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Chapter 1: Giotto

"Giannini, is the time-travelling machine finished?" the 21 year old Tsuna asked. Tsuna was now the boss of Vongola, after his 2nd Inhereitance Ceremony (1st one spoilt by Shimon, if you had read the manga) and clearing all the misunderstandings between Shimon and Vongola. Under the guidance of Reborn, who now had his curse broken already, Tsuna had learn how to deal with Mafia families during meetings and learn Italian. Tsuna now is also capable of going into HDWM whenever he wants. Although parts of Tsuna had matured, his clumsy and child-like features had not been erased. Tsuna had shoulder-length hair, and still preserved his big eyes. His voice had deepened alot, and whenever he smiled, people will stop and stare at him, because it was truly stunning. Even Hibari had once stop to look at Tsuna. His Guardians always had to hide their blush from Tsuna during meetings, with the exception of Chrome as she was used to it already.

"Yes, it is. It can be activated with your flames. But I have not set the time of where you will be transported to yet so please refrain from using it. Most probably the duration of your stay will be one week, and not the usual 5 minutes. I'm now trying to find a way to adjust the amount of time of your stay." Giannini explained, head still buried in tons of paperwork.

"Mind if I take a look?"

"Sure, sure." Tsuna examined the time machine and peered inside the time machine.

"Giannini! What's this!" Tsuna shrieked as his Vongola ring started glowing.

"AHH! Please get away from it quickly!" But too late, Tsuna was already gone.

"What've I done... Reborn-san is going to kill me..." wondered Giannini anxiously. Sure enough, the hitman flared up when the news was delivered to him.

"No way I'm going to let Tsuna slack when he comes back..." Reborn thought.

400 yrs ago

"Ouch... Where am I?" Tsuna scratched his head as he looked around. His HI (A/N: I'll be using this as the short form of Hyper Instituition) told him that he had been sent either to the future or past, and he could remain here forever. Tsuna gulped as he thought of not seeing his Guardians anymore. His train of thoughts was broken when he heard some shuffling of feet. Tsuna readied his gloves and went into HDWM, in case he gets attacked.

"Who is there?" Tsuna looked at the man with much shock. The man that he was seeing now, was none other than the founder of Vongola, Vongola Primo!

'I must be in the past, then. I'll have to be careful in what I say.' Tsuna thought.

"Greetings, Primo." Tsuna stood up and bowed.

"Why are you in the Vongola Mansion? And why do you have the Dying Will Flame?" Giotto questioned darkly.

"Fear me not, I'm not a spy. I know it sounds ridiculous, but please listen to what I've to say." Tsuna kept his head bowed, speaking in fluent Italian. He was now grateful to Reborn who had been training him to speak Italian and had gone through those hellish trainings.

"Try me."

"I'm from the future, and my name is Sawada Tsunayoshi. To be exact, 400 years later. I'm the Tenth Vongola Boss, and I am now here because my technician had invented a faulty Time Travelling Machine and I was sent here by incident. I'm not sure of the duration of my stay here, but not many should know where or who I am. This might change the future. If you are doubting me, my gloves and Vongola ring is the best evidence." Tsuna finished his long explanation. Giotto looked at Tsuna as if he had just seen an idiot, and was in deep thoughts for minutes.

"My HI tells me that you're not lying, but what you've just said is a bit too absurd. But I trust you, Tsunayoshi. Please come into the mansion, and I shall explain you to my Guardians. I'll not tell anyone else other than them, so you can relax." Giotto finally spoke after a few minutes. Tsuna heaved a sigh of relief and went out of HDWM, and followed Giotto into the mansion.

"And call me Tsuna, please."

"Alright, Tsuna it shall be. Giotto, not Vongola Primo."

Vongola Mansion, Dining Room

The other 6 Guardians just stared in shock at Giotto.

"Primo... Are you kidding? I mean, there is no such thing as time travelling and he does not look strong enough to be the Tenth." G stood up, voicing his opinion.

"But how do you explain Lampo's Ten Year Bazooka?" Asari interrupted, and this kept G quiet.

"Excuse me for interrupting your thoughts, but if you think I look weak, then we can fight later." Tsuna shot a muderous look at G. And G spoke no further more.

"This is cool to THE EXTREME!" Knuckle cried.

"Shut up or I'll cuff you to death." Alaude threatened.

"Yare, yare. I'm sleepy." Lampo yawned.

"Kufufu~ A new addition to our family. How shall we explain him to the others?" Daemon spoke this time.

"Tsuna, if it's alright with you, could you just fill in the secretary position. I'm in need of one."

Tsuna sighed.

"I thought I would have at least a break from my paperwork I was doing in the future, but it seems that fate has not allowed that. I guess it would be alright." Tsuna smiled sweetly and childishly at Giotto, and this made all the other Guardians blush. Tsuna had once again worked his charm on the Vongola Guardians.

"Ahem, ahem. Then this would be settled. I hope all of you will get along well with Tsuna. For now, Tsuna, you can stay in the empty room beside mines. Clothes will be provided for you. This butler will show your the way." Giotto called one of the butlers out, and led Tsuna to his room.

"Finally, a fresh set of clothes." Tsuna smiled when he opened the wardrobe. There were already some formal suits in it, thus, he would not have to wait for the cothes to come before he can bath. Tsuna had gotten used to sleeping in his suits after he was the Boss.

The brunette crawled into bed and tossed and turned, but could not sleep. Sure, it had been a long day, but the thought of how his Guardians were fairing bugged him. Someone knocked the door and Tsuna granted permission. Giotto walked in.

"Did I just interrupt you sleeping?"

"No, not at all. I was unable to sleep. I wonder how my Guardians are fairing..." Tsuna sighed again.

"They must be worried. But fear not, I think your Guardians should be capable of coping with such situations." Giotto gave Tsuna a warm smile, and he blushed.

"S-so, what have you come to my room for?"

"I was just thinking of chatting with you, after a day long of paperwork and paperwork." Tsuna giggled at this.

"I know how it feels. We're in the same boat, afterall." And the two of them broke into laughter.

"So how is Vongola in the future?"

"It's doing well, but as usual, the boss is always getting targeted at. 3 poisoning attempts, 11 sniper styles, 8 night raids. I wonder if the list will get longer." Tsuna laughed lightly.

"I see. The same goes for me. But I'm glad to see Vongola in good hands. It was amusing to talk to you, Tsuna. Good night." Giotto smiled and left the room.

"Good night." And the brunette went into deep slumber.

Present Time, Vongola Mansion

"Reborn! So how are we going to get Jyuudaime back?" Gokudera paced up and down anxiously.

"I don't know. From what I heard from Giannini, he said that Tsuna might return months later if the machine is faulty. If working well, it would be a week. So I think it's best if we have a temporary Boss. And that would be of course, me," Reborn stated.

"Objections? No? Okay, then this case is closed. We'll just have to wait for that idiot to come back. And in the meanwhile, Giannini, you better fix that stupid chunk of metal of yours." Reborn snapped. Gokudera just grumbled about something under his breath that couldn't be heard, while the others headed to their rooms for a good night rest, before the Arcobaleno tortures them.

Chapter 2: Secretary Jobs

The sunlight shone into Tsuna's room and Tsuna woke up startled, rubbing his eyes. The brunette just had a bad nightmare. Tsuna tried not to think too much about the dream, and readied himself for the day, straightening his tie before heading to the Dining Hall. He knew the Vongola Mansion by the back of his hand, because if he didn't Reborn would already have killed him. He was sure he wouldn't get lost, although he did, for a few times. As he headed to the Dining Hall, he met Giotto on the way.

"Good morning, Giotto."

"Good morning, Tsuna. Had good dreams yesterday?" Giotto asked, sensing that Tsuna looked unwell.

"No... More of a nightmare. Let's not talk about it and eat our breakfast." Tsuna gave what seems like a force smile, and tried to avoid the topic.

'He must be hiding something... I should ask him later...' Giotto thought.

Tsuna and the Guardians were served toast and coffee for breakfast, and Tsuna followed Giotto back to his office when breakfast ended.

"I'm sure you know what are the basic duties of a secretary?" Giotto asked.

"Yes. Sorting out paperwork and arranging the schedule. Is there a schedule you follow?"

"I don't really have a schedule because I normally stay in office and do paperwork. No meetings with the other Mafia Families currently." Giotto then handed a stack of files for Tsuna to sort out. The two Vongola bosses then started to work on the piles of paperwork at an amazing high rate, with Tsuna sorting them out quickly and Giotto scanning each quickly. A few hours later, the duo had already finished their workload.

"We've finished today's work already. That's fast." Giotto smiled, as he relaxed his fingers.

"If only you are in the future to help me. My Guardians only create troubles for me." Tsuna sighed and stretched his back.

Giotto laughed lightly and suggested to get their tummies filled before enjoying the rest of the day. They were served spaghetti with carbonara sauce and clams (A/N: *Drools* My favorite dish :X) for lunch together with mushroom soup.

"Kufufufu~ Giotto, this is the first time I've seen you so early for lunch." Daemon appeared out of nowhere, and sat beside Tsuna at the dining table.

"Thanks to Tsuna, I've been able to complete my work faster. And I didn't expect you to be actually sitting here and eating." Giotto shot back.

"Who says illusionist don't have to eat?"

"Daemon Spade..." Tsuna muttered angrily under his breath.

"What's wrong, Tsuna?" Giotto asked at the change of behavior.

"It's... just that in the future, we had to clear the trials that you First Generation gives us in order to obtain the power of Vonogla. But this joker here, held my Mist Guardian as hostage and put everyone in danger, saying he wants to create a new Vongola or whatsoever. I've not forgiven him yet, you know." Tsuna glared darkly at Daemon.

"Oya, oya. So do you want revenge now?"

"Not now. Someday, I guess. I don't want to waste my energy on a Mafia-obsessed pineapple head who only knows how to be strong and not smart." Tsuna 'hmphed' and continued eating his lunch.

"Mafia-obsessed... Pineapple head... Knows how to be strong and not smart (Means that Tsuna is calling him an idiot)... Decimo, you are sure daring to say such things to me." Daemon could feel is blood boiling. Giotto, on the other hand, was laughing non-stop, almost falling from his chair.

"T-Tsuna *Ahaha* I.. *Ahaha* didn't know you could.. *Ahaha* Good one, anyway. No one dared to talk back to Daemon you know, except Alaude. He's going to 'send you to hell' sooner or later." Giotto tried to hold his laughter back.

"He can try me if he wants. But for your information, ever since the little battle with you in the future, I've been trained to see through illusions, and now only my current Mist Guardians can trick me. Too bad for you, Daemon. You are not good in close combat, aren't you? You only swing that little scepter of yours around." Tsuna remarked sacarstically. Well, Reborn had taught Tsuna how to counter with such situations and learn how to not stutter when dealing with your enemies. It sure worked.

"I... I am not in an appetite to eat anymore." Daemon disappeared while slamming his fist into the table angrily. And our Vongola Primo was still laughing.

"Tsuna.. I really need you to teach me how to do that *AHAHA*" Giotto finally calmed down and laughed for the last bit.

"It's just something my tutor taught me many times. Or else, normally, I would run away or hide if in such situations. I used to be called 'No-Good Tsuna', you know." Tsuna ran a hand through his hair and gave one of his cutest smiles. And Giotto blushed.

"Tsuna.. You know, you're kind of cute. It would be nice if I had such a little brother..." Giotto blurted out.

"Eh? Is that so? I'm not sure... my Guardians don't say anything about it. But they sure act weird around me. Like turning red as if they have a fever. And I think I'll give alot of trouble to my older brother." Tsuna thought childishly as he looked up, rubbing his chin.

'He's so dense...' Giotto thought.

"Well, since we've finished our breakfast, I'd like to know more about you. Can we talk in the garden?" Giotto asked.


Vongola Garden, one of the benches

"So, could you tell me more of your family?" Giotto asked as they sat down.

"I'm the only child in the family, and my father is in the CEDEF. I'm a Japanese. My mum only knew that we were in the Mafia when I was 16. But I don't know what's the condition of my mum... But last night I dreamt of her, and she told me to take care while she was away. I guess... she've been killed. That matter will be settled when I return. Anyway, I have 7 other Guardians, as I have two mist guardians. Gokudera is my Storm Guardians, and he is very hot-headed. Yamamoto is my Rain Guardian, and on the other hand, he is very calm. He gave up baseball in order to help me, and I still feel a little bit bad about it. Lambo is my Lightning Guardian, and he is only 11 years old. He has the Ten Year Bazooka, though. My Sun Guardian, Ryohei is quite the loud one, and he says TO THE EXTREME after everything he says. My Cloud Guardian is Hibari, and he is very aggresive. He calls people 'Herbivore', although I've been promoted to 'Omnivore'. Ahehe. I've two Mist Guardians, Chrome and Mukuro. When Mukuro was locked up in a prison, he used Chrome as someone to help him connect to the world, and Chrome needs him to create her illusionary organs. He is already released from prison. Chrome's quite a popular girl, because both Mukuro and Hibari is wooing her. My other Guardians and I are still single, though." Tsuna laughed sheepishly.

