Part 27

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"swara we are getting late...."kavita shouted from outside.swara looks at herself in mirror.

"swara!..."kavita shouted again.swara released a suffering sigh and goes out.ragini and kavita both looked at her with narrowed.

"what?...let's go."swara ignored their accusing eyes and walks outside.kavita and ragini also goes out.

"hey jack!..."swara greeted,seeing her driver outside.

"hello! are looking beautiful"jack said,making her smile a little.jack looks back at ragini and kavita and bends his head as greeting.

"mr.maheswari send me to pick you all up..."jack send with professional smile.

"don't you think you should quit this job...he troubles you a lot."swara said in annoyed tone.jack chuckled and opened door for her.

"i used to thought you are security head when did you become driver?"kavita said while looking at jack with narrowed eyes.

"its very tough to live when dearness is increasing day by day therefore i am doing part time job...."jack said and opens door backseat door for them.kavita and ragini looks at each other with same look in eyes.

"ma'am.."jack interrrupted their conversation through eyes.both sits inside.

"what else i can say...orders are orders"jack muttered to himself while closing door of car,shakes his head,walks around the car and sits behind wheels.


"party is so boring..."swara said dryly.ragini and kavita,who were enjoying party,looks at her face then sighed.

"swara what's wrong?...why your mood is off?"ragini asked,turning toward her completely.

"nothing its just party is very boring."swara said,making pout.

"party is not boring at are only feeling like this"kavita said,glaring at her.swara makes faces and turns to other side and freesed seeing sanskar climbing down from stairs,he also looks at her and skips his heart beat.she was wearing red gown with net work on chest,her hair were curled to side.she was looking gorgeous and saddness on her face was making her more beautiful.

swara averts her eyes from him and looks at her her surprise they were looking at her.

"what?.."swara asked with frown.

"party is still boring?.."kavita asked in meaningful tone.

"what do you mean by this?.."swara said,getting annoyed at her question.

"you tell us..."ragini said in same tone as kavita.

"why are two looking at me like this?...stop it,i am leaving"swara said with twitched nose,turned but stopped seeing her parents.

"why are you leaving?...we just came now."shomi said with smile.

"mama!..."swara gets happy and hugs her.

"my daughter is looking so beautiful"shekhar said while hugging her.

"what are two doing here?..."

"every reputed businessman is invited..."shekhar said

"first we thought ww should throw a party myself but then we thought that party will be so boring if you will not be there."shomi said,holding swara's hands.

"you should have thrown a party...THEN I WOULD HAVE NOT COME HERE"swara muttered last sentence under her breath.

"hello mr and mrs gadodia...thank you for coming here."ram said after coming there.shekhar shakes hand with him.

"sanskar!..."ram calls sanskar to meet with shekhar.

"don't call him.."swara cried in her mind.

"did you meet mr gadodia?.."ram asked from sanskar when he came there.

"hello!..."sanskar shakes hand with him and looks at swara who was standing beside.she looks at him and quickly avert eyes.sanskar and shekhar starts talking about business.

"what are we doing in this boring party?..."ram whispered to swara.

"i don't know what am i doing in this party?..."swara whispered in inaudible voice.

"arrangements are done...let's go."

"uncle you will not drink today....sanskar sir scolds me"kavitav muttered in irritating tone.everyone looks at her because even if she said it in low voice but everyone was able to hear her.

"dad?..."sanskar looks at ram.

"i didn't say anything...swara wants to celeberate new year eve."ram throws everything on swara.

"when did i say that?"swara asked quickly and she looks at shekhar worriedly.

"you started drinking?..."shekhar asked from swara.she bites her tongue and looks down and makes her mind to listen a lot of scoldings.

"hello everyone!...."kavya said and walked toward them.they looked at her.

"hi here?"kavya asked with surprise.shomi smiled and hugged her.

"you know her?..."swara asks from shomi.

"who are you to ask this question?..."kavya asked in curt voice.everyone feels the rudeness and sanskar felt it more than anyone.

"excuse me..."swara said with narrowed eyes.

