Part 18

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"bye...."swara said and opened car door to step down but stopped and turned toward sanskar.

"wait i forgot about one thing..."swara said then took out her mobile,moved close to sanskar,kissed on his cheek and clicked one selfie.

"this for kavota and you know,they don't believe that we are together.they keep on saying me that i am i will show this."swara blabbered no stopped.sanskar chuckled then held her by waist and pulled in his lap.

"what if they didn't believe with one selfie?..."sanskar said while taking mobile from her hand and clicked their picture while kissing her on cheek.Swara blushed a little and took mobile from his hand.

"if you want then i can make them believe personally...."sanskar said in normal tone.

"no need of are enough.if you will go up personally then they will faint."swara said and burst out laughing,imagining their reaction.

"faint why?.. "sanskar asked with narrowed eyes.

"because they think you are very descent and well mannered man...who is beyond my reach and i am all ti,me dreaming about you."swara said in dramatic tone.

"you are exaggerating now...."sanskar said while shaking his head a little.swara looked at him dryly.

"seriously?.."sanskar said in little surprised tone.

"bye..."swara chuckled and stepped out from car and walked toward building but then she felt a arm around her waist.she looked at hand then at sanskar with quizzical eyes.

"i want to drink coffee and i really like coffee which kavita makes ...learn from her quickly."sanskar said in while walking beside her.

"i don't think she will be able to make coffee after seeing you with me at this time."swara said while giggling.

"we will see..."sanskar said,not getting affected with her words.swara laughed again while nodding.


"what took you so long to open door..."swara asked from kavita while stepping inside the house,followed by sanskar.

"we were watching mov...."kavita stopped talking after seeing sanskar.

"which movie?...."swara asked while signing sanskar to look at kavita face and giggled.sanskar shook his head a little then sit on large couch in hall.

"huh!...horror....hello sir!."kavita said after jerking her head to come back to her senses.sanskar nodded his head at her.

"kavi he came to drink your special coffee...."swara said after sitting beside sanskat at small distance,piked up water jug from small square table,filled a glass and gave it to sanskar.

"sure!..."kavita said in trance then walked toward open kitchen which at hall right side.

"she didn't said she will faint.'sanskar said in amused tone after seeing kavita's reaction then drank half glass of water and put it back on table.

"she is kavita not the way where is she?...KAVYAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!"Swara said to sanskar and looked around then shouted after putting both hands around her mouth,sitting there only.sanskar put one finger in his response from kavita.

"i am here...what happened? why are you shouting?"kavya asked in annoyed after coming from her room after few seconds.

"i wanted to....."swara said while looking at kavya then turned her face toward sanskar.

"can i introduce you as my boyfriend,no problem in that right?"swara asked while looking at him with both raised eyebrows.sanskar smiled and shook his head.

"my boyfriend specially came to meet you and you are sitting inside watching movies..."swara said cutely while looking back at kavya.

kavya looked at swara then sanskar then back at swara and went toward kitchen.

"she didn't faint were exaggerating too much."sanskar said.

"how is she so normal?..'swara muttered to herself while looking at kavya with narrowed eyes the shrugged her shoulder.

"i will go and change...."swara said while getting up.sanskar also get up.

"where are you coming?...."swara asked with fully confused face.

"your room...."sanskar said in obvious tone.

"my room is real mess as far i you are not coming in my room."swara said after putting both hands on his chest and shook her head side to side.

"i can messy it can be so no problem.'sanskar said in assuring tone.swara laughed at that.

"no you can't...."swara said while laughing.

"kavita pinch me..."kavya muttered in her ear.kavita who had almost released everything,looked at kavya then pinched her.kavya rubbed the place then looked at swara and sanskar who were still arguing.

"i am still dreaming...pinch me hard."kavya whispered again.

"pull it together....they are really together,can't you see."kavita said while looking at swasan.

"i am having such a weird dream today...."kavya said in disbelief.kavita looked at kavya dryly.

"it is not a dream..."kavita said and slapped on kavya face lightly then shook her head.



"when did i eat last time?.."kavya asked in weak tone.

"why?..."kavita asked while looking at her.

"i think i am going to faint....."kavya said while holding her head and was about to slide down bit kavita quickly hold her.

'keep it together....will you?"kavita said while making her sit on chair then her water.

"don't know why am i feeling so dizzy..."kavya said with most innocent face.kavita chuckled and make her drink with her hand.


"sanskar why didn't you just sit there..."swara said with wide eyes after seeing sanskar in her room then quickly threw towel on her clothes which were placed on bed.

"when did you clean your room last time?.."sanskar asked with very serious face but his eyes were shining with mischief.

"its very hard to remember...."swara said in thoughtful tone and start thinking in audible voice.

"don't trouble your little mind this much..."sanskar said while chuckling.swara pouts at his laugh.

"you are master piece do you know this?.."sanskar asked while holding her left hand and pulling her toward him slowly.

