Part 34

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"make my evening clear..."swara said to her secretory then sign on file and gives it to her.

"anything important ma'am...."she asked with smile,knowing the fact that swara don't take half leaves.

"i am going for a birthday party...."swara said with smile.she nodded takes file and leaves.swara also gets up,picks up her bag and leaves.


Swara was getting ready when her phone started ringing,she keeps hair brush back and picks up mobile and smiles seeing the ID.

"if you didn't come at the party then i will not cut cake..."sunny said in warning then before swara could have speak a single word,he cut the call.swara chuckled,shook her head,looks at herself in mirror then gets up,drops mobile in hand bag then picks a beautifully wrapped gift and walks out,closing the door behind her.

"mama! i am leaving,maybe i will not able to come till dinner time so don't wait for me."swara said to shomi,who was in kitchen,she nodded and swara leaves.


"sunny cut the cake...everyone is waiting."his mother said to him but he crossed his arms over chest and looks at door.she looks around with awkward smile then looks at her husband.

"sunny why are you not cutting cake..."sanakar whispered to him but before he could have answered,swara enters inside through main gate.

"who told you,i am not cutting cake...."sunny said happily and picks up knife.sanskar looks at door and his stopped beating for a second.he was seeing her after a month,their last meeting flashed through his mind.pari who had also seen swara,gets really happy and runs toward her.

"you are late.he is creating a scene..."pari said,held swara's hand and made her walk toward sunny.swara stand near sanskar as he was standing with sunny.both looked at each other and share a long eye lock which get broke by clapping sound as sunny cut the cake.swara looks at him and smile a little and claps.she again looks at sanskar as she was still feeling his gaze on her.sanskar moves his gaze from swara to pari who was offering him cake.he smiles and takes small plate from her.when pari moves toward swara to give her cake.

"don't give her that...she is not invited"sunny said angrily.pari looks at him with twitched nose then looks at swara,who was starring at sunny with smusing smile on lips.

"ignore...ignore"pari said, held her hand and took swara with her.

"why did you disappear like that.where were you gone...i missed you so so much."pari said while making sad face.swara sits in front of her and hugs her.

"i am sorry pari...i missed you."swara said,breaks hug and kisses on her forehead.pari smiles fully.

"isn't it my birthday?..."sunny said in irritated tone and looks at sanskar who was starring at swara.

"partner!..."sunny hit his elbow join to him.sanskar comes back to his senses and looks at him.

"do you know,how many messages i send to her....and look at her,didn't even talk with me.she is very bad friend"sunny said while seeing swara busy with pari.

"why don't you go and talk to her...."sanskar said in plain voice.

"why should i?....i am birthday boy,she should come and talk with me."sunny said and narrows his eyes at pari who was giggling at something.

"if you don't want to talk then don't talk about her and don't look at her."sanskar said,holds his shoulder and both turns their face to other side.

"partner!...."sunny called him after less than one minute.

"hmm..."sanskar said while putting small spoon of cake in his mouth.

"i am seeing her after one month...."sunny said in thought full tone.sanskar felt like cake got stuck in his throat.

"you know i last saw her last time when her father came to take her.after that she came here today...don't know when will she come again....don't you think i should go and talk with her."

"why should you?..shouldn't she come to meet you and explain herself."sanskar said in quite tone.

"i know but don't you know,girls are dumb and stupid but i am smart and intelligent because i am a boy therefore i am going to meet,otherwise she will leave without meeting me."sunny said last sentence in scared tone,quickly turns and runs toward her.sanskar turns and looks at them.

"your stupid talk gets finished or not...."sunny said angrily while keeping both hands on waist.swara and pari looks at him.

"ignore him..."pari said quickly and makes swara look at her.

"i am birthday boy.i am the one who should get all importance."sunny said through greeted teeth and slaps on pari's head.pari makes pout.

"happy birthday..."wara said with sweet smile.

"i am angry with you after going to your parent's had promised you will not forgot us and you broke your promise."

"i am sorry...."swara said and holds her both ears.

"okay i am forgiving you because i am very generous."sunny said like he was doing a great favor to her.swara smiles and pulls him in hug.

"me also...'pari said and hugs them quickly.



"what wrong?..."swara asked from her chauffeur,getting worried seeing the smoke coming out from car's bonnet.

"i think engine broke out,i need to take the car to mechanic shop."he said to her.

