Part 28

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swara was scolding phone caller when chotu came there.
chotu:didi your tea...
swara keeps phone on her lap and takes tea from boy.
swara:thank u.
chotu;can i ask a question?
swara smiling:yes off course...
chotu:how much u earn per month?
chotu exclaimed:only 60....i earn more than u?
swara chuckling:aacha!! how much?
chotu proudly:i earn 150 rupees daily.....i will tell everyone i earn more than u.
swara laughed loudly at that and tried to stop him but he ran away.
swara hits her palm on her forehead laughing continuously.
swara laughing:children......

at that time manager came there,swara closes her mouth quickly and gets up but she was still giggling little.
manager looks at her and smile a little;what happened miss gadodia?
swara giggling:nothing sir.
manager:here give this list to mr.maheshwari.
swara:okay sir.
manager leaves from there,swara again sits worker came there laughing,
worker:ma'am u earn 60 rupees per month....i earn 25000 per month.....
swara laughing:therefore i am thinking to leave this job and start working with u all.
worker shows her thumbs up and leaves from there.all worker came to her one by one and gave her thumbs up.swara keeps on laughing whole day.this news also reached to manager and he burst out laughing hearing that.


swara reached office at 4 and knocked at door.she touched her cheeks which were paining because of laughing.
swara entered inside and gave him list.
sanskar:prepare presentatio......... u have to give after one hour.
swara mind yelled:prsentation in one hour.....he became mad or what?
swara:sir which presentation.....and in one hour?
sanskar curtly:why can't prepare presentation now?
swara in mind:he is taking out anger of last night.....
swara:sorry sir...

swara leaves from there making faces.she sits on her seat and starts preparing presentation.she called miss rose also because presentation of new project in one hour ALONE is not possible.
after completing presentation,swara took deep breath.
swara:thank u miss rose....if u would have not helped i was gone.
rose patted her cheek and said:mention not.
miss rose leaves from there.swara smiles and gets up and walks toward presentation hall and startsdoing arrangements.after some time sanskar and clients entered inside.
swara with professional smile welcome them.
sanskaar looking at his watch:did u prepare presentation or not?
swara:sir presentation is ready....
sanskar looks at her deeply then walk forward,swara stuck out tongue at his back.sanskar turned toward her immediately.swara arrange her face quickly.sanskar looks at her with narrowed eyes then sit on chair thinking that how did she do that in one hour.
swara starts her presentation only 15 mins were passed when swara looked at the door,unintentionally and she forget her presentation.

sunny and pari were peeping from door.they wave their hands,giggling.swara looks at her wrist watch 20 mins were left in 6.
swara looked at tittle on screen and started her presentation again but she was looking at door continuously.
sunny and pari entered inside tip toed. swara's eye widened.sanskar looked back confusingly and he coughed seeing two devils there.he looked back at swara.
swara sign him to do something.sanskar gets up immediately.all looks at him.
sanskar clearing his throat:ladies and gentleman we should take a break...right?
all:off course sir
sanskar pointing toward door:plz.

all left from there.swara walks toward sunny aand pari and holds their ears.
swara:what are u both doing here....and one more thing how do u both reached is almost at opposite corner from your tuition center.
both:AAAAA.....maasi leave ear.
swara leaves their ear and looks at them worriedly.
sanskar entered inside worriedly and stands with swara.
sanskar;how did u both reached here?.
kavya entered inside the hall and said loudly:i brought them here.
swasan looks at her.
kavya in sweat voice;actually i thought.....swara do work whole day then come and pick children so why not share some responsibility.......i am also their maasi and love them.

