Part 14

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Swara was lying on bed while starring at roof,biting her little finger nail.

"oh God!...'swara said in irritated tone,hit her hand on bed then sit up with crossed legs and put pillow in her lap,rests her both elbow joints on it and put her face on both hand's palm.

"why am i thinking about him so much?...its not my problem he was hurt or not.its is not my concern."swara said trying to convince herself then cover her face with both hands.

'boys are problem are problem and love is bigger problem than boys...i don't want to get in these problem.i just came here to learn music then why am i getting in these problems...why?'swara cried loudly while shaking her head side to side.

'swara are you okay?..."kavita asked in concerned tone.swara moved her hands down from face and looked at door.kavita and kavya were peeping side from half open door.swara open her mouth then thought for a second and closed her mouth and nodded her head in "yes"

"are you sure?...'kavya asked in curious tone.

"yes! i am fine..what's the use of telling you two when you don't believe."swara muttered last sentence under her breath.kavita and kavya looked at each other and left.swara again covered her face with both hands and cursed herself then fall back on bed and put pillow on face.



"Swara where is concentration?...."instructor asked in annoyed tone after seeing her doing mistake for fourth time.

"sorry..."swara muttered in small voice and again started playing,trying to concentrate but 'the scene in whish sanskar turned and left' was coming in front of her eyes again and again.

"what are you damn doing?...."intructor said in angry loud tone,making swara snap out from her dreams and look at him.everyone else also stopped playing different instruments and looked at them.

"where is your focus today...why are you not able to play one so simple note."he continued in anger.swara bite her inner cheek and bend down her head.

"Leave from the class and come back when your senses are back...1 week is remaining in performance and this is what you are doing.nonsense!"instructor said angrily.

Swara's eyes get filled with tears,she picked up her guitar,got up and left from there slolwy,feeling everyone eyes on her.


"sir! everyone is waiting for you...'kavita said after entering inside sanskar cabin.sanskar nodded,got up and walked outside the door.kavita followed him out an toward meeting hall.

Meanwhile his mobile started ringing.he took it,stared at screen for a small moment thinking something then attend call but before he could have said a world swara shouted from there side.

"THIS ALL BECAUSE OF YOU...YOU JERK!!!!"Swara shouted at top of her lungs and cut the call.sanskar stopped in his track and moved mobile away from his ear a little.with closed eyes.

"what happened sir?..'kavita asked in confused tone.sanskar nodded his head,meanwhile kavita's mobile started ringing.sanskar looked at her mobile shich kavita was holding above files and saw swara's name shining on screen.kavita was about to pick call when sanskar spoke.

"we are getting late for meeting...aren't we?'sanskar said in serious tone.

"yes sir.."kavita said and cut call.sanskar walked inside after opening door with kavita.


Kavita was taking clients out when sanskar called him.

"yes sir?.."

"can i use your mobile?...."sanskar asked in his usual serious tone.

"mine?...yes...sure why not."kavita firstly asked in confused tone then stammered seeing his angry serious tone.she gave him mobile and went out.

"why is he so angry today?..God!"kavita cried in mind while going out.sanskar dialed swara's number and kept it on ear.

'kaviiiiii!!!!!....why were you not picking my calls? do you know what happened today?...mamaaaaaaaa!!!!..i want to go back home...didaaaaaa!!!.."Swara cried loudly while sniffing in between.

"where are you?..."sanskar asked in dead serious tone.

"kavita what happened to your voice?..your voice is just like that jerk"swara said while sniffing continuously.

"i asked where the damn are you?..."he asked while greeting his teeth at her stupidity.

"shopping at the same mall..."swara said in little scared tone after hearing loud sound.sanskar cut and walked out.



Swara was trying some sandals when sanskar walked toward her.swara looked a pair of black shoes and looked up at him.swara ignored him and looked down at her feet and started trying another pair.

Sanskar opened her coat button and sat beside her.swara moved away a from him.

"why were you crying?..what happened?"sanskar asked trying to be less concern.

"i was not crying..."swara said in very normal tone.sanskar held her arm,straightened her from her bend position then pulled her close to him.

"i am not in mood of your jokes..tell me what happened?"sanskar said while starring direct in her eyes.

"why do you care?...whatever happened with me is none of your business."swara said in same angry tone as his.

"because you said its my fault therefore its my business....and you were crying."sanskar said through greeted teeth.swara lost her words for a moment and tried to move back but sanskar restrained her from moving back.

"tell me?..."

"first you tell me why did you kavita mobile?.."swara asked,remembering why she was angry.sanskar stared at her innocent angry face.

"are you jealouse...from your own friend?"sanskar asked in deeply amused tone.

"jealous? am not.why should i?"swara quickly said in little panic tone,with wide eyes.sanskar chuckled amusingly.

"don't...don't smile...i am not jealous at all."swara angrily snapped at him.

"yes i can are not at all jealous,just very angry that your nose is getting more and more because of anger."sanskar said in teasing voice and pulled her nose playfully.

"don't touch my nose...'swara said and hit him twice on shoulder,making him chuckle.

meanwhile sanskar'smobile beeped with message.he opened it while swara was staring at him with twitched nose and angry eyes.

"i need to go now...and it felt good to see you jealous."sanskar said,putting mobile inside coat.

"i was not..."swara was cut in between when sanskar placed a soft kiss on her nose.swara's eyes widened in shock.sanskar moved back a little after a small kiss but their faces were still close.

"i was also jealous when your friend mike attende the call that day..'he whispered while starring in her wild open eyes then got and left.

"when did mike?.....and why is he so clear about his every emotion and i am so confused."swara muttered to herself.


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