Chapter 14 Plagg's Best

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      Plagg's  POV:

      I worry for Adrien.

     I can tell he is all broken up about his lady.

     It is bad enough there is a new Hawkmoth on the loose as it is.

     I visit Tikki while Adrien is asleep. This way, I figure he will not know I even left.

     "Psst, Tikki."

     I hear her groan, then see her blink her eyes open slowly.

    Tikki's  POV:

   "Plagg, what do you need?"

    I yawn.

   "Stinky sock, it is late at night. So spill, what is it?"

    "Tikki, it is just that Adrien has not gotten much sleep lately and he rarely eats more than a few bites. I believe he could fall prey to the new Hawkmoth's traps if he continues like this for much longer."

      "I see."

    " I must say, Plagg it is sweet of you to care for your holder."

     "I suggest you make sure he eats more. Text Natalie or Nino if you feel like you must."

      "Whatever you do, be careful."

        I gave Plagg a hug.

       I smile as he hugs me back.

      I wave goodnight to him and soon drift back to sleep inside the pocket of Marinette's hospital gown.


      Plagg's  POV:

     "Sleep, well, Tikki,"  I whisper as I kiss her cheek.

      I went back to Adrien before he could notice my absence. No sense in giving him something else to worry about now. 

     I smile in spite of it all.

     I must be brave for his sake.

   No,  I must remain brave for him, for Tikki, for Master Marinette, and myself sake.

     I  give Adrien a small note.

     I sure hope it cheers him up.

     Goodness, everyone knows he could use some encouragement right now.

     The next day, Adrien refuses to eat breakfast. I shake my head at his stubbornness.

     "Adrien, you need to keep your strength up."

         "Oh, why should I?"

      I hear him say with a scowl.

     "Look, boy,  you can not die on me because you refuse to take care of yourself." 

     "Plagg, you think, I do not already know this?"  I hear him snap at me.

             I know he does not mean it, but somehow it still pains me to see him this way.

        Adrien's  POV:

       I hear Plagg remind me to eat.

      I know he is right but  I make sure to refuse to admit it.

       I snap at him.  I do not mean it.

     I just have a lot on my mind lately.

    "What if m'lady never recovers, then what?"

     I receive no answers right away. I take this to mean Plagg does not hear me.


   Plagg's  POV:

   I hear Adrien ask about his lady.

   I  know it is because of her he acts this onery.  

    ( defines ornery as ugly and unpleasant in disposition or temper.)

     I  sigh.

    I determine now more than ever to do my best to keep Adrien Agreste from losing himself.

    The only trouble is I have not the foggiest idea how to.

     "Here, have some cheese, it does wonders for your body and outlook on life."  I blurt out as I shove a few cheese cubes into Adrien's throat.

       I watch as he swallows the cheese.  At least, he did not spit them out, I remind myself, I suppose this is progress.

     I  hear the phone ring.

     I answer it.  I can tell it is the hospital.

    I exit the room and put it on speaker.

   I disguise my voice to sound like him.

    "Yes, this is he speaking."


  I listen closely, nod my head a lot, and make sure to add in a few, "Yes, I see, thank you so much, doctor,"  in the hopes no one will catch on that I not actually Adrien.

   Plagg's POV:

    I hear Adrien snore as I re-enter the room a few moments later.

   Good thing, the phone conversation is over.

   It seems there is no good news.

     Marinette's condition has not approved at all.  He recalls how the doctor asks for people to come to donate blood and mentions that unless Marinette awakens soon, they will have to give up all hope for her to have a full recovery.

    I will not tell Adrien.

  Nope, I will keep this latest development to myself and keep Adrien sane even if it kills me.

     Find out more in Chapter 15

    until then,

bye, bye little owlets!

-Summer out!

*Author's note: This chapter is dedicated to @DaMiraculousDrAnna  who allowed me to continue this pawsome story for you.  I do hope this day finds you well.  I wish everyone a fabulous day or night whichever one it happens to be for you.


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