swara and sunny looked at each other then at kavya.kavya smile sweetly at sanskar.swara gritted her teeth.
mis rose entered inside the room.
ROSE:sir clients want to sign the papers.....they are ready on our conditions.
sanskar:okay i am coming
mis rose looks at children questionaly.
swara:my children.
mis rose gets surprised and walks toward children and caresses pari's head
mis rose:your name is pari right?
pari nodded.
ROSE:u are beautiful.
pari shly:thank u.
swara and sanskar smile.
mis rose pull sunny cheek.
ROSE:and u are sunny....
sunny give her tight smile.
all giggled except kavya.
sanskar:miss rose give contract  papers to clients i am leaving now.
miss rose:yes sir.

pari and sunny:plz come with us.
sanskar;i have some work.
kavya:children are insisting so much plz come.
sunny; is ice cream party day.
sanskar smile:okay chalo!.(let's go)
swara in mind:i forgot....what will i make?
all left from there.swara was about to sit on front seat like always but kavya stopped her and sit at front seat.swara blinked at her.sanskar tightened his grip on steering wheel.
swara sighed and sit on back seat.

after sometime they reached home,swara takes pari in arms and walks inside.kavya walks with sanskar,flirting continuously.sanskar anger was getting high he was just tolerating because of kids otherwise he would have told her very well what he is and what he do with fake people.
sanskar in mind:she should learn acting from swara.....such a bad actor.
he sit in hall,kavya sit with him,very close to him.sanskar cursed his faith.
swara was looking all this angrily.sunny look at swara's red face then at sanskar and kavya.
sunny in mind:kavya maasi u are gone......maasi don't get angry usually but when get angry....ufff!!!
he left from praying for sanskar
swara in mind:how dare he sit with her so close......
swara stop sunny,make him stand with her.
swara in warning tone:don't tell anyone okay?

sunny nodded vigorously.swara hold cricket bat tightly,throw ball in air and hit it with full force.ball went flying and passes from small space between sanskar and kavya.
sunny covered his face in shock and looked at swara.swara handover bat to shocked sunny and run from there hurriedly.
kavya scream a little,sanskar looks back at sunny with wide eyes.
sanskar shocked:partner what are u trying to do?
kavya shouted angrily:sunny.....
sunny drops bat and runs from there,yelling swara's name.kvya runs after him angrily.
sanskar place hand on his cheek,ball just went an inch distance,he was feeling its warmth.
sanskar muttered to himself:sunny is turning dangerous day by day.
sunny hides behind swara,kavya stands in front of angry swara.
kavya angrily:do u know what he did just now?
swara calmly:what?
kavya;he tried to hit me and sanskar with ball.....didn't u teach him manners.
swara walked toward her and said:nothing happened relax.
kavya angrily:control your children
swara:u don't need to wory about them.i am here for that.
kavya stamps her foot and leaves from there.sunny looks at swara poutingly.
sunny:kavya maasi is okay but what if that ball had hit partner?
swara angrily:i hit that for him only....didn't see how close he was sitting with kavya.he is lucky i didn't hit on his head otherwise his head would have get open like coconut.
sunny hits his palm on his own forehead and leaves from there,shooking head continuously.
swara angrily picks phone and starts looking for new thing.someone clears his throat behind her.
she turned and saw sanskar standing behind her,smiling
sanskar stepped forward and stand close to her.
sanskar:u hit the ball......which passed so close from my face.
swara in dangerous voice:next time it will hit on your head......
she leaved from there giving death glare to him.sanskar saw her leaving with surprise.
he felt immense happiness in his heart seeing her jealous.