"okay you  i will call dad,he will send another take car to mechanic."swara said,opens door of car and picks up mobile from seat.she gets more worried seeing no signal.

"is your mobile catching any signal?..."swara asked from while shaking her mobile.

"no ma'am...."he said in obedient tone.he looks at her worried face.

"ma'am i will try to stop a car for lift till then sit inside the car."

"no i am fine.....i want to breath in fresh air."swar said to him then crossed her arms around her shoulders and laid against car and started waiting for car.


Swara was starring at sanskar as her chauffeur talked with sanskar's driver to give her lift.sanskar looks at her for a long minute then looks at back at driver and nodded.

"ma'am he will drop you...."chauffeur voice made swara comes back to her senses.

"call me when you find any mechanic shop..."swara said to him then released a deep sigh and walks around car.she opens car for herself and sits beside sanskar at passenger seat and his driver starts car.

Swara takes glimpse of him but he was reading mails on his mobile.she looks outside and laid her head against the window.

"miss we reached....excuse me miss"

Sanskar looks at swara and skips her several heart beats,seeing her sleeping.he traces her whole face.her face was little pale,showing that she was skipping her meal and dark circles around her eyes were getting visible,means that she was not taking sleep properly.

"EXCUSE ME MISS!!!..."driver said loudly,making swara open her eyes.sanskar looks at front and closed his fists angrily.

"your home came..."driver said,seeing her looking confused.

"oh!...thank you."swara said to the driver then looks at sanskar.who was looking forward with ticked jaws.

"thank you!..."she whispered,sanskar looks at her but she don't meet his eyes,opens door and step out from car then closes.sanskar closed his eyes and keeps mobile to side.


Priya(sunny's mother) was sitting on her bed,looking at far point,thinking something deeply.

"what kind of mother you are?....i have never seen careless mother like you in my whole you know how many times your children came to my house because they were not able to see their parent's fight."Swara's voice echoes in her ears.

priya picks up glass full of water,feeling her throat is getting dry.she was going to drink it when swara's voice again echoed in her mind.

"do you know,sunny took me to his school as his mother,just because he was afraid that his father will only ground him,without understanding him and you will not help him."

priya keeps glass back on side table and steps down from bed and walks toward children's door.she opens door slowly and get surprised seeing sunny sitting on carpet behind study table and writing on notebook,muttering something continuously.

"sunny! why are you still awake?...its so late"priya asked in soft tone and stepped inside.he raises his head and looked at her in surprise.

"your stupid daughter slept without completing her home work....tomorrow her teacher will scold her and she eat my head whole day by crying continuously therefore i am completing it."sunny said in annoyed tone and again bent his head over notebook again.

"i didn't know that you love your sister this much..."she said and sits beside him on keens.

"i don't love her,its just,her crying is very annoying."sunny said quickly.priya smiled at that

"you have no idea how much lucky you are that your blessed with children they are so many women who are not blessed with and cherish them"

priya hugged him and kissed on his head.

"mama!...what's wrong with you today."sunny said in confused tone.

"i am sorry son...sorry for being a bad mother"she said and one tear dropped from her eye.

"its okay...i am very generous."sunny said and hugged him back.


"i want to talk about something important with you."priya said to her husband,seeing him sitting on bed.

"priya for God sake,don't start know.i am really tired right now."he said in annoyed tone.

"if i will apologize for my mistakes,will you forgive me?..."priya asked in deep voice.he looks at her with surprise.priya gets up and sits beside him and holds his hand.

"i know you will be thinking that i am crazy for saying this but i want to start a fresh.i promise i will try my best,not to fight with you on useless things......can you forget everything and give me a second chance,please for our children sake."priya asked in hopeful tone.he smiles and hugs her.

"i don't know what had brought this change to you but i am happy..."he said and priya just thought about swara.

"let me tell you,your children started thinking,with whom they are going to live after your divorce because they had lost their hope that you and your husband will ever stop fighting.differences between you and your husband are bigger than happiness of your children?"


"sanskar look at the many times should i tell you,don't stress yourself with this much,not good for health."ram said in hell annoyed tone and snatch file from his head.

"dad i am not sleepy...."

"its sticking 2am...and you are not sleepy? get up right now"ram said,glaring at him.

