Crush, Chop, and Burn Pt. 1

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“Welcome to you new home, Mrs. Davenport!” Mr. Davenport exclaimed, walking into his house with Tasha bridal style in his arms, twirling her around in a circle as she laughed, holding onto him tightly. “Why, thank you, Mr. Davenport.” She smiled up at him. “Absolutely, Mrs. Davenport.” Mr. Davenport flirts, lowering his voice as he bends his head down to connect him and Tasha’s lips in a sweet kiss. 

“We get it--You guys are married. It’s getting old.” Leo stated, carrying in his and his mom’s bags. I gently smacked his shoulder, glaring at him. “Oh, come on. I think it’s sweet. I hope I find love like that someday.” Mr. Davenport and Tasha both gave me a smile as the former set the latter down on her feet. I looked around the room in awe, as did Leo. “Wow!” I breathed, taking in the large main room. Directly in front of me was an L shaped grey couch with red, orange, and blue throw pillows on it. A red chair was to the right of the couch, giving another place to sit if the couch was full. A small end table was at the other end of the couch, and a circular low sitting table was in front of the couch. A blue rectangular rug was underneath it all. To the left of the couch was a spiral staircase leading upstairs and two small steps led to a small landing where a desk was. A glass dining room table surrounded by four red chairs complete with the place settings for whomever may be eating at the time. A large flat screen was hanging on the wall in front of the table, and the kitchen was to the right of the living room. The kitchen had a half circle counter with a red base and a white, blue speckled granite countertop. There were no walls dividing any of these rooms. 

“You got this huge house just from inventing things?” Leo asked, amazed. I set my suitcase down and Leo did the same with the four bags he was carrying. Mr. Davenport nodded, clearly proud of himself. “Way to go, Mom! That’s a husband.” We all chuckled at Leo’s words, before something slightly behind the couch caught our eyes. 

“What the heck is that?” Leo asked, as he and I walked closer to it. “Oh! Uh…” Mr. Davenport started, gently pushing Leo’s wandering hands away from the object. “That is my latest creation. Davenport Industries’ first completely interactive 3-D TV.” He stated, before he waves his hands on either side of the invention and poking something in the middle of the device, causing a beam of light to shoot from the invention. 

The beam of light spread out and formed a baseball diamond, and small baseball players popped up on the field. The start up noise for a baseball game played, and I could hear the sound of a bat hitting the ball, before the ball went flying towards Leo and I, getting bigger as it got closer. I giggled as Leo tried to catch it, only succeeding in hitting the wall behind him. As he hit the wall, a screen on the wall turned on, showing an image of the letter E, but the top line of the E was curved over and two semicircles appeared as eyes, with the line of a mouth under them. The bottom half of the E had what looked like a little suit on. “Watch the face, termite!” The character on the tablet said, his voice a little squeaky. Leo’s eyes widened, and he looked down at the ground. “Mom, I think the little voice inside my head is back.” He gulped, frowning slightly. 

I snorted at him, before pointing behind him to the tablet. “No, this is Eddy. He’s my smart home system. Eddy, this is my new stepson, Leo, and his friend, Morgan. Remember, I told you Leo, Tasha, and Morgan are moving in today?” Mr. Davenport said, giving us a grin. “Heyyy, welcome. Everything here is mine.” Eddy stated, narrowing his little eyes at us. I laughed at his statement as Leo scowled. “I like him!” I grinned, causing the AI’s attention to go to me. “Heya there, sweetheart. I wouldn’t mind sharing with you.” Eddy smiled, winking at me. Mr. Davenport’s smile dropped, and he glared at Eddy for a second, before turning to the two of us. “Uh, Leo, Morgan, why don’t you two check out your new bedroom?” He suggested, coming closer to us and pointing out a doorway in the kitchen. “Go straight down that hallway, and when you see the room with the video games and the action figures and the 50-foot-screen TV...keep walking--that’s mine.” I laughed outright as Leo’s face had gotten brighter and his smile bigger until Mr. D had finished his sentence, causing it to drop to a frown. Leo gently hit the back of my head, making me fake a stumble forward as I clutched the spot he hit. “Abuse!” I cried out, making Tasha and Davenport smile and shake their heads. 