sanskar smiling wide:pari what did u do this week?
pari:i make this painting for bhai.....
sunny gets happy and looks at painting excitedly.
pari:bhai this is u....this is your bat and this broken TV.
all laughed.sunny looks at pari dryly.
sunny:next one should be of maasi?
pari confused:mtlb....
swara gives death glare to sunny.sanskar smile wide.
sunny:today i become the monitor of my class.
swara happy:really....
sunny nodded vigorously.swara kissed his cheek.
swara:i am proud of u.
sanskr:well done partner.
sunny:maasi what did u do?.......
swara looks at him.
sunny meekly;leave it if u didn't do anything.
pari tried to protest but sunny whisper in her ear.
sunny whispering:leave it pari today maasi is not in good mood.
pari whisper back:what happened?
sunny giggling:don't ask partner got saved from an inch.
swara flatly:i made new friend.
sunny and pari:aach who....
swara show them chotu's pic.when pari was about to show  that pic to sanskar.swara takes phone from her hand.sanskar looks at swara.
sanskar in mind:angry....that is interesting.
sanskar:today i signed partnership with foreign clients from next month my business will spread in foreign country also.
kavya's eye widened completely.bua just smiled.sunny and pari hugged sanskar.
swara makes face,sanskar looks at her and smile.


swara reached construction site late rubbing her hands was foggy today.her phone started ringing.
swara beats her forehead looking at number.
swara on phone:what's your problem?
angry manager welcomed her with angry red eyes.swara felt pity for herself.she removes phone from her ear.
manager angrily:miss gadodia u are late today.
swara:sorry sir traffic jam
manager pulls his glasses down on nose tip.all worker got gather and started looking at them
manager:miss children also don't make excuses like this now?
all workers giggled,swara looks at them then bends her head and  started listening a lot of scolding.

after a long period of scoldings

manager:i have some work i will be back after an hour.
swara:yes sir.
manager left from there.swara looks at workers and walks toward them.
swara angrily rubbed her nose and said :i was getting scoldings and u are laughing here?
all worker laughed loudly after looking at her small red nose.
all in union:such a lame excuse miss gadodia.
swara's mouth gets open,she looks around,pick a wooden stick and runs toward them.all worker run here and there.
swara shouted:work or otherwise i will complain to sanskar.
chotu pulls her duppta and offers her water
swara looks down at him, throw the stick and takes water from him
chotu naughtly:didi waisa i also don't make such lame excuses.
swara spit out water and looked at him.

swara angrily:u also

she again picks stick and runs after him,chotu runs from there laughing loudly.


swara cryingly:what wrong did i do with u......why are u not letting me sleep.i am tired,i need to wake up early in morning.sleep yourself and let me sleep also.u tell me one thing....are u HE OR SHE? will be easy for me na how to scold u.......idiot let me sleep.
she cuts the call and falls down on bed again.her phone again started ringing.
swara puts pillow on her keeps on ringing.swara cursed the person badly.
she picks the phone answer it and was about to start its scolding session again when pari entered inside holding her doll.swara looks at her.
pari poutingly:maasi i am not getting sleep....can i sleep here.
swara:arra ye bhi pochna ki baat ha(this is not the thing to ask).....come here.swara keeps the phone on side table,holds pari and pulls her on bed and adjust blanket on her.
pari;maasi u didn't tell me story from so long.
pari excited:yes my favourite.....
sunny putting both hand on waist:what is happening here?
swara and pari looked at the door where sunny was standing.
sunny:u both traitors sleeping together leaving me alone.
he jumps on bad beside pari and pulls blanket.
pari excitedly:bhai!....maasi is telling cinderella..
sunny:maasi start....

swara tells them story like always in sweet magical voice.pari and sunny's eyes started dropping down.
swara completing the story:prince and princess got married and lived happily ever after.
sunny in sleepy tone:maasi i have a question?
swara feeling sleepy:hmm....ask
sunny:why didn't princess tell truth to prince....if she would have tell him he would have made everything correct.
swara looking at distance:why she didn't tell him truth?
pari:my teacher says she didn't tell because boys are idiots....
swara looks at pari and laugh.sunny glares at pari.
sunny:princess was idiot she didn't tell anything and run away.
swara deeply:prince was also idiot na....he also believed what happened,believed what princess told him,didn't even try for once to learn the truth just believed her and assumed princess is bad and started hating her.
a tear drop fall from her eye,she quickly wipe it and look aat sunny and pari.both were already slept.swara free herself from pari's grip and leaves from there silently.
swara come out from house and sit at her favourite place,GARDEN
she takes out her hidden locket and starts crying looking at it.
swara crying:sanskar u didn't even tried for once to learn the truth.....just believed what i said,i feeling very good actor......very good actor.i agree i would have done the same just like you are doing but i would have tried for once to learn the reason of sudden change but u didn't tried.......just believed.
she wipes her tears from back of her hand,pulls her legs on chair and starts crying again silently,keeping head on knees.