"even if i will lay down on bed,sleep is not going to come so just let me complete the work."sanskar said in normal tone and forward his to take the file.

"how long this is going to continue?..."ram asked while looking at his face.

"how much time did you take to forget mom?..."sanskar asked in calm tone.

"pity on this old man and do something about yourself....."ram said,put file on his hand and walk out from there.sanskar throws file on glass table,laid back on chair and closed his eyes.

"father and son got the same faith...didn't we?"sanskar thought with closed eyes.his eyes got jerk open after hearing the sound of thud.he quickly gets up and run outside.



"swara! ram uncle got heart attack last night...he is in ICU,right now."kavita blasted a bomb on her head.

"sanskar!..."swara whispered and phone dropped from her hand.she quickly gets up and run outside,not caring about the shouts of her secretory.


Sanskar was sitting outside the ICU..he was starring at the ground with joined hands which were between his legs as his arms were resting on thighs.swara sits beside him and keeps hand on joined hands.swara was taking fast breath as she was came there running.sanskar looks at her hand then at her face.swara felt like someone stabbed in his heart,seeing him lost like this.she quickly hugs him.

"nothing will happen to him..."swara said in soft assuring tone while tightening her.sanskar moves his arms around her waist and buried his face in neck and shoulder and closed his eyes.


"he had a minor heart attack because of stress but now he is out of danger."

"thank you so much doctor....can i meet him?"sanskar asked,feeling light hearted after hearing it.

"yes but one by one..."doctor said and left.sanskar quickly opens door and enters inside.ram looks at him and smiles.

"you scared me..."sanskar said after sitting beside him.

"did i?..."ram asked and chuckled.sanskar also smiled.after talking with him for few more minutes and ordering him to take rest.he comes out and looks around but she was no where.

"did she really come or were i day dreaming?..."sanskar thought and looked at kavita.she avoids eyes from him.sanskar takes deep breath and again sits on bench,takes out mobile from his pent's pocket and dials swara's number.he smiles a little when swara cuts his call.he again dials her number and shakes his head after finding her number off.


"swara di! come...boys will win the watch."pari said in hell worried voice after seeing sunny hitting sixers after sixers.

"go ask your mother to play..."swara said after seeing priya entering inside ground.swara waves her hand at her and she waves back with smile.

"and take few other girls also..."swara said.

"okay!..."pari said happily and ran toward priya.swara smiles seeing priya's face expressions changed into worried,seeing group running toward her.swara keeps her face on palm and looks at sunny and pari playing with their mother.

"i am such a bad person,instead of feeling happy that they are finally happy with their mother.i am feeling sad and jealous."swara said to herself,shook her head in dsibelief.she gets up and walks out from ground.she was walking toward her car when her mobile beeped with message.she unlocks the screen and stopped after reading the message.

"i will reach India after 9 hours..."

she stares at message then at was sent by sahil because swara had sent him divorce papers to him.she deletes the message then drops mobile in the purse and again starts walking toward her car.she sits inside the car and driver starts the car.the car would have covered five minutes distance when it stopped with such jerk that swara almost struck to front seat.

"what happened?...why did you applied brakes like this?"swara asked in worried voice.

"ma'am someone stopped car just in front of us."he told her and stepped down from car.swara shakes her head and again laid back.meanwhile some one knocks at the window of her car.swara looks at the person and closes her eyes.

"stop this hide and seek."sanskar said in pissed voice and again knocked at door.

"swara!..."sanskar again knocks at the door.swara bites her bottom lips then opens door and step out and looks with questioning eyes.

"CAN WE TALK?..."sanskar said stressing his each word.

"about what?..."

"come with me..."sanskar said,holds her hand and was going to take her toward his car but swara holds his hand and frees her hand.

"tell me here....i am not going anywhere with you."swara said in plain composed tone and looks at her driver.he bends his head and leaves from there.

"why did you come hospital?...i thought you didn't want to meet me then why you came?"sanskar asked while looking at her face keenly.

"are you trying to say i shouldn't have come?....i am sorry if you didn't like my coming.i was just..."swara bites her inner cheek quickly.

"worried?...."sanskar asked as he smiles a little.swara opens door of car again to sit inside but sanskar closes it then holds her from shoulder and pinned her to car.

"if you can understand i needed you when my father was in hospital then why don't you understand how much i need you in my life....."sanskar said and cups her left cheek.