"You family sounds similar to mines. I guess I would not have to explain my Guardians or myself, because you most probably know us already."

"Y-Yea.. I know how your Guardians are already, from the Inhereitance Trails. But you are not what I imagined you would be. You're so easy to talk with!" Tsuna chuckled.

"Really? My Guardians say I'm hard to talk with sometimes. So I guess your tutor is very strong?"

"Yes, he is. He is VERY VERY strong, a spartan, in other words. But he was also the one who trained me from Dame-Tsuna into a Mafia Boss. He taught me how to speak Italian, how to counter people like Daemon Spade, and he taught me how to fight. Although he does not show it, but he is actually very concerned about me, and I think our bond is very strong. He is called Reborn. And he is one of a hell tutor." Tsuna smiled, while looking into the sky.

"I wonder how he is doing now..." Tsuna's smile turned into a sad one, and his brown, chocolate eyes were filled with sadness. It felt as though Tsuna was going to cry. Of course, Tsuna couldn't survive a day without Reborn. (A/N: You remember when Reborn was sent to the future and Tsuna was finding Reborn desperately?)


"Yes?" Tsuna replied, trying to wipe off his tears.

"I'll be sure to get you back to your time. I promise. So you'll get to see your friends and Reborn again." Giotto suddenly embraced Tsuna, and patted his head.

"Cry if you want." And there sat Tsuna, who cried while clinging to Giotto.


"You bastard! Give me your money!" The outlaw kicked Giotto in his gut.

"Ughh!" The outlaws took Giotto's wallet, and kicked him in his gut again. Giotto spat out more blood.

"I'm.. too weak... How can I... be the leader of the Vigilante of the group like this... I want to protect all the people of this town.. Their smiles..." Giotto thought. He hugged his legs, and cried in the pouring rain. All alone. Alone. No one was with him. Not even Shimon. Shimon had been badly injured, and he did not even know the whereabouts of him. His mother was killed, father in the army. People said what did a boy can do, or a bunch of kids could do. No one wanted to salvage the problem.

"Are you okay?" It was the voice of a boy. Giotto looked up, and saw a boy with red hair.

"Who.. are you?"

"I'm G. I heard you created a vigilante group. Can I join? I want to protect the townspeople too." G said with finality.

"I'm Giotto. We shall protect the people, of all costs." And this was the starting of Vongola.

Chapter 3: Discovery

The brunette woke up with a bad headache, and looked around. If he remembered, he had been hugging Giotto while crying... The thought of it made Tsuna blush, and someone at the side chuckled.

"Why are you going red for? Finally, you've woke up. You slept for a few hours or so, you know, and its already next morning. You must be tired." Tsuna looked beside him, and saw Giotto sitting beside him.

"E-Eh... N-No! I-I just t-thought w-what h-happened before I s-slept and r-remembered something embarrassing..." Tsuna squeaked and went red again.

"You're simply so cute... You don't have to be embarrassed about it. I've once cried like that before, you know?" Giotto smiled sweetly.

"E-Eh? Really?" Tsuna asked.

"Yes. I'll be going out to settle some issues, so you can explore the old Vongola Mansion while I'm away. Have fun." Giotto patted Tsuna's head and walked out of the room. Tsuna then changed into a button up shirt with a pair of black pants, and walked around the mansion.

"Oya, oya. I see that you're not helping Giotto with his work and slacking here?" Thick mist surrounded Tsuna when he walked out of his school and Daemon appeared. Instead of his normal military outfit, he was in a similar outfit as Tsuna. Tsuna had to admit, he looked nice.

"I've already finished the paperwork already. And Giotto's gone to settle some issues, so he said I could explore the mansion." Tsuna said calmly, trying not to let his 'Dame-Tsuna' personality out. But too bad, Daemon was the kind that would pick out your weaknesses. His mouth curled into a devilish smirk, and Tsuna felt intimidated.

"What's with your smirk?" Tsuna asked, backing away as Daemon moved forward.

"Nothing at all. It just so happen that I thought of what your weakness is. And I'm going to try my theory out. You're something that fascinates me." Daemon stepped forward, and Tsuna backed.

'Uh Oh... What is he going to do to me? I really shouldn't anger him...' thought Tsuna anxiously. Tsuna tried taking deep breaths and calming himself.


"Okay, so you know how to deal with people who tries to threaten or look down on you, right?" Reborn asked. Tsuna nodded his head.

"Now we will be learning how to deal with people of this sort." Reborn smirked.

"Of 'this' sort? What sort?" Tsuna asked, titling his head to the side. Reborn started to move closer to Tsuna, and end up cornering Tsuna. His face was very close to Tsuna's, and Tsuna blushed.

"This is the one I'm talking about. Such people will do this to reveal your weakness, especially if you used the previous method to deal with him. You must stay calm and not blush, or show signs of weakness. But that is what you will do, so it's best if you analyse the situation quickly. Or else, you be dead meat." Reborn explained.

"U-uh... Reborn? C-Can you be not so close to me?" Tsuna felt his cheeks getting hot, and Reborn backed away.

"Maa, you'll be dead meat if I'm not your tutor. So when you are stuck in this situation, you've no choice but to enjoy it." Reborn smirked devishly.

End of flashback

And finally our little Tsuna realised what situation he was in. He had just hit the back of the wall of his room, and Daemon was cornering him. The door was closed.

'You've no choice but to enjoy it.' Reborn's words echoed in his mind. And Tsuna mentally cursed at Reborn.

Vongola Mansion, Present Time

*Achoo!* Reborn rubbed his nose.

"Ara? Someone must be talking about me." Reborn thought as he reached out for a piece of tissue paper.

400 years ago

"You're sure fun to tease." Daemon smirked, and put his two hands on the wall, closing his face to Tsuna's.

"Hrnn..." Tsuna groaned and turned red.

"So cute..." Daemon taunted playfully as he breathed down Tsuna's neck. (A/N: Tsuna is going to stay innocent as he is.) He then moved up to Tsuna's lips, and Tsuna knew what's coming. He closed his eyes, prepared for the worst, while blushing madly.

"Such a fun toy~ Kufufufu~ I had fun, Decimo. But relax, I won't tell anyone about your weakness. I'll make you mine and only." Daemon pulled away and disappeared, leaving an angered, yet embarrassed Tsuna there.

Tsuna was still cursing Reborn and Daemon under his breath while walking along the hallways, when he met Asari.

"Hi there, Decimo. It has been a long time since I saw a Japanese around here." Asari smiled.

"How did you know I was Japanese?" Tsuna asked.

"Although your Italian makes you sound like a local, I still hear some weird accent from the way you speak."


"Well, I have to go. See you later!" And Asari walked away.

"Decimo! Help me!" This time, it was Lampo.

"What happened?" Tsuna asked anxiously.

"Protect me!" Lampo cried as he hid behind Tsuna.

"You stupid Lord of whatever house! Come back here!" It was G.

"Why are you bullying Lampo?" Tsuna asked G, with a serious face.

"He.. he destroyed one of my precious skull collection!"

"Lampo, say sorry to G."

"Sorry, then, G. You should be honored that Lampo-sama apologised to you!" Lampo stuck his tongue out and ran away.

"Yo..u!" G gritted his teeth and was about to chase after Lampo when he was stopped by HDWM Tsuna.

"Just let him go already. Or you'll fight me?" Tsuna smirked.

"Grrr..." G eyed at Tsuna and stomped away.

'Vongola Mansion is sure lively... And looking at the way the Guardians are spending their time, no wonder Giotto could not finish his workload...' Tsuna thought.

When Tsuna was about to turn left to another corridor, he could hear 'Fuuki Iinchou' BGM playing in his head. (A/N: It's Hibari's theme song.)

'Oh... Here comes Hibari No.2...'

And Tsuna was right. Walking out of the office was Alaude, and Tsuna could hear groaning from inside.

"Hmm? Decimo? Just nice, I wanted to cuff someone to death and test your skill at the same time. Let's fight." Tsuna sweatdropped and went into HDWM.

"If you say so." And both of them began to fight. When I say fight, I really mean fight. Tsuna VS Alaude = 5 broken doors, 10 walls crumbled, entire corridor ruined, 4 injured staff, and Alaude calling Tsuna a Carnivore. It was worth it, afterall. Or not? More repairs for Giotto, anyway.

As Tsuna headed to the kitchen for something to eat, he could hear someone running in the gardens shouting 'TO THE EXTREME' all the way. I'm sure you know who he is already. By the time Giotto had returned, Tsuna was already extremely tired, because of all the ruckus Giotto's Guardians had created.

"So how was your day together with my Guardians?" Giotto asked during bedtime.

"Sorry to say this, but you'll need more repairs for the corridor near Alaude's room. And next time when you want to go out, please bring me with you." Tsuna sighed while Giotto laughed.

"I guess it didn't go well?"

"You got it right."

Chapter 4: Threat

Somewhere in Italy

"So... Vongola Decimo... Huh? Travel back in time? Time machine? He'd be useful to us.. MUAHAHA!"

Vongola Mansion, Giotto's time

"It seems that all of you are having a good relationship with Tsuna." Giotto stated during breakfast. Everyone else smiled or smirked, except for G.

"Not me! Primo, do you know that he shielded Lampo? And that stupid-lord broke one of my precious skull collections!" G slammed his fist angrily.

"You were going to blast Lampo off, you know." Tsuna snapped.

"... Fine."

"Actually Tsuna is someone you can get along easily. He's actually not as fierce and aggressive as he seems. He's actually.." and Giotto was cut halfway by Tsuna who was covering his mouth.

"Ahehehe, it's nothing." Tsuna smiled sheepishly. Daemon 'Kufufufued' and the other Guardians laughed, even Alaude chuckled a bit.

'Lucky Giotto didn't tell them about my soft-hearted nature... Phew!'

Tsuna's room, after breakfast

"Decimo. Got you." A loud explosion could be heard as a man broke the wall of Tsuna's bedroom. Tsuna was in his room after breakfast with the Guardians. He immediately turned behind and went into HDWM, readying his gloves. He tried to defend, but he was too late.

"Ughhhh!" Tsuna struggled as the man pressed a hankerchief that contained a sleeping drug to Tsuna's nose, and Tsuna fell asleep.

"Tsuna!" Giotto, who had heard the explosion, immediately rushed to Tsuna's room. Tsuna was gone already, and only a note was left there amongst the ruins.

"Come take your Decimo if you want. - Nessuno Family."

"Nessuno... Famiglia...! So news travel fast, huh?" Giotto muttered as he crumpled the piece of note. The other Guardians who had also heard the explosion came rushing over.

"G, Alaude and Knuckle! We are going to take Tsuna back! Daemon, check if any other families knows of Tsuna's arrival. Lampo and Asari stay here and guard the mansion incase they attack us." Giotto declared angrily as he went into HDWM.

Nessuno Family, Prison

Tsuna groaned as he woke up. He only remembered being attacked and taken away.

"Ughh..." Tsuna tried to move but could not. His hands were tied to the wall and his legs were bound by a metal ball.

"So you've woken up, Decimo. I'm sure being a boss you should know what we want... Now, tell us." A shady man sitting infront of Tsuna laughed evily.

"I'll never betray my Famiglia!" Tsuna retorted back immediately. He had been captured by rival families before and had been in this type of situation before. He would not say anything, even at the cost of his life.

"So I see. Then I'll torture you until you talk instead. Get the whip!"

"Urh!" Slashes.

"Argh!" 2nd slash.

"Arh!" 3rd slash. They slashed Tsuna, until the 50th time, and stopped.

"Heal him before slashing again!" Tsuna was healed again by a Sun user (A/N: Had the flame system been established 400 yrs ago? I guess so.), and slashed another 50 times. It continued, and continued.

Vongola Mansion, Entrance

Just when Giotto and his 3 other Guardians was about to head out to Nessuno's Mansion to save Tsuna, the Nessuno family had their troops stationed in front of Vongola Mansion's entrance.

"Merda! They already had their troops ready!" Giotto flared up.

"We've no choice but to eliminate them first." Alaude stated blankly.

"Knuckle, I need you to call out all the manpower we have now. Alaude will fight with me."

Knuckle rush back into the Mansion in a hurry, while Giotto and Alaude handled the enemies, with Asari and Lampo who just knew that the Mansion was under attack helping them.

Gunshots crossfired. Lightning flashed. Rain fell. Clouds gathered. The sky, engulfed in orange, angry flames. The sun lost its shine. The storm raged on. The mist appeared and disappeared. Everything overlooked the battlefield. The grass was stained a bloody red, the air filled with blood. Vongola won, and there was not a single soldier alive.

"Giotto! You should stop!" G held Giotto back as he attempted to 'fly' to the Mansion.

"Tsu-na... He's in danger..." Giotto spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Kufufu~ Primo, I really think you should stop." Daemon put a hand on Giotto's shoulder.

"You're badly injured and you're straining yourself. Let's attack tomorrow." This time, Alaude spoke up.

"I'll bring Giotto back to his room and heal him." Knuckle offered. Giotto gave a faint nod.


"How's Franco's condition?" Giotto asked as he rushed over.

"Not...Good... Doctors are threatened by 'them' and didn't show up..." Shimon sighed as he held Franco.

