Game 00 - Finally, We Met...

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(I got this idea after watching the video above by Node. Watch it to get an idea how the game will work and look like.)



Today is a very special day for all of us. Very special. Standing outside the apartment, I clearly saw my fellow friends anxious, nervous, and somewhat ridiculous in their behavior as they await for the gate to open.

Dia: Lipstick, check!! Confidence, check!! All the u's posters, fanarts, and banners, check!! My hair? Check!!

Ruby: (silently shaking with total anxiety)....ummm...I am to say something better....umm...Allow me to feels so out of place....uhhhh...

Mari: (turns her back away from everyone as she recites a script to introduce herself in Engrish.)

Yohane: (unusually silent, standing without looking nervous - other than rapidly tapping her right foot on the ground so much as if she is impatient. Very impatient.)

"Everyone....a dream is coming true in front of us!! Let's go!!"

After fighting our way to get into Love Live, Aqours has now steadily grown shiny enough to be considered as serious contenders to the competition. I thought that was it......but beyond our expectations, we received a shocking message.

I received an e-mail online from someone I never thought would we get to see. It was like a big dream - we couldn't believe it.

Honoka Kousaka, my idol, the leader of the now-disbanded idol group, u's, has invited us Aqours for a "get to know each other party". AND - A-Rise will be personally there to arrange the meeting for us and u's. 

Until now I cannot believe it - as we entered inside a giant apartment-like building - THAT WE HAVE BEEN NOTICED BY U's AND NOW WANT TO MEET US!!! OUR EXCITEMENT IS BEYOND COMPREHENSION!!

We walked into a room, the guards told us to wait for u's and A-Rise to prepare for our meeting. You probably know what happened during that - Dia was fangirling, Yohane is nervous so she started acting like an angel to build her confidence, and the others waited patiently.


I sat down and talked with my fellow ex-members to discuss about the meeting one more time. We were inside the apartment, at a room that looked like an office room for employees.

I was nervous, not just because of Aqours, but also for everyone. We've all grown up now, a bit at least. I hoped we're still young enough to relate to them - I'm 21 now along with Umi-chan and Kotori-chan, so that meant Nozomi, Nico and Eri are all 22; Rin, Maki, and Hanayo are all 20.

Besides that, I am worried for u's themselves. I haven't seen Maki, Eri, Nozomi, and Nico for a long time until now. Even Hanayo, Rin, Umi and Kotori whom I have all met on a weekly basis now seem to distance away from me.

Despite our growth, I told everyone we should revert our appearances back to our teenage years, adjusting our hairstyles and all. The only downside is that we are taller than them. Sigh, I am more nervous than excited......

Honoka: Everyone, are you ready?!
Kotori: I AM SOOO READY, HONOKA-CHAN!! I brought all these cute outfits for them to wear!! I hope I got their measurements correct!!
Umi: Meetings must be taken with utmost preparation, seriousness and politeness. I am ready.
Maki: I am only hoping they don't charge at me like I am a god or something. Most of my fans are crazy to see me so......
Nico: So unfair, Maki-chan!! I am now a current idol but I have so-so fans. You're not really active in the public besides modeling and singing but your fans are beyond normal -
Maki: Sorry Nico for stealing them away from you -
Nico: Stop thinking such things!! I will never ever be jealous for that!
Nozomi: I am so ready to mess with them!! My cards are ready too!!
Eri: Nozomi......
Nozomi: Relax, Errichi. I brought cards for all of us to play with.
Eri: Whatever. As for me, I am ready but I feel like we forgot something.
Hanayo: Ready here!! Ummm....I am sure we did not forget anything.
Rin: All I can say is this apartment we're in looks like a giant school, nyahh.
Umi: I am still puzzled why A-Rise would make us bring so much stuff....

Then the guards arrived. They told us Aqours has arrived. Somehow, my anxiety disappeared and now I am full of energy!!

Honoka: Alright guys. Let's go!!

