Part 12

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"Good morning..."sunny and pari wished swara.

"nothing is good in this morning...."swara muttered to herself but give kids smile and walked toward kitchen.

"you didn't sleep whole night?..."sanskar who was filling two glasses of milk,looked at her.

"how do you know?.."swara asked with wide eyes as she looked at him.

"dark circles..."sanskar said while chuckling a little and put milk jug back in opened fridge.swara quickly stepped back.

"this is all your fault?...."swara said and pressed her eyes with both hands.

"if you had think about it whole night then what is answer?..."sanskar asked,making swara open her eyes and looked at him.sanskar raised his both eyebrows in question.

"after thinking whole night...i got answer that you were playing prank on me....right?"swara asked with wide smile.sanskar stared at her for a minute then walked toward kids and gave them glasses.

"drink it quickly...your bus came."sanskar said to kids.they make bad bad faces while looking at then picked glasses and started drinking them.

"i am so intelligent..."swara said while caressing her own head as compliment then break one egg and started beating it with spoon while humming a little.

"how do you manage to see everything differently?..."Sanskar soft whispered touched swara's ear,making her humming stop in a millisecond as she felt his closeness right behind him.

"what?..."she asked as she turned her head to side to look at him.

"as far as i remember i said everything clearly about my feelings but you are thinking it was a prank...How?"sanskar asked as he put arm around her waist and pull her back slowly as her her back hit his chest.

"don't you have shame in front of your children...."swara quickly said with wide eyes and tried to push him back and looked at table,during her struggle of pushing him back but stopped at once seeing empty seats.

"when did they left?..."swara asked while blinking at empty seats then looked at him.

"after finishing milk...."he said then turned her toward him completely,putting both arms on her back.

"what were you saying...i was playing a prank with you."sanskar asked in calm tone while looking at her face.swara nodded her head vigorously 

"i almost fell for your words but i figured it out...sunny and pari went on you right?...they also play pranks a also playing prank on me but adult pranks but i am so intelli....."swara continuous blabber stopped when sanskar packed on her lips.

"get out from your delusional world and get me my answer quickly otherwise i have my ways to get it...hmm?"sanskar whispered in her ear in soft smiling tone then kissed on her cheek,stepped back,turned and left from there,leaving swara standing there in statue like position,blinking severally.

After sometime,kavita and kavya entered inside and saw her standing in kitchen.

"swara why are standing like that?..'kavita asked in worried tone.

"you two? am dreaming right?"swara asked in small tone,still standing in same position,blinking at them.

"we came to pick you up and sanskar sir said you are inside but why are you standing like this?"kavita said keeping hand on her shoulder and shook her a little.

"he kissed me?..."swara said in complete shock tone and covered her mouth with both hands and sit down on her feet.

"kiss?...who?"kavita asked in surprised tone while sitting down with her.

"sanskar sir right?..."kavya asked in excited tone.

"how do you know?..."swara asked while looking up at her with jerk.

"swara when will you come out from your dream world?..."kavya said while shaking her head and hit her palm on her own forehead.

"but he..."swara muttered while touching her lips while kavita slapped her on head.

"stop this nonsense....get up now,we are getting late.early morning drama."kavita muttered,held her hand and made her stand on feet and made her walk outside.

"why don't you two believe me?..'swara cried.

"because you speak nonsense...."both said in union and slapped on head one bye one.

"i will not tell them anything from now...."swara rubbed her head and made large pout face as trio sit inside car and drove off.



Swara walked out from lift and looked at  kavita's desk which was just outside the sanskar's office.

"where is she?.."swara muttered,seeing kavita's seat empty then went toward sanskar's office,opened the door and peeped inside and blinked at empty office the closed it.

'excuse me...where is kavita and..."she asked from passerby girl but she replied her hurriedly and left.

"she is meeting with sir there...."she said in busy tone while pointing at one door.swara shrugged her shoulder and walked toward the meeting hall.she stood outside and looked inside the hall as door was of glass and she was able to look inside.

"Oo! he looks handsome while giving presentation..."swara said with small smile while looking at sanskar who was giving presentation in front of bunch of people.

"Swara! have you lost your mind or what?.."swara muttered to herself with wide eyes and slapped on cheeks with both hands.

