Part 21

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Sanskar keeps hand on door closes it completely,swara looks at sanskar with wide,he was staring at her with blood shot eyes and ram was still saying something to him.swara holds his wrist with both hands and tried to remove it from door,gathering her full strength.

"fine dad!..."sanskar said,keeps mobile inside his coat,swara was still trying to remove his hand from door.

"sir what is my mistake,let me go..your writing is like,you have killed spiders on white page."swara said in irritated tone,his hand was not even budged a little.sanskar greeted his teeth,he holds her shoulder and turned her toward him.

"sir...."swara tried to speak something but sanskar keeps finger on her lips.

"not a single world...otherwise i will cut your tongue right here,first spoils every work then instead of apologizing,arguing with me..."sansakr said angrily,swara looks at him with wild open eyes,her heart was beating very fast,he was dangerously close to her.swara removes his finger from her lips and moves back,creating safe distance between them.

"sorry!..."swara said in hardly audible voice and tucked her hair behind ear nervously.sanskar felt like his range is falling down as he was starring at her flawless face.

"you are such a stupid and unprofessional girl..i have ever met in my life"sanskar while shaking his head.

"i am not stupid..."swara said while glaring at him.

"really?.."sanskar asked in mocking tone while taking one step toward her,swara's heart again raced.

"tell me one thing..."sanskar keeps his other hand at side of her head,on she was caged between him and door.

"will you marry someone who is already in relationship?..."

"no....i am not this much stupid."swara said while shaking her head a little.

"its mean you agreeing that you are little bit stupid...not much"sanskar asked while smiling.

"when did i say that?..."swara asked while making her eyes wide.

"just now you are not that much stupid its mean you know you are little bit stupid...right?"

"i didn't say anything like that..."swara said quickly and tried to duck down from his arched arms but sanskar holds her arm and pulls her back.

"you are trying to say i am lying?..."sanskar said and pulls her close.swara nodes slowly while starring in his eyes,both shares a short romantic eye lock as their faces were inches apart.sanskar's hand automatically moves toward her face and he brushes back lonely hair strand from her face and tucked it behind ear.



"your phone is ringing..."swara said with heavy breath,sanskar released his actions,frees her arm and creates distance between them slowly,still starring at her face.he takes out mobile from coat and closed his eyes while swara takes deep breath.

Sanskar again keeps mobile inside coat after making it silent,holds swara's wrist and takes her out from room and toward lift.

"sir where are you taking me?..."swara asked while looking at their hands.

"sir at least leave my hand..."swara again called him,sanskar didn't give her answer her question neither bothered to leave her hand.

"sir!..."swara fumed in anger at his silent.


"how can you say anything like that?..."swara said while starring at him with shocked expressions written on her face.

"i was going to handle this matter in my own way but you spoiled everything,i had no other choice....."sanskar said shrugging his shoulders.

"how can he say anything like this to someone?..."swara thought as she was still in shock.

swara looks at sanskar with half open mouth as he opened menu book and calls waiter to order.

"anything for you ma'am..."waiter looked at swara,who was starring at sanskar in disbelief.

 "if you want then you can order and don't worry about bills i will pay that."sanskar said,trying to be generous.

"no thank you..."swara said through gritted teeth,gets up,picks up her bag and leaves.waiter looks at swara's back then at sanskar.

"women...please bring my order"sanskar said in meaningful tone.waiter nodded with smile and leaves.


"stupid..idiot...donkey...monkey...psychopath"swara keeps on cursing sanskar while entering inside the house.

"swara! are so late,everyone left now you are coming."ragini said angrily but swara goes to her room without listening as she was busy in cursing sanskar.

" i am talking to you...why are you coming late?"ragini holds her arm and turns her.

"i am sorry ragini but i was stuck some where...."

"where?..."ragini asked confusingly.Swara starts telling her everything.

"you know he said to his date that i am his can he say anything like this so easily"swara said while holding her head.

"but what he got from this...i mean that girl can tell his father about this then what will he do?"ragini said while laughing.

"you think he is so dumb...he is cunning businessman i have ever met in my life,he told her that not to tell his father about this because I AM NOT READY FOR MARRIAGE."swara said keeping finger on herself.

"he is intelligent..'ragini said in impressed tone.

"intelligent my foot...."swara fumed in anger,gets up and goes toward shower to take warm shower.ragini laughed,after hearing her loud curses in washroom.



