chapter two

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Do Over

  CERYS WATCHED AS ROBBY PUNCHED THE BAG over and over again. He was angry about his mother, something that wasn't new when it came to him. Their parents were once friends, before the Fitzgerald's left and Robby's mom started disappearing to god knows where.

"Look, Miguel. I—" Both teens looked at Sam who was walking outside. The trio were the first students of Miyagi-do, a safe place for the three of them.

Cerys furrowed her brows slightly at Miguel's name, she must've been the ex he was talking about the other night.

"I can't talk right now, can you just tell Aisha to call me back." The girl sighed and hung up the phone. "I thought it was Aisha."

The statement was more for Robby, Cer knew that. She seen the was Sam and the Keene boy looked at each other. It was very obvious.

"You can talk to whoever you want." Robby commented, turning back to the bag and giving it a quick jab.

"Hey, guys." Daniel came into the picture before any drama started, the Fitzgerald girl letting out a deep breath. "Alright, perfect attendance on day one."

"So, what's our first lesson?" Sam questioned.

"That's what I wanna know." Cerys perked up, actually smiling for once.

"You'll see. Come on, follow me." The Larusso man started to walk away, the three teens following after him.

When they got to the front, Daniel cut a bag open, salt falling out of it. He began to walk around with it, the white particles forming a circle. The kids watched with eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"If we're gonna play in the sand, can't we go to the beach?" Sam asked jokingly.

"I like the beach." Cerys spoke up, folding her arms against her chest.

"No, not today. It's been a long time since this dojo has had more than one student, and you figure with three you have three times the defense, right?" Daniel asked.

"I assume you are approaching a point." The Fitzgerald girl asked, shifting her stance slightly.

Meanwhile, Robby and Sam nodded their heads to their sensei's previous statement.

"Well, one of you is right. One of the cornerstones of Miyagi-do karate is always moving in a circle and, with the wheel technique, you'll soon see that the three people here can be stronger than thirty people. Now, are you ready?" The older man asked.

"Yes." Robby said enthusiastically.

"Let's do this." Sam smiled, nodding her head.

"I'm ready as i'll ever be." Cerys agreed, trying her best to not jump up and down. She was really trying to convince herself she wasn't excited as she already was.

...and the training began.

  THE FITZGERALD GIRL LET OUT A SIGH as she watched the small pond in front of her. It was in the middle of the park and was her favorite spot to think. About life, what she wanted to do, what she needed to do, think about anything, really.

"Someone is bored." Miguel commented as he took a seat next to her, the girl immediately tensing up.

"I'm not bored, i'm thinking." Cerys responded, picking a piece of grass from the ground. "The bored one is you, snooping around in other people's business."

"I'm not snooping, I just seen you and wanted to say sorry for the other night." The Diaz boy sighed, extending his hand. "You know, we could just restart and pretend like it never happened."

"Oh, yeah? You want to pretend we randomly met at the park?" The Fitzgerald girl tried to hold back a slight smile.

"Mhm, deal?" Miguel raised an expectant brow, laughing slightly.

"Fine, you first." Cerys gestured towards him, her leg shaking back and forth gently.

"Hm, I've never met you before." The boy started laughing, extending his hand out for her to shake. "I'm Miguel Diaz, and you are?"

"Cerys..Fitzgerald." The short girl looked up, containing a smile. "This is kind of dumb.."

"I know." The taller teen smiled and shook his head. "But it was funny to see you do it."

"Jerk." Cerys rolled her eyes jokingly and looked down to the water beside them, examining it.

Oddly enough, the silence between them was comfortable. It wasn't awkward or weird, just silent.

"So, what did you mean when you said makes sense the other day? After you found out my name." Miguel asked curiously.

"I'm friends with Robby and Sam." The girl responded awkwardly. "Well, kind of."

"What do you mean kind of?" The Diaz boy questioned, it seemed that he could get defensive at any moment, something that wasn't meant to happen.

"We work out together?" The fact that miyagi-do was opening back up was supposed to be kept under wraps for now so, Cerys didn't explain herself any further than that. "Why does it matter?"

"It doesn't— I mean.." Miguel sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I have to go."

The boy got up without another word, walking off as quickly as he came.

"So much for starting over." Cerys scoffed slightly, throwing a rock into the pond as she watched it sink to the bottom.



  THE FITZGERALD GIRL WAS EXHAUSTED AFTER A LONG DAY of training and drama. She had fallen in the small pond at the dojo, got into mess with Miguel at the pond at the park, and to say this day was hard would be an understatement. Not to mention, she now had a growing hatred for ponds.

"Hey, short stack. How was practice?" Aiden asked as he spread soap all over a dirty plate.

Cerys set her bag down on the floor in the dining room and walked in with a dramatic sigh.

"Painful. I fell into the water twice and got my ass handed to me by Sam Larusso but, i'll get better eventually." The teen smiled. "Fitzgeralds always do."

"That's the spirit." Aiden cleared his throat slightly, setting down the now clean plate and facing his sister. "I need to talk to you about something."

"What is it?" Cerys tensed up slightly, it couldn't have been anything good, it never was.

"Mom and dad they uh..." the tall man rubbed the back on his neck. "They want to take you and Poppy unless I can give them enough money to go to Mexico."

"That's bullshit!" The Fitzgerald girl scoffed lightly, crossing their arms. "Why the fuck do they need to go to Mexico, anyways?"

"I didn't ask, I was stuck on the threats that they'd take you." Aiden tried to make light of the situation but in reality, there was no light to it.

"We'll find a way to get the money." Cerys bit her inner lip, trying not to cry.

Because, Fitzgerald's never cry.

Chapter twooooo woop woop i'm on a roll lmfao.

Thoughts and opinions on everything going on so far? I promise things will pick up more soon.

Hope you enjoyed!

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