I followed Leo down the hallway, looking around in confusion with a lost expression on my face. “Leo, this place is like a labyrinth. We’re gonna get lost before we find our rooms.” I huffed out, moving a strand of my wavy, dark brown hair back behind my ear. “I know! I’m gonna need a GPS just to find the bathroom!” Leo groaned, leaning against the wall behind us. As he did so, a beeping noise was heard, causing him to jump back, and the wall beside us shimmered with a blue light, before disappearing and revealing the double doors of a silver elevator with the logo of Davenport Industries. The elevator doors opened, and Leo and I looked inside. “Let’s check it out!” Leo grinned, rushing towards it. I snatched him by the back of his yellow jacket. “Hold up, Ponyboy. Don’t you think there’s a reason why Big D has this hidden? Like maybe we shouldn’t be messing around in whatever is down there?” I asked, watching as he frowned and nodded. I let go of his jacket, and the grin took over his face as he darted inside the elevator. “Come on, Morgan!” He said, excited. I narrowed my blue eyes at him. “Curiosity killed the cat, you know!” I said, frowning at him. “Yea, well satisfaction brought it back. Now, come on!” Leo fired back, yanking me inside the elevator. 

The doors closed and the lift shot downwards at an extreme speed. Leo began screaming into my ear loudly, making me cover my ears with my hands. “Leo, shut it!” I yelled over his screeching. He ignored me.

Suddenly, the elevator stopped, causing Leo and I to lurch forwards. The doors opened, and Leo poked his head around the open door. “All clear. Come on!” He whispered, walking into the room. I rolled my eyes and followed him, taking in the small room. The walls looked like they were made from rocks, and there was a small desk covered in tools and mechanical parts. Large yellow buckets were pushed into a small alcove that was across from the desk. “Whoa! My new dad is Batman!” Leo grinned and I chuckled at his words. Another door that was across from the elevator opened up, and my heart stopped. In a flash, I grabbed Leo and pulled him into the alcove, hiding us behind the barrels. 

A boy about my age ran in, before turning around to the keypad and hitting a few buttons, making the door close. He was wearing a strange gray outfit. His brown hair was slicked back, and his hazel eyes narrowed at the door. “Good luck getting in! That steel door is thicker than your head!” He yelled, assumedly at whoever he trapped on the other side of the door. 

A loud bang was heard, and the door bent inwards. My eyes widened at the sight and the boy, who was just a bit taller than me, jumped backwards. Another bang, which I figured was a punch, occurred and the double doors fell separately, hitting the floor with an echoing ring. The boy on the other side of the door was taller, his hair was a dark brown and his eyes were hazel as well, making me believe they were related. The taller boy placed his hands on his hips, giving the other boy a smug grin. The lighter haired boy grinned sheepishly, before beginning to back up. “Well, there’s another way to get in.” He chuckled nervously. Despite the circumstances, I smiled at his joke. 

The taller boy marched up to his brother, grabbing him by the back of his uniform, and lifting him into the air. “Give me back my ePOD!” He gritted out, watching as his brother struggled in his grip, kicking his legs back and forth. “I don’t have it!” The shorter brother said, trying to get free of the tight grip his brother had on him. My heart clenched and I wanted to help him, but Leo’s arm was holding me in place. Just then, a girl strolled in, earbuds in her ears and a grin on her lips. “Hey.” She greeted, and the older brother turned to face her. He looked at her hands with a gasp and pointed at her. “You took my ePOD!” He scowled, letting go of the younger brother, who fell to the ground with a grunt of pain. Leo’s hold got tighter around me as I made a move to help him up, nearly blowing our cover. “Taylor Swift Mega-Mix. Really?” The girl deadpanned, raising her brow with an unimpressed look on her face. “I find her soothing.” The taller boy gritted out, narrowing his eyes at the girl. She rolled her eyes and began to walk back into the room they had all come from, ePOD still in hand. 

