Chapter Six

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6;43 PM, Sunday
Location; Knollington Road

The Cold Breeze of the wind blew onto April Lanerman's Face as the Convertible drove down Knollington Road.

The Sidewalk was Empty, Only the Buzzing of the Lights of the Street Lamps could be heard.

April Recalled what had happened inside the Restaurant. Neil Loving her Hair. The Smile on his face. The Stubble on his chin. The Fairly Large Scar near his Left eyelid.

The knife she stashed beneath the Used toilet papers inside the Bin.

How could she kill him?

She was Clearly in love.


Maybe, She wanted to torture him first.

Yeah, Maybe.

She Smiled at the View as the Car kept driving down the road, Neil's eyes staring infront of him.

Her Mind can't stop thinking about him.

His Beautiful Emerald Eyes. His Lovely Whitening Smile. His Slightly Obese Body. His Ruffled Black hair.

Oh How She would Dominate Him.

"So, Where do you live?" Neil Asked Unexpectedly Causing April to Jump.

She Looked at him and Fiddled her Fingers, pulling out a thread from her black dress.

"Oh Uh, You can Drop me off At Huntington Avenue, Near The Herald's Bar." She Said.

"No, No Please, I don't want you walking-"

"No I Insist. Please. You've done so much for me already."

Neil Sighed and Smiled Understandingly.

"Alright, But Please take the umbrella underneath the seat, The Sky is getting a bit dark." He Pointed At the Seat then The Sky Abive.

"That I can do." She Smiled and Ducked down, Grabbing the Small Umbrella Stashed Below the Cushioned Car Seats.

The Car Slowed down, Then stopped completely Near the Sidewalk of The Herald's Bar.

She looked at The Once Brightly Lit Sign and Remembered Humphrey Davis. About His Murder. About how she Framed Agatha.

Now that she thinks about it, How did the police not piece together on how Humphrey Davis Could NOT have writted those words as he was shot, point blank, on the forehead.

She shrugged, Opening the car door and stepped out, Turning around to look at Neil.

They Both Smiled as April did her Little wave.

"Hope to see you again, Jeniffer." He Smiled as April Bit her Lip.

"Actually, Please, Call Me April." She Looked away, Waiting for him to call her names for lying to him like 'Bitch' or 'Fucker' Or...

"April?" He Asked And smiled.

"You gave me a fake name?" He laughed as April Nervously Chuckled.

"Haha...Yeah." She said, Fixing het hair.

He Smiled at Her, doing finger guns.

"Hey, It's fine. At least you can try to trust me now." He Scratched his head.


"Well, See you again sometime, April." He Said, Starting the Car and Driving off, Waving behind his back.

She Was left speechless. Standing there in the Pavement.


That Came Out Unexpected.

She Laughed Softly, Shaking her head and Walked Towards her Apartment.

The Sky Was beginning to darken, The Moon slowly rising as the sun slowly set.

April's Heels Clacked at the sound of the pavement as she walked down the street, The Black Street Lamps Guiding her way.

She passed by A Group of Friends Chatting, who gave her a smile.

Her eyes trailed off to the small Café sign to her left, the warm Hue of the light drawing her Eyes in.

Suddenly, She heard walking behind her.

She continued walking, Picking up the pace and looked behind her slightly.

A Tall male was Following her, His hands insude his pockets.

She Held the strap of her bag, And Started walking faster.

So did the man.

She Took a hard left, away from her apartment and continued walking.

Maybe his house is that way?

She thought, Taking another hard left, Then another, Making a full circle.

She looked back behind her.

The man was still following her.

She Started running now.

The man right behind her.

It was hard running in heels but she can't stop.

She passed by the Closed stores.

Then Houses.

Then A Bridge.

She Swerved Right, Opening her bag.

Taser. Where's my Taser?

She Fumbled and Ran into a brick wall.

She was in an alleyway.

No Way out.

Just Dumpsters and Bins.

She grabbed onto her Taser and took it out.

But the buckle on her Bag hit the backside of her hand.

The taser fell on the ground, Bouncing a bit away from her.

She Crouched quickly and tried grabbing it but she heard a familiar sound.

The sound of a gun.

"Step away from the Taser, Lady." The Deep voice commanded as she Stood back up, Hands in the air.

"What do you want? M-Money? Here!" She Fumbled again, Throwing out her wallet.

The Man smiled from the shadows, Kicking the Taser away and The wallet To April's Feet.

"Your Clothes, Lady." He Said, His sinister smile could be seen from the dark.

"What..?" She Said as the Man shot.

April Jumped as the bullet grazed her Shoulder.


She couldn't die like her mother.

The Exact way her mother died.


She had to fight.

She rolled her Hand into a fist and walked towards the Man.

"Ey', Lady, Don't you fucking move!" His Grip on the Gun tightened as April ran to him.

She punched the man to the face as He Let go of his Gun.

The Gun fell down to the ground.

The Man and April looked at each other and rushed to the Gun.

The man slid on the ground, Kicking the Gun away and kicking April's Foot.

Her toes made a Crunching noise as she screamed, Taking off her bag and Hit the Male.

He Grabbed the bag and Pulled it away from her and stood up, Slapping her on the cheek.

She held her cheek and looked at the man, who was closing in.

The man Took April by the Throat and pinned her on the wall, slowly raising her up.

She struggled to escape from his grasp as the man Laughed, ripping off her Black dress.

"You Bitch. You Fucking Bitch." He Exclaimed, Ripping her dress more as she Tried breaking free.

She was stripped down as the man took off her Panties and Smiled.

"You're a feisty one, Are you?" He Laughed, Trailing his other hand Near her Private part.

It brushed her leg as April's eyes started getting blurry.

She Slowly started letting go, only able to kick softly at the man's Chest.

She Jumped a bit from her spot as His Hands Violated her, She could hear him laugh.

She was going to die like this.

Could she accept?

She had to go down in a fight.

She had to.

She built up the strength and Kicked the man strongly on the chest.

The man Stumbled back, Clutching his chest as April fell to the ground, Her Dress was ripped and Her panties was thrown into the Dumpster.

"Why you little-"

April closed her eyes, Wairing for him.

She had her fist ready.

"Oh My God, April, Are you okay?"

That voice.

She opened her eyes slowly as The Man who violated her stood motionless on the ground.

The Mysterious Figure helped her up, Covering her Up with their Coat and helped her onto the car.

Her eyes were still blurry and Her body was cold.

She rested her head on the seat and slowly Closed her eyes, The last thing she saw was The Small Café's Closed Sign before drifting off.

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