"you want a married woman in your life?..."swara asked in while looking in his eyes directly.

"what type of marriage is this? are here from 11 months and your husband didn't come for once to meet you,you reached hospital and was at edge of death then also he didn't come...explain this to me."sanskar said,looking back in her deep black eyes.swara eyes get filled with tears,she pushed him angrily.

"why should i explain this to you...WHY SHOULD I ALWAYS?"swara shouted angrily as tears rolls down from her cheeks.


"please for God sake...leave me alone.i have no energy for all this"she said in pleading voice then wipes tears from back of her hand,walks around the  car,sits beside wheel and starts car,makes it turn opposite and drove off.

"you are getting in to a shell day by day....why are you doing this?"sanskar thought worriedly and passes his fingers through hair.



"how are you?..."swara asked while mixing sugar in her black coffee.

"your father made sure to make my life miserable."sahil said in meaningful tone.

"your habit of blaming my father for everything is still the same."swara said while sighing heavily.

"anyways why you came here?..."

"your father sent divorce papers to you know about it?"

"dad didn't send those...i send it,didn't you see my signatures?"swara asked in calm tone.

"you send them?..."sahil was a little taken back after hearing that.he shakes his head and takes up mobile from his pent's pocket then do something on it and slides it toward swara.she looks at him then picks up mobile and looks at it.there was newly born baby's picture.

"she is cute...yours?"swara said with small smile after seeing a beautiful girl.

"i don't know but she had said,its mine..."sahil said and looks at swara's face for some reaction but she was calm.swara didn't feel any pain or disappointed after listening as it had stopped affecting her.

"she died while giving birth to her...."

"i am sorry..."swara said and slides back his mobile.

"swara i am really sorry for everything.i know i was at mistake and i am repenting it...please forgive me."sahil said while holding her hand on mobile.

"don't you think you are late for this..."

"i wanted to come but your father didn't let me meet you..'

"enough sahil...stop it already,my father is not responsible for you to be so impassive toward me.....why didn't you come hospital with ragini in London.did dad stopped you,he didn't even knew about my accident...when will you stop lying to me?"

"i was scared.....i was not able to understand anything,everything happened so suddenly."

"why are we even discussing it..."swara said while shaking her head and gets up from chair while picking her bag.sahil quickly gets up and holds her hand.

"please give me one more chance...i promise i will mend up everything."

"will you send your daughter to orphanage?..."swara asked in quite tone.

"you always wanted children...then why not adopt her?"

"what do you think about me,i will raise her even after knowing that because of her mother,my husband cheated on me.whenever i will see her face i will remember that my husband was making out with her mother in his car..."

"shut up swara....everyone is seeing."sahil said in low anger voice.

"you just wants a maid for his daughter not a wife"swara said,frees her hand with jerk and leaves from there angrily.she sits on driving seat and holds steering wheel with both hands.Tears started forming in her eyes.she keeps her head on wheel and starts crying bitterly.


"ma'am the land you selected for 'children care' someone else bought it."

"the deal was finalized how can they sell it to someone else..."swara asked in annoyed and shocked voice.

"ma'am they paid double the market price therefore they sold it without consulting us."her secretory said in obedient tone.

"that land was perfect for 'children care'..who bought it?"swara said,feeling sad at the loss of such a good land.

"maheswari enterprise..."she said in same obedient tone.

"i told you to make sure that this should not be leaked before i buy it..."

"i am sorry ma'am..."

" may leave now."swara said dismissing her.she bends her head and leaves.

"what should i do with this psychopath...."swara muttered and holds her head with both hands while keeping her elbow joint on glass table.Same thing was happening third time.


"sir miss gaddodia is waiting..."

"ask her to wait,i am busy..."sanskar said while looking at swara face through one way glass.

"yes sir!'am please wait,he is busy"

"is this glass is still one way?.."swara asked while looking at glass with narrowed eyes.

"yes ma'am,how do you know?"she asked in surprised yet confused tone.swara shakes her head and gets up from couch.

"ma'am where are you going?..."she asked in worried voice,seeing her leaving.swara don't bother to give her answer and directly goes to sanskar's cabin and enters inside without taking permission.

"what is your problem?..."swara asked with crossed arms after standing opposite to him behind large table.

"you are still mannerless..."sanskar said in such voice as he was disappointed in her.

"why did you buy those lands?"