"Why Franco had gotten into this?" Giotto asked angrily.

"It's because... he didn't give 'them' 90% off..."

"This town.. is a paradise for outlaws.. They threaten townspeople and take their money away.. If we don't do what they say, they will resort to violence.. We can't depend on the police anymore, they'd already given in to them. I love this town, it shines like the sun and I like the townspeople who smile and are happy..." Giotto teared as he held up a stalk of rose.

"Just shutting up and looking the town fall into ruins! I had enough of this already!"

"Giotto, a vigilante group..." Shimon suggested.

"Vigilante group?... But we need a strong leader!"

"There's no one but you to do the job... Giotto!" Shimon said with grim finality.

"I swear that I shall protect everyone

End of Flashback

in this town! No one shall be injured because of me!"

"Yet, I failed..." Giotto mumbled bitterly.

"I like Tsuna's smile which is like the sun... I'll save him! I swear!"

Chapter 5: Rescue Tsuna!

"Sir, Decimo has not spoken a word at all, since yesterday." A soldier reported to the Boss of Nessuno Family. (A/N: I dun feel like giving him a name. Let's just call him 'Boss of Nessuno Family'.)

"That brat is sure keeping up well. Then use other ways! Like pressing his head down into a bucket of water or something," the Boss crossed his arms angrily.

"Yes, sir!" And the soldier went running off.

Giotto, on the other hand, together with his Guardians, has already infiltrated part of the Nessuno Family's base.

"Where's the prisoner being held hostage at?" Giotto grabbed one of the guards by his collar.

"T-The basement!" And the soldier went flying somehwhere else.

Basement Of Nessuno Mansion

"URF!" Tsuna groaned as the person pushed his head above the water, and pressed him into the water again.

"We need reinforcements! The Vongola Family had already inflirated into our base!" A soldier suddenly came running in, and the guards ran out of the door immediately, leaving Tsuna on the floor.

"G-G-Gio-t-to.." Tsuna muttered before fainting.

"Where is Tsuna! Where is he being held hostage!" Giotto declared, grabbing another guard by his collar. The half-beaten-to-death guard pointed to a door before collapsing.

"Tsuna!" Giotto shouted as he opened the door. Tsuna was lying on the floor, unconscious, and Giotto immediately went to his side.

"Knuckle! Check his wounds!"

"Gi-iotto... He.. was whipped and healed many times, then put into water. He swallowed quite an amount of water. He has internal injuries." Knuckle concluded.

"Urf! Hrgh!" Tsuna coughed out mouthfuls of water as he tried to sit up.

"Tsuna! Are you alright?" Giotto asked with much worry.

"Thi-s is not enough to bring me down.." Tsuna smiled and fainted again.


"Let's bring him back to the base first." Asari suggested. Giotto nodded his head and carried Tsuna bridal style.

Vongola Mansion

Tsuna woke up, with a bad headache. He only remembered being brought to a cell, and tortured, until he saw Giotto.

"Glad that you've woken up. You've been sleeping for half a day already... Phew!" Giotto smiled as he wiped off the sweat that rolled down his forehed.

"Sorry for having caused so much trouble... How long have you been here? And this does not look like the bed I always sleep in."

"Oh, it's my bed. I thought it was better to stay by your side." Giotto yawned as he explained.

"What time is it now?"


"Then I should get up and let you sleep here!" Tsuna tried to sit up but then he felt a sharp pain near his abdomen.

"Rest. I'm fine sleeping on a chair."

"Come on. It's not like this bed is so small. I can share one with you." Tsuna remarked and gave Giotto one of his most charming puppy eyes and smile.

"... Alright then..." Giotto blushed and sighed in defeat. And so, the both of them slept together.

Next morning

"Mhm... Morning, Giotto..." Tsuna mumbled as he opened his eyes, and realised how closer they were. They faces were just are few cms away, and Giotto had his hands around Tsuna's waist. Tsuna had to admit, Giotto looked cute when he was sleeping, with his bangs covering his eyes.

"Mhm... Morning, Tsuna..." Giotto yawned.

"Err... Giotto? Your hands?" Tsuna asked as he blushed. Giotto looked at where Tsuna was looking at, and immediately released his hands from Tsuna's waist.

"S-Sorry. Are you feeling better?" Giotto asked as he sat up.

"Much more better. Anyway, I've been through such things alot of times. Getting attacked, tortured for information, and my Guardians end up saving me. Ehehehe..." Tsuna laughed lightly.

"Poor you... Anyway, your room's wall is already fixed so you can go back to your room." Giotto stretched his back as he explained.

"O-Oh.. See you at the dining table."

Dining Table

"I have something to discuss about. Daemon said that no other families knew about Tsuna, but news is bound to travel fast. So I hope that you guys can look out for Tsuna, incase something like that happens again." Giotto announced during breakfast.

"Err, sorry to interrupt, but my future technician told me I most probably will be sent back automatically after a week. So I have... until noon. I shouldn't be bothering you much. Unless the machine is spoilt."

"Then we'll be saying sayonara to you first." Asari spoke in Japanese.

"Bye, then. Hmph." G looked away.

"Oya, oya, it was fun with you here."

"... Let's blow up an entire row of corridor next time," This time, it was Alaude.

"Aww, without you, G's gonna blast me off again." Lampo protested.


"Enough with the farewells. Eat your last breakfast in our Mansion and do your last bit of paperwork, would you." Giotto smiled. But behind that smile, Tsuna could sense sadness behind it.

Giotto's office, 11.50 am

"It's about time, Giotto." Tsuna closed his last document and sighed. Giotto stood up, and walkd over to Tsuna. He held Tsuna's hands, and looked at him in his eyes.

"The time I've spent with you is fun, and I hope we can meet again one day. Remember, the Vongola Ring holds our wills. It's possible to meet us in the future, if you have some sort of machine. Parting is hard and difficult. I love you, Tsuna. You're just like my little brother. I hope you'll do Vongola well." Giotto looked down as a tear escaped from his eyes.

"I love you too, Giotto. Just like my big brother." (A/N: Tsuna and Giotto meant brotherly love.) The clock struck twelve, but nothing happened.

"Eh?" Tsuna wondered.

"If you are not sent back after a week, it means... The machine is broken?" Giotto asked.

"It.. seems to be the case.." Tsuna sweatdropped. He wondered what was happening back at the Vongola Mansion.

Vongola Mansion, Present Time

"Hibari... Mukuro..." Reborn snarled under his breath. The both of them looked at each other, and looked away.

"It was his fault." The two of them spoke in synchronization, pointing a finger at each other.

"Don't copy me." Again, at the same time.

"It's alright if you destroy the whole house... BUT NOT THE MACHINE. HOW WILL TSUNA GET BACK?" Reborn snapped. The Cloud and Mist Guardian kept quiet.

"Giannini, please make another machine ASAP!" With that, Reborn slammed the door, stomping off.

'Tsuna... You better be safe!'

Chapter 6: Extra: Karaoke Session

Reborn had suggested the Guardians and Varia (Excluding Lussuria, Levy) to take a break work and they will spending a day at the Vongola's karaoke bar.

"I'm sure all of you know how to sing right? So, we'll take turns to sing songs and the person who receives the most amount of supporters win. Hibari and Varia, you are also included. I heard you all can sing very well." Reborn smirked as Hibari looked away.


"Scum, are you belittling us?"

"Never mind about their skill. Tsuna, as the boss, you should go first." Reborn pushed Tsuna forward.

"Eh? Then... I shall sing 'Mamoru Beki Mono'.

Ore no kokoro

Hikaru ringu

Tomoru honoo kakugo no akashi

Kimi wo mamoru

Donna ni mayoi nayan de demo donna ni omoi negatte temo

Sore dake jya kaerarenai

Ikiru tame ni hitsuyou naraba shinuki de tachimukatte yukusa

Kako e mirai e

Oozora no shita ima dekiru koto

Sagasu no sa sono egao doko ka ni kakureteru

Ore no ashita ni mamorubeki mono

Taisetsu na kimi ga iru kara

"Wow! Tsuna, I didn't know you could sing!" Yamamoto exclaimed.

"That's our Jyuudaime!" Gokudera cheered.

"Now, for the voting, who supports Tsuna? Oh, and I forgot to say this, the loser will be punished." Reborn smirked devishly. Yamamoto, Gokudera and Giannini raised up their hands.

"3 ONLY? Oh no, I'm going to lose!" Tsuna panicked, pacing up and down.

"Then I'll go next." Reborn offered. Everyone just gawked at the thought of Reborn, the hitman, singing.


Itsukara ore ga Hittoman kadatte

Sonna koto doude mo ii hanashi ka

Tada hitotsu dake tashikana no wa

Kanari no ude maede otoko maette koto sa

Doko kara doko made ga riaru da

Unmei tte mon ni nagasarete yuku no ka

Ore wa Hittoman

Sekai saikyou sa



By the end of the song, all hands were already raised up. Reason being: 1) Reborn would kill them if they didn't raise their hand. 2) It was really badass.

"I'm not participating, so don't count me in. But being the best hitman, of course everyone would raise their hands up. Hehehe. Next should be... Xanxus!" Reborn grinned with delight.

"Scums, listen properly because I won't sing a second time." Xanxus growled.


Shaku netsu no sekai wo furu wase

Hametsu no sakebi ga hibiku

Sonzai suru ara yuru mono wo

Kuppuku saseru kono chikara

Ukabi agaru ikari no moyou ga

Shou mei suru hokori takaki chi no tsuyosa wo

Moe sakaru ikari de

Subete wo shihai suru

Kono te ni yadoru honoo

Are kurui uzumaku gouka

All the Varia's members raised up their hands, and not a single one from the Vongola.

"Maa, I think it was not too bad. So now Tsuna and Xanxus is a tie. Next shall be... the two Mist Guardians Mukuro and Chrome!"

"Kufufu~ Listen properly~"

"Err... I'll do my best..."

Sakura Addiction (Originally sung by Mukuro and Hibari)

Sakura saku maiochiru

Nani mo nai boku no te no ue

Hakankute yasashikute

Kowaresou kimi mitai na hana

Itsumo no kaisatsu wo

Surinuketeiku ano ko wa sou

Kagayaku me wo shite

Mainichi nanika tsukami totte yukun da

Boku wa to ieba

Nani mo nai mainichi kurikaeshite

Hieta kokoro motte sa

Hana hiraku shunkan sagashite me wo tojiru

Sakura saku maiochiru

Nanimonai boku no te no ue

Hakankute yasashikute

Kowaresou kimi mitai na hana

Fran, Yamamoto, Tsuna, Ryohei and Hibari raised up their hands, with Hibari looking both willing and unwilling.

"Oya, I didn't expect Kyoya to raise up his hand." Mukuro taunted.

"For Chrome, not you." Hibari 'hmphed', while Chrome blushed.

"Alright, now the ones winning are Chrome and Mukuro wth 5 votes. Fran shall go next."

Special Illusion

Riaru? Gensou? Azamuku kaikan

KUSE ni naru chikara tsukatte I'm a top magician

Jizai ni gushagusha desu yo

Massugu nanka jya byousatsu desu

Netsu wo samashite abaremashou

Shinku no mori wa mii no Wonderland

Nee acchi ni mo kocchi ni mo iru yo

Mii darake

Asobi ni oide yo MII no Wonderland

Honmono wa dore da? Inochi ga ke de mitsukete

Bel, Squalo, Chrome and Mukuro raised their hand.

"Shi shi shi shi, not bad for a Froggy Head." Bel threw some knives at Fran's froggy hat.

"As expected from my student." Mukuro punched Fran's hat.

"It hurts, Senpai, Pineapple-Head." Fran remarked. Another punch in the hat.

"Anyway, Fran got 4 votes, losing to Mukuro and Chrome. Hibari, go next."

"I'll bite all of you to death for crowding."


Kumo no kirema sasu hi wo kono te de mata nigirishimeteiru

Hatenai chiheisen no sono saki ni

Dare ga matteru nani ga matteiru

Tatakai tsuzukeru hibi nanika wo eru tabi mata ushinatteku

Kokoro ga kiba wo muita sono saki ni

Motomeru mono mitsukaru darou ka

Obieteiru sugata ni kakerareru kotoba nado shiranai

Chiriyuku sadame no sono inochi

Mitodokeyou keshite ageyou

Ima sugu demo onozomidoori ni

Kami korosu boku no risou wo jyama suru subete kowashite

Sousa dare mo tomerarenai

Kirisaite boku no kokoro ga moesakaru uchi wa dare mo

Sousa suki ni saseyashinai

Tsuna, Yamamoto, Chrome, Ryohei and even Reborn raised his hands.

"I personally thought it was good. Anyway, now it's a tie between Hibari and MukuroChrome. Yamamoto, you can go next."

Ame no Message

Yuuni furi dashita ame ga

Machi wo yasashiku someru

Hokori ya iya na koto mo

Arai nagashite kureru

Hare no hi mo areba sou dayo

Ame no hi datte aru yo

Ama yadori demo shite sa

Kyuukei demo shiyou

Mainichi wa kore kara mo tsuzuku eien ni

Togireru koto nai ima ga tsuzuku

Hora nakitai toki wa nakitai dake

Namida kareru made nakeba ii

Tsuyogara nakute ii sa tsuyoku nareru kara

Ima saka wo kake agaru sono tochuu

Kurushiku naru sa minna onaji

Asera nakute iinda tadori tsukeru kara

Gokudera, Tsuna, Ryohei and Squalo raised their hands.

