Dear Moon 🌝

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Welcome dear readers!

Chapter 1

Dear Moon...

Her gray eyes fluttered open a little when she felt a soft kiss on her pink petals, giving her a taste of the fresh coffee he had just sipped. But her heavy eyelids closed again.

It didn't take long for her to hear the front door close. She widened her eyes and rushed to the door, but the car had already driven away and a wavy hand waved from it.

She missed it again. She felt a bit down, but the scent of coffee guided her feet to the kitchen.

He had left her a perfect queen's breakfast. Next to the omelet, there was a papyrus card tied with a red thread that held a small note: Open me! A smile quickly replaced her sad expression as she untied the thread and read the letters, which formed these words.

Dear Moon,

It's been a while now since we met briefly in the morning, right before I run away.

I wish I could freeze time in that moment when you approached me, just before I wake up.

But I can't because that's exactly when others need me.

Looking at your gloomy face, smelling your delicate scent, feeling your warm body against mine, and sharing those intimate kisses, I can only hope to be enough to get through another winter day apart.

I wanted to let you know that our next meeting is scheduled for Monday at 6:35 pm.

I'll be eagerly waiting, but don't worry, I won't cause any trouble.

I might shine for others too, but you are my one and only reflection.

With love,

Your Sun!

Silver tears rolled down her ashen eyes as she read the papyrus card. Quickly, she wiped them away, rolled up the papyrus again, and enjoyed the lovely meal he had prepared.

The breakfast was amazing, but lately, it didn't taste the same as before when he used to feed her not just with omelettes, but also with love in every touch.

She did a bit of exercise and fifteen minutes of meditation to release all the tension. Once again, she missed his radiant presence while taking a long bath.

Their home is always filled with their love, leaving them with not much to do.

After getting cozy under a warm blanket, she grabbed some homemade papyrus cards and a pen from the nightstand. She started filling the emptiness with words pouring from her mind, filled with heartfelt emotions.

As soon as she finished writing, sleep weighed down her eyelids.


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Also shower this story with your immense love by : heart ❤️

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