"which lands?..."sanskar asked in confused voice(drama)

"which i was going to buy....why you are creating problems for me?"swara said through greeted teeth.

"you are highly mistaken miss....i didn't buy any lands because of you."sanskar said in very calm tone.

"if you didn't bought them because of me then why did you bought them.those lands are not even 1% beneficial for you."swara said in pissed voice.

"that i will decide which land is beneficial for me and which is not....."sanskar said in same tone.swara stares at him.sanskar raised his eye brow at her.

"its my dream to open 'children care center' please understand..."swara said in helpless tone.

"your dream is not my it?"sanskar said in meaningful tone.swara cursed on her faith in her mind,turned and took several steps toward door but stopped and looked at one way glass.

"why this glass is still one way?.."swara asked in low anger filled voice after turning back.sanskar looks at glass then at her red face.

"actually my new secretory is very beautiful and hot and she don't have any problem with it,just like you have therefore  i didn't change it...."sanskar said in general tone.swara tightens her grip on purse,quickly turns and leaves from there,so that she might not bang his head with something.sanskar chuckled at that,feeling really happy after seeing her jealous.



swara was muttering angrily while moving shifting her food from one corner to other in her plate.shomi and shekhar looks at her then at each other.

"swara princess what's wrong? there any problem in business?"shekhar asked in worried voice.swara looks at their worried face and gets embarrassed.

"i told you not to let her join office so early.....look at her face,she is so pale."shomi said and glares at shekhar.

"i asked her to join?...she made me retired forcefully"

"mama dad...i am fine,nothing wrong with business."

"then why are you not eating anything?..."

"i am eating..."swara said and quickly puts spoon in her mouth.

'sahil didn't create any problem..did he?"shehar asked in hatred filled tone.

"no dad...divorce is already finalized,what will he do now?"swara asked and takes another bite.shekhar nodded.


swara was lying on bed and thoughts about sanskar,came in her mind.she turns her side,closed her eyes and again tried to sleep.

"its good that he is moving on..."swara said to herself and lay down straight.

  "i didn't know it he is such a Casanova...." swara  said angrily and turn to side.

  "such a jerk...2 months didn't even passed to our break up and he is started thinking about another could he?"

"psychopath,jerk,casanova and burnt bitter gourd...'swara shouted angrily and sits on bed,feeling frustrated. At that time her mobile beeped with message.she looks at her side table then picks mobile, unlocks it and reads message.

"thinking about me?..."

Swara greeted her teeth after reading the message and raised it high to throw it far away when it again beeped with message.

"you were not jealous back there...were you?"

Swara shook her head vigorously after reading the message and it again beeped with message.

"i know its not possible,you were only angry for your land right?"

swara nodded her head up and down quickly.

"then why did i felt like you were jealous..."

"because you are psycho...i was not jealous at all."swara said and angrily hit her fist on mobile's screen.

"then why can't you sleep?..."

"i am sleeping..."she said and quickly lays down and pulls cover on her face.


swara removes cover from face and picks up mobile and reads the message.

"stop denying it swara..."

"i am not denying anything..."swara quickly said  as she wanted to make herself hear it.


"you were right,i bought those lands because of you but you were wrong about one thing.i didn't buy them to trouble i bought them because i wanted to meet you and i knew it you will surely come."

swara closed her eyes and one tear escaped from corner of her eyes.she quickly wipes it and looks at screen after hearing beep sound.

"lets make a fair deal.give me your one evening and i promise i will accept whatever you will decide after me at beach...i will wait"

"i will not come sanskar...don't wait"


"ma'am this way..."One man,suited in black asks her to come with him.

"i think you are mistaken..i am waiting for someone"swara said nervously tucking her hair behind ear.

'mr.maheswari send me to take you..."he said in obedient tone.swara nodes and sits inside car.

after 25 minutes driving he stopped car in front of a farm house and opens door for her.

"sir is waiting inside..."

Swara nodes and walks toward farm house and rings the bell but no one opens the door.she again ringed it but of no use.

"what is he doing?..."swara muttered in confused,keeps hand on door and pushes it a little and gets open.

'i am such a stupid girl..."swara scolded herself,opens door and enter inside.her eyes widened seeing a beautiful path of pink roses.she blinks her eyes to believe it then starts walking following the path made my flowers,which laid her to upstairs,in front of a closed door.