"VOIII! THAT WAS GOOD!" Squalo hit Yamamoto on his back.

"Thank you!" Yamamoto bowed.

"Yamamoto ties with Fran. Next, Squalo."



Raku ni ikirareru hazu mo nai

Ikiru koto wa tatakai dakara

Te ni iretai mono no tame ni

Onore no inochi wo kakerun da

Kowase kowase nani mo ka mo kowashite yare

Jyama suru mono minna

Taose taose subete nagitaoshite yare

Tsuyosa wo te ni irero

Genkai nante kirihiraite yuke

"..." Only Yamamoto raised up his hand.


"Reborn, could you please lower the volume? My ears are still ringing from his VOIIs!" Lal Mirch complained, still twitching with anger. (A/N: The Arcobalenos are not voting, only watching.)

"Alright, Lal. Squalo with one vote, and is currently losing now. Next, we'll have Gokudera!"


Mamoritai to omoeru mono ga

Sou hitotsu wa aru darou

Subete sasage narifuri kamawazu

Mamon no ga otoko da

Ore ga ieru koto wa...

Konnan na toki makesou na toki

Kuishibaru tsuyosa

Kizutsuita toki kanashii toki mo

Kujikenai tsuyosa

Arashi wo okose honoo wo hanate

Tsukinukero ima wo

Tsukame omae no yume

Tsuna, Yamamoto and Ryohei raised up their hands.

"Thank you, Jyuudaime!" Gokudera bowed.

"Another one with three votes. Next... Bel!"

Bloody Prince

Bloody Bel ore wa saikou

Kiri aji mo zekkouchou kirisaite yukou

Bloody Bel ouji no ashioto

Kikoetekuru darou nigeba wa naize

Shinku ni somaru odoriko wo raitoappu

Kurutta shi e no merodii

Himei nantemon wa saikou no BGM

Help me help me help me

Bloody hell bloody heaven

Bloody Bel

Fran, Squalo, Yamamoto raised their hands.

"Ara? Yamamoto, you seem to be raising your hands for all." Tsuna asked, noticing he had voted almost for everyone.

"Really? Nevermind."

"Okay, another 3 votes. Ryohei won't have to go, with special request from Lal Mirch. So, the winner is... Mukuro and Chrome!" Reborn declared.

"WHY TO THE EXTREME?" Ryohei protested.

"That's because I already have a headache from Squalo's VOIIIIII, hearing you TO THE EXTREME will make me faint." Lal Mirch sighed, while Fon offered a cup of green tea.

"Thanks alot, I really need tea to cool down."


"The winners get to choose their prize, and so, the duo and Hibari has asked for a year worth of chocolates!" Reborn announced, and a hamper filled with chocolates came out of nowhere.

'Seriously... ONE YEAR WORTH OF CHOCOLATES?' Tsuna shouted mentally.

"So, the loser shall be sent to the special room for punishment. BYE, Squalo!" And he was dragged away by Colonello and Lal Mirch, followed by a few VOIIS and 'CAN YOU PLEASE SHUT UP's.

"Since Squalo is sent away, the rest shall either sing or drink. No exceptions."

Tsuna chose to drink, because it was basically easier than singing. Gokudera and Yamamoto followed suit, while Mukuro, Chrome and Hibari sat in a corner drinking by themselves, and Hibari went drunk and red just with one cup.

"Oya, oya. I heard that you said you 'don't drink', so it was because you 'couldn't drink'." Mukuro laughed evily.

"Mukuro-sama, please don't tease Kyoya. He really can't drink." Chrome pleaded Mukuro as she helped Hibari to his room, with Mukuro following behind.

Bel and Fran decided to sing instead, while Xanxus drank and Ryohei sang. Scratch that. Ryohei wasn't singing, he was just 'shouting' and adding extra lyrics 'TO THE EXTREME'. Reborn drank with Skull, while Fon just slowly drank his cup of tea. That's what a Vongola Karaoke session ought to be like.

Chapter 7: Giotto's Birthday

"So, he's not leaving and staying here for a period of time?" Lampo asked.

"Yes. It seems that the machine might be broken or destroyed." Giotto explained.

"Yay! Tsuna-nii, please protect me from G!" Lampo whined.

"You..." G pointed a finger at Lampo angrily.

"Kufufu~ It seems that we will have more time for 'bonding', Tsu-chan." Daemon grinned playfully. Tsuna gulped at the 'Tsu-chan'.

"Let's fight when we have time." Alaude smirk, twirling his handcuffs.

"I see that I can get to speak with a Japanese more often." Asari beamed happily.

"Amen. May God bless him that the machine is not spoilt and that he can return to his time." Knuckle clapsed his hands together and prayed.

"I see that all of you are getting along well with Tsuna. But his identity must not be known to people. And we need to protect him. Any suggestions as to how we can prevent him from being captured?"

"Hmm, why not we dress him up into a girl? People would not be able to recognise him, then." Asari suggested teasingly.

"... I'm a guy... And I have my own pride too..." Tsuna glared at Asari threateningly and this sent some shivers down his throat.

"Ahaaa, I was just kidding. Why don't we take turns to be with him for a day, other than Giotto who does that everyday?" Asari suggested.

"I thought Plan 1 was better. But Plan 2 is good, too." Tsuna glared at Lampo for his first sentence.

"Kufufu~ First time I'm on the same page as Lampo. I agree." Daemon smirked.

"Agree." Alaude yawned as he said.

"Agree... If that's what Primo says... But I hate to be with this brat." G grumbled noisily.

"Oh, so sorry to say this. But if I'm a brat, you are no bigger than an ant." Tsuna snapped. And once again, G kept quiet, thinking of 101 ways to kill Tsuna.

"AGREE TO THE EXTREME, SAWADA!" Knuckle punched his fist in the air.

"So that's decided. I will, as usual, be beside Tsuna, but other than that, you guys will have to be with Tsuna. The 1st day would be me, and followed by Alaude, Daemon, G, Asari, Knuckle and Lampo. (A/N: Its according to the poll results.) He will be helping you guys with the paperwork, and I'll be giving more of it to whoever is in charge of him for that day, because he is helping." Giotto concluded the meeting, and Tsuna returned back to the office with Giotto.

"Giotto, I think that I'm imposing on your family too much..." Tsuna blurted when they were clearing the piles of paperwork.

"Not at all. You are after all part of Vongola Family." Giotto assured, and this made Tsuna feel a bit better. After hours of reading numbers and words, Tsuna excused himeself to get a drink from the kitchen. As he passed by the meeting hall, he saw the other Six Guardians disussing something quietly.

"May I know what you guys are discussing about?" Tsuna walked into the meeting hall, and all the other Guardians jumped a bit, before turning around.

"Mou, you scared us." Lampo heaved a sigh of relief as he put a hand over his heart.

"Kufufu~ We were just discussing about what to do for Primo for his birthday, which is tomorrow." Daemon grinned.

"T-Tomorrow's Giotto's birthday?"

"Yes, it is. Want to suggest how to make his birthday special?" Asari smiled.

"Eto... I was thinking a game would be fun." Tsuna said bluntly.

"A game?" they chorused together.


"Oya, oya, it seems that Decimo has good brains when it comes to this..."

"Tsuna-nii is the best!"

"Tch, stupid brat."

"Good going, Tsuna!"


"R-Really? It was just... random.." Tsuna thought.

"So... how should we make this game show fun?" Knuckle thought, and Asari whispered something to them (Except for Tsuna), and everyone turned to look at Tsuna with cunning eyes.

"E-Eh?" Tsuna gulped.

"Decimo, you're going to help us out. But in the meanwhile, you can go back to the office and help Giotto first. We'll tell you about it tomorrow." Daemon rubbed his hands, grinning evily.

"Y-Yes.." Tsuna nodded his head slightly, and walked back to the office. His HI told him that something bad was going to happen.

Vongola Mansion, Present Time

"Y-Yes! I've finally completed it!" Giannini sighed in relief. Reborn has asked Giannini to create another time machine so that Reborn and the others can go to Primo's time and fetch Tsuna back. But Giannini had to create two of it, one to transport it to the past so that when Reborn and the others meet Tsuna, they can come back. The second one is of course to transport them to the past.

"So, its finished?" Reborn pulled his fedora down as he leaned against the door.

"R-Reborn-san! Please don't scare me like that! Yes, I've completed only one of them, and you guys can use it anytime you want. But I have not set the time yet, and still needs more time to modify it, and ensure nothing goes wrong!"

"Ok. That's good. How long will you take?" Reborn questioned darkly.

"About 1 week, I guess."

The next day...

"Happy Birthday, Giotto!" Tsuna and the Guardians chorused together. Giotto had just woken up, and had heard some noise outside his door, so he went to open it, without changing his clothes or whatsoever.

"E-Eh?" Giotto yawned sleepily. The blonde was still in his black pyjamas, and his hair was still in a mess. His blue eyes still seemed as clear as ever, and he yawned quite a few times cutely.

'Cute...' was what all the others thought.

"O-Oh, thank you. But what kept you quiet just now?" Giotto asked, titling his head to the side.

"Giotto, please stop working your charm here." Daemon looked away, blushing a bit. The others nodded in agreement.

"What charm?" Giotto asked, confused.

"Nevermind about that. Please change quickly at go to dining hall, Primo." G bowed and pushed the others towards the direction of the dining hall.

"Now... time for your turn," Asari grinned at Tsuna, and Tsuna could feel something behind that smile.

"Come on, Tsu-chan, let's go." Daemon smirked and dragged Tsuna to the toilet.

"Ahh! Hey! Don't do this to me! Argh.." Tsuna's cries could be heard from the toilet. This really made the other Guardians wonder if Daemon was doing his job seriously or just sexually harassing him. After all, the brunette was as cute as Giotto.

"Come on! Just walk out!" Daemon pushed Tsuna out, and all the Guardians gawked. (Not really for Alaude. You know when I say everyone, Alaude is almost excluded.) Daemon had dressed Tsuna in dress, and with Tsuna's shoulder-length hair, he could pass off as a girl easily.

"Daemon! Why did you dress me up like that! I'm seriously going to kill you... stupid freaking pineapple head." Tsuna snarled.

"You... I thought for a moment that your groans were cute, but it seems like I was wrong." Daemon readied his scepter, and Tsuna readied his gloves.

"Hmm? T-Tsuna! Why are you wearing a dress?" Giotto exclaimed, blushing madly.

"This guy.. he forced me to wear it..." Tsuna growled at Daemon. Daemon, who was pissed off being called a 'pineapple', stared at Tsuna, and Tsuna stared back. Now it has become a staring competition.

"Maa, calm down please. We decided to have a game on your brithday, Giotto. And I decided that whoever wins it, will get to do anything to Tsuna! In Giotto's case, he can get to kiss him!" Asari grinned cheerfully.

"W-Wait! Why am I the bait here? AND WHY AM I THE ONE WHO HAS TO BE A GIRL?" Tsuna cried out.

"That's because you look like a girl!" they chorused together.

"..." Tsuna hung his head down, feeling regretful that he didn't cut his hair.

"Anyway, we will be playing Poker. Lampo and I will be refrees, and the ones participating will be Giotto, Daemon, Alaude, G, and Knuckle!" Asari announced, and pointed to the table with poker cards.

"Yosh, Sawada, if I win, you will be pracicing boxing with me TO THE EXTREME!" Knuckle shouted.

"Tch, I can beat you to a pulp!" G cracked his fists evily.

"I'll cuff you to death."

"Kufufu~ Tsu-chan, I'm going to make you mine~" Daemon smirked.

"Giotto! PLEASE HELP ME WIN AGAINST DAEMON! WINNING AGAINST THAT PERVY PINEAPPLE IS ENOUGH!" Tsuna cried out. Who knows what Daemon was going do to him, like what Mukuro was going to do to Tsuna in the future.

"I'll win it!" Giotto assured Tsuna, and Tsuna heaved a sigh of relief.

"Kufufu~ How dare you call me a pervy pineapple~ No chance you will be winning against me~ You see, my name has the name of the strongest card of all, Spade~" Daemon taunted.

'That has nothing to do with being good at Poker...' Tsuna sweatdropped.

"Anyway, let the game begin!"

Minutes passed. Everyone was trying their best to win against one another, each with their own motive. During this period of time, Tsuna had went to change back to his normal button up shirt and black pants, althought the others didn't want. But they earned the death glare from Tsuna instead, thus, permission was granted.

Knuckle, who was inexperienced in Poker, had already lost, together with G who made his decision rashly. Now the game was between Alaude, Daemon and Giotto. And an hour has passed. Alaude was frowning at the cards he had, while Daemon kept smiling at Tsuna. Giotto was sweating a bit, but managed to keep a calm face.

"I lose." Alaude threw the cards at the table, and walked away. The cards split into half.

