Birthday Wish

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( A/N: I DON'T KNOW WHY I ADDED THIS SONG TO THIS PART XD! It has nothing to do with the chapter..... a little..... don't hate me ;v;)

-Frisk POV-
There was a knock at the door, I answered it of course. I looked up and saw a fish woman with teal scales and red hair. My eyes sparkled with joy and I saw her signature smile. Undyne.
" Hey punk! I missed you, you little rascal!" Undyne said in her loud-ish voice.
"Undyne!" I hugged her tightly. "H-Hey, don't f-forget m-me!" I released Undyne and looked down to a yellow dinosaur with glasses. "H-h-hello Frisk!!!" I gasped and bent to reach to the Dino's height. "ALPHYS!!!!!" I hugged her. "I missed you guys!" I let go of her and smiled.
"HUMAN FRISK, WHO IS AT THE DOOR?" Papyrus asked. I moved out of the door way so the skelebros could see. "UNDYNE! ALPHYS! ARE YOU HERE FOR OUR FATHER'S PARTY?" Papyrus said, greeting them both. "W-We sure a-are! I-It'll be nice t-to see Gaster ! He is-is the one who taught me s-s-science." Alphys stuttered. " Yeah! He's pretty cool... And plus he's the dad of two awesome friends!" Undyne said smiling.
~Time Skip~
-Sans POV-
soon everyone was here. Tori, Asgore, Asriel, Chara, Undyne, Alphys, and the others. i was pretty flabergastered. heh. the gifts and stuff were on the table and the food is on the other end of the table. i looked in my room constantly, because, you know, that's were he was gonna show up in there.
i looked around, no Frisk. i never knew why but I always loved being with Frisk. she laughs at my puns and jokes, she has the prettiest laugh ever, and she is so nice and caring. i knocked on her door. she slowly opened the door. "* your usually supposed to say 'who's there?'" She looked nervous. "S-Sans can I talk to you?"
"*what's up?"
" What if your dad doesn't like me?"
"*what?! why wouldn't he like you?! your perfect!"
she seemed surprised by my answer and blushed. i was so embarrassed. why in the name of Asgore would i say something like that? she smiled and hugged me. i felt my face heat up. i hugged her back. "Thanks, Sans!" Frisk got up and left. i teleported to my room. i saw a black figure standing there. "Hello, son." said the black figure. "I see you have been practicing your magic." Gaster.
-Gaster's POV-
I woke up in my void. As usual, I remembered something. Today was my birthday. I always was able to leave the void on this day. "G- *glitch* Good morning, Gaster. *glitch*"
I turned around and greeted my friend with a smile. "Good morning, Glitch."

          (A/N: I made Glitch a female. You'll see why later on... huehuehuehue)
           "Happy Birthday G-Gaster. *double glitch*" Glitch smiled brightly. "So as usual, my gift to you is opening the void so you can see your family." Glitch was able to open the void for me because she had been in the void longer than me. Which means she has more, how to put it... capability, than me to have powers. She has had them since she was created.
           I wonder.... how did she even get here? Maybe..- "Gaster? Are you ok?" Glitch said breaking my train of thought. "Huh? Oh yes, I am very much alright."
           Glitch made a glowing ball of pure energy and blasted it at the infinite void. It ripped a hole in the fabric of time. I went through it, and in too a messy room. Sans's room. The hole was closed and I waited for Sans to come in. I told him I would be in here. Suddenly a blue light appeared in front of me. Then I saw Sans. "Hello, son." I said. "I see you have been practicing your magic."
        -Sans POV-
      "*heh, hey dad. you had me flaber-GASTER-ed for a second there." Dad rolled his eyes and went down stairs with me.
"H-hello G-gaster! You look happier than last year I saw you! W-w-why is that?..." Alphys stuttered out. Dad  smiled, "That is for you to find out, pupil."
Gaster greeted everyone before Paps yelled out, "CAKE TIME EVERYONE!!!" Frisk, Me and everyone else went to the kitchen. Dad sat in his chair in front of his cake, heh, it was cake-rific. He blew out his candles and Undyne asked him "So, Gast, what cha wish for? I bet it was awesome!" Gaster grinned and told everyone what he wished for...... "Well, Undyne, I wished that my son Sans and his lady friend, Frisk, would show their real companion for each other and kiss.."
       -Frisk P. O. V-
      The room filled with "Oooooh" and Alphys' squeaks. "Oh, darlings, we've aaaall been waiting or this~" Metton said.  Sans' face was as blue as mine was red. "*what do you m-mean?" Sans said. "Sans, my child, It is obvious you two love each other."  I face palmed and blushed more "Was it that obvious?..." Sans turned to me and smiled. "*heh, good to know we feel the same way.."
      I turned to him and smiled back. I quickly dove in and kissed him. He took it by surprise, and kissed back. We stayed there before we could her the high pitch squeaks and shrieks of Alphys. "Eeeck! She did it! She actually did it!!!"  Toriel covered Asriel's eyes. "Mom! I'm 27, really.." Toriel huffed and kept her hand as it laid.  Metton smiled and clapped his hands "Ooh darling, Frisk! You are so straight forward!~"
     Gaster smiled pleased. "That's my son." I opened my eyes and realized what I did. Sans opened his, too. I stood up straight and blushes like never before. Sans was almost melting next to me. I giggled and looked at everyone, of course, cheeky smiles and "oooh" and "aww" and far as I could see and hear. Sans whispered to me "*that was nice, wasn't it?" I nodded and turned to Mettaton who was staring at Papyrus eagerly. "Well, Papyrus, Darling.... While we're on the topic of kissing... Would you mind giving giving me a taste~~?" Papyrus blushed.
      Sans looked up to see his brother with Mettaton. Sans seemed surprised but allowed it, "*Eheh... You know what? If he really likes him that way... I'll allow it" Sans smiled and Alphys came up to us with her phone out. "O-oh my gosh, y-you two are s-so cute together!!!! Can I take a p-picture?" Sans looked up at me and nodded. After wards we took the picture and started some party games.

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