"sanskar!..."swara called him after opening the door and a lot of flowers showered on her.swara forward her hand and soft pink petals feel on her hand.she gasped when she felt a band of hands sliding around her waist from back and looks to side and saw sanskar.

"sanskar i just came to..."swara tried to speak.

"shush!..."sanskar whispered in her ear.swara sighed and looked forward.sanskar moves his hands from her waist and comes in front of her and looks at her.she was wearing golden and peach color mixed dress which had embroidery work on chest.her hair were curled at her back with few hair strands around her face.

"thank you for coming..."sanskar said,cupped her left cheek and kissed on her forehead.swara closed her eyes,feeling his touch.

"sanskar why are you..."


swara bites her inner cheek.sanskar moves back,holds her both hands.

"will you let me have very bad habit of speaking first then leaving without listening of other person..."sanskar said while shaking his head and keeps her both hands on his shoulder one by one.

"its been two months since i held you this close to me..."sanskar said after pulling her close by holding her waist.swara's heart starts beating fast,feeling his warm breaths fanning her face.

"you know when my mother was gone then i was angry,sad,frustrated all at the same time.i didn't want to talk with anyone,not even with dad.i used to think its his mistake but dad didn't given up on me and now when i think about it....i am so thankful that he didn't give up therefore i don't want to give up on you.take your time swara but don't ask me to leave you...i can't do this,i love you."sanskar said,feeling helpless in front of his heart.swara looks at him without a blink.

"i wish i had said this to you on that day...neither you would have freed your hand nor you had met with accident."sanskar said in regretting tone.swara gulps hard after hearing confessions from his mouth.

"i thought you hate your mother because she started a affair even after she was married then how can you love me?..."swara asked in disbelief and tried to pull herself back but sanskar tightens his grip around her waist.

"i hate her because of many reasons....i hate her because she left my father because he was going through a financial crises.i hate her because she was selfish,just only thought about herself.i hate her because she only tried to meet me once when she came to know that my business is going great.because of her i misbehaved with my father,thousand times in my early age.because of her i had always thought,relationship,emotions,love doesn't matter in life,only money matters....i hate her because of many reason and you don't fit for any reason.why are you comparing yourself with her? freed my heart from unnecessary fears,you taught me how to love."

"the girl you met,she was crazy,full of dreams...i am not like her,you know nothing about real you even know why my husband left me?"

"i don't want to know anything about that...."sanskar hardly restrained himself from saying something inappropriate.

"you mus be thinking that its all his fault but its not fault is bigger than him."

"swara i don't want to know whose fault...."

"i am fertile sanskar...."swara cut him in between.

"what will you do after getting marry to such woman who can't give you real happiness...."swara said as one tear slipped down from her eyes.sanskar stares at her in silence,not able to understand what he should say at that time.

"suppose we get married then what....everything will be fine in start then you will start releasing that it was not right will meet you friends and their children and we will fight after coming home then you will feel guilty for fighting with me.after sometime you will release that there is no one to whom you can give your business then what is the use of so much hard work.we will blame each other.......small fights will turn into huge fights then DIVORCE?"

"you are comparing me with your ex-husband..."

"no sanskar...i am not comparing you with anyone.i am telling you reality.this will happen if we don't stop now....therefore i want you to stop now.stop coming after me."swara said in pleading voice,tears were continuously moving down from her cheeks.she turns to leave but sanskar holds her hand.swara looks at him but didn't turn back.

"i had heard once someone said love can make our life easy.when there is love then small fights will increases husband and wife don't let them part their ways."

"you believed a crazy girl...who used to believe in fairy tales."swara said,frees her hand and runs tear slipped from sanskar's eyes.

Swara climbs down the stairs,passes the hall,stopped at door and starts crying,keeping head on closed door.

"if you ever fight with me or taunt me about anything or thought to leave me then i will break all my sandals on your head."swara said while sniffing.sanskar looks at her with red eyes,she was standing at door.

"promise me please..."swara said in helpless tone.sanskar nodes his head.swara runs and hugs him.sanskar hugs her back tightly.

"i love you!...."swara buried her face in his chest.sanskar closed his eyes and two tears dropped from his eyes but there was bright smile on his lips.




"swara your son is crying...."sanskar shouted in tired voice.One year old boy was crying at top of his lungs and sanskar was trying to make him silent from half an hour.swara enters inside room and quickly takes him from sanskar's hand.