swara and all workers were doing lunch together,they complete their lunch.
swara:there is still time in lunch break.
chotu excitedly:let's play something
all looked at each other.
worker: mimicking 
all laughed and agreed.everyone start doing each other mimicry.all were laughing including phone was ringing continuously.
chotu;now didi your turn.
swara nodded in NO vigorously.
swara:no plz i can't do.
all pushed her forward.
swara confused:of whom?
swara thinks for some time and takes glasses from one worker and ask chotu to come.
swara:think i am maanger and u are swara....okay.
chotu nodded vigorously.
swara frowned and said stirctly:miss gadodia u are again late.....
cotu acting of being scared:sorry sir......traffic jam.
all laughed loudly at that,swara hardly control her laugh.
she puts finger on nose tip and said:school children also don't make excuses like this miss gadodia.
chotu shly:sir i will tell good excuse next time.
roar of laughter.
swara laughing:i didn't said that.
suddenly all worker got straight looking at back of swara.
swara:what happened?
she turned back and her breath got stuck in lungs.
sanskar and manager were standing there,glaring at her.all worker vanished in no second.swara lookss back and get shock seeing no one.
swara yelled in mind:traitors left me alone in front of two hitlers....mama!
one worker asked for glasses.swara takes out and gives it to him.worker leaves from there hurriedly.
sanskar sternly:isn't it work hour?
swara stammering:..lunch....lunch break sir.
sanskar looks at his wrist watch and again looks at her.
sanskar:lunch break got off 5 mins before.
swara looks at her watch cryingly then looks down.
swara in mind:why is he here....can't let me live peacefully
sanskar in more strict voice:where is your phone?

swara looked at the table and picked it up.her eyes widened seeing 20 missed calls of unknown number and 3 of sanskar.
swara:it was on silent therefore didn't pick call....sorry.
sanskar:mr.sharma how many days are remaining in hotel construction.
manager:only 4 days sir.
sanskar nodding:u may go now.
manager nodded and leaves from there.swara cried loudly in her mind.
sanskar taunting:having a great time here?
swara kept silent biting her lips.sanskar looked at her with narrowed eyes.
sanskar:if u again didn't pick my calls then u will get punishment.
swara in mind:do u have any other work except giving punishment.
sanskar:don't keep your phone on silent.
swara in mind:that caller eat my brain whole day i will become mad.
sanskar strictly:am i clear??
swara:yes sir.

sanskar leaves from there.swara looked around angrily.
swara:where are they.....i will not leave them.....i did that because of them and they left.
all gathered and stand in front of her giggling together.swara takes out her one shoe and threw at catch it laughing hard
swara angrily shouted:traitors left me alone....
all laughed at her cute anger.swara takes out another shoe and threw it on them also,seeing them laughing.
swara angrily:i will not talk with u all......
they holded their ears and made cute pappy face.
all together:sorry miss gadodia.
swara smiles little at that but hides it quickly and turns her face.after some time she peeps at back and saw them vanish.
swara poutingly:left
BOWW!!! suddenly they scared her from behind.swara jumps from her place keeping hand on chest.
all strateching the word :soryyy.
swara horrified:what is the way to say sory.
all laughing:ours.
swara angrily run after them:uuuu.....

sanskar pulled his car window up,smiling
sanskar;start the car.
driver:yes sir.
they left from there.


