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{ I Don't own Fairy Tail}


Your name: {Y/N}

Last Name:{L/N}

Eye Color:{E/C}

Hair Color: {H/C}

Color Choice: {C/C}

Skin Color: {S/C}

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{Y/N} {L/n} was someone that could be described as Cold and Heartless, than again that may just how people saw the {H/C} girl as for the fact she never seemed to look on the brighter side of things, and she always seemed to never once try and help those who asked her for help.

For in truth what others who met said about her was quite true, for she hadn't once felt emotion in her cold dead heart for as long as she could remember and that had been a long time, and she can't remember a time as to where she ever once cared for someone or spoke with a normal tone instead of her emotionless one.

So all in all she was pretty dead inside and many that had the chance to meet her wished they never had for some of those ones that met her had met the end of her blade, only ever hearing a few words before they were killed by the {H/C} beauty.

Speaking of which said female had been staring blankly at a tree for a few minutes now, as she sat on a tree stump, for the forest was the one place she could actually be alone to her own morbid and dark thoughts, ones of which no one should ever know of.

Truth be told the female hadn't always been this heartless or cold and uncaring , she once was a normal happy child that loved things like other people, yet that was before she had gotten this curse of hers, a curse that made her the way she was today.

Well in truth it wasn't really a curse more or less it was something far more sinister and dark, yet she had no clue of that just yet, for ever since a odd mark appeared on her back years ago she hadn't stopped seeing the numbers that appeared above someones head.

And ever since she had always been the one to show up when it was someones turn to die, for she knew nothing was timeless nothing could outlive what time had planned for them and she knew everyone you loved would die, and everything you held dear would crumble before you.

For she had learned this all the hard way, and she had learned to forget and stopped feeling for emotion in her own words was for the weak, love was something for the weak , and keeping something dear was as well.

This is why she hated the idea of Guilds, for they had no clue how dark everything was, including the dark guilds, for everything would just crumble and fade to dust while she's left standing to watch it all burn.

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{Sting x Reader x Rouge}

{So any guesses of what reader Chan's magic is?}  

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