Ch 3: Failure & Panic

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"Bruder, vhat happened?"  Ludwig asked as he tended to Gilbert's shoulder.

"Zhe awezome me vas unawezomely ambushed by drei [3] angels who unawezomely took zhe mirror zhat I sealed mein Birdie in."  Gilbert said.  Ludwig sighed.

"I told jou to be careful."  Ludwig said.  Gilbert glared.

"Zhe awezome me vas.  Zhe awezome me made sure zhat zhey didn't discover who zhe awezome me is."  Gilbert said.  Ludwig nodded.

"And I zhank jou for zhat."  Ludwig said.  He then finished tending to the wound.  "Jou vill have to vait a bit longer before jou can go get him.  I vant to make sure jou are in good shape to go."  Gilbert sighed and nodded, resting his chin on his hand as he stared at what lay before him.

'Soon mein awezome Birdie, soon...'


King Francis sat upon his throne, wondering what could be taking the angels he sent so long to fetch his son from Earth.

'Did zhey perhaps run into trouble?'  He questioned.  He shook his head.  'No, no negative thoughts Francis, zhat will not 'elp.'  He told himself.

Upon hearing commotion, Francis's eyes flickered over to the doors of the throne room as his feeling of dread increased.  And the the doors were thrown open as Elizabeta rushed in with the others.

"Jour Majesty!"  Elizabeta yelled, grabbing the whole room's attention.  Francis stood up.

"Elizabeta, what is wrong?  Where is my son?"  Francis asked, worry building.  Elizabeta came forward, holding up a silver mirror.

"He was sealed in this mirror."  She said.  Francis and the other angels gasped as Francis rushed forward and took the mirror.  He peered into it, feeling his heart drop at the sight of his son, curled up inside the mirror.

"'ow did zhis 'appen?"  Francis asked, feeling a bit of panic rising.  Vash stepped forward.

"We aren't quite sure, but a demon was carrying the mirror."  Vash said as other angels began to murmur.  "And he lied to us by saying that he hadn't seen the prince before fleeing.  And it was while he was fleeing that we managed to get the mirror."

"Oui and what 'appened after you got zhe mirror?"  Francis asked, still glancing at the mirror.  Roderich stepped forward.

"Zhe demon fled through a portal, having been exposed for his lies and having been injured by one of mein arrows."  Roderich stated.  Francis nodded.

"Jour majesty,"  Vash said.  "Do jou know any way to free the prince?"  Francis tilted his head a bit.

"I 'ave an idea but let me see zhe magic on zhis mirror."  Francis said.  He then closed his eyes and concentrated on the mirror before opening them again.

"Oui, I should be able to free 'im."  Francis said with a small smile as the other angels breathed a sigh of relief.

Holding the mirror away from his body.  Francis began chanting a prayer spell, his eyes and wings glowing as the mirror followed suit.  And then - crack!  The mirror began to crack.  The second it shattered, a ball of light flew forth and settled on the ground before flashing, temporarily blinding everyone.

Once the light had died down, the angels could now see the prince, laying on his side, wings curled around him, hiding his face and most of his body from view.

Francis rushed forward along with Elizabeta.  The second Francis touched Matthew's wings, he turned to the other angels in the room and yelled,

"Get zhe 'ealers immediately!"  The other angels nodded and flew off as others like Vash and Roderich hurried forward.

Francis carefully brought Matthew in his arms, feeling worried at how limp Matthew was.  He carefully pushed Matthew's wings away, biting his lip at the limp way they lay on the ground.  Elizabeta came forward and placed a tentative hand on Matthew's forehead.

"He has such a high fever!"  She exclaimed.  Francis nodded.

"Oui, I can even feel it from just touching 'is wings and by 'ow limp 'e is."  Francis said, holding his son close.  Soon the healers arrived and had Francis carry Matthew back to his bedroom, with every angel on high alert and worried sick.

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