"and i am proud of it..."swara said with smile and giggled.sanskar kissed on knuckles of left hand,making her blushed.

"i should have trusted you...there is no sign of my coffee.therefore i am leaving,its getting late also"sanskar said after looking at her face.

"but you didn't...."swara said with fake angry face.sanskar said,cupped her face with both hands and kissed on her forehead.


At that time,room's door opened and kavita came in with coffee mugs.kavita bite her tongue after seeing them standing so close and quickly turned.

"sorry...i...i should..."kavita stammered and cursed her faith.

"its okay...i was just leaving."sanskar said,looked at swara then walked out from room.

"but sir coffee..."kavita said after seeing him leaving.

"she will drink it..."sanskar said while signing at swara.

"bye..."swara said with smile then he walked out from there.

"what took you so long to prepare a cup..."swara asked after taking a coffee mug.

"kavya is not feeling good....full on drama in kitchen.but why didn't you tell me earlier."kavita asked with pout.

"i was dreaming all the could i have told you?"swara asked in mocking tone.

"sorry..but honestly i am happy for you.sir is very still very hard to believe."kavita said with sheepish smile and hugged swara.

"yes off course your sir is very nice...i am not therefore it is hard to believe."swara said and glared at him after breaking hug.

"no i didn't mean that you are...."kavita quickly tried to speak but swara stopped her talking by raising her hand.

"leave it...where is that drama queen."swara asked and kavita pointed at kitchen.swara shook her head at walked toward kitchen.



Swara opened door of her room and walked toward kitchen while yawning.she opened fridge door,took out water bottle started drinking from it directly.

"swara!..."someone whispered near her ear.swara spits out all water and started coughing hard and looked at her bcak.kavya was standing there like a zombie.swara was coughing hard with red eyes and red face.kavya ignored her bad condition,just went and sat at chair just in front of her.

"oh God!...'swara said while coughing and kept hand on chest which had started to pain because of too much cough.she controlled her cough,drank some water and inhaled deeply and stabilize herself.

"you didn't go office today?..."swara asked while sitting opposite to kavya.

"i woke up very late.."kavya said in hardly audible voice and kept her face in palm.

"okay!.."swara nodded and was about to get up but kavya voice stopped her.

"you know last night i had a very weird and sanskar sir were behaving like couple...can you believe it? such a weird dream."kavya said in very sad tone.swara blinks at her.

"poor girl is in very big shock...God please bless her."swara said while looking up at sky then keep hand on mouth to stop her laugh and walked out from there,leaving kavya in that position.

"i don't have guitar so there is no use of going academy then why not sleep for few more hours...."swara said while looking at wall clock which was striking 10:00 AM.she then jumped on bed,closed her eyes and kept pillow on face.

Meanwhile her mobile started ringing.she removed pillow,picked up mobile and looked at screen.unknown number was shining on screen.swara attended the call and kept mobile on ear.

"hello!..hello!"swara said and waited a minute for respond and was about to cut call when someone spoke.

"hello swara! it me swarmayi..."she quickly said as she was little scared.

"oh hi!...i thought it is a spam call."swara muttered.

"i am sorry if i disturbed you....if you are busy then i will call after some time."

"no no its fine...i am free,you didn't disturbed me.please speak."swara said in assuring tone.

"its about kids..."swarmayi said with unsurety.

"what is it? there some problem?"swara get up beind worried.

"no there is no problem just a small issue.....actually kids driver have a emergency at his house and he want to go but if i let him go then there will be no one to pick kids from school....can you please pick up kids from school.if its not a issue....driver will drop car at your place  before going home"swarmayi said in requesting tone.

"i don't have any problem in picking kids but where are other drivers..."swara said in normal tone.

"one is gone with sanskar and other has gone with maa and dadi...and i don't know how to drive therefore i asking from you but if you don't want to help then leave t...i will do something."swarmayi said getting angry at her question.

"i just asked....i will pick kids problem in that.tell driver to drop car here."swara said 

"okay.."she said and cut the call.

"she is little weird..."swar thought then shook her head.

"let me set a alarm..."swara muttered and opened lock of mobile and got surprised after seeing sanskar's missed calls.

"so many missed calls..."swara bite her tongue and called him back but no one picked up.she tried twice but no respons.swara made faces,put mobile back and slept again with pillow on face.



Swara was standing outside the school while waiting for kids to come out.

"why did you come today..."sunny asked with both raised eyebrows.

"where is driver?"pari asked in confused tone.

"he have some emergency at home...therefore i came to pick up.any problem?"swara asked while bending at their levels.both shook their heads side to side.

" sit inside."swara said with smile,took bags from there and opened back door for them.sunny and pari jumped inside the car.swara closed door and sit behind wheel,put their bags on passenger seat beside her and started the car.