Suddenly, the taller boy’s eyes lit up red, and a laser shot out from them, going right past the girl’s head. She stopped in her tracks, spinning around, and glaring at the boy. “Oh, I know you didn’t shoot that laser at me.” She scoffed, jutting out her hip as a scowl spread across her face. “Oh, sorry. It was a terrible mistake. Just like your face!” The boy retorted. Uh oh...I thought to myself, looking at how the girl’s eyes narrowed dangerously. In a flash, she ran towards the boy. She was a blur as she moved, almost like she had super speed. She pushed her brother backwards, catching him off guard and making him stumble backwards. Directly towards Leo and I.

The taller boy knocked the barrels that were hiding us over, and subsequently knocked me into Leo, who caught me under the arms and held me up. All three of the teens stared at us in silence, before they erupted into screams. I grimaced at their reaction. That’s a new way to say hello. I briefly thought, before Leo’s scream sounded in my ear, somehow louder than the three sibling’s screams. There was silence again, before Leo and the siblings all screamed at once, and I just sat there, Leo still holding me up from under my arms, a bored look on my face. They all stopped screaming, giving my poor ears a rest, but then Leo squealed, and ran into the room they came from, dragging me with him.

The three siblings followed us into the room as Leo pulled me towards a console. We watched as they came closer, their eyes narrowed as they attempted to look threatening. Leo was shaking beside me, and I scowled at the three teens, before stepping in front of my best friend and crossing my arms. “You wanna fight, let’s fight.” I snarl, holding my fists up. I noticed a slight smirk on the girl’s face, a surprised look on the tallest boy’s face, and a curious look from the youngest. “I don’t play this card too often, but...MOOOM!” I winced at Leo’s scream, and looked over the three teen’s shoulders as Mr. Davenport and Tasha came into the room, worried looks on their faces.  

“Leo! Morgan! There you two are!” Tasha sighed in relief. Leo ran out from behind me and hugged his mom, while I stayed in my place, but I did get out of my fighting stance. “What is this place? Who are they?” Tasha asked, looking around the room and at the teens. I raised a brow as Davenport and the three looked at each other nervously. “They...uh...are a boy band I’ve been working with, um, and the twist is; one of them’s a girl.” Davenport lied, giving a nervous smile. The three all grinned awkwardly at us. 

“Uh huh. And now for the truth?” I hummed, giving Davenport an unimpressed look. “All right, they’re part of a secret project I’ve been developing--genetically engineered superhuman siblings.” Davenport chuckled, crossing his arms and looking very excited. “Tasha, Leo, and Morgan. Meet Adam, Bree, and Chase--the greatest combination of biology and technology ever developed. I don’t wanna brag, but I am incredibly smart.” Davenport gloated. I glanced at the siblings, giving them a smile and a wave. Bree and Adam waved back excitedly, and Chase’s cheeks flushed red as he gave me a small wave. Tasha turned to face Leo, giving him a look. “Don’t look at me. I told you to stay away from internet dating.” I snorted at Leo’s comment.

“So they’re robots.” Tasha frowned, confused. All three siblings gasped, looking extremely offended. “No, Tasha, they’re human, right, Mr. Davenport?” I said, catching them by surprise. “Exactly. I’ve just given each of them a unique set of bionic abilities controlled by a microchip implant in their necks. It sounds a lot more complicated than it is.” Davenport stated, gesturing with his hands as he spoke. “It doesn’t sound too complicated…” I muttered, glancing around at the equipment in the room. No one seemed to hear me, but as I turned around, I missed the interested glance Chase had given me. “See, Adam is all brute strength, and Bree has speed and agility, and Chase has super-senses and a superior intelligence.” All three siblings looked very proud as Davenport explained their abilities. “Donald--” Tasha laughed nervously, walking up to the three siblings and giving them a quick ‘hi’, before grabbing Davenport’s arm and pulling him off to the side. “There are in our basement!” She yelled, making us all flinch. “This is a scientific habitat! I mean, look at it! It’s got a game room, and a rock wall--anything a kid could ask for.” Davenport explained, gesturing around the room. “I’ve created this place so they can train in the utmost of comfort and technology.” 

