Part 16

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Sanskar was working in his room when his mobile started ringing.he looked at his mobile which was placed on side table.he got little worried after seeing swara's name shining on was past 12 in night.

he removed mobile from charging,attended call and kept it on ear.

"swara are you okay?...."he asked in concerned tone.

"no i am not okay....say yes to your grandmother and get married within a week."swara said without taking breath in between.

"what?..."sanskar asked in disbelief.

"what what?..are you deaf ?"swara asked in anger filled tone.

"you know its too late...i think you should sleep now."sanskar said while sighing a little.

"that's what i am saying...its too late,at this time ,my fourth dream starts but just because of you i am not getting sleep....."swara said in irritated and annoyed tone.

"am i coming in your dreams and disturbing your sleep..."sanskar said in teasing tone.

"shut up....not a word,just go and say yes to your dadi so that i can sleep peacefully..."swara said through greeted while her cheeks had flushed red.

"are you complete mad?.."sanskar said in annoyed tone.

"yes i am GO RIGHT NOW."swara said last sentence in loud ordering tone.

"God i have never seen impossible woman like you in my whole want me to say yes for someone even after i have told so many times,i have feelings for you."sanskar said through greeted teeth.

"why don't you understand?...."swara said cryingly.

"make me understand then...'he said in less angry tone.swara closed her eyes to calm her nerves down.

"swara?..'sanskar called in soft tone.


"you are not...Lesbian?....are you?"sanskar asked in complete serious tone while a mischievous smile was playing on his lips.

"WHAT!!!!!!!!....."Swara shouted at top of her lungs while sanskar burst out laughing.

"how can you say something like that? dare you?..."swara kept on scolding him while he was laughing.after few more minutes when swara cursed him with all words she had in her dictionary and sanskar stopped laughing there were silent for few second.

"if you are done scolding me than can you tell me your problem..."sanskar asked after controlling his laugh but before swara could have say something.swarmayi knocked at door and entered inside.

"i am sorry i know its late but i want to talk about something.."she said after entering inside.

"come..."sanskar said while getting straight and put laptop and files to side.swarmayi walked and sit on bed at some distance.

"what do you want to talk so late?..'sanskar asked in normal tone.

"can i take kids out tomorrow?"she asked in requesting tone.

"they have school tomorrow..."

'they can take leave for one day..."she said while rolling her eyes.

"fine..."sanskar said,not arguing much.

"and i was thinking if you can come with us also..."she said after a pause.

"i have important meetings tomorrow...."sanskar said in apologetic tone.

"please...."she said in requesting tone.sanskar looked at his mobile on which call was still connected and thinks for a second.

"okay...."he said while nodding his head.

"great than no going office tomorrow..."she said in excited tone,got up and left.sanskar cleared his throat after putting mobile on ear.

"are you still there?...or slept?"sanskar asked in fake curious tone as he knew it she was listening everything.

"you know you were right...."swara said in damn serious tone.

"about what?..."

"i am lesbian and i love don't even think about calling me again...GOT IT!!"swara said angrily and cut call.

"impossible woman..."sanskar said and laughed.

"can't say yes for marriage but can go out with her...impossible man."swara said while clenching mobile tightly then angrily put it aside and fell on bed and put pillow on face



"how dare he cut my call?..."swara muttered angrily with both closed fists then dialed kavita's number.

"hello!..."kavita said in busy tone.

"kavi did your boss came office?..."swara asked in anger filled tone.

"no....why are you asking?"kavita asked in confused tone.

"still not?....."swara asked in complete shocked tone and cut the call.kavita stared at screen then shook her head and went back to work.

"this man..."swara said through greeted teeth then got up from her seat.everyone looked at her.

"mike can you drop near shopping mall....i really need to distract my mind."swara said while fuming in anger.

"yes sure...come."mike said with smile then both went outside while swara was muttering curses constantly.


"swara are you okay?...."mike asked in concerned tone.

"i am totally fine...not at all jealous.that jerk how dare he cut my call.i will kill him."swara said and moved her both hands in such way that she was grabbing sanskar in between in her hands then stamp her foot angrily.

"uh! you are not need a cold drink.i will one for."mike said while looking at her as he had seen weirdest thing of the world and left.