We entered inside a large, black room. It was called the Briefing Room. The room had a long red sofa, two big, round tables surrounded by 18 chairs, a speaker/radio hanging at a corner, and a large TV hanging over a wall at the center of the room. There were two doorsopposite from each other, we entered one door. It was pretty empty with not much else inside.

We sat on the nine chairs at one table. We waited for about a minute. Then....we started to hear voices on the other door.

".......nerubus.....phhff.....oooooo can do it!"

The voices grew louder until finally we could hear some of it clearly....

" go first!!"

" do it!!"

Maki: They're here guys. Get ready....

Then....20 seconds later...the door opened......

No one appeared at first......then Dia appeared before us. She was shaking and speechless just looking at us.....she could hardly stand properly.

Dia: Ummmm......h...hiii.....

U's: HIIII!!!!

Then one by one, the rest of Aqours entered the room.

Finally, for the first time, u's and Aqours meet face-to face. Immediately, all of us grouped up and started talking with one another. 

Kotori: Hi there!! I have seen you copy my photobomb memes a lot!!
You: Hehehe....I hope you are not mad about them....Yousoro....
Hanamaru: So wonderful to meet you, Rin-sama!!
Rin: Thanks!! You are so cute in person!!
Hanayo: Ruby, right?! I am so hyped to meet you, you know!!
Ruby: you so much!!!

While we talked, the room's monitor suddenly opened!!


Suddenly, A-Rise greeted us via the television.

Tsubasa: We will not be coming to see you guys in person! We will just watch you guys using the cameras in this building. Let's start getting to know each other!!!

It was a long story, just to summarize, we spent about 4 hours getting to know and have fun with each other!! I had a very happy time with Chika, Ruby, and Mari especially!!!

Yuuki: Is everyone done getting to know each other?!!

Yuuki: Alright!! Tsubasa, I think it's time to do this!

I noticed that Tsubasa stayed silent for many seconds before replying.

Tsubasa: Now, for the main event!! Is anybody interested in playing a game?

Tsubasa: Good....we have a very special game for all of you.......

Tsubasa: It's called.....MURDER Game!!!

Everyone: .............

Everyone fell silent. They all had confused reactions on their faces.

Yuuki: The game is simple! Each player will be randomly chosen amongst you to play the role as Murderer! Everyone else who isn't are Innocent - they must figure out who the Murderer is! The Murderer's goal is to kill everyone to win! The rest must find a specific number of items in order to get the opportunity to receive a pistol! Then, you have to kill the Murderer!!

Erena: To ensure you guys play - I have given the guards the order to lock down this building.

Chika: Eh? Wait.....did you guys mean a literal "murder" game!!?

Erena: Of course.

Maki: Hey.....this isn't funny.....

Tsubasa: You guys need proof to believe us, huh? Oh well.........Guards, get inside the room!!

Tsubasa: You all have done your part!! Now.......DISAPPEAR!!!

All of a sudden, the guards in front of us started to shake uncontrollably. Within a few seconds, they exploded. Blood and whatever scattered all over us.

Everyone: AHHHHHHHH!!!
Umi: OH MY GOD!!
Kanan: WHAT THE HELL?!!!

Tsubasa: There's our proof!! They're all dead. And they died suddenly when I gave the word!!


Yuuki: We're serious. We all brought you here in order to meet with each other and participate in the main event. This MURDER Game will be the main event!!

Umi: What!!!?

Tsubasa: ..........this will convince you enough. Erena, change the channel.

Soon, the large TV in front of us switched channels. The new channel was a news forecast.

What we saw shocked us........


A/N: To all my followers, I have decided to post a new story (this one) since I feel that I need to show ya something after so many months of inactivity. Sorry.

I will update this story every two weeks because I am working on other stories that I am about to publish this month and next months. Stay tuned cuz I WILL BE POSTING A LOT OF STORIES THIS VACATION!!

With college finally ending for me, I now have the free time to entertain you all (and hopefully teach you things). See ya!!

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