Almost There

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It was now September 19th, and today, the cast was having their final dress rehearsal before the show tomorrow.

"You have succeeded in making us proud of you, Rosa," Anabela said as Magdalena. "You have saved us from a ruthless solider who came from Colombia to kill us, and you found a man to truly love."

"La primera no era nada, Magda," Cristabel said as Rosa Maria.

"Sí, mija, era algo," Araceli said as Teresa. "None of us would have been able to make it had it never been for you and your knowledge with a sword. We realized not before how lucky we are to have you in our lives."

"How did we fail to know before that you are the true miracle of our lives?" Lucera asked as Chenta. "Our lives you have saved, and now we've all returned to Colombia now that the war is over."

"I'm pleased to have been there for all of you, mis hermanas," Cristabel said as Rosa Maria. "Now go on and enjoy yourselves. I believe I caught each of you flirting with a gentleman."

"You really are quite the miracle girl," Flora chuckled as Adriana.

"I can be no prouder of you than I already am, Milagro," Guillermo said as Verago. "You have achieved every goal you had, and you found yourself a most perfect wife."

"Perfect is too strong a word to describe the wife I am blessed with, hermano," Pedro said as Milagro. "I believe the correct term would be 'loveable'."

"That she is," Guillermo said as Verago.

"Now did I not catch you flirting with a nice young lady?" Pedro asked as Milagro. "I shall let you carry on—you mustn't keep her waiting."

"Nos vemos," Guillermo smiled as Verago.

Still in character, Cristabel and Pedro got together and started waltzing, to Natalie's chagrin.

"Mi rey, it appears tonight is truly delightful," Cristabel said as Rosa Maria. "A special night to share with my sisters, my parents, my new in-laws, and especially my favorite man in the world."

"And you happen to be my favorite girl, mi reina," Pedro said as Milagro. "It is amazing how the Thousand Days War is the whole reason we met in the first place. You and I together is the miracle we truly needed at that time."

"I wish to never experience another war for as long as I walk this Earth, but neither do I wish to lose this feeling that if we stick together, we can make it through any obstacle that comes our way," Cristabel said as Rosa Maria. "May a miracle come to us in our moments most dark."

That was the very last line in the play, and at that time, the curtain closed. After a good three minutes, the curtain opened again, so everyone who worked on the play could practice taking their bows.

"Marvelous," Mr. Williams smiled. "We're all set for tomorrow's show. Okay, you're all dismissed. I'll see you all here about two hours before the show."

The entire cast went to their dressing rooms to change into their everyday clothes, and they were on their way. Cristabel had just left the theater when she met up with Pedro.

"All set for the play tomorrow, Crista?" Pedro asked.

"Estoy lista," Cristabel smiled. Then she coyly moved her eyes away from Pedro. "You know, I'm really looking forward to the show, especially the rose garden scene."

"Yo también," Pedro smiled. "We've air-kissed during rehearsals, and tomorrow, we'll be kissing for real, in front of a huge audience, no less."

"Sí, es verdad," Cristabel smiled. She and Pedro smiled lovingly at each other, unaware that many people were nearby, enjoying this beautiful sight—until Pedro's watch beeped, snapping them out of it.

"Sorry, Crista," Pedro apologized. "Guillermo and I promised Mamá we'd be home after rehearsal today."

"No importa, amigo," Cristabel shrugged.

"Nos vemos mañana," Pedro smiled.

"Nos vemos," Cristabel smiled before going off to meet up with her sisters and cousins.

Pedro was just about to meet up with Guillermo, but when he turned, he found Natalie looking him in the face—and just as she opened her mouth to talk, he angrily said, "Ah! Hold your tongue! Whatsoever it is you want to say, I don't want to hear it. You've always caused enough trouble since auditions. Now my brother and I promised our mother that we'd be straight home after rehearsal, and that's what I'm going to do. I'll see you at the show tomorrow night." He walked past Natalie to meet up with his brother only to stop and turn around to tell her, "And you'd better not mess it up." Then he turned and finally left, to Natalie's dismay.