"actually he is very shy type therefore he is finding it hard to tell uncle about us.....right?"swara said sweetly to girl then looks at sanskar.he looks at angrily but gulps his anger and nodded.

"i can understand.....boys are very coward in this matter."girl said nodding her head with smile.

"you are right,boys are useless,can't do such a small thing without our help...right sir?"swara said while pissing him to the top.sanskar clenches his fist and give her warning from eyes.girl laughed at that,swasan looks at them confusingly.

"you call your boyfriend 'sir'"girl said laughing loudly.sanskar glares at swara.

"actually he is always bossy therefore sometimes i call him sir but not always."swara quickly make up thing.

"will please do us a little favor...please refuse for this proposal,he can't do this,he is afarid from his father"swara said while keeping hand on girl's hand.girl nodded with smile,gets up and leaves.

"what rubbish you were speaking in front of her..."sanskar said angrily when girl left.

"what wrong did i do?....i was just convincing her therefore i said all that"swara said with naughty smile.sanskar muttered something and gets up and walks out.

"you said something?..."swara quickly goes after her.


"oh okay.....sir i was thinking as i am helping you so much,you should also do something for me."swara said in thoughtful tone.

"i will transfer money in your account..."sanskar said while opening car's door for himself.swara closes the door and stands in front of him.

"i don't want money..."swara said with twitched nose.

"then what do you want?..."

"first,from tomorrow i will come office at 9 and my off time will be at 4...second you will not ask me to come office on sunday. third remove that one side mirror either with both side or no side fourth,i want 4 to 5 hours today...i want to go for shopping.i know 4 to 5 hours for shopping but i will manage."swara said her complete list and blinks her eyes at him innocently.sanskar just stare at her in silence.

"what made you think i will agree for all this bullshit..."sanskar said while throwing daggers at her.

"okay don't agree....i will tell uncle everything."swara said while shrugging her shoulder,takes out mobile and dials number.

"hello uncle..."swara said and sanskar quickly snatches phone from her.

"you are blackmailing me?..."sanskar said through gritted teeth.swara nodded her head vigorously.sanskar clenches her phone so tightly that it was going to break any time.

"if my phone got broken you will buy me another..."swara said in warning and takes back her phone and looks at him.

"tell fast...agree or not?"


"aww....thank you sanskar."swara pulls his cheek.

"you dare to call your boss by name?..."sanskar said in disbelief.

" just saw na,i called you sir in front of girl,i need to call you sanskar so that i should call you sanskar in please drop me shopping mall."swara said like a teacher then ordered him,walks around the car and sit inside.

"such a blackmailer..."sanskar fumed in anger.


"can i come person"ram said while knocking at sanskar's room door.sanskar chuckles,close the laptop half and puts it to side.ram enters inside.

"how many times i have to tell you,don't bring office work here.....this much work is not good for health...look at the time."ram said in scolding tone.

"i don't want my stocks rate to drop and for maintaining it,i have to work......leave it tell me why are you still awake,didn't you take medicine"sanskar said with concern in his voice.

"i wanted to talk something important therefore i am still awake..."

"what is it?.."

"you didn't like any girl which i selected for you?..."ram said in disbelief tone.

"this is your important thing?...seriously dad"sanskar shakes his head.

"your marriage is very important for answer my question."

"for your kind of information...i didn't say NO for any they said NO for me,i had no problem from any"sanskar said with bright smile.

"and you are forgetting i am your father...i know you are doing something therefore every girl refused."ram said,looking at him with narrowed eyes.sanskar just chuckled.

"sanskar be serious....why are you troubling me? is my wish is this much big,i am only saying to get married."

"what's so hurry dad....i will marry when i feel comfortable right now i want to focus on business"

"what do you mean by hurry?....i such a old man,don't know when i will die,i want to play with your children before dying and what's wrong with business?...everything is perfectly fine,i saw the annual report."

"now i understand what is real want to play with children,don't worry i will ask kavita to take you kinder garden tomorrow,play with children as much as you want."sanskar said with mischievous smile on face.

"sanskar!...'ram said in annoyed tone but their was smile on his lips.

"trouble me as much as you want when my daughter in law will come then we both will trouble you...then i will see ,how will you laugh."ram said while getting up and walks toward door.sanskar chuckled and picks up laptop.

"sanskar...remember my one thing,its not necessary that what happened with me the same will happen with you.....every woman is not like your mother."ram said after turning back,he stands their to see the changing colors of his son's face then shakes his head in understanding and leaves from there.sanskar just stares at screen with blank mind.


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