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Anika, Gauri and Bhavya were in the cloud nine as they came to know about their family..

Shivaay: so Anika, what should I call you? Anika Oberoi or Anika Wadhera..

Anika: I am Anika, just Anika. There is no change in that, but yeah now I don't have to worry about my identity.

Shivaay: really?

Anika: yes Billu ji.

Shivaay: Anika listen, what's going on?

Anika: About what Shivaay?

Shivaay: Anika, you have find about your family by your own. I know you have faced many hardships while finding these.

Anika: Shivaay, what's the point?

Shivaay: I need you to share this all, I mean you can share with me so that I could help you. I am worried about you.

Anika: Shivaay, you want me to share all with you, right?

Shivaay: yeah, I know Arjun is your friend and he will handle the situations but I want you to be safe. Anika don't you trust me?

Anika: A lot had happened these few days due to this fire accident. Shivaay I was scared because if something big happened or revealed which would break this family then we can't do anything. Talking about trust, I trust you more than me. But you are the one who had no belief in me as I would do anything that may bring problems to you.

Shivaay: Anika, its not like that. I always wanted to protect you, you remember when Bua blackmailed about your father, I chose you over family. Because you are my family too, you are strength and my pride.

Anika: Shivaay I know whatever you do was always to the family,that's the thing I liked in you at first. I know that but this time, something inner feeling had in me that I should know about this. Every time when I went to find about this I was curious to know what actually happened? Its like some attachment with me.

Shivaay: Anika, I know how it feels and you have the right to find about your family but I want to be with you. You remember one time when I was curious to know about your family.

Anika: Yeah that Nayantara right?

Shivaay: at that time I was completely a mad man.. Name, Blood, Family was running in my mind. After that I slowly realized that nothing can match to the power of Love. Lately we got separated, I finally realized the heartbreak of Love. And then you came back and finally we became one. This period I felt was the most beautiful part in my life. I want to be not only your husband but also a friend to you. You had faced a lot of hardships and struggles in your life which I can't imagine in my life. I cannot change that but I could make you realize the present that there is nothing to fear as you have a family now....

  Anika was mesmerized hearing Shivaay's words.

Anika: oh my god, I cannot believe that I could see this part of Shivaay in my life. Really the name suits you. Shivaay, I have no words to say. You always surprise me. Its really hard to see a person's change of behavior, I mean sometimes you are tadibaaz but sometimes you completely different. Today I realised how much lucky I am.

Shivaay: Anika, I will be the luckiest one. You know why?

Anika: why?

Shivaay: God gave me everything, a beautiful family, lovely brothers and a wonderful wife. You know what, I have not lose anything in my life. But you know what first time I realized the power of losing someone.

Anika: losing but whom? All are with you.

Shivaay: I felt that when you went far from me. Anika you have became the part of my life which I cannot imagine. You are my everything. I cannot lose you... that's why I am telling you please share with me and I make sure I will not do anything without knowing you.

Anika: Shivaay please don't say like that. You are my everything too. Don't worry I will not hide anything....

Shivaay: pinky promise...
Anika does the fake pinky promise, as she know that she was hiding about the mystery building...

Anika: Shivaay Singh Oberoi I love you...... And thank you....

Shivaay: Thank you for what?

Anika: for everything.

Shivaay: Anika....

Anika: yes

Shivaay: I love you too.

Anika smiles and both embrace each other.

Anika(pov): I am sorry Shivaay, I have to hide this news....But I promise I will share with you when I got to know everything clearly..

At Vijay's Secret home.

Vijay: Kaka, how are you feeling now?

Kaka: I am better now. Finally we got to know about Piku.

Vijay: yes kaka, with Piku, Durga bua's children also found and look at the coincidence all the three are in same family.

Kaka: now I wish Dharam dada would wake up and see this happiness..

Suddenly they heard a sound in Dharam's room.

Vijay: what is that noise?

Vijay find Dharam was shouting and he calls Piku as he remembers Anika's words she said while he was in Coma

Dharam: My Piku.Piku..

Vijay: Dadaji, you are fine...

He hugs him and Dharam comes to the conscious state....

Dharam: Who are you?

Kaka: Dada.I can't believe...

Dharam: Sundar. you are alive...Who are you?

Kaka: Dada, This is Vijay..

Dharam: Vijay, My son... How are you?

Vijay: Dadaji, I am so happy you are fine now....

Dharam: Vijay, where are others?

Vijay looks on...

Vijay: Dadaji, actually .

Dharam Slowly tries to stand and he notices the garland on the photo of Ishwari.

Dharam: Vijay, why this garland? Where is Ishwari?

Vijay: Dadaji.....

Dharam: Where is Dhruv, Lakshmi, Durga and Dhurgesh? Is my Piku fine?

