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Maya cut the call before he could say any further and drove quickly as she tore through the streets. The urgency of the situation scared her. She wanted to protect her family. She didn't want to lose them.


At the rooftop,

Abhimanyu : Shivaye, we need to leave. A killer has been spotted in this area. Maya just called me. She said she couldn't reach you.

Shivaye checked his phone to see many missed calls from Maya. He tried to call her back, but was unsuccessful.
Abhimanyu (looked around): Wait...where is Nancy?
Shivaye: She went to the restroom. Take mom and Anurag with you and wait for us in the car. We'll join you soon.

Abhimanyu left with Mrs Oberoi and Anurag. He made sure that they were safely in the car. He noticed that people were being evacuated from the place.
Abhimanyu : Anurag, drive home. I'll come with Shivaye and Anika.
Anurag(smugly): Bro, I'm underage.
Abhimanyu (smacked his head): I know you got your driver's license last year. This isn't the time to joke around.
Anurag(in a serious tone): Ok! But make sure that my brother and sister-in-law are safe.

Abhimanyu nodded and ran back to the entrance of the building and saw Maya who had a worried look on her face.
Maya(tensed): Where are the others?
Abhimanyu : I sent Mrs Oberoi and Anurag back, but Shivaye and Anika are still inside.

Arjun(in a serious tone): Officer Maya, control your emotions lest you want it to affect your rationality.
Maya(shouted): I don't care Officer...(stammered) my friends are in..inside...and they're in danger. Do you want me to stand here and do nothing?

Arjun(in mind): Why am I working with someone like her? Her emotions are so messed up.

Rudra (ran to Arjun): Arjun, the police are here.
JJ(surprised): Who called the police ?
Rudra : It's their jurisdiction. Of course, they're on alert.
JJ:..but the case is ours. I don't want them to interfere or mess around.
Arjun: Roy, what's the situation? Speak clearly.
Rudra : One of the criminals is on loose. They're here to catch her.
Arjun: A female?
Rudra : Yup. Someone called umm..Kuso....something like that.
Maya and Abhimanyu (at the same time): Kuso??!!
Abhimanyu (shocked): Maya, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Maya(in a low voice): Aunt Kuso might hurt Anika or Shivaye.
Arjun(gave them a quizzical look): How are you so sure?
Maya: It won't take much time for the family feud to turn into a blood feud. Aunt Kuso has always hated the Oberoi family.
JJ(turned towards Arjun): Arjun, could it be intentional?
Rudra (checked his phone): I've got another intel.
Arjun: What is it?
Rudra : The killer secretly visited Kuso while she was in prison. They've been captured by the security cameras.
JJ(thinking mode on): It's highly possible that they're both in this together.
Abhimanyu : Do you mean that they want to harm Shivaye?
Arjun: We can't be so sure about that. We have less force with us right now. Let's join hands with the police . Roy, call for backup. It's CODE RED!

Arjun and JJ went to discuss with the police , while Maya and Abhimanyu looked at each other worriedly.

Maya: You try to reach Nancy. I'll call Shivaye.


Maya(on call): You haven't found her yet? Where could she have gone? I'm worried Aunt Kuso might try to harm her.


Abhimanyu (on call): What?? Okay. Stay there. Don't worry! We're coming!


Abhimanyu : Anika is in the Hall Room. She said that she saw some kids being held hostage there. She is on the call.
Arjun: Get the structural map of the building. Let's surround the building from both in and out. Tell that girl to stay on the call and keep us updated.

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