Part 10

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Swara,sunny and pari were sitting in lounge near the fireplace while sanskar started the fire and got.

"no one will get up from here....i will bring hot milk for everyone."sanskar said in serious tone as warning.

"ohh!....milk competition.i totally forgot about that."sunny said while  beating his palm on forehead.

"papa for her also..."pari said while pointing at swara.

"competition?.oh that one you two still remember that?'swara asked in confused tone then looked at them surprised.

"how an we made so much fun of us."sunny gave her death glare.swara chuckled.

"don't we will win.we had practiced."pari said with confidence.

"ohho! practice and all then what about two glasses of milk?"swara asked with raised eyebrows.

"two?...'sunny and pari asked in union.

"hmm....i thought you two came after preparations."swara said in teasing voice.

"yes we are prepared....we can drink two glasses also and we will before you."sunny said while giving her death glare.pari hit her elbow to him and give him a look.

"don't worry we can handle it...'sunny said while looking at pari then looked at sunny.

"boys ego is so big...'pari muttered and slapped her forehead.sanskar chuckled a little,turned and left.

"i will just come..."swara said and quickly went after sanskar.

"why are you here...i told you,don't move from there."sanskar looked at swara with annoyed eyes.

'i came o help...'swara said as she walked inside kitchen and her elbow hit the glass.sanskar quickly held the glass before it land on ground and broke into pieces.

"if you will stay out of kitchen then it will be great help..."sanskar said while putting the glass back on its place.

"its not my fault i am know,at my home before my entry in chachi keeps all breakable things in cabinet and there is special set of steel utensils for me."swara said as she put milk on stove to get warm while sanskar arranged 6 glasses on dish.

"seriously?..."sanskar asked in chuckling tone and looked at her with one raised eyebrow.swara nodded her head vigorously.sanskar shook his head at that with smile on lips.

"i told them no need to do all these things,i will not enter in kitchen but my dida said...'girl should know cooking(mimicking her voice)'swara said while making face while pouring warm milk in jug.

"you don't like cooking?.."sanskar asked in deeply amused tone.

"i like it only when i cook for myself..."swara said with proud smile and blinked at several times.

"that called selfish act!...."sanskar said while giving her a look then took jug from her hand,kept it on dish with glasses,picked them up and was about to go out when swara held her arched arm and came in front of him

"yes i am selfish....and you are no one to judge me."swara said while looking at with narrowed eyes,took dish from him and left while muttering his colorful names.


"3...2...1...START"swara said with full enthusiasm the trio picked up glasses and started drinking.sanskar was looking at them with amused expressions.

Swara looked at sunny and pari,they were drinking with tightly shut eyes.swara picked her another glass and poured milk back in jug carefully then put glass back at its place and continue drinking milk calmly.sanskar stared at her with complete shock expressions.

"YOU ARE ALREADY FINISHED..."sunny and pari shouted together after seeing swara finishing her first glass.they had finished their 1st glass and got shocked after seeing her glass empty.

"no talking during competition...first finish this.'swara said while shaking her head and sign at their 2nd glasses.

"what's the use when you already won...'pari said with pouted face.

"what was the condition...i can ask for anything?right?"swara said in thoughtful tone while sunny and pari eyes widened.

"she said that...she will do whatever you will say.'sunny said and quickly tried to run from there but swara held him by waist and pulled him in her lap while laughing.

"no cheating..."swara said while shaking her head side to side.

"look who is talking..."sanskar said whil looking at swara with narrowed eyes.swara look at him and sign him to keep silent.he give her glare in return.

"fine what do you want?...'pari asked while sighing heavily.

"two glasses of milk per in breakfast, one before sleeping."swara said in calm tone.

"what..."both shouted

"without bribing the servants to tell lie...."she said in same calm tone.

"but..."they said again.

"and no arguments..."

"FINE!!!!....papa/daddy we are going to sleep."they said with pissed faces and left from there after glaring at swara.she laughed at their cute expressions.

"you cheated..."sanskar said while glaring at swara.

"yes i did...there was no rule that i can't cheat for wining."swara said while putting glasses and hug back on dish and got up and went toward kitchen.

"you fooled my innocent kids..."sanskar said while going after her

"i just did my job of taking care of them....milk is good for health but they didn't like drinking it so i found a different way to make them are making it such a big deal."swara said sighing heavily and shook her head and tried to walk pass him to leave the kitchen but sanskar held her wrist.

"you did your job very nicely..."sanskar said after pulling her in front of her.

"Oooo! know how to give compliment also.anyway thank you."swara said in surprised tone then smiled fully.

'about your job i just got remembered...your deadline of one week finished today."sanskar said in thoughtful tone.

"oh yes! i totally forgot about it....its means my job is confirmed."swara said with wide excited eyes.sanskar nodes his head with small smile.

"then what about my pay? much it is? when will i get it?...can i get half when roads will open.i will go for shopping."swara said in fully excited tone,smiling brightly.

"how much pay you should be given that i will decide after seeing your services..."sanskar said in meaningful tone and took one step toward her.

"wha...what services?..'swara stammered nervously as her smiled vanished and she took one step back.

"services for me?.."sanskar said while taking another step toward her.swara took one step back and her back attached to kitchen slab.

"tha..that kavita will give...'swara said while gulping a little.

"i want it right now...kavita is not are only here right'sanskar said while moving his face close to her.

"Aaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!...."swara shouted at top of her lungs after tightly shutting her eyes.he keeps hand on chest and slides down and sit on floor.

"mama!...why chest is paining so much.....its getting suffocated also...i think its heart mama!!!!."swara cried loudly while rubbing her chest and fanning herself with other hand.sanskar pressed his lips to hide his smile after seeing her drama.

"oh God!....i am going to die today.....can you give me a glass of water?"swara asked while looking at sanskar.he stared at her,not affected at all.

"please!!!...."swara stretched a little and gave him puppy dog eyes.sanskar shook his head and turned to pick glass.

"swara run if you live...before this man gives you full heart attack."swara muttered to herself,quickly got up and run from there wit full speed,breaking a bowel in her way.

"drama queen!..."sanskar laughed a little as he turned and saw her running.


"what happened?.."sunny asked as they were coming toward kitchen.

"we heard your shout...'pari said in worried tone.

"i got first heart attack of my life which i never got from anyone else....therefore i am scared and i will sleep with you two."swara said while breathing heavily.both blinked at her confusingly,not catching a single word what she just said.

'let's go quickly..."swara said hurriedly and made them walk toward their room.


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