Kaka starts crying hearing Dharam...

Kaka: Dada.. Didi and Durga is no more....

Hearing that Dharam gets shock and he sits down..

Vijay: dadji, Bua, Phupa and Dadi is no more. And There is no information About Papa and mamma. Chachu and Vikram lives in States.

Dharam: What about Piku and Durga's children?

Vijay: they are alive but they are not here.

Dharam: not here means.. I want to meet them. I want to meet my Piku.

Vijay: yes we will meet but they are with their in laws..

Dharam: in laws... my children got married...

Vijay: yes Dadaji. Piku, Gauri and Bhavya got married .. You know what our three girls got married in the same family and the family is none other than Oberoi's..

Dharam: Prithvi's family?

Vijay: yes Dadaji...Now please Come here and sit..

Dharam: Vijay, I want to see Piku..

Vijay: yes Dadaji, I will call her..Infact she came here this morning..

Dharam: How is my Piku? Whom she looklike?

Kaka: Dada, Piku is completely shadow of Lakshmi....

Dharam: I don't care about anything please take me to her..

At that time Vijay gets Call from Anika...

Vijay: Dadaji, Your Piku is calling...

Dharam: just answer but don't say I have wake up in Coma ..

Vijay: Hello Piku

Anika: Bhai.....I just called as usual..

Vijay: What happened dear, is all ok?

Anika: yes Bhai, my in laws get to know about our family.. Bhai I am missing you all, especially dadu..

Vijay: we too miss you Piku..

Anika: Bhai, I'll do one thing. Tomorrow I will stay all day along with you....

Hearing her voice, Dharam gets emotional....Vijay looks at Dharam and get emotional too..

Anika: Bhai.. What happened? why are you so silent?

Vijay: Nothing piku.

Anika: I forgot to tell, Kalyani dadi wants to meet Dadaji. can I bring her there?

Vijay: Piku..

Dharam (in low voice): Vijay, tell her not to come here.

Anika: Bhai...

Vijay: Anika, not now.. you bring her some other day.

Anika: ok Bhai.. See you tomorrow. take care....

Anika cuts the call....

Dharam: Vijay, Piku's voice...Her voice is somewhat like Lakshmi...

Vijay: Dadaji, She will be here tomorrow.. Now you should take rest.

Dharam: no I can't rest.. I am waiting for tomorrow....

Dharam goes to sleep and Vijay talks to kaka..

Vijay: its time Kaka, the lion has waken up... We have to reveal ourselves to the world...


Anika was getting ready, Gauri and Bhavya comes...

Bhavya: Good morning Di...

Anika: Good morning.. what's the matter?

Gauri: Jiji I was thinking that ,shall we both come with you to see nanaji?

Anika: I know you both are eager to see him, ok let me go and ask Bhai about that then I will take you there.

later a worker comes and informs Anika that someone came to meet her...

Anika and other family members gather in the hall... Anika was surprised and shocked to see Vijay in Oberoi mansion.

Shivaay: hello sir, do we know you?

Vijay: I came here to meet my sister...

Anika: Bhai...

Gauri: Who is he?

Anika: papa, Gauri ,Bhavya this is Vijay Bhai...

Bhavya, Gauri: Vijay Bhaiya

Anika introduces Gauri and Bhavya to Vijay and they all hug each other. Later she introduces Vijay to the family members...

Anika: Bhai, You here. Is all ok? Dadu..

Vijay: Piku relax... I have a surprise for you all. Please come in...

Dharam comes inside the Oberoi mansion. Anika looks at him and gets emotional.. Bhavya and Gauri looks on

Anika: Dadu.

Dadi: Dharam Bhaisaab

Tej, Shakthi: Dharam Uncle....

Anika walks towards him and she stands infront of him... Dharam looks at Anika and keeps his hand on her head.

Dharam: Piku

Vijay: Dadaji, You have identified right, She is Piku

Dharam Later looks at Kalyani....

Dharam: Kalyani...

Dadi: Bhaisaab...

Dharam: Kalyani, she is my piku.. My Dhruv's Piku

Dadi: yes bhaisaab..

Anika and Dharam hugs and they gets very emotional....

Anika: Dadu I am so happy...

Dharam: piku.Sundar you are right she is completely shadow of Lakshmi....

Anika: dadu, let me introduce you to someone...

She calls Gauri and Bhavya...

Anika: They are Durga bua's daughters...

Dharam: Devi and Bhavya...

Gauri: not Devi, My name is Gauri.

Vijay: Gauri, You're actual name is Devi....

Gauri and Bhavya too hugs him.... Later all members got blessings and they finally settled down in the hall.

Thank you for the support and love

Upcoming: Anika meets Dhurgesh and Vikram in London....

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