"there is not single dress good in this stupid shop....."swara said in irritated tone.meanwhile she heard a very familiar sound.she looked in the direction and her mouth get fully open after seeing sanskar,swarmayi and kids.

"what the hell?..why are they here?"swara muttered in panicked tone,quickly took out random dress,hide her face with it and ran toward changing rooms.

"why such things only happen with me?..."swara cried and hit her both hands on face.she was standing in changing and pacing here and there.

At that time her mobile started ringing.she took mobile out and blinks at screen,exact at that time,someone knocked at door.swara looked at door than back at screen.

"he saw me..."swara said dryly to herself than put mobile back in her jeans pocket and opened the door.

"such a pleasant surprise...."sanskar muttered with bright teasing smile and put mobile inside her coat.swara just stared at him angrily for a long minute than tried to leave from side but sanskar came in front of her.


'no why will be angry on you?...who the hell are you? i don't know you."swara said through greeted teeth and tried to leave from other side but sanskar again came in front of her.swara gave him death glare.

"sorry i had to cut your call....i was..."sanskar was cut in between by swara.

"i didn't ask anything...i don't care what were you doing.just move from my way."swara said while fuming in angry,pushed him aside and tried to leave but sanskar held her arm and pulled her back.swara stroke with his chest.

"let go...'swara said while struggling but sanskar put both arms around her waist and pulled her close that their face came dangerously close to each other.swara gasped as their lips almost touched each other.

"i was driving therefore i had to cut your call...."sanskar said in serious yet calm tone.

"i don't...."swara tried to speak but sanskar put his index finger on her lips.

"save it for some other day...."sanskar whispered in soft tone an nudged his nose in her soft cheek.swara closed her eyes and clenched his coat over shoulders.

"i want to ask one questions swara....what's the reason for which you are ruining this thing between us."he whispered in husky tone in her ear as his lips touched her ear shell.both stayed in that position for a long time until someone called sanskar.

"sanskar!...'swarmayi called him while her fists were clenched at her sides.swasan came back to his senses and swara quickly pulled herself back.

"let's are waiting."she said while giving a look to swara then turned and left.swara also left from there without looking at sanskar.

"swara!!!!....what are you doing here?"sunny and pari shouted in excited tone and quickly ran toward her.

"shopping...'swara muttered with fast beating heart.

"we also came for tell me which or white? i am so confused."pari said putting two dresses on herself one by one.swara kept her finger on pink.

" choice is good."pari said to sunny and he made faces.meanwhile sanskar also came out.

"papa i want to buy this dress..."pari said happily.sanskar nodded and looked at swara.

"i will leave friend will be looking for me."swara said in nervous tone.

"no helped her in you have to help me also.'sunny said while shaking his head that time,swara mobile vibrating.she took it out and read the message.


"great...'swara muttered to herself than looked at sunny.

"see my friend message came...he is waiting.i need to go."swara said with fake smile but sanskar snatched mobile from her hand.

"give me my mobile...."swara said in panicked tone and tried to snatch mobile but sanskar read before she snatched it.

'he left....and you are coming with us."he said in serious tone.swara cursed at her faith at that.sunny gave sanskar thumbs up than held swara's hand and dragged her out.

"that shop is looking good.....after that we will eat ice cream."he said as both walked out from there.sanskar moved to counter to clear bills with pari.

"you didn't buy anything..."sanskar asked from swarmayi while giving his credit card.

"nothing was according to my taste..."she said in little rude tone,making sanskar look at her but she gave him a quick smile.


"which flavour?..'waiter asked in professional tone.

"strawberry..."sunny and pari said in union.waiter smiled than looked a swara,who was sitting in between sunny and pari.

"for her also...'sunny said with smile.

"sunny let her speak for herself...not good manners."swarmayi said in sweet tone.

"its okay...he is right,i like strawberry."swara said in soft tone.

"off course i remember that day also we...."sunny tried to speak but pari and swara slapped him together to shut his mouth.

"that day?..."sanskar asked in suspicious tone while looking at them.

"that day we ordered ice cream at home....same flavour.'swara said with tight smile.

"and he remembers intelligent."pari said while giving sunny a look.sunny bite his tongue and show his full teeth to sanskar.who was still looking at them suspiciously.