“It’s true. The toilets have seat warmers that talk.” Adam exclaimed. “What do they say?” Leo asked. “Well, it varies depending on--” I cut off Adam by holding up my hand. “No..” I said, disgusted by what I may have heard. “Donald, I don’t know what to make of all this. Some new winves get surprised with a honeymoon in Hawaii or...a cruise. Bionic teenagers were not on our wedding registry.” Tasha sighed, glancing at us. “Honey, they have to stay down here for their own safety. This is all very top secret. But as soon as their training is complete, they’ll be able to handle any crisis or problem that the world throws at them.” Davenport said.

“I wanna go to the pyramids!” Chase grinned, holding up his hand. I smiled softly at his words. “I wanna go to Paris.” Bree added. “I wanna go upstairs.” Adam said plainly. I frowned at his words. “You guys haven’t been upstairs?” I asked, looking at them in concern. They shook their heads. “Hey, what are those? Time machines?” Leo asked, looking at three clear tubes in the room. “No, they’re not time machines. The time machines are actually in the shop. These are my biologically regulated atmospheric chambers where my bionic creations live, sleep, and eat.” Davenport grinned, excited to show off his genius. 

“Try saying that five times fast.” I scoffed, making Chase laugh softly. “Which reminds me, it’s dinnertime.” Davenport says, making the siblings jump up excitedly and rush into their chambers. Davenport hit a few buttons on the console, which caused the doors to close. Adam was in the one on the left, Chase was in the middle, and Bree was on the right. “Ready?” Big D asked, as the siblings all placed goggles on their faces, looking very excited. Davenport hit a button, making a buzzer go off and pellets began to rain down on their heads. “These are my patented protein pellets. Whatever they don’t catch is tomorrow’s breakfast.” 

Have they ever had real food?


It was the next morning and Leo and I were in the lab with Big D and the bionics. Davenport was holding a red sphere and facing Chase, who was in a fighting formation. “Ready, Chase? Enemy grenade, three o’ clock!” Davenport shouted, throwing the sphere at Chase. Chase did a spinning kick and a blue force field appeared in front of him, shattering the red sphere. My heart leapt to my throat and I fought back a blush. Why did I find that attractive?

“Hey! Why does he get a force field, and I don’t?” Adam pouted as Chase stood up straight and walked over to stand beside me. “‘Cause if you had one, I wouldn’t be able to do this.” Bree grinned, before grabbing the water bottle in front of her and throwing it at the taller sibling, who winced at the impact. I smirked at them. “Okay, you guys take the rest of the day off. I’m gonna go speak at a tech conference--because I’m awesome--I’m gonna have the speedboats detailed, and then I’m gonna go get waxed.” Davenport stated, walking towards the door. I gave him a look and he stopped for a second. “Don’t judge me.” He said, walking out the door. I glanced at my watch, before giving Leo a sigh. “Come on, Leo. We gotta get ready for school.” I said, patting him on the shoulder. “Ooh! I have always dreamed about going to school. Passing notes, going to prom, breaking into choreographed dance numbers during math class.” Bree grinned, jumping excitedly. I smiled, gently shaking my head as she did jazz hands. “Yea. All we do is eat, sleep, and train for missions. We’re like human lab rats.” Chase sighed, crossing his arms. “Come on, it can’t be that bad.” Leo smiled as he spoke.

The sound of squeaking got our attention and we all turned to face Adam, who was inside of a large hamster wheel. “Okay it is that bad.” Leo huffed. “So, you’ve never left this room?” I asked, my heart aching for the teens. They all shook their heads. “That explains the hair cuts.” Leo scoffed. I glared at the shorter boy, smacking him upside the head. “Their hair is fine, Leo.” I scowled at him. 