"remember dida's words...all boys are jerks and he is handsome jerk...Swara shut up."swara scolded herself then sift her gaze from sanskar to seated people and saw kavita sitting in between them.

swara took out her mobile and messaged her.kavita's mobile beeped in her purse.she took out her mobile while still looking at sanskar.she looked down to read message then looked at door with wide eyes.swara waved her hand at her.

'what are you doing here?..'kavita messaged her then looked at her with narrowed eyes.

"come out..."swara messaged her then sign her with hands.kavita points at sanskar.

"throw him in hell..."swara mouthed her.kavita glared at her then type 'wait' and sent her.

Swara mutter something in her mouth after reading message then went sit on kavita's revolving chair.


Kavita came out with sanskar and other people.everyone left through lift while talking about presentation while kavita and sanskar looked at her.she was revolving chair at 360 degrees.sanskar looked at her for a minute then walked inside her cabin.

"why are you here?..."kavita asked,stopping the chair.

"i came to take car keys from you but first i need to talk with him."swara said while getting up from chair and walked inside sanskar's office.

"what do you want to talk with him?.."kavita asked then beat her head as swara ignored her question.

"Give me my magic spray back.."swara said the moment she entered inside the office.sanskae who was walking toward her desk,stopped and turned toward her.

"what?...."he asked and took one step toward her

"no no...stay need to come close.keep hand distance from me."swara said in panicked tone,seeing him taking one step toward her.sanskar laughed a little,seeing her panicking and stopped at his place.

"return my pepper spray...why did you keep it with you?"swara said while looking at him with narrowed eyes.

"you left without taking it back..."sanskar said,went toward his desk and took her spray out from a drawer.

"take it...."sanskar said while offering her spray.

"keep it on desk and go there...."swara said while pointing at corner.

"you think i will do this stupid thing?...."sanskar said while looking at with calm face.

"please!..."swara said in requesting voice and give him sweet smile.

"if you want it then take it...otherwise leave,i don't have much time."sanskar said while keeping the small spray bottle on desk and stood beside him with crossed arms over chest.swara mutter some curses under her breath and walked toward him.

"don't even think about doing that thing with me....."swara said in warning as she walked toward him and forward her hand to pick bottle.

"what thing?.."sanskar asked with teasing smile as he picked bottle before her.

"that...."her cheeks flushed red remembering the moment and she bite her bottom lip.

'don't act smart with know what am i talking about."swara snapped at him while giving him death glares and tried to take bottle from his hand but sanskar shifted it to other hand.

"why do you trouble me so much?...'swara said in frustrated tone as he kept on shifting from one hand to other hand.

"okay fine...take it."sanskar said while offering her.

"thank you..."swara said with smile and took bottle from his hand.sanskar held her hand with which she took bottle and pulled her toward him.swara squealed a little and fell on him as their faces came very close to each other.

"why do you trust me every time so easily?..."sanskar asked while moving her both arms around her waist.

"i...i..."swara stammered because of their closeness.

"you shouldn't trust me...especially when we are alone,hmm?"sanskar whispered while burying his face in her neck.swara closed her eyes tightly.sanskar gave her feathery kiss there then moved upward and nudged his nose in her cheek.

"don't get yourself in trouble by using it on everyone....i will keep it with me.whenever you need it call me"sanskar whispered in soft tone after taking back bottle from her.swara opened her eyes and looked at him,they share a small romantic eyelock.

"now leave before i do THAT thing with you..."sanskar said while moving his thumb over her lips softly.swara's eyes widened,she quickly stepped,turned and almost ran from there.sanskar chuckled then went and sit on his chair.he kept pepper spay back in drawer and opened his laptop.

After a while someone knocks on his door.

"come in..."sanskar said in serious tone and raised his head to look at the person.

"sir you called me?..."akash said while stepping inside.sanskar stared at him with no expressions on face.meanwhile his mobile beeped with message.sanskar signed him to come then picked mobile and got surprise after seeing swara's message.


Sanskar smiled a little,imaging her cute angry face while typing this message then put back mobile back on desk and looked at akash.

"did i told you,you can sit?.."sanskar asked in strict tone.

"so...sorry sir.'akash stammered while putting chair back and stood in front of him.

"when is your contract expiring?..."sanskar asked in calm tone while focusing his angry eyes on him.

"after 2 months sir..."he said while gulping hard.

"i don't think your contract will be expanded...."


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