swara was making list of completed works at construction site when her phone started ringing.she picked phone and kept it between ear and shoulder and continued her work.
swara:hello....(no response)
swara gets angry,removes phone from ear and cuts the call.her phone again started ringing.swara hits file on head and picks phone,keeps file on table and starts walking.
swara angrily:who is this?.....don't u have any other work....why are u teasing me?
she walked here and there,scolding continuously.
manger who came there for some work,looked at her in anger and smile but his smile vanished when he saw mirrors falling,which were hanging from rope.
manager shouted:miss gadodia....
swara was in her own world and scolding phone caller with full anger,it was construction site,different machine were ON and was making big noise collectively.
manager walked toward her fast but he was an old man and his speed was very slow.
manager shouted:miss gadadia move from there.
swara stopped her scoldings in between and looked at him confusingly.
manager was taking deep breath because of fast walk.he pointed upward.swara looked up and got shock,seeing big window glasses falling down.she takes several steps back,
her foot strike with stone and she falls down.mirror fall down just in front of her with a loud bang.
swara covered her face with pieces got immersed in her arm and feet.
all workers looked at here in shock and run toward her.
one worker;are u fine?.....

swara nodded slowly and looked at her arm,which was covered with blood and glass pieces.
another worker slapped first worker.
2ND WORKER:so much blood is coming out from her arm and foots and u are asking are u fine?
swara was still in shock,what if that glass would have fallen on her.
all workers helped her and made her sit on chair.
swara stammering:i...i am fine....thank u.
chotu picked her phone and kept it on table.
manager angrily:i thought u are responsible girl...this is construction site not garden in which u were wandering.
swara looking down:sorry sir.
all workers looked at him angrily.she was just saved from a big accident and he was scolding her.
manager shouted;some one bring first aid box.
chotu runs and bring first aid box.swara removes glass pieces,wincing a little.tears started falling down from her eyes because of pain.all workers were standing around her in circle.
one old worker:carefull beta.(child)
all worker tried to cheer her up and did her dressing on arm and on foots.

manager dialed sanskar's number.
manager:hello sir!
sanskar strictly:yes...
manager:sir a little incident happened here.
manager:sir miss gadodia get injured here.
sanskar gets up from his seat and said in shock:is she fine?....what had happened?
manager calmly:sir she is fine now....
he looked at swara and workers.who were trying to cheer her up.
sanskar sighing:okay ask her to come office.
manager a little worriedsir she is injured.......she can't walk
sanskar:okay i am coming ask her to stay there until i don't come.
manager:okay sir
he cuts the call and gives message to swara.swara get worried.
sanskar closed his eyes and took deep breath and picked his another phone on which call was still ON.

sanskar angrily:such a clumsy girl u are........thank god u are fine but i need to check.
he walked outside and drove toward construction site.
after 20 mins,it was almost off time. all workers had already left except manager and chotu.he stopped his car and walked out.he saw her sitting on car staring down at one point.his whole body stiffened seeing bandages around her arm and foots.
his forehead gets lined.he walked toward her fast and stand in front of her.swara looks at him and gets scared seeing anger filled eyes.
swara scared:wo.....mirrors fall down....i didn't....didn't do purposely.....just happened.
sanskar furious:shut up.......
swara shuts her mouth,seeing him furious.
sanskar:from tomorrow u will work at it (he shouted at her)
swara nodded.
sanskar:now get almost 6...time to pick sunny and pari.
swara tried to get up but felt a lot of pain in foot.tears fall down from her eyes.she sits down again.
swara sobbing a little:its paining.
sanskar's heart shrunk hearing her sentence.she never complained,NEVER
sanskar keeps her hand on his shoulder and picks her up in arms,swara looked at him,sobbing little.
sanskar looking straight:stop stopped affecting me.
swara wiped her tears and rubbed her red nose..sanskar walked toward car.
manager and chotu were standing at far distance,saw them leaving.manager smiled a little.


