Part 6

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"Swara did you really go for shopping AGAIN?..."kavya asked in disbelief.swara nodes her head with happy smile.As sunny and pari had said,a party was arranged in maheswari mention and kavita and kavya came to attend with other staff.trio girls were standing on same table together

"Even i don't go for shopping this frequently.tell me truth,you are billionaire in crazy girl disguise...right? "kavya asked in such tone as truly believed in it.

"if i would have billionaire then i had bought a lot of dresses...not only few dresses.there were so many beautiful dresses."swara said while sighing heavily.

"your parents are billionaire..."kavya asked in same tone.kavita hit her elbow to kavya.

"they are dead...."swara said in calm tone.

"sorr...."kavya tried to apologize while biting her tongue but swara cut her in between.

"but if they would have been alive then i had bought whole shopping mall....but no worries when i will become musical start then i will buy many and only shopping malls....a lot of dresses,a lot of shoes,a lot of accessories and not forget a lot of guitars."swara said in her chirpy voice with full confidence.kavya giggled at that.kavita shook her head with small smile on lips.

Meanwhile sunny and pari came there with obvious annoyed faces.

"we need to talk..."sunny said with sulking face.swara pressed her lips,at his their cute anger and nodded.they were still angry at swara's teasing.

"but not here..."pari said while looking at kavita and kavya.

"why not in front of us?..."kavya asked in sweet tone.

"its secret!..."sunny and pari snapped together,held swara's hand and made her walk with them toward their room with fast speed.

"secret?.."kavita muttered with raised eyebrows while looking at kvya.she shrugged her shoulders.

what do you want to say?.."swara asked,moving her eyebrows up and down.

"today's competition is not acceptable as we were not ready....we want another another competition tomorrow."pari said in serious tone.

"and if i won tomorrow also..."swara asked in teasing voice.

"you will not...we will come prepare."sunny said in loud firm tone.swara bite her inner cheek to stop her loud laugh and she nodded with red face.

"if we won then you will do what we will say but if you won then whatever you"pari said forwarding her head,swara shrugged her shoulders and shook hands with her.

"let me think...what will i make you two do after i won.'swara said in loud thoughtful tone as she walked out from their room(to make them hear).sunny and pari stuck their tongue out att her back.


"i am feeling thirsty...i am going to get something to you two want something"swara asked from kavita and kavya.

"orange juice..."kavita said and swara looked at kavya.

"two vodka shots."kavya said 

"kavya! we are not in club partying...we are in business party,what if someone see."kavita glared at kavya.

"i am getting bore.."kavya said with cute pout.

"kavi! you take tension a lot...i will mix vodka in juice,no one will find out."swara said while winking at kavya.she gave her thumbs and swara left to get drinks.

"so much stress...'kavita muttered while holding her head with one hand.


""three orange juices and mix two vodka shots in one juice...'swara whispered to bartender.he nodded and went to bring required drinks.

"hello gorgeous lady!.."

"talking to me?.."swara asked from person after looking around her,finding no girl.

"no one is more beautiful than you here..i was looking at you for a while."man said in flirty tone.

"why were you looking at me?..."swara asked in confused tone with raised eyebrows.

"so that i can ask you for dance....may i?"he asked in same tone.

"i don't dance especially not in front of so many people...sorry but look for another partner."swara said while shaking her head side to that time bartender came with the juices.

"which one is special..."swara asked from bartender.he points at left glass.swara gave him a smile then picked glasses and tried to leave but man held her arm.

"you can't leave like this..."he said while coming in front of her.swara looked at his hand on her arm then at his face then smiled fully at him.

"right how can i leave without doing anything for you....forget about dancing.i have something more interesting to do....why don't you go outside and wait for me."swara said through greeted teeth with full smile.

"better!..."he said with dirty smile and went out.

"why do i always meet with wrong people...why?"swara said to herself while walking toward the table,muttering curses her way she stroke with sanskar.

"CAN'T YOU SEE!...."Swara snapped at sanskar angrily and left without hearing anything from him.swara put drinks at tables

"here your drinks.."swara said,keeping right side drink in front of kavya and left side drink in front of kavita in hurry.

"i am just coming..."swara said and left.

"where are you going..swara"kavita asked but she left.