"i like chocolate...'swarmayi said in little loud tone,making them look at her.

After eating ice cream they went out.swara silently sit at back seat with kids and swarmayi sat at front seat beside sanskar.

Sanskar looked at swara from front mirror.they share small eyelock than swara divert her eyes.but sanskar looked at her from time to time during whole journey.

"come have no holidays."pari said to swara in warning.

"daddy say to her...'sunny said in irritated tone.

"come home otherwise i will cut your salary..."sanskar said in serious tone while looking at her from front mirror.swara nodded and stepped down from car and walked toward the huge building while swarmayi was starring at her back.



Swara was sitting in her room while thinking about the moment between her and sanskar and his words were echoing in her mind.

"swara kavita came...i am arranging table come for dinner."kavya said after opening door of her room.swara nodded and went after her.

"why are you coming so late?..."swara asked from kavita.

"sir was on leave today so there was so much work for me but now sir came and sent me home."kavita said in tired tone.

"he is in office?..'swara asked in curious tone.kavita nodded her head.swara quickly got up and ran toward her room than came out running.

"i am taking your car...."swara said while directly running toward exit door.kavita and kavya just stared at closed door from which she ran out.

"where did she go?.."kavita asked in curious tone.

"to meet sanskar sir....IN HER DREAMS"kavya said last sentence in funny way and both burst out laughing.


"do you love me?..."swara asked after standing opposite to sanskar behind the desk with crossed arms over chest.

"its very unique way of asking for confession....i must say."sanskar said while chuckling.

"don't change the topic and give me clear answer..."swara said in demanding tone.sanskar stared at her serious face then got up,walked across the table and stood in front of her.

"i don't know about love but i really like you being around me..."sanskar said in honest.

"its means you don't love me...problem solved.i was taking so much without any reason.listen mr.sanskar maheswari.likeness is not permanent you like me tomorrow someone else and its not a bad thing...its human need to feel bad about it.thank god this problem solved."swara said explaining him calmly than sighed in relief,turned and was about to go but sanskar pulled her back and locked her in between his desk and him.

"you are happy that i don't love you?.."sanskar asked in amused tone.

"yes because its trouble...a big time trouble"swara said while nodding her head vigorously.

"and if i say i love you than?..."sanskar said with smile.

"just now you said you like me you can't change your words."swara said while pointing her index finger at him.

"what is love in your opinion?.."

"i don't know...i never came across of this problem."swara said proudly.

"then why do you think its a problem...."sanskar asked with both raised eyebrows.

"because.....(thinks for some minute).....because dida says its a problem."swara said meekly.

"i thought you were a brave girl,carrying pepper spray and beating boys but now i can see are coward,running away from your own feelings just because your dida warned you in your childhood that love is problem and stay away from boys....such a big disappointment."sanskar said in mocking tone.

"i am not coward..."swara said in angry tone.

"yes you are...'

"no i am not...'



"Yes you are miss swara gadodia...accept it you are running from me and your feelings the way you ran away from your house just because you had no courage to say to your dida that you want to be musician not a businesswoman...."sanskar said,making swara look at him with wide eyes.

"how do you know i ran away from my house to learn music?..'swara asked in complete shocked tone.

"i also have video of your famous dance fall in your cousin marriage...interested to see?"sanskar asked in teasing voice with such innocent face that swara's blood boiled.

" did my background check....if you wanted to know something then you should have ask from can you do something like jerk."swara said angrily while hitting him continuously.sanskar held her wrists and bent them at her back and pulled her close to him.

"so miss gadodia...don't you think you should stop running and accept your feelings.i think its perfect time.

"no one ever did love marriage in my whole family....i am already the famous spoiled brat of my family.i don't want confirmation stamp on me....dida will kill me."swara said while shaking her head with cute puppy eyes.

"you should be proud you will be first one to do love marriage in your family..."sanskar said while pulling her close.

"you have no idea what am i putting on stake for you..."swara said and closed her eyes as sanskar caressed her cheek with back of his fingers and put hair strands behind her ear.

"i am honoured....."he muttered and captured her lips and kissed her with full love.swara kissed him back with same love.


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