“I bet school is fun. You know, except for books, classes, and learning stuff.” Adam grinned. “It’s fun when you’re the ‘smart kid’.” Leo sighed, making me frown. “What are you talking about? You get D’s and C’s.” I asked, raising my brow. “Well you’re smart.” Leo said, crossing his arms. “I pay attention in class. There’s a difference.” I huffed out, making Chase smirk. “Besides, I don’t get picked on.” I stated, making Leo frown. “Yea, well then why is Trent always bothering you?” He fired back, narrowing his eyes. “That’s because Trent so desperately wants one thing from me.” I shuddered as I spoke, making Leo grimace as well. The three siblings look at us, confused. 

“Well, down here, smart is considered superior.” Chase said, smirking at me. Adam and Bree shared a look, before they both spoke up, “No it’s not.” I frowned at the upset look Chase gave. “Hey you guys should come to school with us! You could be my bionic body guards!” Leo exclaimed. I furrowed my brows. “As much as I’d love to bring them to school we’d all get in big trouble if Davenport found out.” I said, frowned. “So, we don’t tell him. And what’s he gonna do if he finds out? Ban us from seeing them again?” Leo scoffed. I sighed, relented, and headed towards the door with the four hot on my tail.

“Not on my watch, laser brains!” Eddy’s voice piped up and the door shut in front of us. “Aw shoot. We forgot about Davenport’s creepy computer.” Adam grimaced. “I thought it was just in the living room?!” Leo gasped. “Nope! I’m everywhere!” Eddy’s picture appeared over all the monitors in the room. “In my shower!?” Leo gasped. “Yep! And by the way, nothing needs to be that clean Sport-O.” I grimaced at the AI’s words. “Oh, and uh, sweetheart. You don’t have a boyfriend, do you? Cause he would be one lucky guy.” My eyes widened and I felt Chase’s gaze on the back of my head. “Ok, we need to shut that thing down!” Leo squeaked out. “Never gonna happen, okay? Eddy is an incredibly complex and sophisticated piece of machinery.” Chase sighed, opening a panel underneath Eddy’s little tablet. “It would take years before--” Chase was cut off as Adam yanked out a bundle of wires and Eddy’s picture disappeared from all the screens and the tablet turned off. “Aha! Sweet! I barely even got electrocuted.” Adam laughed.

“Okay, come on. If we’re gonna go to school, we should shower first, because two of us really stink.” Bree said pointedly. I smirked at her words. “I’m gonna go to my room and change, I’ll meet you guys in the living room.” I stated, heading out through the doors.

When I got to my room, I grabbed a pair of dark blue ripped jeans and a black T-Shirt and threw them on, before grabbing a thin, black and white plaid overshirt and tying it around my waist. I grabbed my leather satchel bag and put it on, before heading down the stairs to wait for the others.


We walked into the school and I watched as the siblings looked around in amazement. Adam touched a poster on the wall in awe, Chase waved to a couple girls with a grin, who then gave him a weirded out look. I smiled as Chase bit his fist to keep in his squeals of excitement. “I can’t believe I’m actually at school!” Chase breathed out, trying to take in everything at once. My heart flipped at his expression. Why did he have to be so cute? I thought to myself, before glancing over at Bree, who was hugging a lunch lady. Leo pulled her off of the woman, before Bree turned excitedly to us and grinned happily. “She smelled like fish sticks.” I chuckled at my new friend. “Do me a favor and try to act like you’ve seen the world.” Leo said, frowning at her. “Oh come on, I think it’s cute.” I chuckled, giving a grin to the bionic siblings. “Well I don’t. I have a reputation to uphold.” Leo explained. “What reputation?” I scoffed. Just as I spoke, two football players walked past us. One of them turned and gave Leo a harsh wedgie, making me cringe. “Good to see you too, Steve!” Leo called after the two boys, as Bree and I shared a look. 

