Part 4

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"kiddos?..."swara called them after starring at them from long 3 hours.

"don't disturb...we have test."sunny said in serious tone.pari didn't bother to raise her head from book.swara face turned '0' shaped.

"my future gold medalists....i have one question.please answer that."swara said in impressed tone.

"what?..."sunny said with raised eyebrows.

"you two didn't planed any prank today?..."swara asked in curious tone with expected eyes.

"no..."sunny said and again bend over book.

"why?...i am so bored."swara asked in annoyed tone.sunny and pari looked at swara with jerk.

"you want us to pull prank on you?..."pari asked with wide surprised eyes.swara nodded her head vigorously.sunny and pari stared at her as they were seeing her first time.

"you are studying from the time i came here...if i have read this much in my college exams.i would have topped in whole college....can't you take small break from studies.please!"swara said last sentence in pleading voice.

"after 20 minutes...i need to revise this poem."pari said and looked down at book.

'i am weak in math...i am not getting up before solving this problem twice."sunny said in serious tone while tapping his index finger on math book and bend over book.

"fine then let me help you in studies..."swara said sadly.

"NO NEED...WE CAN DO IT OURSELVES."both said in union.

"why these kids need nanny when they do their every work themselves..."swara said while making faces and sagged back in chair and crossed her arms over chest.sunny and pari smiled nut didn't raised their heads.



"Quickly she is coming..."pari said in impatient tone.

"wait!.."sunny and swara said in union.swara tied the knot on door knob then jumped down from stool.sunny quickly put the stool to side and trio closed the door and hide.

"oh my!...'poor servant cried when a packet popped and a lot of flour fell on her head,making her look like ghost with white hair and white eyebrows.trio laughed loudly after seeing her.

"there are so many servants at home...why you two always do such things with me?"woman said while blinking at sunny and pari then looked at swara with narrowed eyes.

"instead of stopping are laughing."she asked in disbelief 

"don't...don't remove anything.let me take picture first."swara quickly said when poor woman tried to remove flour from her face.she stared at swara in complete shock as swara took her picture.

"come on..let go,there are so many things i want to do."swara ssaid in excited tone like child whil looking back at sunny and pari and trio left from there hurriedly.

"two were not enough that another kid came.."woman said and beat her forehead.



"Close the tap now..."swara said while picking up filled bucket with both hands.they quickly closed it then they also picked buckets and came out from washroom and stand on different places at angle of door.

"i can't find me favorite tshirt....COME IN MY ROOM NOW."sunny said,putting force on last sentence and put the receiver back and quickly went to his position.


As the poor guy entered inside the room,swara,sunny and pari threw water at him one by one.

"AAAAAAA!!!!...."Poor man screamed at their sudden bombardment,followed by loud laughter of trio naughty kids.soon after servants came after hearing his scream and burst out laughing after seeing him.



"Careful.....careful...."sunny and pari said as swara was putting oil on floor.

"its done!..."swara said,getting straight then trio went and hide behind couch.

"when he is coming?..."swara and pari asked in impatient tone,togerther

"girls!..have patients,he went out to do some work.will be returning now."sunny said while looking at them,both girls gave him smile.sunny shook his head

At that time.there was banging sound.trio looked at door excitedly then covered their mouths in horrifying shock after seeing sanskar fell on floor.

"WHAT THE HELL!!!!..."Loud shout echoed in whole hall.

'papa?daddy..."sunny and pari said in worried tone.

"yessss!!!! result of my all pranks"swara muttered happy while danced in sitting position.sunny and pari give her death glarees then quickly got up and ran toward him.swara took out her mobile and captured the scene.swara also went after sunny and pari.

"don't come here...floor is slippery."sanskar said,seeing sunny and pari coming toward him and tried to get up but slipped again and hissed a little.

"yes!...yes!..yes!.."swara danced in her brain,seeing him falling again.meanwhile all servants came there and few helped sanskar to get up.


"why they hell..floor is so slippery?...what are you all doing? can't even clean the floor properly."sanskar roared in anger.

All servants were standing at side,bending their head down,thinking that today they all are ging to lose their jobs.while swara,sunny and pari were standing at small distance.

"i asked something?.."he again roared.

"we are sorry mr.maheswari"oldest servant said in obedient tone.

"God! he is making it such a big deal....dictator."swara muttered in small voice in annoyed tone.sunny and pari hit their elbow to her as she was standing in between the,

"shhh!..."pri whispered.

"don't talk..."sunny whispered.

"why can't i talk?"swara asked while looking down at sunny with raised eyebrows.

"if you can't shut your mouth then speak loudly enough so that everyone can hear..."sanskar said in same angry tone.swara raised her head and looked at sanskar confusingly.

"me?.."swara asked,keeping her index on her chest.

'we are dead.."sunny and pari thought and bend their heads.

"i was asking,why are you making such a big deal about it...didn't you hear about pain relief spray.use it,your back pain will go in a second...such a mood spoiler you are."swara said and jerked her head.all looked at her with half open mouth.

"Everyone leave...."sanskar said in serious tone while starring at swara deeply.everyone sighed in relief and started leaving.

"not you..."

"he is saying to you.."pari siaid,hoding swara's hand as she was leaving without hearing anything.

"why?...'swara asked in confused tone.sunny gave her hidden thumbs up and quickly left with pari.swara turned and looked at sanskar with both raised eyebrows.

"get me the first aid box from cupboard.."he said while signing toward cupboard.swara nodes,walked toward cupboard,took small square box out then walked toward sanskar.

"here..."swara said with smile as she forward it toward sanskar.he held her hand and pulled her toward him.

"MAMA!..."Swara squealed a little as she fell on him.she was half on him with one hand on his chest and other hand in his.swsan share a long romantic eyelock as their face were very close to each other and breaths were mixing.

"did you put oil on floor?.."sanskar asked while looking all over her elegant face.

" was not for you."swara whispered as her heart was beating very fast.she tried to step back but sanskar moved his arm around her waist and pulled her more close.swara's eyes widened as their lips almost touched each other.

"then for whom?..."he said in calm yet serious tone.

"the...the one who...who went to do some work...leave me."swara stammered nervously and tried to get up but sanskar's grip was firm.

"your parents didn't teach to speak with superiors?"he asked in calm tone with hint of taunt.swara's face expressions changed to dark.

"no they didn't...."swara said with hurt clearly written on face and she successfully pull herself back from his grip,got up and left from their hurriedly.sanskar stared at her back then closed his eyes and jerked his head.


"what happened?..'sunny and pari asked in union,seeing swara entering inside their room.

"nothing...i am leaving,your father is here."swara said in calm tone,picked up her things and left from there.

"daddy must have scolded her...."pari said sadly.

"he must not have fired her right?.."sunny said in little worried tone.both looked at each other with pouted face then went back to their beds and started study.


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