"Hey! These cards are expensive, Alaude!" Asari protested, but the prideful Alaude just ignored him.

"Now, it is between Giotto and Daemon... Who will win?" Lampo made a drum roll.

Each of them drew a card slowly, and looking at their cards again. Giotto broke into a wide grin, while Daemon frowned.

"And the winner is... Giotto!" Asari announced, and Tsuna pounced on Giotto.

"You're the best!" Tsuna grinned.

"Er... Could you please get off me?..." Giotto pleaded and Tsuna got off him immediately.

"Anyway, the Giotto gets to kiss Tsuna! Do you want to do it infront of everyone, or do it behind the scenes?"

"Lampo... Repeat that again and I'll not help you from G's attacks anymore..." the dark aura around Tsuna built up, and Lampo gulped.

"Maa, don't scare him like that. Anyway, that's the end of the birthday party! Now, back to paperwork!" Asari announced, and everyone headed back to their own offices.

Giotto's office

When Tsuna was about to start working, Giotto called him to his table.

"Tsuna, come here."

"Yes?" Tsuna asked, confused. Giotto stood up, and pushed Tsuna to the wall. He locked his lips with Tsuna's, which startled Tsuna. When air became a problem, they broke away, with Tsuna panting profusely.

"Well, that would be my best brithday present." Giotto smiled, as Tsuna blushed in embarrassment.

Chapter 8: With Alaude

"Today Alaude will be accompanying Tsuna. Alaude, you can do anything to Tsuna EXCEPT fighting, killing him. And please, I'm really going broke if you continue to destroy the mansion like that. Please, just keep your hands (cuffs) to yourself." Giotto rubbed his forehead as he pleaded. Alaude smirked with pleasure, as he thought of what Daemon dared him to.


"Wait, Alaude. I have something interesting for you to do." Daemon stopped Alaude when he walked past him.

"What is it, herbivore?" Alaude asked in a monotone.

"Listen to me and I'll fight you everyday, or maybe even let Tsu-chan fight you. On one condition." Daemon smirked.

"What?" Alaude grinned in pleasure as he heard the word 'fight'. Tsuna was surely much of a carnivore in his eyes, and he wanted to fight him.

"If you manage to find his weakness, you get to fight me. If you manage to make him yours, you get to fight him." Daemon offered.

"You mean 'sexual harrassment'?" Alaude asked.

"Well, I don't know about that. If you're unable to achieve either, I'll call you a herbivore." With that, Daemon disappeared.

"Let's see about that.. I'm good in this kind of things..."

End of Flashback

Alaude's Office

The Cloud Guardian and Vongola Decimo both worked at an amazing speed, though the given paperwork was alot. Bystanders would already been shocked. The room was quiet, except for the shuffling of papers. Soon, they finished the paperwork in an hour.

"Wow, that was fast. We can break the Vongola Records already, right?" Tsuna stretched his body as he stood up.

"Maybe. Now, to test it out..." Alaude smirked as he approached Tsuna. (A/N: Anyone please tell me, is there any other words other than 'smirk' and 'smirk'? I'm getting sick of writing 'smirk' here 'smirk' there.) Tsuna, who was as dense as ever, didn't even realise that the same thing was about to happen to him again. He had once again missed the chance to analyse the situation.

Alaude hugged Tsuna from behind, and breathed into his ear.

"HIII!" Tsuna shrieked as he turned around.

"Err... Alaude?.." Tsuna panicked as he was cornered. He thought, and thought, and thought.

'AHH! MERDA! I forgot about what Reborn told me, and end up in the same situation again!' Tsuna thought.

Alaude put his hands on Tsuna's shoulders, and breathed along his neck.

"Urgh! S-Stop that!" Tsuna blushed furiously

"You know, if you do that, you'll turn people on." Alaude remarked as he released Tsuna from his grip.

"E-Eh? Really?" Tsuna thought, titling his head to the side cutely when Alaude was no longer that close to him.

"You see, you're doing it again. I can understand why that pineapple head bastard felt for you." Tsuna tried to say something back, but he was instead kissed by Alaude. He finally pulled away after a while, with Tsuna panting.

"Hmm.. You don't seemed very experienced in this..." Alaude remarked.

"O-Of course I'm not! Who has time to go into a relationship when there's so much paperwork to do! A-And, I don't love anyone! Maybe Giotto-nii." Tsuna complained.

"Giotto? Well, since Daemon said that I could fight you if I made you mines, and you're so fun, let me teach you some basics..." Alaude grinned evily.

"I-Its now... ah! Lunch time! Bye bye I have to go!" Tsuna slipped out of the room as fast as lightning with Alaude chasing, running into another person's office for hiding.

"Phew..." Tsuna heaved a sigh of relief. The room was dark, and he didn't know if anyone was using it. Out of the blue, Tsuna felt someone pulling him back and putting a hand on his mouth.

"HIIE!" Tsuna scream came out muffled and soft.

"Alaude's gone already. Try not to make too much noise," The 'someone' said as he released Tsuna.

"W-Who are you? I can't see a thing at all. Mind switching the lights on?" Tsuna asked as he groped around like a fool. Reborn had certainly trained him to see in the dark, but at least in the forest there was a moon, but in here, it was totally dark, only with a tweeny bit of light from the bottom of the door.

"Kufufu~ Sorry, but my office is always dark. I can see very well, but I don't think you can." Tsuna mentally slapped himself. Daemon. He had ran into something more dangerous than Alaude.

'I wonder how he works in the dark...' Tsuna thought.

"D-Daemon? Since Alaude is gone already I should take my leav-" Tsuna was cut halfway by Daemon who put a finger on his lips.

"He's still somewhere near here. Keep your voice down." Daemon warned as he pulled Tsuna onto something that felt like a big bed or a big couch.

"I still have something to ask you. What did you exactly tell Alaude that he would do such things to me?" Tsuna snapped as he tried to keep his cool.

"I just told him that if he managed to make you his, he'll get to fight you." Daemon said in a playful tone.

"... I knew it was something like that. Anyway, let me out of here. I'd rather fight Alaude than be with you." Tsuna stood up, and tried to find his way around, but only to trip and catch hold of Daemon who fell together with him, into something soft. A couch, or bed. Somehow, the lights of the room turned on (He triggered it when he fell) and Tsuna only found Daemon on top of him. Tsuna turned red when he saw that Daemon's face was so close to his.

"You see, that's your charm. Too adorable, that people wants to eat you up."

'I should really ask Reborn about that when I go back... How do I get myself out of this situation?' Tsuna sighed mentally. He tried to push Daemon away but could not because Daemon was too heavy.

"Hmm~? Rejecting me? But I see that you're actually enjoying being in this position. And I'd love to hear you groan." Daemon smirked evily as he slowly caressed Tsuna's face. Tsuna turned very red.

"I-I'm not enjoying this!" Tsuna protested.

"Now be quiet and look into my eyes." Daemon 'commanded' as Tsuna stared into his eyes. He looked into Daemon's blue eyes, and felt being drawn in.

'I feel... sleepy...' Tsuna thought and drifted into a sleep.

"Kufufu~ He's so cute." Daemon smirked as he kissed Tsuna's forehead and tucked him under covers. Now, to handle the intruders who is here for the brunette outside of the Mansion, together with the others.

Chapter 9: With Daemon

Tsuna was definitely not looking forward to this day. He had to spend his day with Daemon, the Demon. (A/N: Daemon the Demon LOLS) Who knows what might happen to him? He had pleaded Giotto to spend the day with him, or alone, but Giotto asked for the reason, and Tsuna couldn't tell him because it was VERY embarrassing. Moreover, Giotto might flare up that the whole Mansion might just burn down. So he decided to go along with him.

"Daemon?" Tsuna knocked. There was no response. He sighed in relief, and went inside the office with the pile of paperwork he was assigned to. Since Daemon wasn't around, Tsuna decided to make full use of the office table and started working on the pile of paperwork.

"Oya, oya. Already starting to work so soon? And moreover, on my table." Daemon sat on Tsuna's table, appearing out of nowhere.

"I saw that you weren't in, so I decided to make full use of the table. You either help or get out of here." Tsuna commanded, not even looking up from what he was doing. He had to show that WHO the boss was now.

"Kufufu~ Treating me so coldly. You don't dare to look at me, expecially at my eyes, because they draw you in, right?" Daemon teased. That was true, because Daemon could hypnotize people, and Tsuna was a victim of it. He did fear Daemon's powers.

"Oh, so I said it correctly. They are pretty right?" Daemon smirked, as he bent closer. Tsuna knew that he was reading his mind, and decided to play with that.

'Daemon's a pineapple head~ His nickname is pineapple~ Pineapple stop bothering me~ I'm busy~' Tsuna thought. He expected this to annoy Daemon, but instead...

"Tsu-chan, you know what should happen to you if you say that.. I'll continue from what we did yesterday." Oh, Tsuna's plan backfired. So he decided to keep doing his paperwork quietly, while Daemon watched from his bed.

"Ahh, finally done~!" Tsuna stretched his arms and yawned childishly. He then rubbed his eyes, but yawned again. He didn't have a good night's sleep, because of that perveted Daemon. His stomach rumbled this time, telling him that it was time for lunch. So, without asking Daemon a thing, who was lying lazily on his bed reading a book, he walked out of the office and went to the dining hall to take his lunch.

"Wait, Tsu-chan!" Daemon called out, but Tsuna ignored. He had enough of 'Tsu-chan'.

"Alright, Tsunayoshi-kun. Could you please wait for me, at least? Giotto will kill me if he does not see me together with you. And you might be attacked anytime, you know." Daemon 'pouted'.

"Alright, alright. Just stop teasing me and I won't ignore you. Let's go." Tsuna sighed in defeat. He couldn't really out talk people like Daemon sometimes.

After lunch... In Daemon's Office

"So, what are you going to do now?"

"I'm not too sure. What do you suggest?" Tsuna yawned as he answered.

"Do you want to sleep now? You kept yawning."

"Sleep when you are beside me? No way. I'm not so stupid to that extent. Who knows what you'll do when I sleep." Tsuna pouted childishly.

"You see, you're working your charm again." Hues of blushes were spread across Daemon as he looked at Tsuna.

"Nee, I keep hearing you guys say about me working my charm, but what exactly is it?" Tsuna asked, tilting his head to the side.

"It means making people attracted to you. Like example, you'll think someone is cute if they tilt their heads to the side right?"

".. Not really. But I do that very often. Its just a natural reaction." Tsuna 'hmmed'.

'Sigh... He is WAY too dense. Talking to him about this might as well make me vomit blood.' Daemon mentally sighed.

"Nevermind. Your density just adds to your cuteness." Daemon smiled as he patted Tsuna's head. Somehow, the brunette felt that something was bothering Daemon today. He didn't looked as intimidating as before.

"Kufufu~ Don't think about so much. Sleep~" Once again, Daemon made Tsuna look into his eyes. But Tsuna seemed to feel only drowsy after a few minutes.

'It seems that it does not work much on him...' Daemon thought as he carried Tsuna bridal style and placed him in his bed, while he read a book.

'He's from a different time as mines... I must not get myself attached to him too much. But it seems that I cannot resist him...' Daemon sighed audibly as he looked at the sleeping Tsuna.


Tsuna opened his eyes and looked around at his surroundings. He had remembered being hypnotized by Daemon again, but didn't know what happened next. Surprisingly, he was also sleeping on the same bed as Tsuna, but kept his distance from Tsuna. The brunette smiled at this, and stood up quietly, trying not to make any noise while he went down for dinner.

"Oya, oya, leaving without me again?" Tsuna felt himself being hugged from behind and pressed onto Daemon. He let an almost inaudible sigh escape from his lips.

"Stop it. Let's just go and have our dinner."

"Alright, so tomorrow Tsuna is going with G. G, please take care of Tsuna and PLEASE do not quarrel with one another."

"Yes, Primo! I will not fail you! If he didn't shield Lampo so much maybe I'd have taken a liking to him." G said brightly to Primo.

"I shield Lampo for a reason - I'm helping Giotto to save money so that you won't blow the entire house up."

Chapter 10: With G

The day where Tsuna has to spend his day with G has finally arrived. Tsuna and G certainly didn't liked the idea of it, and the two of them had their backs turned whenever they saw one another. Giotto facepalmed himself at this situation, while some others just simply laughed at this. Giotto, as per normal, had handed Tsuna his share of the paperwork after breakfast, and Tsuna was about to start working on it, when he heard something go 'BOOM' around the garden area.

"YOU STUPID LORD! STOP RUNNING!" G shouted as he chased Lampo with his Flame Arrow Bow (?), who was wailing away.

"Tsuna-nii!" Lampo hugged Tsuna as he cried.

"What happened?" Tsuna patted his head slowly, trying to comfort the little Lightning Guardian.

"I just accidentally threw my lolipop at G and... he chased me around, wanting to kill me! I did say sorry, but he persisted! WAHHHH!" Lampo whined.

"G, he didn't mean it. Just let him off and get back to your office to finish off your paperwork. Giotto handed them to me, you know." Tsuna snapped. Upon hearing 'Giotto', G immediately gave Lampo a cold glare before running back to his office.