Two girls headed towards us, and Bree ran over to them excitedly. “Hi! I’m Bree! I like ponies and girl things.” The teen said, holding her hand out to them. The two girls gave Bree a look, before rolling their eyes at her. I glared darkly at them, making the two girls wince and run off. “Did you see that? I have besties! I can’t wait to stab them in the back!” She growled, her eyes darkening. “Yea...besties don’t do that, Bree.” I chuckled, patting her back.

The loud sound of metal crunching made me turn towards Adam, who had ripped off a locker door to help a girl open her locker. I smacked my forehead. “Adam!” Chase gritted out, getting the taller boy to walk towards us. “Would you two quit goofing off? We’re supposed to not draw attention to ourselves.” Chase sighed, glaring at his two siblings. 

The bell for first period went off, and my heart leapt to my throat when Chase began to scream. With his hands over his ears, he fell to the ground, scooting around in a circle as he continued screaming. The bell ended and several students were now looking at us. “What’s up with Crazy?” Leo whispered to Bree as I knelt down besides a now semi-traumatized Chase. “He has ultra-sensitive bionic hearing.” She replied. “What was that?” Chase panted, wincing from the pain. “It’s called a bell. It rings every 40 minutes, eight times a day.” I sighed, helping him to his feet. “So...have fun with that.” Leo smiled sarcastically. I rolled my eyes at my friend and began walking towards my first class. 


We were in the gym, wearing our uniforms. Bree and Leo were standing in front of the bleachers, while Adam, Chase, and I were sitting on them. “I hate gym class.” Leo huffed. “Why?” Adam asked. “You’ll see.” I sighed, opening a book to read as a basketball bounced towards us. Leo caught it and attempted to dribble, only actually succeeding in slamming the ball onto his foot. With a shout of pain, Leo limped back to us. We all chuckled at him. “That’s why.” He said, glaring at us. “So big deal--you can’t play basketball. Chess Club is where all the action’s at.” Chase grinned, making me smile at him. Suddenly, another ball came flying towards Bree, and she caught it, before looking at us in worry. “What do I do?” She asked. “Throw it.” I said plainly. And she did. 

She threw it full force at a young boy across the gym, who then crumpled to the ground in pain. “To someone who’s looking!” I squeaked, running with her to make sure  the boy was ok. “You caught that ball with your face!” Bree said, making me chuckle. The boy shifted his head to look at her, still on the floor. 

“Just once I’d like to show these fools up and go all NBA in their faces.” Leo grouched. “Then why don’t you?” Chase asked. I snorted. “Look at him! There’s more meat on a dog bone!” I exclaimed, watching as Leo nodded, agreeing with me. “Yea, but now you have us to help you!” Adam grinned mischievously. I watched with a smile as Adam gave Leo a wedgie, before lifting him up by his underwear and throwing him at the hoop, making him do a slam dunk before he fell from the hoop and onto the ground. Leo stood up, staring at all the shocked faces around him, before all the students erupted into cheers and clapping.


“Attention students! The pep rally is starting! Goooo Dingoes!” Principle Perry’s voice came over the loudspeakers, and we all headed towards the gym. Leo was signing basketballs as Adam, Bree, and I walked towards him. “You guys rock! Ever since gym class, everyone wants to be my friend. And there’s been a certain gentleness to my wedgies.” Leo said, making me laugh lightly. “I mean it’s the least we could do. You gave us our first taste of freedom.” Bree smiled at us, giving me a side hug. “Yea, and our first taste of salisbury steak. Yum!” Adam said, pulling out said food from his pocket. I grimaced as he took a bite. 

The door behind us opened, and we turned to face Chase, who sauntered into the room. “Where were you?” I hummed, looking into his hazel eyes. “Computer lab, taking med school courses. Guess who just became a chiropractor in the Philippines?” Chase stated, grinning. I chuckled at him. “I’m guessing it was you?” I asked. He nodded vigorously. 