sanskar stopped car in front of house and stepped out.he opened the door of swara's side and takes her out holding her in his arms.
swara worriedly:bua and kavya will be at home.
sanskar uncaring:so.....
swara sighed and kept her head on his chest.sanskar looked down at her.
they entered inside the house.kavya and bua looked at them being shocked.
kavya angryly:what is this?
bua worried:is everything fine?
swara:just got little injured.
sanskar takes her to her room and make her sit on bad carefully.swara quickly hides the pic without sanskar notice.
kavya gives death glare to swara.
bua sits beside swara and asked:how this happened....these bandages.
kavya cutting swara:she said na nothing happened.........small injuries.
sanskar looked at kavya angrily.
swara:kavya u didn't went to pick is almost 6.
kavya uncaring:i was just going.
sanskar:i will pick them not needed
kavya sweetly:no needed mr.maheshwari i will pick my bag?
kavya leave from there.

bua:i will just come.
bua also leaves from there.
sanskar looked at her for one second then turned to leave.
swara;thank u.
sanskar without turning back:for what....
swara:for bringing me here.
sanskar harshaly:i am really happy to see u like this....i only did this because of sunny and pari.....they love u....don't think much.
sanskar leaves from there.
swara sighing:liar!!!
she looked at her banded arms and caressed it poutingly.


swara was laying on bad thinking about incident when sunny and pari entered there running.
both:maasi what happened to u?
swara:nothing i fall down.
sunny angrily:maasi u are very clumsy....keep on falling here and there.
pari hits sunny and said;bhai!.... maasi is not fine and u are scolding her....very bad.
swara smiles
swara:both of u go change eyes)
both nodded and run from there.

swara;sunny i am full.
bua angrily:finish the bowl now.
swara opened the mouth sunny put full big spoon in her mouth.
pari was sitting in front of her,holding new doll and laughing at swara condition.
sunny:u do the same thing with me when i get ill na...u see what i will do.
swara picked her ringing phone and looked at number.
swara angryly:this is all because of this caller.
pari takes phone from swara hand.
pari:i will talk.....u eat cheating.
sunny again pust full spoon in swara's open mouth.
pari in sweet voice:hello maasi is busy in eating....plz call later thank u.
she cuts the call without listening anything from other side.bua,sunny and pari looked at her then laughed loudly.
on the other side sanskar also burst out laughing hearing pari's sweet sentence.
sanskar;i think i should call later otherwise sunny will pick call.
he chuckled and closed his eyes,laying back on chair.

sanskar is sitting on his chair and hearing swara's scolding with smile.
he sighed sufferingly.suddenly he heard the bang of broken glasses.he got straight hearing such a loud sound.he heard every single sentence of their conversion with fisted hands.after getting manager's call he left to see her.
sanskar while driving:i hope nothing happened to her.



swara cryingly:bua baas......i can't eat more.
bua in scolding tone:u think dad i s not here,mom is not here so u will do anything.....look at your face......choha(rat) jitni shakal nikal ae ha.
sunny and pari laughed.bua was making swara eat allu ka parata being angrily.
swara:bua i had already ate one......this is my second paratha my tummy has no more space
bua proudly;we are punjabi....two or three...........we don't count.bhaisa(brother) used to eat 5 in one go.
sunny horrified:bua there is no space in her mouth.bua looked at swara.she was keeping hand on her round face.bua had continuously put food bites in her mouth while talking.
bua meekly:eat these first i will not give more.
swara started chewing food and swelled it hardly.
swara look ed at bua in disbelief.sunny and pari runs hearing there bus horn.
bua smiling:what are u looking?
swara:u changed a lot.
bua:i know i did a lot mistakes in past but i release it now after bhaisa's death....i am sory swara plz forgive me for previous mistakes.
swara hugged bua.bua caressed her head.
bua:u also changed a lot.
swara wipes tears from corner of eye and broke hug.
swara;i should leave now.
bua nodded smilingly.

