Forget Me Not [1/3]

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"I...I can't remember.." She said with a soft voice. (Julia)

"I look young..." (21)

"I'm a girl." She nodded.


"W-why do you ask..?" She blushed slightly. (Bi)

Julia is a very...forgetful person. Not because she was born like this but because of a very bad accident. It severely damaged a part of her mind that helps her remember things. But even with this she tries to stay positive. She's one of the nicest people you will ever meet. She's smart, kind, funny and strong willed.

"I'm right here..."

[Long, straight, purple hair and matching deep purple eyes. She tall and skinny with pale skin and a nice smile. Her head is usually wrapped up in bandages.]


"I don't know."

"Uh...being in a hospital..?"


She was driving around a large mountain on a very narrow road to visit her brother in Canada. While she was driving she got a text message from him and went to see what it was. This caused her car to veer into a truck. The impact made her car to fly off the road and tumble down the mountain. The accident damaged her brain and she spent the last 2 years in the hospital. The reason why is because she now suffers from Anterograde Amnesia. Every day she wakes up she forgets everything that happened the day before. The only thing that she can remember was the crash and she was going to visit her brother.

Scenario 1:
You were a doctor who has just been transferred to a new hospital. You were one of the best doctors in your town and they believed you would be perfect for the job. What job you may ask? Well, just a week before you've been transfered you were told that you would be assigned a new, challenging patient. You wondered what they want by 'challenging' but brushed it off.

On the day of your arrival to this new hospital you were walked to the patient's room. They told you nothing about what the patient was suffering from. Once you made it to the room they basically shoved you in and walked away. Stumbling into the room you noticed a young woman sleeping in the hospital bed with a bandage wrapped around her head and a patch on her cheek. She heard you walk in and slowly opened her eyes to see you. "W...where am I..?" She asked softly looking around the room with slight confusion.


Scenario 2:
You were one of Julia's closest friends. You heard about her accident and went to see her. You made it to the hospital and spent the entire day with her trying to help her regain some of her memories. You decided to stay with her for the night to make sure she was okay. The next day you woke up in a chair beside her. You smiled at her sleeping form and tried to quietly leave the room. Just before you could step out of the door she woke up and looked at you with confusion. "Who are you...?" She asked. You didn't understand why she didn't remember you since you spent all of yesterday with her. Then she started looking around the room. "And where am I..?"


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