"music please..'sunny said cutely.swara looked at him through mirror then played music and coincidentally his favorite song started. 'Dus Bhaney'

"change it..."sunny said with twitched nose.

swara and pari laughed and swara changed the song.

"why did you change it..."pari asked with pouted face.

"my guitar is broken...if he got angry then how will i make up"swara replied to pari in normal tone.

"your guitar is broken?.."both asked in union in complete shock.

"hmm...last ni.........oh shit red light.......


Swara opened her eyes,feeling deep pain in her chest and in head.she hissed in pain while trying to get up.

'maam please lay down..."nurse said,making her lay down,by holding her shoulder.swara blinked her eyes to clear vision.

"what happened...where am i?"swara asked in week tone.

"you met with accident on road and brought here by few people."nurse said in soft tone.

"accident..."swara muttered in confused tone then flashes started coming in front of her eyes.


"sunny,pari....nurse there were kids in car.what about them."swara asked in hell worried while getting up.

"there in other shouldn't get up.there maybe a fracture..."nurse tried to speak but swara didn't listen and stepped down from bed and walked out.

"which room...please."swara asked in pleading voice.nurse points a room,adjacent to swara.she was about to step inside the room when she brutally turned and was slapped across the face.

"you dare to come here....even after doing this."swarmayi shouted in anger.swara keeps hand on face and looked at her.

"i gave you one small just have to drop them home safely but you can't even do this small job...."she shouted in same tone.

"it was accident...i didn't do it on purpose."swara said with tear filled eyes.

"stop these excuses......if you didn't knew how to drive then you should have told me.i would have picked them up....because of you sunny and pari are so injured.just because of you.'she said while cutting them up.

parvati and urvashi came out after hearing loud noises.

"how are they?...can i please see them."swara asked while looking at dadi and urvashi.

"you think we will let you see them even after knowing they are in this pain because of you...'swarmayi said in disbelief tone.parvati looked at swarmayi them at swara who was looking at her with pleading eyes.

"swara sunny and pari are should go for now."parvati said,not meeting eyes with her and went inside room with urvashi and tear fell from swara's eyes.she wiped it and went back to her room.

"maam we need to do x-ray of your chest..."nurse said in soft yet professional tone.

"where is my stuff...can you get me my mobile from my things."swara said in low tone.nurse sighed nodded and brought her mobile after some time.

Swara dialed sanskar number but he was not picking up.she dialed again but no tears started forming in her eyes when someone forwarded white tissue in front of her eyes.swara looked at the person.

"he will not pick up don't waste your energy."swarmayi said in sweet tone.swara just stared at her with tear filled eyes.

"you have no idea how much he care for his loved ones and when someone harm them....he get really furious.i remember it clearly,pari used to crawl a lot.once when a nany was taking care of them.pari fell down from her bed,during sleep and her forehead started bleeding....nany was in washroom but sanskar didn't listen and i am damn sure,she must not have got job anywhere till now......but i don't know why is he flexible toward you.he just want you to leave silently....lucky you are."swarmayi said,threw tissue in her lap and walked from there.

Swara looked down at tissue paper then at her mobile...don't know why but her hand ad started shaking while dailing his number again.

"please pick up...i am sorry."swara muttered and started crying when no one picked up.she put mobile at bed and walked out from there.

"maam where are you going....its not safe."nurse tried to stop her but she didn't listen.



"swara what happened to your forehead...and your clothes are red.what happened."kavya asked in worried tone after seeing swara walking in very bad condition.swara didn't said anything to her just went inside her room silently.

"swara i am asking something...."kavya said after coming in front of her.

"small accident....i will change clothes.these are covered with blood."swara said in slow whisper and walked toward washroom.she stopped at door and turned toward kavya.

"can you please book a ticket of india for me...any class."

"what?...india? are going back? but 5 days are remaining in..."kavya said in complete shock.

"i am missing dida a lot...i just want to go home.please don't ask questions."swara said and entered inside washroom and closed the door.


"Dida i am sorry....i should not have left home like this."swara said while looking down.she was standing in front of dida like a culprit.

"do you think with one sorry...i will forgive you.i gave you so much love more than my own children and you broke my pride in one day....its all my mistake.everyone told me not to give you this much love but i didn't what do you want from me.i don't have anything to give you now."dida said in hurt tone and turned her face away from her.

"please dida....i released my mistake now,i should have listen to you when you told me not to go london.please give me one more chance.i have learnt my lesson."swara said while tears started rolling down from her cheeks.dida heart melted a little but she controlled herself.

"i already told you...leave"dida said in firm tone.

"dida..."swara tried to speak but she raised her head to stop her from talking.swara bite her bottom lip,looked down and stepped out.dida looked at her as she walked out.

"swara!...'dida said in shocked tone when swara fainted and fell down on ground at door step.dida quickly got up and walked toward her and patted swara's cheek.

"Anupurna!!!!!!....ragini!!!!"dida shouted,when swara didn't got up.


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