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Shivaye : Anika , it's quite late. Do you want us to drop you home ?
Anika : Thank you Shivaye but my friend is already on his way to pick me up. He is almost here.

Anika ( in mind ) : Shivaye is such a gentleman. I shouldn't have judged him.
Anurag ( in mind ) : Friend ? Is it…..him ?

Someone covered Anika's eyes from behind with his hands.
Karan : Guess who ?

Anika immediately smiled recognising his voice.

Anika : I know it's you.

Karan removed his hand from her eyes and stood in front of her face to face. He noticed the presence of Shivaye and Anurag who were standing beside Anika. When he saw them , his face darkened and the atmosphere around them suddenly turned gloomy and intense.
Anurag ( in mind ) : Why did he return so soon ? His return might change the course of their relationship.
Karan ( in mind ) : Shivaye , I won't let you hurt Anika again !!!!
Shivaye ( in mind ) : Why does this guy feel so familiar ?

Anika was pissed off because Karan didn't drop her home. Rather , he booked a cab for her and scurried off somewhere saying that he got some urgent matters to attend to.

Anika : Why did he come to pick me up in the first place ?


Shivaye : Anurag.......was he Karan ?
Anurag : Yes , he is Karan Luthra !
Shivaye : That's why he seemed so familiar.
Anurag ( shocked ) : Thats weird. How do you know him ?
Shivaye : It would be actually weird if I didn't know someone who is already well known. His parents are The Luthras. He is the son of a well known entrepreneur a very famous fashion designer.

Anurag ( in mind ) : Shivaye bro , if only you knew that he is your rival in love in the past , you wouldn't have praised him.

Shivaye ( curiosity at it's peak ) : How does he know Anika ? Anurag , do you have any idea ?

Anurag knew more than required but he still pretended as if he knew nothing at all.

Anurag :  I have no idea , bro. I am surprised as well. How does Anika know him ? Anika is common girl from a middle class family whereas Karan belongs from a rich family. It's so weird !
Shivaye : I think the same. Maybe I should do a thorough background check on both of them.

Karan walked towards Shivaye and Anurag.
Karan : Get in the car !
Shivaye and Anurag looked at each other confused but they both did as they were told. Karan's voice sounded urgent so they obediently followed him. Karan took them to a secluded place near the shore.

Anurag : Is he kidnapping us ?
Shivaye : Hush !

Karan : I didn't expect to meet you today , Shivaye.

Shivaye got confused as to why Karan was talking so informally and casually with him as if he had known him for a long time. Anurag kept quiet carefully listening to them.

Shivaye : Have we met before ?
Karan ( coldly ) : I have an old grudge against you. You better stay away from Anika.
Shivaye: What are you talking about ?
Karan ( losing his control ) : It's all because of you. She got hurt because of you. She even got into the accident and lost her memory. It's all your fault.
Shivaye ( shocked ) : What ?
Karan : She loved you with all her heart but you couldn't even protect her.

To say that Shivaye was shocked would be an understatement. He was bewildered. He was hella confused by Karan's words. He couldn't make a head or tail out of what Karan had said just now.

Shivaye : What ? When ? I don't understand you , Karan.
Karan ( angrily ) : Don't act dumb in front of me. I once trusted you with her. I won't repeat the same mistake again. Dare you try to get near her.

Saying this Karan drove off , leaving Shivaye with millions of questions in his mind. Karan's words kept coming back to him and he started overthinking. He felt a sudden pain surge up in his head and clutched his head tightly. Anurag rushed to his side and told him to calm down. Anurag immediately called up an ambulance seeing Shivaye's semi-conscious state.

Anurag ( in mind ) : I never knew that truth we were trying to hide from him for so long would come up to him in such a way.

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