Dewey Dingo came up behind Adam and began petting him. “Aw, look, the doggy likes me.” He said, chuckled. I watched with a raised brow as Dewey began to subtly reach for the slice of meat Adam was holding. “Okay doggy, that’s enough. Hey, I said that’s enough!” Adam ground out as Dewey ruffled his hair. The two walked to the other side of the gym, and Leo, Chase, and I walked to the center. “Hey, I’m warning you dog! You’re messing with the wrong guy!” Adam said as he was practically dragged to the doors again. I watched briefly as Bree and the guy she hit with the ball earlier began talking, then Adam was walking to the other side of the gym yet again but this time with Dewey hanging onto his leg. 

Once they reached the wall, Dewey let go and stood up, taunting Adam. Adam leaned forward and his eyes began to glow red. “Uh...Chase...why are Adam’s eyes turning red?” I asked, leaning close so no one could overhear us. Chase’s smile dropped, and he looked around me to see his older brother. “Oh no! His heat vision!” Chase squeaked, catching Leo and I’s attention. “His what?” Leo asked, eyes wide. “It’s a glitch. Whenever he gets too upset his heat vision acts up!” Chase explained, just as fire blasted from Adam’s eyes and hit Dewey’s head catching it on fire.

My jaw dropped and a football player came running over with a fire extinguisher, putting out the raging flame on the mascot’s head. Blinded by the extinguisher and panicking from the heat of the fire, Dewey backed up into the cheerleaders, causing them to topple over just as they threw a girl into the air. “I got her! I got her!” Bree called, using her speed to reach the girl, however I winced as the girl landed on the ground. “Oh...oops. Overshot it. But don’t worry. I know a chiropractor in the Philippines.” Bree said, a smile on her face as she gazed down at the girl on the ground.

The fire alarm started going off, and all the students  began screaming and running. “People. People.” Chase shouted, holding out his arms, making them all stop and stare at him. “Statistics show that if we don’t panic, at least 70% of us will make it out alive.” He finished, making them scream even louder and push him to the floor as they ran out the door. “Yea, because that was comforting to hear.” I scoffed, making Chase glare at me. 

I helped him up as Davenport and Tasha came running through the door, Dewey’s head bouncing in front of them. I winced, pulling Chase over to the others. “We’re dead.” I gulped, watching as the two adults stared at the smoking head. “Oh no...they killed Dewey Dingo.” Tasha frowned, looking up at us. We all gave nervous smiles and waved at them. “ was school?!” Davenport ground out. We gave him a thumbs up. 

“GET IN THE HELICOPTER!” He shouted. I yelped and we all rushed out the doors.


“Do you realize what you’ve done?” Davenport asked. The five of us were sitting on the couch in the living room as Tasha and Big D were reprimanding us. “I had to write a check to that school for 30 grand to make this go away.” He said, glaring at us. “For 30 grand I’ll go away.” Leo muttered, making me slap him upside the head. “We’re sorry. We just wanted to be normal for a day.” Bree sighed, looking up at him. “Oh, come on, Donald. They’re just kids. When I was their age, me and Fiona MickleJohn, we snuck out and we crashed--” Tasha stopped herself as she saw the expression on Davenport’s face. “You know what, I’m not helping.” She said, making me smirk. 

“Look, I designed you guys to go on highly classified missions, not try out for the cheerleading squad.” Davenport sighed. “Well, there goes that dream.” Adam muttered. I raised a brow at his words. 

I stood up and walked closer to Mr. Davenport. “Look, I know you’re mad, Big D, but come on. They’re teenagers! They should be in school, not trapped like some science experiment in the basement of your house! They should be able to talk to other kids, go on dates--” I started. “I disagree.” Davenport cut me off with a glare. “Eat real food.” I squeaked out, sitting back down. 

“These guys performed the impossible today--they made me popular!” Lao said, coming to their defense as well. Davenport raised his eyebrows. “I got game!” Leo said, a grin on his face. “And I cured male pattern baldness with a biology rat.” Chase stated, getting up as well. “Ooh! And I got invited to my first party! By a boy!” Bree squealed, grabbing my hands and jumping up and down as Tasha squealed with us. “How exciting! We gotta get you clothes, and shoes, and we’ll do--” Tasha stopped herself and glanced at her husband, who looked at her in disbelief. “Again, not helping.” Tasha said, sitting us both down.

