Chapter 1 First Love Letter?

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           Kelsey  arrives at work.  She sits down ready to go.  She is still the only one who feels alone in the card shop full of customers.  She smiles though as she helps a customer find a card for his mother's birthday.  This is what her job is all about in the card industry, to assist customers that need help in the location of a card, to recommend certain cards for special occasions,and to let them know the cards are right there for when they need them.  She is more than happy to this and to do it well.   

        On the other hand, Kevin arrives at work less than happy.  He figures what is the point in a sales persons job if he rarely if ever sales anything.  For once, he would like to sell at least once car! It has been weeks, since his last sale.  He must admit his boss does not look to happy.  This says something too because his boss is his father.  If he makes the business look bad, he drags his family down the drain as well, which just pressures him all the more into  a  good sales pitch.  He  straightens his tie, ties his loose laces, and now he is off.  Off  to look nice, tell all there is to know about the cars, trucks, etc, in the lot and to sell some as well!  If only it was that easy! 

       Needless to say at the end of the day, Kelsey sells many cards, pens, pieces of stationery and even a few picture frames!  She is happy to know she was able to get rid of so much merchandise in one day!  It is all in hard days work!  She goes home with the knowledge she did her best and in the end it all works out.

     Back with Kevin, he tries his best!  He manages to sell two jeeps, at truck, and three cars!  Is his boss happy with all this though?  No!  He is not.  Not one bit.  He wants Kevin to sell an entire line of cars.  Yet, there are still more cars in the lot then their are empty spaces out there!  

      Poor Kevin, goes home in defeat.  He feels like all his hard work was for nothing.  It seems no matter what he does this day and time his father is never happy.  If anything, he uses every excuse he can to be unhappy, and an out right grump!   Kevin, goes to his kitchen. He takes a look a the paper again.  He gets to work and writes to the address on the paper.  He figures not much will come of it!  Not with the way his life is right now.  Why would any decent human being care to hear from him anyway?  He thinks, maybe it is a waste of his time.  He sends it on before he can change his mind.  At least this way, if the person does not respond he will know they hate his handwriting and want nothing further to do with him.

        A  week later, Kelsey opens her mailbox and sees something inside!  She is happy to see it is not another  bill, sales flyer, magazine or so on.  She notices it is just a plain envelope addressed to her with a heart sticker on the back.  She opens it.  She thinks this must be some kind of mean joke.  How else would you explain all this?  Never in her life before has she seen such a thing!  Right before her eyes, is a letter!  It is not just any letter either, but it is a love letter!

      Dear  Kelsey,

        I know your probably think this is silly.  I admit it is a bit awkward for me too.  I found your address though.  It seems we were in school together in the past.  I have no idea , why we never choose to correspond then!  It sure seems a shame not too.  

       I mean why not?  We are both human beings!  So, to start off, I hope all is well for you!  I often wonder what has become of you?  I mean did you end up with a nice job after graduation?  If so, then do tell all about it.  Also, if it does sound like I am too nosy, or anything, do you mind if I ask you do you have some one special in your life?  You know what I mean, like a boyfriend?   If you choose not to write me back, I will understand. Few people do this kind of thing anymore.

      Have a great day!  I hope life treats you well!  My day at my job sure was rough.   I sold a few vehicles, but my father still seems to show his displeasure.   Can you imagine?  it seems no matter what I do he it never seems to satisfy him.  For that matter, he does not appear to be happy about anything.  Not really, not since mother died!  

       Well, I will burden you with anything else.  Anyway,  that is all for now!


          your admirer,

        Kelsey,   looks over the letter again.  She thinks, really at my age?  I have an admirer!  Who on earth could he be?   I know he works at a car place, but I do not recall anyone I know who  does this for their work.  I do know whoever he is sounds rather nice.   I blush as I tuck the letter back in the envelope unsure how to respond.  

     to be continued in  Chapter 2   Kelsey's  Reply!

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