swara looks at out of order lift and gets sad.
swara whispered:sanskar....
she moves toward stairs and started walking.when she walked only two floor stairs.her bangeges started turning red because of blood.swara sits on stairs, looks at dripping blood and gets worried.
at mean time sanskar came there running and get startled seeing her siting there.he looked down.his blood boiled seeing red bandages.
sanskar angrily:when your foots were injured why did u take stairs?
swara sighed and got up holding railing.
sanskar was taken aback with her reply.
sanskar in dangerous voice;what did u just said?
swara a little loud:i said are u happy now....seeing me like this?
sanskar clenched his fist.he wanted to throttle her until her teeth rattled but
he turned back angrily and left from there not wanting to do anything.
swara shooked her head and started walking upward again holding railing tightly.


sanskar was drinking alcohol sitting in bar,remembering swara.he gulped down another glass.
swara's voice echoed in his mind.

are u happy seeing me like this?

sanskar closed his eyes and a single tear fell down from his eyes.
sanskar whisper:swara......
he gets up and staggered a waiter holds him.
waiter:sir are u fine.
sanskar:yeah i am fine.....thank u.
sanskar free himself from his grip and starts walking toward door with unsteady steps.

swara was picking her things,she looked at the time and bites her tongue.
swara to herself:late....late....late
she picked her bag and turned to go but startled seeing sanskar coming with unsteady steps,coat on shoulder,hair dishevelled,sleeves up.
swara disbelief:sanskar....
sanskar pushed glass door,entered inside and staggered.swara run and holded him.
swara:sanskar u are drunk?
sanskar:yeah a little. he staggered again.swara holds him tightly.
swara angryly:LITTLE.......this is little.......u can't even stand straight.
sanskar smile,seeing her angry.
swara angry:why are u smiling like idiot.sanskar touched her cheeks softly.
sanskar:can i ask a question?

swara nervous with his change behaviour:hmm....
sanskar takes her hand and places it on his heart.
sanskar in deep voice:u break it in thousand pieces but still its each broken piece keep on yelling your name.....when ever i give u punishment it start scolding me a lot.......i am not able to understand what should i me.
tears fall down from swara's eyes.
sanskar confused:why tears....
he wipes her tears softly.
sanskar:u didn't answer.
swara looking in his eyes:make it understand....i am bad girl....
sanskar helplessly:told him so many times don't listen to me a bit...keep on yelling your name.
swara stares at him with teary eyes.
sanskar:lets make a deal.......
swara confused:deal......

sanskar nodded vigorously.
sanskar puts his hands on her waist.swara blinked at him.
sanskar:u want money right........i will give it but.........
swara closed her hearing him.she was feeling deep pain in her heart.she opened eyes and tried to push him.sanskar holds her tightly.
sanskar;but in return bring my swara acting do whatever u want but give me my swara in return....
swara stopped and looked at him.
sanskar pleading:plz.
swara quickly:sanskar don't.....
sanskar pulled her close to his chest.there faces were very close to each other,breathing were getting mixed.
sanskar:get agree.....
swara helplessly:u are drunk sanskar...u should go home.
sanskar looked at her whole face.
sanskar in husky voice:can i kiss u?

swara confused:huh???

sanskar putting stress on each word:can i kiss you??

swara:last....last time.

sanskar smiles and kiss her softly. swara kiss him was soft at first that turned into passionate one.they get separated when it turned hard for them to breath.sanskar kissed her again immediately after taking single breath.swara's eyes widened
sanskar murmured on her lips:last time right?.....then should be a lot.
he kissed her cupping her face.swara's hand travelled toward his hair.both kissed each other conveying there love for each other.
after a long passionate kiss both departed each other and started taking deep breath.
sanskar bends to kiss her again.swara quickly keep hand on his lips.
swara blushing more.
sanskar looked at her deeply and pulled her in tight hug.swara keeps her  hands on his back and closes her eyes.
swara whisper:i missed u a lot.
sanskar tightened his grip around her.
sanskar:missed u too

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