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{I don't own Fairy Tail}

-A couple years later

A lot could change in a couple of years like the fact {Y/N} has given up on love after many times of loosing those she loved. Ur had died sealing the demon Deliora and that led Lyon hatting Gray and even {Y/n} when she did nothing wrong.

{Y/n} had grown up , her {H/C} hair was cut short due to it got in the way and the fact it got caught by someone and she had to cut it with her sword without cutting her self , she was lucky she didn't.

She had found out her Mentor had died by the hands of the demon Deliora, unlike others she didn't want revenge on the demon. {Y/n} at the moment was on a small boat in the sea. The reason she wanted some peace and quiet from everything.

Due to the fact her hearing is better than most she could hear things from far away. She could also sense aura's.

Her peace was ruined by a wave of water that left her stranded on an island and somehow ending up in a tree. {Y/N} had no clue what was going on when she had awoken someplace some time she wished she could see like everyone else.

"Your awake" a voice said "we didn't think you would awaken and I'm sorry about how hideous I look"

"I'm sorry but I don't know what you look like Mam I'm Blind" {Y/N} said and smiled "But even if I could see I think that you may not be hideous but just Beautiful and misunderstood"

This soon led to most in this village thinking this girl was a Goddess sent from the heavens to protect them. Though it may just have been the fact she had been kind and was beautiful.

Soon a Month had passed since she was on the island and she'd liked it there but knew she couldn't love it there she threw away her love. She knew in her heart she'd be torn away from these people sooner or later.

She was walking and heard voices of those she had not heard before, but one sounded like she knew it from somewhere. {Y/N} walked toward where she felt where everyone was and she felt a certain aura or presence she knew since she was younger.

"Gray Is it really you after all these years?" {Y/N} said, and that caused everyone to look at the blind {H/C} beauty.

"{Y/N} It can't be it's been so long" a voice said .

"That it has Gray" {Y/N} said "maybe we should catch up along with your friends"

"Yeah sure" came his reply, and that led to them going to a small house to stay at for the night.

- - -

{Info on {Y/N} }

Name: {Y/N}


Looks: Short {H/C} hair and {E/C} eyes, she has a bit of muscle and had {S/C} {Skin color} skin , to most she is a beauty.

Personality: She can be kind but has locked up the love in her heart, she's calm and thinks of ways to a problem instead of rushing head first in, she tends to punch someone if shes angered


Dislikes:Those who think she's weak cause she's blind.

Love interest:Lyon Vatsia

Other:Tends to strip if she's angered or stressed, has a gambling problem and as said before will punch someone if shes angered. 

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