bunny so i send him to kavita's maasi home.when bua will go we will bring him back.
pari get more sad.
swara:pari don't be sad i will take u to meet him.okay?
pari happily:after dinner
swara kissed at her cheek:after dinner.
pari jump down and run from there happily

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