"ugh! i don't have my magic spray right was in my clothes which i left at apartment...then 'half moon' is better than 'stars'...where is kitchen."swara thought in brain as she walked away from table.



"Why are you coming so late...i was waiting"men said in impatient tone.

"i brought something for you....please close your eyes."swara said with her sweetest smile.

"okay darling..."he said and closed his eyes.

"darling?.."swara muttered while making bad bad faces then take out medium size fry-pan from her back and raised it high, to hit him on head.she closed her eyes tightly and was about to hit him when sanskar held the fry-pan in air from behind.

"why isn't it coming down?..."swara muttered annoyingly while struggling to bring it down.she looked at pan confusingly and blinks at sanskar.

"what are you doing?.."sanskar asked in dead serious tone which was little slow.

"i am showing him half moon...leave it"swara said and held the handle with both hands and tried to take it out from sanskar strong grip but sanskar didn't let go.

"Today my dream of hitting someone with frypan just like tangle is going to fulfilled....LEAVE IT I REALLY WANT TO DO IT,."Swara said,excitedly jumping a little like child.

"are you mad?.."sanskar asked through greeted teeth and held her hands on handle,pulled her close,freed pan and threw it to side.

"what is this sound darl..."man said after opening his eyes but his breah got stuck after seeing sanskar there.

"sir!..."he quickly said as his expressions changed immediately.

"what are you doing here akash?.."sanskar asked in serious tone.

"i..i was with he..."he tried to say but sanskar put arm around swara's waist and pulled her close to him,giving him a obvious sign.swara looked down at sanskar's hand with wide eyes then at his face.

"noth...nothing sir! i was going inside."he said and quickly left from there.

Swara removed sanskar's hand from her waist and glared at him.

"what is your problem?..why did you came in between?'swara asked like feisty woman,keeping both hands on waist.sanskar held her arm and pulled her close to him.

"do you know what were you doing?"sanskar asked in serious tone while starring in eyes.

"i was only showing him 'half moon'..."swara said angrily.

"that called assaulting...and you would have been behind bars if you had hit him.don't you have brains."sanskar said through greeted teeth.

"and what he was doing its called harassing...why should i dance when i don't like to?"swara said in same angry tone.

"you don't like to dance..."sanskar asked as he slide his hand around her waist and pulled her close to his chest and held her other hand in his and swing her slowly.

"not at all...i am so clumsy,do you know 2 years before at ragini di marriage.during my dance i fell on front of so many people,so embarrassing."swara said in crying like tone,shut her eyes and hit her head on his chest while remembering the worst memory of her life. a small smile touched sanskar's lips but he quickly hide it as she moved her head back.

"that day i swear on God...i will never dance.never and ever and that jerk wanted me to dance in front of so many people again so that i again fell and..."her blabbering stopped as she tripped a little but sanskar stabelize her.swara clenched his shoulder tightly and blinked at him as she just released that they were dancing slowly and rhythmically.they share a long romantic eyelock while dancing under sky full of stars.

"when are you willing to leave my hand?..."sanskar whispered to her.she blinked at him then looked at their joined hands.she was holding his hand very tightly.swara quickly left it and stepped back.

"2 days are remaining in conformation of your job then...'sanskar left the sentence half in meaningful tone,turned around and walked inside.swara's eyes widened,understanding his meaning.

"then your murder...dictator."swara said through greeted teeth and went inside.


"swara where were you?..."kavita said,in little drunk tone.

"i was you know what happened?"swara said pouted face.

"what?..'kava asked with raised eyebrows.swara tell them everything from A to Z.

"so what wrong he did?...he saved you from going to should be thankful."kavita said in same drunk tone.

'h didn't saved me...he saved another 'chichora' because he is 'chichora' himself."swara said angrily.

"he made you dance with him?..."kavya asked in calm tone while looking at swara.

"without my knowledge..."swara completed her.

"i am also going to dance with him in my dream...without his knowledge."kavya said with smile,not getting affected by swara's anger and red face.

'you again think..i am lying?"swara asked with narrowed eyes.

"then why will he dance with you?.."kavya asked with raised eyebrows.

"uff!..."swara beats her palm on forehead,repeatedly.kavita giggled at that.


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