"i mean you should do your own work...why are you asking question from her,do you know who is she?"kavya said in same tone

"she is rude....perfect for you."ram muttered to sanskar.he looks at him dryly.

"sorry ma'am...."swara said with her usual sweet smile,which means she was breaking her sandals on her head in mind.sanskar pressed his lips,knowing what she is thinking.

"uncle this party is so boring...we should go and party in our style."swara said sweetly to ram.

"you will not drink..."shekhar said like a possessive father.

"drinking is injurious to health..."sanskar said in same tone as shekhar.

"what is your problem are not my father so you have no right to stop me."swara said to shekhar through greeted teeth.shekhar tried to say something but swara turns toward sanskar

"sir i think you should go and dance with your partner..."swara said while looking in his eyes directly.sanskar understands her taunt.

"let's go uncle..first we willhave chess match."swara ignores sanskar,puts arm around ram's and both goes from there.sanskar excuse himself and walks away from there.kavya follows him.

"shall we?..."kavya asked with smile.

"i don't dance...."sanskar said in cold voice and leaves.kavya's face turned black,she stops in her steps but sanskar walks away from there.

"your daughter is angry from you..."shomi said and hides her smile.

"what did i do?..."

"if she will not be able to tell anyone about her parents then she will get angry much more time?."shomi said and keeps hand on his shoulder.shekhar thinks for some time then takes out mobile from inside coat.


"swara its your turn...where are you lost?"ram said,making swara come back in her senses.swara blinks at him then look at chess.

"check and mate..."ram said and laughed.

"i won finally....i was not able to sleep,thinking about my defeat from sucha. young girl like you."

"i think new year is lucky for you...not for me"

"true...yesterday sanskar agreed for marriage and today i won...but new year brings happiness and luck for all,for you also"ram said happily and pats her cheeks.swara smiles sadly.

"dad guests are waiting for you..."sanskar said while standing at door.ram and swara looks at him.ram nodded and gets up.

"don't go anywhere...our cleberation is pending."ram said to swara and she nodded.

"i won can't stop me from drinking today"ram said to sanskar before leaving.he shakes his head and looks at swara,feeling her gaze.she quickly looks away,gets up and try to leave but sanskar holds her wrist,pulls her close and keeps hand on her waist.

"you can't just pull me like this always..."swara said in irritated tone,keeps hands on his chest and struggles to push him.

"that kiss really didn't mean anything to you?..."sanskar asked in quite voice,looking at her face deeply.swara stops struggling for a minute and looks at him.

"why does it matter?."swara said and again struggles.swara gasped when he tights his grip,pulling her more close as their faces were inches apart.

"give me my answer...."

"it doesn't matter now?..."swara asked instead of giving him answer.

"why are you making things complicated?..."sanskar said in helpless tone.

"i am making things complicated?....your fiancee is waiting for you downstair and you are asking this question from me and i am making things complicated?"swara said angrily,pushes him back with full force and runs from there.

"who told her kavya is my fiancee?...God this girl!"sanskar closes his eyes and moves his fingers through hair,frustratingly.

"i need to knock some senses in her brain...."sanskar said through greeted teeth and goes from there.he climbs down from stairs and looks for her but she was not there.he looks at ragini and kavita and goes toward them.

"where is swara?..."sanskar asked in sharp tone.girls looks at him,confusingly

"we don't know...YOU SHOULD BE KNOWING THIS?"kavita said whispered last sentence under her breath which ragini heard clearly.sanskar takes out mobile and dials a number and keeps phone on ear.

"jack did you see swara leaving?..."

"yes sir...i offered her ride but she refused and left on her own."jack said,sanskar mutters some curses and cut the call.

"what did he say?...."

"she left..."sanskar said angrily and turned to leave but ragini stopped him.

"he didn't went to drop him?....."ragini asked worriedly.sanskar turns back to her.

"no...your stubborn friend refused to take ride."

"oh God...its too late and she is not good with direction."ragini said getting more worried and takes out mobile from handbag and dials swara'a number.

"its off...where she will be?"ragini said worriedly.sanskar turns over his heels and literally runs outside.


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