"It's not fair," Natalie pouted, folding her arms. "Every boy I met in high school really liked me, and Pedro Valenzuela won't follow that obligation or see how amazingly awesome I am. No, Cristabel Cabrera has to come into my life and steal him away. She's been making him like her more than me and distracting him. You know, it was already bad enough knowing she would be kissing Pedro—even if they only air-kissed during rehearsals—and now tomorrow night is the actual show, which means she'll kiss him for real."

"She is the one playing Rosa Maria," Tori pointed out.

"Exactly," Natalie huffed. "I've gotten the lead for seven plays in a row, and getting the lead in this one would've made it easier for me to snag Pedro. Why couldn't Cristabel have played the manor maid?"

"Natalie, Rosa Maria speaks Spanish, and you don't," Ruby pointed out. "You think you'd know by now that Spanish and Portuguese are completely different languages."

"And you think you'd know by now that I get what I want regardless of everyone's protests," Natalie snapped. "Think about how you'd feel if you got everything you wanted and one day, someone refuses to give it to you! You really don't understand how I feel, and you never will! If only Mr. Williams let me play the lead, then all of this could've been avoided."

Tori and Ruby were terribly disgusted with Natalie. They wished they weren't friends with her to begin with—then they wouldn't try to convince her to accept what happens.

"Well, the least you can do is stop Cristabel from being in the play since you can't convince her to switch roles," Ruby shrugged.

Natalie felt like snapping at Ruby's comment, but it gave her an idea. "That's it," she smirked. "If I can't switch roles with Cristabel, then I might as well stop her from doing the play. Once she can't do the show, I'll have to take over her role. Then my streak will be fixed, I'll kiss Pedro, and he'll be mine."

"How are you going to stop Cristabel?" Tori asked.

"Remember yesterday when she flinched at Mr. Williams' flower boutonniere?" Natalie recalled. "You'll see tomorrow before the show."

Tori and Ruby had no idea what was going through Natalie's head, but they already didn't like it. They weren't sure if they liked Cristabel, but they sure didn't like how Natalie was so jealous of her for the pettiest reasons.

At Pedro's house, he was practicing his lines again, and the rose garden scene made him a little jumpy. He was going to kiss Cristabel during the show, and he didn't know what to expect.

"But the very minute you met my eyes, my life has remained not the same. You appear to prefer me for who I really am. I sense something magical about you that makes me want you."

Guillermo and his parents could tell that Pedro was a little jumpy about tomorrow, and they knew why.

"A little nervous about the show, mijito?" Señora Valenzuela guessed.

"Sí, Mamá," Pedro admitted. "You'd think I'd be confident about the rose garden scene after rehearsing it so much."

"Maybe you need to relax your brain a little," Señor Valenzuela surmised. "How about a little adult coloring? I know you've been doing some drawing lately, and your drawings need some color."

"Maybe listening to music at the same time will help," Guillermo suggested.

Pedro had a sketchbook and a box of crayons in his room, and Guillermo turned on a nearby tape player with a mixtape, so his brother could hear some music. The song Pedro listened to was "Your Song" by Elton John, and he really liked this one—it really calmed his nerves.

Meanwhile, at Cristabel's house, she'd gotten together with her family for dinner.

"So, tomorrow is the big night, eh, Crista?" Carmen asked.

"Sí, Abuela," Cristabel confirmed. "I've been looking forward to this for weeks. At the same time, I'm a little jumpy."

"Don't worry, mija," Victor said. "You're sure to do a great job. But it doesn't matter if the kiss happens during the show. If the boy hurts you in any way, I will not stand for it."

"Entiendo, Papá," Cristabel said.

"Oh, this is going to be the very best play ever," Lucera beamed. "This is the first play with all five of us, and Cristabel will get her first kiss."

Everyone was happy for Cristabel, but she was still a bit nervous about the kiss, especially since it'll happen in front of a big audience.

"You're going to need to prepare those lips, mi vida," Carmen said. She took out a little pack with four different lip balms. "I went out and bought you some colored lip balms. They not only color your lips but also make them kissable."

"Oh, gracias, Abuela," Cristabel smiled.

"Sounds like you're going to be truly prepared tomorrow, mija," Elena smiled.

Cristabel was still a little nervous, but at the same time, she was a little confident, too. She wanted to do this play, and it was time to step out of her comfort zone.

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