"my baby is crying....good boys don't cry,stop crying,your papa is good for nothing"swara said softly and kisses on his forehead.the small boy quickly stops crying after going in the hand of mother.

"how do she do this?..."sanskar thinks,seeing swara handling Ansh so easily.

"do you know how many children i handle at children care can't even handle one"swara glares at sanskar.

"he went on you,just loves to trouble his father"sanskar said while shaking his head.he goes and picks up his coat and wears it while looking at swara.

"swara i am going office..."

"hmm...okay."swara said,giving him no importance.

"son came so forgot husband..."sanskar muttered,sighed heavily and back hugs her.

"i am going office...did you even listen what i said?"sanskar asked and kissed on her cheek.

"bye...."swara said looked at him,smiled and kissed on his cheek.Ansh starts crying seeing that.swasan looks at him.

"your son is jealous from me..."sanskar said dryly,seeing ansh trying to keep his small small hands on swara's face.swara laughed after hearing that.

"went on his father..."swara said between her laugh.

"after his don't give me a single percent importance.did i ever say anything and look at him.her mother is only giving me one small kiss and he is shedding crocodile tears"sanskar said and wipes tears from corner of his eyes.swara again laughed.sanskar kissed on ansh head then keeps hand on his eyes,gives small on swara's lips and leaves.

"sanskar do you dare to leave without breakfast..."swara shouted while walking toward cupboard.

"i have seen first wife,who gives threat to her husband,early morning"

swara smiles a little after hearing his shout.she changes ansh's clothes then take him downstairs.

"good morning papa!..."

"good morning.....did you do your breakfast?"ram asked while caressing ansh's cheek.

"no papa! did your breakfast?"

"hmm...give him to me and do your breakfast."ram said.swara smiles and gives ansh to him.

"how many times told you....put some responsibilities of ansh to sanskar also.that prince gets up,takes shower,eats breakfast and leaves...useless fellow"ram said in annoyed tone,making swara giggle.

"he takes care of ansh when i prepare breakfast and do other household works..."

"don't take his wrong sides...i will stretch his ears when he will return."ram said in firm tone.



"where is ansh?..."sanskar asked,seeing swara entering without the little boy.

"sleeping with papa!...'swara said with smile and sits on bed beside him.sanskar nodded while looking at screen.

"what were you saying in morning...i don't give you time?"

"yes...when you give me time?"sanskar asked while his eyes were glued at screen as he was typing something with fast speed.swara shakes her head at that.

"if you will stop bringing office work at home then only we will get time to spend with each other."swara said,closing the laptop,picks it up and keeps it on side table then lays down in such way that her head was on his lap and looks up at him with smile.

"i think i should complain daily..."sanskar said,bends down and kisses on her forehead.

"how was your day?...."swara asked while intertwining their finger.

"as always...did you went to children care center?"

"no i didn' ethan called therefore i went to meet him."

"what did he say?...are feeling okay?"sanskar asked,getting worried.

"i am reports came from london.he said those are normal,i can conceive will not be dangerous for me."swara said with smile.

"its amazing....then what are you thinking?"sanskar asked in meaningful tone.

"what do you mean?..."swara asked in confused tone.

"your dream for 11 children is still pending....don't you think we should waste more time."sanskar said while bending over her but swara keeps hand on chest and pushes him back while blushing cherry red.

"can't handle one child and wants 11..."swara said with red face.

"its your dream,i am just helping you...its my duty as husband."sanskar said while bending again.

"not before ansh's second birthday..."swara said while laughing and again pushes him back and runs from there while laughing.sanskar runs after her.swara makes him run in whole room while he finally pinned her to walls,holding her both wrists at the side of her head.he moves forward and kisses her softly.swara closes her eyes and kisses him back with love.they break kiss when it gets hard for them to breath.

"i am leaving today so that i can confirm from doctor tomorrow...i don't trust you for your health and if doctor said,its safe then we will have a daughter till than ansh's second birthday."sanskar whispered in husky tone over her lips.

"you are shameless..."swara said with red face.sanskar pecks her lips then picked her up in bridal style and made her lay on bed carefully and himself laid down beside her.swara keeps her head on his chest and closed her eyes.sanskar switched off lights and slept,embracing her protectively.

THE END.....






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