Chapter 3 A Fine Life Indeed?

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       Two weeks later, Kevin's  day off!

         Kevin decides what better way to spend his day off from work than to sit down and relax?  He shakes his head at the notion when he sees the mess.  He bends down and throws away the leftover cardboard box from the take out pizza he had last night.  He throws some other trash way.  When he finishes he smiles.  Wow, why even his own father would not recognize the room if he saw how neat it is right now!  He laughs at the silly thought.  He gets out the broom, sweeps for a bit, then vacuum's.  

      For the moment he feels the satisfaction of a clean room to his place.  He goes to the kitchen and straightens it up too, along with the guest bathroom.  He rarely ever has guest, but still he figures he never can be sure when someone might dry by last minute.  He sits down next, and pulls out some paper.  He takes a look at it and shakes his head.  

     Kevin goes to a local story and purchases some nice, fine, paper so that he does not have to write on some second hand note book paper.  He feels like the pen pal he has deserves better than this.  Even more so, since she is the woman he admires from a distance and miles apart as she does live farther away than she thinks.  He is not about to say as much though. Why bore her with such trivial things?   

     He sets the paper with the green leaves pattern down on the coffee table, as he looks for a pen.  He settles on a the blue pen with the fancy handle to it.  He decides this is one he will use to write to her from here on out.  He thinks about what to say this time.  He does not want to just reply with any on stuff.  It must be something that perks her interest.  He does desire to have her appreciate the letters more than he admits to even himself.

        Kevin smiles when he finally discovers a topic that might make her smile.  He takes the cover off the pen before he changes his mind about the whole idea.  He keeps busy well into the afternoon as the ideas just seem to pile up one by one on the very piece of stationery right in front of him.  Around 5 pm, he finishes the letter, places into an the nice envelope that matches the paper, as this particular one happens to be a bright green color, which he finds to be ironic as he does not even like green.  Not in the least bit.  He has always been a red and black kind of fellow.  He chuckles as he adds the stamp, along with name to the woman he intends to send it too, her address, and in the return address section simply writes his address with the caption Mystery Man.   He  might as well refer to himself in such as way as Kelsey herself did say this is what she plans to call him from here on out.

     Soon after he is done he fixes himself a nice meal of  Ramon noodles and a few fresh carrots.  He knows it is not much a meal, but he is not much a cook either since he has no to cook for besides himself.  He has no children, or wife.  He is just all alone.  He sighs as the reality of the matter kicks in once more.  He finishes his food and heads upstairs to prepare for bed.  He manages to sleep well into the morning when he does doze off that night.

      The next morning, the birds chirp outside Kevin's  bedroom window to single the nice, fresh start to a new day.  He smiles, gets up, puts on the typical  business suit, tie, socks and shoes along with his name tag, brushes his hair and eats a nice breakfast of  toast with jam, and a slice of swiss cheese. He places, the note in his mailbox with the flag up.   He heads on out to his car, after he locks the door behind him and is off to work.  He hums a  little tune to himself as he pulls out of his drive way.

     Meanwhile, Kelsey wonders if the secret admirer thing were just a joke. She sure hopes not.  She did respond to the first note which was brave of her as she is usually not one to write to strangers, let along people she knows for that matter.  She smiles as she gets ready for the day.  She arrives on time for work, and is more than happy to help a lady find just the right card to mail to her grandfather who lives far away.  The one this customer has not seen in years and has found out is ill lately.  She can see the look of  enthusiasm on the woman's face as the lady pays for the card.  

       The next customer is  a mother who has no idea what card to purchase.  It appears that this long time single mom of  three, has a finance and wants to get him a card.   

     "Miss, what kind of card would be right for this sort of thing?  Should I get his parents a card too?"  the nervous young lady says.

    Kelsey smiles. She takes a close look at the lovely diamond in the middle of a silver band on the customer's  left ring finger.  She thinks, this lady is fortunate no that is not it.  She is blessed to be engaged to whoever it is that could afford such a nice ring as this one!  Why it must have cost a fortune!  It sure glimmers and shimmers a lot.   That is for sure!

    "Do not worry, Miss!  I am sure we have just the card you seek!  Oh, and as for the future in-laws, may I suggest you get them the card that says, Thanks for raising such a fine young man such as your son! "  Kelsey remarks as she shows the kind woman the row of  Thank you, Thinking of You, and  Congratulations  cards.  She sure hopes this soon to be wife will find what she looks for among this assortment of  items.   If not, then she feels as if she is a failure at her job.

     "Why thanks so much!  I found just the ones I was after!  This is amazing!  You sure know your cards!  Does this mean you have a husband to charm too?"  The well meaning customer says.

     "Oh, who me?  No, I am just a single woman who works here to bring cheer to everyone and to earn some money to support myself.   Do come again!"  Kelsey calls out as she waves by to the lady!

   Kelsey's  boss smiles.  He still thinks of Kelsey as the daughter he never had.  His own daughter being the one who left home rather young in life, only to have lost contact with him and his wife soon after this.  His wife was so heart broken it seems she would never stop her tears of sorrow.  That is not until a few years back when she died from a broken heart.  Now as  a widower, he often wonders what became of his prodigal daughter?    He is glad his son keeps in touch with him !  This is is rather nice indeed, but it is still not the same.

    Later after work, Kelsey is about to head home when her boss hands her purse.  "Hey, Kelsey, do not forget this!"  Her boss calls out.  She smiles and takes it from him.  "Thank you!"  Kelsey says as she waves by to the man though her employer almost seems like a second father to her, or a grandfather like figure.  She heads on home with a skip to her  heart, and a nice tune in her mind.  All together, she has a great life!  Yes, a fine one indeed!

     Elsewhere, Kevin is hard at work!  He sees many customers show up. He is not sure how business will go today!  He can only strive to do his best as usual, though, right?  It not as if he could much more than this, now is there?   He smiles as he totals the sells from today !  Wow, he has sold 210 vehicles, so far and there is still more left to the day.  He might just sell  his quota yet!  

       Kevin enjoys a short lunch break and trip to the rest room.  Then he is back at it again!  He smiles when a man comes in with his wife, and two children.  It is sure is lovely to see a family get along so well.  This is a rare for him to see much this day and time!   He suggest a van for them since they want a nice family car for trips to the beach, the mountains, the zoo, and more.

      "Well, we like this one!  Could we test drive it first though, sir?"  The man who says his name is Joe ask.

      "Sure, Joe!   I have to tag along with you.  Company policy and all. "  Kevin says.

      "Oh, that is fine!"  Joe says.

       Joe climbs into the driver's side, while his wife gets into the back seat with the twins, Jeff and Jessica.   The salesman, Kevin climbs in the front passenger side.  Kevin smiles as the customer makes sure everyone is secure with their seat  belts.  It is always nice to see some one who shows concern for safety.

        After a quick test drive and return to the lot,  Joe smiles as does his wife, Darla, and their children.    He shakes hands with Kevin, as he says, " We love it! "    Soon, Kevin helps the man with his paper work and now there is  one more vehicle to add to his list of sales!  Wow, today has turned out better than he ever imagined!

       Maybe, just maybe, Kevin's  life  is a fine one, after all!  

   to be continued in Chapter 4  The Second Letter Arrives?

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