“That’s it. Leo, Morgan. You two are banned from the lab. And you three, are to have no contact with the outside world.” Davenport ordered, making me jump up from my seat. “Mr. D, that’s not fair! They didn’t do anything wrong!” I said, glaring at him. “Don't raise your voice to me!” He said, glaring down at me. “I will raise my voice if the situation warrants it!” I shouted. “That’s it!” Mr. Davenport yelled, his hand shooting out. 

I flinched back, a lost memory flashing into my mind, my cheek faintly burning from the phantom pain. Davenport’s arm was extended, and his hand pointed to the hallway. “You’re grounded for a week! Go to your room!” I opened my mouth to speak, but he cut me off. “Talk back and you’ll get no dinner tonight.” His eyes were hard as he stared down at me. I could feel the worried stares of Chase and the others  on the back of my head. 

With a growl and a glare, I spin around and stalk off to my room. “Eddy, make sure she stays in her room.” I heard Davenport call after me. I could feel the tears burning in my eyes as I turned the corner and rushed to my room. When I got there, I slammed the door behind me and flopped onto my bed, with tears threatening to fall. 

With a small sniffle, I open my backpack and get out my homework, before starting on it. 

A few hours later, a knock on my door wakes me from my nap, and I glance up. “Who is it?” I asked, a frown on my face. “It’s Chase.” I frowned, sitting up. “Come in.” I sighed, watching as the door opened and he walked in. He looked really upset, and he sat down on my bed next to me. “Is everything alright?” I spoke softly, looking closely at my friend. “We got in big trouble..” Chase sighed, looking up at me. My heart stuttered. He was so close. “What do you mean?” I asked. “Leo brought the party that we were gonna go to into the house, and Mr. Davenport found out about it. He’s sending us to a remote facility until we complete our training tomorrow.” My jaw dropped at his words. “What…?” I breathed, my heart breaking. They’re my best friends, I don't wanna lose them. 

“I’m so sorry…” I said, hugging him. Chase gently wrapped his arms around me, laying his head on my shoulder. “I’ll never see you or Leo again.” He said, his voice catching. “Never say never.” I said, gulping down the lump in my throat. “I’m sorry you got into trouble just for trying to defend us.” Chase said, sitting back up. His arms didn’t leave my waist though, and I could feel myself blushing. “I’d do it again in a heartbeat.” I said sweetly, smiling up at him. He gave me a gentle grin. I furrowed my brow as I noticed something in the corner of his mouth. “You uh..have a little something.” I said, rubbing it off with my thumb. “Is that icing?” I asked, looking at him incredulously. He gave a sheepish grin. “I had like twelve pieces of cake.” He shrugged. I shook my head with a giggle, before looking into his eyes. 

We sat there in silence for a few minutes, just staring at each other. My heart leapt to my throat as he began leaning forward. My heart racing, I did so as well. Our eyes drifted shut as we leaned closer. I could feel his hot breath against my face, he smelt like sugar and sandalwood, an oddly soothing combo. 

“What are you two doing?” 

We jumped apart with a yelp, turning to face Eddy’s smirking picture on the wall by my door. “I really hate him.” Chase growled, his eyes darker than normal, his pupils wider. I cleared my throat, my cheeks flaming. “We should uh...get to bed…” I muttered, watching as he nodded. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Get some rest, Chase.” I said. Chase sighed softly, before getting up and leaving my room shutting the door behind him.

With a groan, I flopped backwards onto my bed. 

Was I actually going to kiss him?

A/N: So, how was the first chapter of my Lab Rats story? I made the characters all a bit older, because the scenes further on in the book may get a bit limey. Maybe even lemony. I started rewatching the show the other day and began reading every Chase x Reader or Chase x OC I could find, then I figured I wanted to contribute to the fanbase. I hope you all enjoy this story. Give me some feedback, please! And I apologize for any grammar mistakes. Have a wonderful day! Until next time!

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