"There, there. Now Lampo, behave yourself while I go and finish off my piles of paperwork." Tsuna gave a warm smile to Lampo before walking back.

G's office

The two of them were working together, miraculously, without arguing over Lampo. But this silence was broken when G disagreed on something.

"Oi, brat, why is your report on the Nessuno Family a positive one and even suggests us to form an alliance with them? They are one of our rival families, you know." G snapped and showed Tsuna the report.

"They might be rival families of the Vongola, but it would be good to form an alliance between the two families. See, Vongola has power of Mafia, has manpower, but lacks in strategists. Nessuno Family lacks in man power, has much power over Mafia, and has alot of strategists. It would benefit us if we form an alliance." Tsuna explained.

"But it will endanger Vongola and Giotto, if they refuse and tries to kill Primo!"

"No, they won't! Besides, Giotto-nii has his Guardians!"

"But what if..." And the argument went on and on and on. The other Guardians, who were annoyed by the ruckus, came knocking oon the office door, only to be greeted by two flared up mafiasos.

"Who do you think is right?" The duo demanded, after explaining everything to them. Giotto 'hmmed' for a while, before making a decision.

"G, I can understand why you are concerned about Tsuna's opinion and my safety but I think it is actually a good choice. It will really benefit us, and they are quite a big Famiglia. I would not imagine them to harm us in anyway, because they know we overpower them." Tsuna smirked, while G frowned.

"Tch, if that's what Primo says."

"I've got more experience in handling such things than you, you know. And Giotto-nii, actually, Nessuno Family is actually an alliance of Vongola in the future."

"Well, if that's the case, then I think it should be OK. Let's get back to work." And the crowd dispersed, while Tsuna was smiling like crazy, with G frowning at a corner.

Few hours later...

"Ahhh! Finally done!" Tsuna yawned as he stretched. It was around one in the afternoon, and Tsuna had finally managed to finish all his paperwork. More paperwork there will be, after he returns to the future. Thus, the brunette decided to slack while he can before returning back to the future.

"Giotto-nii, I'd like to explore the old Italy town. May I go?" Tsuna asked as he gave Giotto one of his most irresistable puppy eyes which Giotto can't help but nod and blush.

"Thank you!" Before Giotto knew it, Tsuna had pounced on him and hugged him tightly.

"B-But y-you have to a-ask G to accompany you." Tsuna couldn't believe it. Vongola Primo was actually stammering!

"Alright..." Tsuna pouted childishly, and gave a quick peck on Giotto's cheek before 'skipping' away happily. And there, the Vongola Primo was stunned and blushing for minutes, still thinking what his name was.

"G! I'll be going to town to explore the older Italy. But Giotto said you'll have to accompany me." Tsuna said in a sing-song voice as he skipped to G's office. G looked up from his pile of paperwork, and stared at Tsuna as if he had an extra head or something.

'Is that brat crazy or what? At one time, he's angry with me, and now, he's over the moon. And I even think there are flowers blooming behind him. ARGH! G, GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!' G thought.

"*Coughs* Ahem. Ok, if that's what the Primo says. Let's go." G sulked. Reason for why he was sulking: 1) He didn't want to tag along with the brat. 2) He was ACTUALLY charmed by Tsuna when he was smiling like an idiot.

'Must be the sky element thing that he has... I heard they influence people around them...' G mumbled mentally as he followed Tsuna.

"Do you guys have any extra cars?" Tsuna turned around to ask G as he scanned he horizon.

"Cars? What are cars? Is it some kind of toy you have in the future?" G asked, confused.

'Oh... I forgot this was 400 years ago...' Tsuna facepalmed himself.

"Ehehe... Nevermind. So how do you guys go to town?"

"We don't go to town. The maids does." Anger bar: 4/10

"How do you guys go to meetings?"

"We don't go to meetings, they come and find us." Anger bar: 6/10

"How do you travel around?"

"Hmm, we walk." Anger bar: 8/10. You can't possibly walk to town, right?

"So how on earth are we going to get to town?"

"How would I know?" Anger bar: 10/10. DING.

"... Can I kill you?" Tsuna muttered under his breath as he clenched his fist.


"Oh well, let's just stay in the mansion." Tsuna said darkly as he walked back to the Mansion. G followed Tsuna silently when suddenly, Tsuna went into HDWM and headed for G.

'Uh Oh, is he going to kill me?..' G thought and immediately took out his bow from nowhere, getting ready to defend.

"Look out!" Tsuna shouted as he pounced on G. A bullet had just missed G and Tsuna by a few cm.

"I'm in a bad mood today... you know..." Tsuna clenched his fist even more tightly than ever, dark aura surrounded him. In a flash, he had knocked out all the spies by the Mansion.

"That made me feel better. Wew! Let's go back!" Tsuna said as he went out of HDWM and stuck a hand out to G, who was still staring at Tsuna like an idiot.

"What's wrong?" Tsuna asked, titling his head to the side cutely.

"... I was wrong about you, afterall. You saved my life, and I can't be more greatful than that. I swear to protect you and Primo, until the day you return to the future!" G knelt while Tsuna just sweatdropped.

"It's alright... Let's go back to the Mansion now..." Tsuna urged as he tried to get G stand up insteading of kneeling down.

Dinner Time

"So, G, how did your day go with Tsuna?" Giotto asked as the Guardians and Tsuna were at the dining table.

"PRIMO! I PLEDGE TO PROTECT HIM UNTIL HE GOES BACK TO THE FUTURE! He..." and G went on rambling about what happened in the afternoon, exaggerating some parts. Giotto was at loss for words for the sudden change of behaviour in G, while some of the Guardians either ignored him or laughed. Tsuna facepalmed himself. Really, he ought to not save anyone from dying now. First it was Gokudera, noe G. Tsuna mentally sighed.

Chapter 11: With Asari

The brunette sighed another time as he dressed up for the day. Sure enough, his days with Alaude, Daemon and G had been a crazy one. And Tsuna was hoping that Asari was at least, the sane one among them. But it didn't turn out to be quite so.

Breakfast time

"So, today I'll be with Asari?" Tsuna asked, eyes brightening up.

"Y-Yes... Tsuna, what's with that I-Am-So-Happy look?" Giotto asked as he sweatdropped. Never had he seen Tsuna so excited or happy together with one of his Guardians before.

"Because, Asari looks like the type who wouldn't contribute to your repair fees and moreover, since he is the Rain Guardian, he should be saner than the others, right?" Tsuna smiled so brightly that almost all the Guardians were blinded.

"Ummm, I'm not too sure about that... Anyway, enjoy your day! There will be no paperwork today for you, and so, I hope you enjoy your rest time!" Giotto gave a not-so-sure smile to Tsuna before leaving the dining table.

"So, Asari-san, what do you do during your free time?" Tsuna asked curiously and titled his head to the side.

"Well, I normally practice on my flute playing skills and practice combat. Do you want to listen?" Asari offered and Tsuna nodded his head. He then took out his flute and started playing it. Tsuna closed his eyes, mesmerized by the music. When it ended, the brunette clapped.

"Wow, you're good." Tsuna remarked.

"Hmm, are you interested in it? Why don't I teach you part of it?" Asari grinned in delight. So the very dense and simple-minded Tsuna nodded, thinking it wouldn't harm to try it. But dear god, he made the very wrong decision.

"So, you see. Let's start with the basics. There are basically four beats in a bar..." Asari started explaining to Tsuna on a piece of paper, drawing out the bars and signs. And he went on blabbering about time signatures, tempo, andante, fine, p/mp/pp/f/mf/ff, D.C, coda sign and blah blah blah. Tsuna was already sweatdropping. A lot. And he went on about the minors and majors and blah blah blah... (A/N: Trust me, Music Theory was invented around 300-400 years ago.)

"Did you get it?" Asari grinned in please, while Tsuna was on the verge on fainting. Tsuna managed to grasp part of the beats and time signatures, but he literally almost fainted when it reached the signs and expressions.

"Asari-san... I need the bathroom..." Tsuna excused himself and staggered to the bathroom. Giotto, who happened to pass by, saw the state Tsuna was in and lent him a helping hand.

"So, Asari dealt that attack to you, huh?" Giotto chuckled as Tsuna nodded faintly.

"I think its even stronger than our Zero Point Breakout, First Edition." Tsuna sighed as he rubbed his temples while Giotto just chuckled at the brunette.

"Alright, are you feeling better now?" Giotto smiled warmly as Tsuna washed his face.

"Yes, much more better. Thanks alot, Giotto-nii." Tsuna turned his face around only to blush at his position. Giotto had leaned down to check on Tsuna so their faces were very close to one anothers'. And now, since Tsuna had turned his face, the brunette was now staring right into those blue eyes that drew him in. (A/N: Giotto originally had blue eyes, right?) Giotto was also captivated by those honey orbs that Tsuna had and the two of them just stood in this awkward position for a while, before turning their heads away in embarrassment, each blushing furiously.

"Umm, I've still got lots of paperwork to do. See you during dinner! And good luck!" Breaking the silence, Giotto waved before walking out of the washroom. Tsuna quickly snapped out of his trance and exited the bathroom, and to return back to where Asari was. Hopefully, that won't happen again.

"Mind telling me about why you joined the Mafia?" Tsuna asked. The brunette and Asari were sitting on a bench in the Vongola Gardens, enjoying the peace that they have. Asari had known of a secret place in the Gardens which was quiet and away from the Vongola Mansion itself. There was a mini-waterfall about 5m in front of them, but not one that made much noise. Around them were bushes of roses and tulips, and butterflies that were collecting nectar.

"Hmm, I joined Vongola because Giotto asked me for help when Vongola was facing difficulties. I was living in Japan that time and I only knew how to play the flute, not really fight. But I managed to find that I had talent in fighting, with my crazy battle instincts. I exchanged my flute for one long sword and three short swords."

"I see. Do you regret umm.. joining the Mafia? I mean, look at the mess you got into. I didn't wished to be in the Mafia too, but no choice..." Tsuna sighed as he looked into the vast clear sky, eyes filled with sadness.

"Ever since Reborn, my tutor, came into my life and said that I was Vongola Decimo, I never had a normal life. But because of this, I managed to meet new friends, but all there was after I became the real deal was killing, paperwork, and negotiations." Asari's brows furrowed as he saw the brunette spill everything to him.

"No, I don't regret it. But I'm sure you are not the other type of bosses, who rule the Family with an iron fist right? From what I know, you're a caring, soft yet powerful, full of resolve to protect people. Just like Giotto." Asari then gave a warm smile to Tsuna, who calmed down a bit.

"Thanks, Asari-san. I needed that." Tsuna smiled brightly, and Asari blushed for that very little bit.

"Hmm, so are you interested in music? I can teach you!"

'Randomly changing the subjects... Just like Yamamoto...' Tsuna sweatdropped.

Dinner Time

The Guardians (excluding Asari who went for a mission later that day) looked at Tsuna with curious eyes as he sat down.

"So, how did the day with Asari went TO THE EXTREME?" Knuckle asked.

"Umm, that attack was powerful enough... You know..." Tsuna 'ahehehed' as he ran a hand through his hair.


"Kufufu~ Lucky I was able to keep my illusion self there and not listen to what he has to say last time~"

"He had not tried it on me, you know?" Lampo grinned in delight.

"He will soon try it on you, stupid lord."

Chapter 12: With Knuckle

"Tie properly fixed. Checked. Suit clean. Checked. Mittens. Checked. Cotton Balls. Checked." Tsuna read out his mental list as he stood in front of the mirror. If you guys are still wondering what the cotton balls are for, I seriously think you should check on Ryohei's/Knuckle's personality before reading this chapter. The brunette sighed yet again as he walked slowly to the dining room. Today, he had to bear with the loudest among the Guardians, Knuckle, the Sun Guardian. And our poor Decimo had already had his eardrums almost busted by Ryohei in the future...

'Speaking of which.. I wonder if Reborn and the others are doing well..' Tsuna's train of thoughts were broken when someone put a hand on his shoulder, making the brunette jump in surprise.

"What's wrong, Tsuna?" Giotto asked, brows furrowed. It was rare for Tsuna not to realise that someone was behind him.

"Oh, it was just you, Giotto... No, there's nothing wrong. I was just thinking about how my family is doing now.." Tsuna lowered his head, eyes filled with sadness. The blonde, seeing that his beloved little brother (A/N: It's going to change, soon. Or want it to stay the same?) was upset, pulled him to his chest and wrapped his arms around him.

"I know you'll see them, soon. That's what my HI tells me..." Giotto squeezed the brunette further, until his head was buried in his chest. Tsuna instictively wrapped his hands around Giotto's waist, and the two of them stood there for seconds before breaking away.

"Let's... ummm... have our breakfast..." Tsuna mumbled as he walked straight infront of Giotto. Neither knew that both of them was blushing like mad, and the journey to the dining room was rather quiet.

'I swore I saw Giotto-nii/Tsuna blushing..' Both of them thought at the same time. 'He's so cute... Noo! What am I thinking!' The Vongola Bosses mentally slapped themselves as they proceeded to the dining table.

Vongola Mansion, Present Time

"ACHOO!" Everyone sneezed at the same time in the meeting room, and this was followed but chuckles and laughter. Annoyance, for some.

