Chapter 3

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Cosima started at the Kamisato Estate, then looked forward walking after Thoma. "Cosima." Ayato smiled down at her as he made his way over and held his hand out. Her eyes stayed trained on him, staring up at the man. Her hand took his knowing it wouldn't look good on others if she declined. After all, she had to play the role of a happy wife. Betta followed from behind carrying her luggage. "Let me help." An ash blond haired woman grabbed the heavy luggage with ease, carrying it away. The woman pressed a kiss to Thoma's cheek and continued on her way. "Your wife is a warrior!"Betta whisper yelled at the male. Cosima muffled a giggle at Thoma's embarrassed smile, finding the male adorable when he was flustered. "I'm glad you became close with Thoma, he's a reliable member"Ayato smiled looking down at her pleased. "I have a room prepared for you but if you want, you can sleep with me"Ayato informs looking forward.

She didn't want to be near him. As much as she wanted to, she didn't want to risk him finding out anything and turning away from her. She opened her mouth but ended up tripping over a step, her eyes widening. Arms swiftly caught her, holding her princess style securely against their chest. "Are you alright?"Ayato asks looking down at her. Betta and Thoma stared in silence, all eyes on them. "Y-Yes..I am..but my toe hurts a little.."Cosima mutters looking down. She stiffened as he carried her the rest of the way, all eyes on them as they passed. "I can walk, you don't ha-"Cosima begins finding this embarrassing. "You're going to be my wife, is it wrong for me to carry you"Ayato teased looking at her again amused. Her gaze quickly shifted away, feeling her heart skip a beat. Betta and Thoma followed them the rest of the way, casting curious glances at each other at the predicament the couple was in. "Relax, who'd drop you"Ayato chuckles smiling down at her.


Cosima looked around her room, gently touching the desk. Her eyes widened noticing the same vase in her room was here. "Forgive me, Lady Cosima, but I had swiped yours and put it here to surprise you"Thoma chuckles rubbing the nape of his neck. She giggled and smiled at him now seeing where the vase had went since she had been searching for it but gave up after a while. "It's alright Thoma"Cosima giggled beaming up at him. "I'll help grab the rest of your luggage, just rest"Thoma smiled nodding to her. She waved watching him do, leaving her and Ayato alone in the room. "I remember when we met." Her gaze snapped to him, surprised by his words. He walked over, his expression softening. "You were glowing under the moonlight and you were kind to be even though I startled you at first, that's what I loved most about you"Ayato went on smiling down at her. He took her hand and perked up then snatched her sleeve up revealing bruises littered across her skin.

"What happened?"Ayato asks looking her directly in the eyes. She trembled, and snatched her wrist away pulling her sleeve down. "Nothing...nothing happened.."Cosima mutters looking down. Hands gently gripped her shoulders, her gaze carefully lifting. " can tell me, I wont turn away from you"Ayato promised leaning down. Her eyes widened slightly. She's always wanted to hear someone say that but it didn't help. She was far too gone in her distrust for others, even with Betta and, unknowingly, Thoma both gripping her hands trying to pull her out. Trauma couldn't be forgotten even if he ended up fixing it, she'd always have the fear of being turned on in her heart. "I fell..."Cosima responds glancing away. "Cosima." She stiffened, Ayato's stern eyes on her. "The truth..please"Ayato sighed placing a hand on her cheek. "...The new head maid got her hands on me an-"Cosima started. "Got it.."Ayato interrupts turning away. "Ayato, where are you-"Cosima starts again. "Stay here, I'll be back"Ayato mutters walking out.

She reached for him, her eyes wide not wanting him to turn on her. She should've kept her mouth shut. She should've lied better. Now he already turned away. "Wait-"Cosima begins trembling. The door slid shut, her hand trembling as tears fell down her cheeks. She dropped down to her knees, clutching her hair. "Cosima!" Betta threw her arms around her, hugging her tight. "Are you alright!?"Thoma asks kneeling down beside her alarmed. She clung to Betta, gripping Thoma's hand. "Ayato..just left.."Cosima mutters her gaze darkening as tears continued to fall. Thoma stood up and quickly left the room, running down the hall and narrowly avoiding crashing into Ayaka who was coming to the room. "Thoma?"Ayaka stared looking after him. "Sorry! I need to find your brother!"Thoma calls looking back at her then looking forward. Ayaka stepped into Cosima's room, freezing at the sight of Betta comforting the woman. "You can leave, young mistress"Betta glared Ayaka's eyes widening slightly.


