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Anurag ( smirked ) : James , do a background check on Anika and send me the information.
James : Okay sir.


James : Sir , I did a background check on Miss Anika. Here are the reports.

James left a big brown envelope on Anurag's desk and made his way back to Shivaye's office. Anurag opened the envelope and went through the papers.

Anurag ( sighed ) : There is nothing interesting about her. There is not much background information as well. She has a friend called Karan....

Anurag was about to throw the papers but suddenly he looked back at the papers again.
Anurag : Karan ??!!!


Anurag ( shouted ) : Mister James !!!! Come back !!!

James hurriedly came over to see what was wrong , only to see Anurag giving him a cheesy smile. James knew that something felt off about his smile.

Anurag : I want you to find out about another person. Hehe !


Shivaye and Anurag were going home together after Anurag had insisted Shivaye to give him a lift.
Shivaye : Why did you ask me to drop you when you have your own car and driver ?
Anurag ( fidgeted in his seat ) : Umm....I want to know more about Anika.
Shivaye ( laughed ) : Why are you getting so interested in her suddenly ? Do you have a crush on her ?
Anurag ( laughed it off ) : Bro , I don't even know her. I am just curious about her.

Shivaye observed Anurag 's face to see if he was lying or not but seeing no sign of anything , he put his eyes back on the road.
Shivaye : I had weird encounters with her. She hasn't joined our company yet so I don't think I can give you much info about her. James must have already done research on her for you.
Anurag ( laughed ) : Haha ! By the way , what do you mean by 'weird encounters' ?
Shivaye ( sighed ) : She is just so annoying. I don't think I can bear with her tantrums.

Shivaye explained him about how he met her with detailed descriptions.
Anurag ( smiled inside ) : This is the first time you have talked so much about a girl.
Shivaye ( laughed it off ) : Stop your nonsense , Anurag .
Anurag ( excitedly ) : My heart says that you are meant to be together.
Shivaye ( sternly ) : Stop it or I will drop you off in the middle of the road.

The rest of the ride was going pretty much peaceful as Anurag was listening to music on his headphones and Shivaye 's concentration was on the road.

Anurag ( suddenly ) : Bro ! Stop !

Shivaye halted the car so suddenly that Anurag bumped his head on the dashboard as he had not worn the seatbelt. Anurag rubbed his forehead wincing in pain.
Shivaye ( concerned ) : Are you hurt ? Why did you do that ?
Anurag : Girl ! I just saw a beautiful girl. Bro , put the reverse gear. I want to see her.
Shivaye ( annoyed ) : We almost got into an accident just now...because of a girl ??!!

Anurag gave him 'puppy eyes' which Shivaye couldn't resist and melted instantly. Shivaye always had a hard time time denying anything to Anurag because he had always pampered him a lot. Also , Anurag had his own ways to convince Shivaye. So , Shivaye agreed to him , put the car on reverse gear and drove the car backwards.

Shivaye ( surprised ) : Anika !!!!!

Shivaye stopped the car beside her. Anurag kept looking back and forth between Shivaye and Anika.
Anurag ( in mind ) : Is she the one whom my brother likes ? It's time to check it out.

Anurag ( flirty ) : Hey beautiful ! Want us to give you a lift ?
Anika ( looked at Shivaye ) : YOU ??!! It's you again !
Shivaye ( avoided eye contact ) : Where do you want to go ? It's late night. I will give you a lift.
Anika ( excitedly ) : I am hungry. There is a place nearby. Don't worry. I can walk there by myself.
Anurag ( pretended to act surprised ) : Alone !!! Why don't we join you ? I am hungry too.
Anika ( jokingly ) : I don't think a kid like you would kidnap me. Would you ?
Anurag ( winked ) : Of course not darling. Get in the car now.

Anika ( in mind ) : Why do I feel like I know them ?

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