"Someone must be talking about us... And this could none other be... DAME-TSUNA! YOU'RE GONNA GET IT FROM ME!" Reborn cursed.

Vongola Mansion, Past

And so, Tsuna followed Knuckle back to his office, and already had his cotton balls readied. The brunette was almost crushed and went deaf when Knuckle gave him a bear hug and shouted, "YOOOOO, SAWADA! LET'S HAVE A GOOD DAY!" in his ear. Tsuna blamed himself for not getting the cotton balls readied earlier. Now, the two of them are sitting in Knuckle's office, sorting out the stacks of paperwork. Though Knuckle only had a few files, and Tsuna understood why Primo did that.

"SAWADA! I EXTREMELY DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS IS!" Knuckle suddenly stood up from his chair, and waved the file in the air. Tsuna sighed and took the piles of files from Knuckle, saying that he would complete the assignment and just hope that he can stay quiet while he's working.

"SAWADA! ITS EXTREMELY BORING NOT TO DO ANYTHING!" was what Knuckle said after 5 minutes.

"SAWADA! LET'S FIGHT!" was what Knuckle said after 10 minutes.

"SAWADA! I'M GOING TO THE WASHROOM!" was what Knuckle said after 15 mins. He hadn't realised that Tsuna was not hearing a thing at all, and continued shouting.

'Ahh, peace from the loud ones...' was what Tsuna was thinking about all the time.

"SAWADA, LET'S GO FOR LUNCH! I'M EXTREMELY HUNGRY!" Knuckle punched his fist in the air, while Tsuna lip-readed him, and nodded in silence.

And for the rest of the afternoon, Tsuna had to accompany Knuckle to fight 'TO THE EXTREME!' in the training room. Knuckle was constantly throwing punches and Tsuna, who had o dodge constantly. Even so, after 3 hrs, Knuckle didn't feel tired at all, but Tsuna was already worn out, and pleaded Knuckle to stop.

"THAT WAS AN EXTREMELY GOOD WORK OUT, SAWADA!" Knuckle exclaimed as he punched his fist into the air. The brunette decided to take a bath before heading to the dining room for dinner, because his suit was dirtied and he was soaked in sweat.

"Ahh~ This is the best~!" Tsuna closed his eyes in bliss as he laid in the bath tub. (A/N: I think there was a bath tub 400 yrs ago...) The young Vongola Boss always loved to have a hot bath after a long day's work. It soothed him thoroughly. But he certainly didn't know that a particular blonde was looking for him.

"Tsuna? Tsuna?" Giotto knocked on Tsuna's bedroom twice but no one seemed to open the door.

'Strange... Knuckle told me he went back to his room..' Giotto thought and decided to walk in anyway. There was no one in the room.

'Maybe he had gone to the dining room already... Nevermind...' Giotto was about to walk out when he heard a noise coming from the bathroom.

'Must be an intruder!' And Primo just went to open the door without thinking much.

Tsuna, on the other hand, was getting ready to leave the bathroom when he accidentally knocked a bottle of shampoo down. So he bent down to pick up, but only to sense a hostile presence behind him. He readied himself to defend without his gloves, only to meet Giotto. A blush immediately spread across their faces as they saw what situation they were in.

"S-Sorry T-Tsuna.. I-I t-thought t-there was an intruder..." Giotto managed to stutter a bit before he fainted from bloodloss. Luckily, Tsuna managed to grab him before he hit the floor. The brunette sighed and put Giotto on his bed before dressing himself up.

Chuckles and laughter could be heard from the dining room as the embarrassed Tsuna told the other Guardians the reason of the absence of Giotto. Even Alaude was chuckling away.

"Kufufu~ Giotto surely is in bliss now~ I'd be happy if something like this happened too~" Daemon laughed while Tsuna just glared at him.

"Tsuna-nii, you glare is cute than scary when you're both angry and embarrassed!" Lampo giggled. Tsuna just sighed.

Chapter 13: With Giotto, and a Goodbye

"Giannini! Are the machines ready?" Reborn demanded as he walked into the lab, slamming the door behind him. He had waited long enough, and before Hibari and Mukuro destroys the machines again, he has to make sure Dame-Tsuna comes back.

"H-Hai! Reborn-san! Its all ready!" Giannini replied as he wiped off his sweat with his hankerchief. No one definitely wants to irritate Reborn any further when he's this angry. He pointed to the two machines located at the corner of the room, and the hitman gave a satisfied nod.

"Very good. Can we go back to the past now?"

"Yes! Its working just fine!"

"Alright. I'll go get the Guardians to go with me. Set it up first."

A certain brunette was currently rubbing his temples, sighing yet again. His sixth sense, or rather, HI, told him that he wasn't going to be happy today.

"What's wrong, Tsuna?" Giotto asked when he saw that the brunette looked uncomfortable and ill, with him sighing every now and then.

"Want to take a rest?" he continued, only to be rejected by Tsuna who shook his head.

"It's okay... I just feel... uneasy."

"About those who targets you? With me around, I'm sure you won't get hurt." Giotto smiled warmly and ruffled his mop of brown hair.

"Ok. Giannini, start the machine." Reborn ordered, and Giannini went over to press a button located somewhere on the machine. He then hurried back to his panel of controls, and started typing.

"I'm not sure where it will land you at, but it will be somewhere near Vongola Mansion. Remember, there are always spies around the Mansion so be careful not to say anything about the future." The Guardians and Reborn walked into the machine one by one as Giannini explained. Within seconds, the group were sent back to the past, and found themselves in a dense forest.

"Where are we?" Gokudera winced as he tried to stand up.

"OI! BASEBALL IDIOT, GET OFF ME!" Gokudera shouted and Yamamoto looked down, confused.

"Oops, sorry!" Yamamoto giggled.

"Keep your voice down. We have to find where the Vongola Mansion is." Reborn ordered sternly, pulling his fedora down. He let Leon climb onto his hand, and it transformed into a green gun. The others kept quiet as Reborn tried to concentrate and listen for any 'intruders', while Chrome just tugged at Reborn's sleeve and pointed at something.

"It's there.." was what came from the Kokuyo girl.

"Ok, we're going to sneak in. I think that window is good. Everyone, climb up and please refrain from chatting." Reborn fished out a pile of rope and threw the loop at the end onto the hook of the window. He pulled it to make sure it was safe and started climbing, followed by the others.

The founder and current boss were in the midst of a tea break when they heard something creaking from the window. They shot a look at each other before going into HDWM and readying their gloves. But whoever that came from the window made Tsuna go pale.

"R-REBORN?" Tsuna shrieked so loudly that it sent birds flying off from the trees. Reborn gave him a smirk and walked over to him.

"Heh, fancy meeting you here. Dame-Tsuna, better brace yourself for the punishment up ahead! And oh, hi, Primo." Giotto just looked at Reborn like he was an alien. Gokudera came out of the window next, with him shouting 'JYUUDAIME!' and hugging/tackling Tsuna down. Giotto frowned at this, while Reborn just chuckled lightly at his expression. Yamamoto and the others came climbing out of the window, and soon, Tsuna was surrounded by his Guardians, with the exception of Hibari.

"We shouldn't talk here. Let's the meeting hall with my Guardians." Giotto coughed as he interrupted the crowd in his office, and everyone followed him out silently.

"I guess you already know my Guardians so I guess I wil-" Giotto was cut off by all the muderous glares directed at Daemon Spade. (A/N: Heh, this part is especially for Daemon Spade that #%&$^&#%&$^* who made Chrome suffer.)

"Err... what did I do? Nufufu~" Daemon laughed uneasily.

"Kufufu~ You bastard... During the Inhereitance Trials, you controlled Chrome's body, causing her to suffer. When we were fighting against the Shimon Family, you cut off my connection to Chrome, and you hypnotized her into making her yours! And... YOU SAW HER STRIP!" Mukuro glared icily at Daemon, while hugging and comforting Chrome who was frightened to death. Hibari twitched in anger when he saw Daemon the troublemaker and Mukuro who was hugging Chrome.

"Yeah! This bastard got us into a lot of trouble! Can we kill him now?" Gokudera cracked his knuckles and took out his dynamites. That only earned Daemon more glares - from the other First Generation Guardians.

"That's alright, but do it after we've finished sorting out things." Giotto gave Daemon a muderous glare before continuing.

"I believe you guys are Tsuna's Guardians and his tutors? Staying in this time wouldn't benefit you guys too much so I suggest leaving quickly."

"Yes, because if we don't, it might cause time paradox. Dame-Tsuna, let's go. Those who want to kill Daemon, leave him half-dead."

"B-But.. Can I discuss something with Giotto-nii first?" Tsuna gave Reborn his puppy eyes, which seemed to affect the hitman most slightly. He mentally slapped himself for teaching him how to use his charm; now he was affected. And somehow, Reborn was a bit shocked when Tsuna added 'nii' behind Giotto's name.

"Alright, be quick." Reborn sighed in defeat, while Tsuna grabbed Giotto's hand and pulled him away.

"Umm... How should I say this..." Tsuna mumbled as he fiddled with his fingers.

"G-Giotto-nii, thank you for letting me stay here, and I've enjoyed myself in your company." Tsuna looked down, still fiddling with his fingers. He didn't know what to say.

"Tsuna." Giotto said in a serious voice, and Tsuna looked up.

"I've also enjoyed your company, and I would like to say it to you again. I love you, but not as an older brother." Out of the blue, Giotto pulled Tsuna into an embrace, and Tsuna could feel warm tears on his shoulders. Giotto was crying.

"I-I-I... I love you too..." Somehow, the brunette also started crying.

"Parting is difficult... Let's not let your Guardians wait any longer." Giotto pulled away from Tsuna, and looked at him. He could not deny the fact that when the brunette was crying and blushing, he was cute.

"I love you..." Tsuna mumbled softly under his breath again, and suddenly attatched his lips to Giotto's, who was suffering from a bit of mental shock that the brunette actually took initiative. They just remained in the position, blushing furiously, until... (A/N: I'M NOT GOOD IN WRITING KISSING SCENES! Forgive me..)

"BOOM!" An explosion coud be heard from the meeting hall and the two of them broke away from each other, heading towards the area with much worry and fear.

"More repairs..." Giotto rubbed his temples as he saw the huge hole on the wall. The ones guilty were of course Tsuna's Guardians and Daemon Spade. The First Generation Guardians also joined in the 'fun'.

"That's enough, guys. We have to get going. Primo, sorry for any inconvenience caused my Dame-Tsuna. And for the repairs, I'm sorry too. We shall take our leave." Reborn sighed, and stated in a very serious voice, bowing.

"It was alright, and I have something to ask of you, Reborn. Please excuse us." Primo motioned Reborn to a corner where they echanged quick and soft whispers, with Reborn nodding.

"Okay, let's get back to the future. Arrivederci, Primo." The 'Future Group' headed into the dense forest, as Giotto looked at their backs, his fake smile turning into a frown. G just patted his boss' back softly, comforting him.

"Its like the world has just lost its sun... We can feel that, Primo."

'Giotto-nii...' Tsuna thought as he walked together with his Guardians back to their offices. His train of thoughts were broken when an arm was around him.

"Don't be so emotional, I hate it when my student is like that. I'm sure your Guardians does not want you to be like this. Be a good boss and lead Vongola well! Live up to Primo's expectation! And if you need anything, your tutor will be here for you, always." Reborn pulled his fedora down as Tsuna looked at him, eyes teary. The brunette then hugged his tutor crying in his chest, while a reassuring hand patted his back slowly and calmly.

'You're his tutor right? Please, take care of Decimo and lead him as he grows. Give him the happiness he wants.'

Parting was hard, but love like this was even more difficult.

Special Chapter: New Year Special

The very last day of the year, and the Vongola Family were going to have a New Year soon. Preparations for the New Year Celebrations had been made since Christmas, and all the butlers and maids of the Vongola Family were busy with their work. During this period of time, there is a tradition in the Mafia that all families are to stop fighting and stop their paperwork for a few days, and that includes training too.

Afterall, it was a time to relax, not overwork yourself. And lucky for a certain brunette, his devil tutor had not go against the tradition and had actually agreed to let him rest for a few days. But somehow, on the last day of 2010 (1), Tsuna woke up only to fall off his bed in a startle. Why? Let's find out...

"HIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" The entire mansion seemed to experience an earthquake, and several windows broke. Yes, I'm not kidding. The butlers and maids stopped for a while before getting back to their duties again, not even one caring enough to knock and ask. The reason is: They knew that their Boss would probably scream in the morning if he saw someone or even something like a spider or beetle in his room. But...

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH! WHY ARE YOU HERE?" From Gokudera's room. It was certainly very loud.

"... Is Genkishi trying to be funny here? Ahaha... But he's supposed to be dead. You too." Yamamoto sweatdropped in his room.


"Kufufu~ Do you have a death wish, coming back here again? And if you touch Chrome, you'll die." Mukuro gritted his teeth.

"D-D-DAE-" Chrome shrieked as she fainted right into his arms. (2)

"Hrn. Fight me." Was all Hibari could say.