Running footsteps filled the air as Thoma ran to Cosima's family estate after being told where Ayato went off to, noticing a commotion was happening near the main entrance. Whispering came from the servants as he rushed past looking for any sign of the Kamisato's clan head. Throwing doors open, He rushed into the entrance room and froze, his eyes wide in alarm at the scene happening before him. Ayato held his sword to the new headmaids neck, a look of pure fury on his face, the raging aura coming from him being what kept everyone else from getting close to put a stop to everything. Thoma stared in surprise having never seen Ayato act this way before about almost anything. "Those bruises you put on Cosima, I don't appreciate you harming her..."Ayato mutters his tone turning cold as the headmaid flinched back in shock. "Lord Ayato, what are you-"Hammel begins Caleb scowling behind him. "The new headmaid bruised up Cosima's arm..."Ayato interrupts lowly, the woman trembling in front of him.

"I do not appreciate her harming my wife to be.."Ayato went on Hammel's eyes widening in shock. His eyes darted around to the other servants causing them to flinch in fear backing away from the angry man before he could direct their anger at them. "Nobody is allowed to lay a finger on my wife...if I hear any of you harmed her we'll have worse problems than this"Ayato warns. "Lord Ayato, I can assure you nobody here has laid a finger on Cosi"Hammel promised looking startled. "...then why have two headmaids in a row, hurt my wife"Ayato demands looking sharply at him. He aimed his sword back at the terrified head maid, forcing her to bow her head as tears of pure fear fell down her cheeks. "I don't want to see another injury on my Cosima, understood"Ayato threatened. "Ayato.."Thoma says walking over hoping his presence calms the man. The man looked at him, lowering his sword and sheathing it as his raging aura started diminishing at the sight of an old friend. "How is Cosima?"Ayato asks Thoma sighing in relief.

A tense silence followed, both men staring at the other. Ayato frowned at the lack of response as Thoma worked his brain in order to tell him without making the situation worse. "She's in a bad state right now..."Thoma responds carefully watching as Ayato's eyes widening slightly at the sudden answer. Hammel's eyes widened as well, a flash of amusement and smugness appearing across Caleb's face before he too expressed a look of shock. "My daughter.."Hammel begins stepping forward looking mildly worried. "She had a breakdown, she told me where you were that's why I managed to get here before you did any damage, Betta is with her right now trying to calm her down, I don't know if she succeeded." Ayato touched his head feeling dizzy then hurried past him with Thoma following close behind. "Is Ayaka with her?"Ayato demands glancing back at him. "She must be, I passed by her on the way out"Thoma responds managing to keep up.


Cosima trembled in Betta's arms, covering her face her mind whirling around in fear. She was gonna be sent back home with that godforsaken man who called himself her big brother. He wouldn't punish her about the engagement being broken off and would praise her but he'd make damn sure that there wouldn't be another marriage attempt after this one. "Cosima." She looked up, and slapped Ayato's hand away. "I..want to help.."Ayato says surprised. " wanted to help"Cosima mutters her eyes wide. "IF YOU WANTED TO HELP THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU STAY WITH ME!??"Cosima snapped tears falling faster. "I DIDN'T WANT YOU TO LEAVE! I WANTED YOU TO STAY!! YOU COULD'VE HELPED THAT WAY!! YOU DIDN'T EVEN LISTEN TO ME ON YOUR WAY OUT!"Cosima yells surging to her feet. He reached for her again but Betta hugged her, holding her close. "Please leave, I got her"Betta huffed scowling. Ayato lowered his hand, Thoma hurrying past him. He turned and left, the door sliding shut. "Cosima..."Ayato mumbles guilty.

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