"... Stupid brats, so noisy in the morning..." Reborn readied his Leon gun, and begun marching out of his room angrily.

Meeting Hall

Everyone was ordered by an angry Reborn to meet up at the Meeting Hall, becuase the hitman wanted to beat the crap out of them for being so noisy. As all of them came one by one into the hall, the world's strongest hitman almost fell off his chair.

"SEE? REBORN, WHAT WILL YOU REACT IF YOU WERE IN OUR SHOES?" Tsuna whined. The others nodded.

"I guess the rumors are true, huh? The link between this world and the spriritual world is the weakest on the last day of a year...(3) That's why you guys could return using only part of your power. So, what do you intend to do?" Reborn muttered.

Yes, the First Generation had came back from the land of dead.

"We just wanted to celebrate New Year together with the rest of you." Giotto grinned. There was total silence for a few minutes as Reborn kept quiet, deep in thought.

"Very well. But I don't want any damage done to the Mansion, especially the decorations." Reborn pulled his fedora down and emitted his overwhelming dark aura, mostly to Mukuro and Hibari. Hibari and Alaude glared at one another, while Mukuro 'Kufufued' and Daemon 'Nufufued'.

"Would you please put Chrome down now?" Mukuro smiled 'sweetly', and there was a sharpness to his tone. Daemon, not wanting any trouble, place the unconscious Chrome into Mukuro's arms. He then left the hall together with Daemon who followed him, and Hibari and Alaude headed to the training room. Yamamoto and Asari went to the gardens to chat, while G and Gokudera did their own things. Lampo tried to stay away from Lambo but the young cow just pestered him for candy by tugging onto his pants. Reborn mumbled something under his breath before heading back to his room. And that left only Tsuna and Giotto.

"Umm... Giotto-nii, I-I-.. I MISSED YOU!" Tsuna wailed like a 5 year old and pounced on Giotto. Both of them landed on the floor with a THUD.

"Cmon... Tsuna... I missed you too.." Giotto mumbled as he tried to stand up, but Tsuna just stayed in that position, crying in Giotto's chest and clutching his shirt tightly. Primo then sighed in defeat and patted Tsuna's head as though he was a little kid. The brunette looked up and smiled at him. Teary and puppy eyes, with a cute smile and slightly reddened cheeks. Who couldn't resist our Vongola Decimo? The blonde smiled in return, and pushed the brunette's head down, their lips crashing together.

"Aww, how cute!" The Guardians and Reborn who had been hiding behind the pillars chorused together as their bosses showed their affection for one another. The duo broke away from their kiss and looked up, both embarrassed. There was another 'awww' from the group as they saw how innocent and surprised their bosses were.

"Y-YOU GUYS!" Tsuna pouted when he saw them cooing.

"Let's just leave the love birds alone. You two have all the time in the world to spend." Reborn smirked and walked away, with the crowd dispersing. The two of them then changed out of their Mafia suits to casual clothing, before planning what they should do.

"Umm... Sorry Giotto-nii, but I have to visit an orphanage to play with the kids on the last day of every year. Would you like to come?" Tsuna looked down, guilty.

"Its alright. Let's go." Giotto held Tsuna's chin up, and pressed his lips to his forehead. The brunette blushed lightly before getting his car. On his way to the orpahnage, Tsuna had to explain to Giotto what a car was, and how Vongola was funding for the orpahange. And also, the facilities of the car, because Giotto was gawking at almost eveything.

"We're here already, Giotto-nii. I would suggest you to.. umm.. stay in the car first." Giotto just looked at Tsuna, confused. But as soon as Tsuna stepped out of his car, Giotto knew why.

"TSUNA-NII!" A crowd of adorable and innocent looking kids immediately 'flew' to Tsuna's side, crowding around him.

"WE MISSED YOU!" They wailed together, while Tsuna just patted their heads.

"They were looking forward to your visit, Tsuna-san." Sister Haru smiled warmly at the kids and Tsuna.

"Haha... Of course they were. Now, let's play inside and not crowd around the road. Before that, I want to introduce someone to you. Giotto-nii, you can come out now." Tsuna motioned, and Giotto hestitantly stepped out to meet the enthusiastic kids. He didn't want to be crushed by them, for certain. Gasps came from the little children as they looked at the tall and unknown figure before them.

"Hello, my name is Giotto." Giotto gave his brightest smile ever, and the kids soon closed their 'o' mouths, turning into smiles.

"GIOTTO-NII! WE WANT TO PLAY!" They grinned as the entire group pounced on him.

"Ow ow ow..."

"Cmon... Don't pounce on him. Let's play over there, nee?" Tsuna sighed, and turned around to help Giotto up.

"Kids nowadays are sure energetic... Ahehe.." Giotto scartched the back of his head as he stood up.

The day went on as the two adults played with the kids, tiring themselves throroughly. It was soon evening before they knew it.

"Whew! That was tiring!" Tsuna wiped his sweat and ate his gelato while sitting one of the spare benches. Giotto also had one, too, and was trying to lick it as quickly as he could. Most probably the Primo was hungry. The two lovers just stared into the setting sun, which had dyed the sky into a beautiful scarlet.

"Here, let me help you lick your gelato. I'd already finished it." Tsuna then looked back to his gelato, which was melting at an amazing rate. He instinctively went over to lick it before they covered his hands and making it into a sticky mess. Giotto, seeing that Tsuna was so cute, trying to lick gelato, decided to help too. He then leaned in and licked the cone, but ironically, Tsuna has also decided to lick that spot. This resulted in the contact of their tongues, and they looked up, dazed. A 'SNAP!' finally snapped them out of their trance, and they turned to look at Sisiter Haru with a camera in her hand, and the group of kids earlier on who were now giggling away.

"Happy New Year! Here's something for you guys to keep!" Haru grinned as she passed the photo she snapped earlier: Giotto and Tsuna eating an ice cream together, very much like a couple. The duo reddened at this and the group giggled even louder. By then the sun was already replaced by a dark night, and it was decided that they should bid their farewell. The kids pouted but still did not cling on to the both of them. Instead they chorused together: "Bye bye, Onii-sans! When is your wedding?" Tsuna almost crashed his car when they say that. Kids nowadays...

There was a celebration at night, of course, and everyone was dressed in their suits and dresses. Reborn, wanting to be the matchmaker, especially reserved a room where the couple could view the fireworks.


"Um... I've heard Reborn say just now, that anyone who kisses on the first day of the year will be a couple forever..." Tsuna mumbled softly.

"Hmm~? So my princess wants a kiss from me?" Giotto teased playfully as Tsuna burned up.

"I-I AM A BOY!" He pouted.

"But in this case, I'm the prince while you're the princess." The blonde then caught Tsuna by his back and placed him on his lap. He then leaned forward to the brunette, and which Tsuna responded by blushing and closing his eyes. Their lips met and seconds later, fireworks shooted up in the sky.

"It seems that I'm losing my power... See you again next year, Tsuna." Giotto frowned as he started to disappear.

"Yes... I love you, and Giotto-nii, good bye.." The brunette cried as he tried to reach out for the blonde, but he was gone. His Vongola Ring glowed for a while, indicating that Giotto was back in it. But nevertheless, this was the best New Year Tsuna ever had.

Special Chapter: Mr Rebokku no Ciao Ciao Interview (1)

WARNING: Its mostly conversations for this chapter...

"Ciaossu! I'm the mysterious magician who knows anything, Mr Rebokku!" Reborn announced, as he appeared on the stage in his cosplay clothes, a staff in his hand. The audience clapped loudly, and it went down as Reborn continued.

"Well then, let's begin! The mysterious magician, Mr Rebokku no Ciao Ciao Interview!"

*Reborn comes up to his seat, while the others are already ready* "This time, its an interview with the First Generation Guardians! And it has changed in such a way that they answer fan questions! But if you say something boring, I'll make you disappear with no mercy. Let's start!" *Some gulps at the 'disappear with no mercy'*

Reborn: *Tray of Fan Questions comes in* Ok! The first question is for Primo, A.K.A Giotto! Primo-san, do you have high tolerance for alcohol?

Giotto: Hmm... *Deep in thought* I don't drink much, because it is harmful to our body. But I guess you can say that I have low tolerance for it, because I got drunk once before and woke up the next day not remembering anything. I asked my Guardians, but they just avoided the topic. *Frowns at Guardians*

Reborn: Your answer isn't interesting at all... One of you! Spill it out or I'll make your beloved Primo disappear! *G panicks as Reborn threaten*

G: Don't, Reborn-san! Ok, ok, I'll say it out... Err, from what we know since the last incident, a drunk Primo... acts like a child. And he is very childish. He pouts if we say that he is drunk ans asks him to sleep, he asks for candies, and will even cry when he does not get what he wants... *Somehow a tape of it came up on the screen. Giotto paled and fainted from embarrassment, with G carrying him out of the studio to a hospital. The others laughed/chuckled at the memory, audience clutching their stomachs*

Reborn: Not too bad an answer. So, for the next question! From LaCremeLaVanille and ezcap1st: Daemon, why are you such a pervert? *Daemon looked shocked while the others fell off their chair. G and Giotto had also came back*

Daemon: *Sweats* Nufufu~ I-In what way? And why did two people ask at the same time...

Reborn: Don't lie. We all know that you did alot of things to Chrome. And Mukuro was really furious. Together with Hibari. The reason they ask its because you really are one.

Daemon: Uhhmm... Chrome-chan is so cute, that's why I can't resist it. And moreover, she has a nice body... *Other Guardians gulps* I love her~ Nufufu~ *Mukuro's evil "Kufufu" and Hibari's "I'll bite you to death later" could be heard from the back stage*

Reborn: So here we have it, a melon headed pedophile pervert named Daemon Spade. Ok, next question. Do you any have a secret fetish? *Once again, everyone almost falls from chairs* We'll start from Primo!

Giotto: Secret fetish.. ka? I like to peek on Tsuna when he's sleeping... He's SO CUTE! *Goes into his Tsuna fangirl mode. Audience goes wild.*

Reborn: Ahem... Don't you dare do anything perverted to my student. Next, G.

G: *Sweats* I... *gulps* 'I can't say that I actually likes wearing cat printed briefs!'

Reborn: He said he likes wearing cat printed briefs. *Audience goes O.O;*

Giotto: I can't believe... *laughs while G goes red*

Asari: Oo, its my turn! Eto... I like to... read doujinshi. *Audience sweatdrop*

Reborn: Is there doujinshi in your era?

Asari: Nope, I found out when we came back on the last day of New Year, when Yamamoto brought me to the library.

Reborn: Ok, those three had pretty good answers. Lampo, you turn.

Lampo: I like sweets.

Reborn: Lampo, OUT! That was not even a secret fetish, you idiot.

Lampo: HEY! I'M STILL YOUNG YOU KNOW! HOW CAN MY VOCABULARY BE SO WIDE? *Reborn ignores, and Lampo's seat opened a hole. Lampo falls into it, screaming away. Knuckle also jumps into it, wanting to save Lampo*

Reborn: There, there. Two idiots gone. Daemon, your turn.

Daemon: Nufufu~ I said it earlier, didn't I? Or maybe I didn't make myself clear. I like having perverted thoughts about Chrome-chan~ *Loads of pineapples from nowhere drops.* (A/N: It's Mukuro's.)

Reborn: See, you angered a pineapple, and a skylark who is now behind the curtain, waiting to kill you. Alaude, you're the last.

Alaude: I'd rather fall into the hole than say it. *Hole immediately opens somehow and he falls without a noise.*

Reborn: That's a man's pride for you. *Audience goes O.O and claps for Alaude* Okay, another question for all. What do you guys do during your free time?

Giotto: Free time? I don't even have that... I only keep doing my paperwork everyday... *Fake cries and wipes his invisible tears with a hankerchief. Audience go "Awww"*

G: PRIMO! DON'T FAKE THAT! You always push the paperwork to me... because you love taking you own sweet time!

Giotto: Aww, cmon. I just can't change that habit of mines. *G just decides to let it drop*

Reborn: Since Giotto does not have free time, lets skip him.

G: I polish my skull collections.

Reborn: G, FAIL! *Hole opens and G screams. Asari laughs*

G: EHHH? WHHYYYY? *Said as he dropped down*

Reborn: It was just plain boring. Asari, your turn. Since you laughed at G, I guess your answer will be interesting?

Asari: *Gulps* I reread my music theory notes and practices my flu- *Hole opens and Asari falls, asking the same thing as G did*

Reborn: I TOLD YOU IF IT WAS BORING THEN YOU'LL FALL! Next, Daemon Spade, since almost everyone is gone.

Daemon: Nufufu~ I love to draw melons and dance "Kufufu no Fu" that retarded dance. *Audience goes O.O; and Mukuro curses at Daemon for calling it a retarded dance*

Reborn: Why dance it when you think its retarded?

Daemon: I was thinking while dancing: if the dance is retarded, then the maker of it must the retarded. *Mukuro finally can't hold his anger anymore and grabs Daemon behind the backstage, together with Hibari 'killing' him*

Reborn: The scene behind has become too bloody for the author to write. After all, this is a T-rated story. So the winner is Primo!

*Primo and audience sweatdrops*

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