Game 02B - First TRUE MURDER!!

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The first true round of Murder begins. Everyone has already picked their respective cards.

(Go back to GAME 01A to know the rules on how this game works.)

ROUND 01 (For real this time!)

Dia: I'm not the murderer this time! What a relief!!

Eri: Don't be relieved, Dia-san. You just revealed your identity as an Innocent - the murderer is gonna kill you now for sure!!

Dia: .........OH F#&K!! NOOOOO!!! NOW I AM SO DEAD!!!

Everyone began to scatter towards different areas. All of them are still a bit doubtful about the game, but now they are less nervous than they were to play it.

Rin: Hanamaru-san!! Let me hang out with you!!

Hanamaru: Oh!!! T-thank you so much!! But please keep your distance!!

Ruby: Sister, are you okay?

Dia: Don't worry about me, Ruby!! I am totally fine now!! I am not scared anymore!!

Ruby: I am glad!

Dia: You should hang out with someone else. I am going to Kanan and Mari.

Ruby: Okay!!!

Hanamaru and Rin hang out together and proceeded to the southeast area in the Arena. The Detective this round is Chika.

Chika: I am on the case!!

Riko: Nah, I think you are just a big target for the murderer....

Chika: No I will not!! Right You.......huh? Where did she go?!

Honoka, Umi, and Kotori together went to the northern area. Mari and Maki quickly went to one room to check out for more ribbons. They need six in order for them to use their guns.

Maki: (looks for ribbons inside a cabinet.)

Mari: (observes Maki quietly.)

Maki: Hey, stop looking at me. I will assume you are the Murderer if you do not do anything.

Mari: I am just thinking how similar we are.

Maki: Similar? What do you mean?

Mari: Well......we are both rich girls....we used to be tsunderes before we had proper friends.......and.....

Maki: And what?....

Mari: Hmmm...(snaps her fingers).....AHA!!! AND WE HAVE GIRLFRIENDS!!!!

Maki: FUCK YOU!!

Mari: Aha.....a tsundere's response of denial....(teases her by doing a Nico Nico Nii hand gesture)

Maki: Knock it off!! (blushing)

Mari: remind me of Yoshiko-chan!! Let me tease you more!!

Maki: Help!! Mari is the murderer!! She is being suspicious!!

No one actually cared about Maki's screams. Near the room where Mari and Maki are bickering with one another, Nico is looking for a hiding spot inside a room filled with three sofas and a table.

Nico: To think that being an imp is this helpful...

Chika: Hey!! Nico-sama what are ya doin'!!

Nico: Huh? Geez, don't shock me like that....Chika isn't it?

Chika: Yep, that is my name!!

Nico: Get out of this room!!

Chika: But I want to hide with you too!!


About ten minutes have passed. Everyone has finished choosing the spots where they would stay. Other people, however, are moving around elsewhere.

Nozomi is exploring the entire room, drawing herself to suspiscion amongst other peoples.

Yoshiko is just chilling at a corner in the hallway.

Honoka: Hey, what are you doing here?

Yoshiko: Waiting for the murderer to show up.

Honoka: don't have a gun yet....

Yoshiko: A fallen angel like me needs no guns. I want to see the murderer with my eyes. Once I see her, I will fly my way out of here.

Honoka: Hmmmm.....that is actually a good idea! There are only two paths here, the murderer would have to run through these hallways to get to you.

Yoshiko: Whatever, Ms. Genki. Now, please leave -


Yoshiko: Hell no!! Get out of here!!!


Honoka and Yoshiko: What the?!!

Somebody screamed. Immediately, Detective Chika rushed to the scene.

Chika: What is going on?!! Who is the murderer?!!

You: Chika!! I just saw Eri-senpai dead over there!!

Chika: What!!?


The scream captured the attention of Chika and four more people in the northern sector. However, the rest did not manage to hear the scream, including Rin and Hanamaru.

Rin: I am so touched that you actually like my wedding outfit!

Hanamaru: Well, I just thought it suited you really well!

Rin: You are actually nicer than I thought you are!!

Murderer: (walks slowly behind them, while laying low....)

Rin: They said you aren't very fond with that other girl.....Yoshiko, was it?

Hanamaru: is actually more like I am trying to act more mature for her since she needed help anyway....

Rin: Help with what -

Murderer: (runs quickly at Rin and thrusta her knife on the back of her neck.)

Hanamaru: Rin-sama!!?

Murderer: (slashes Hanamaru's throat)


The Murderer at this point have already killed Rin, Hanamaru, and Eri. The deaths have reached the other Innocents. Some are starting to panick.

Dia: Guys, heeeeelllppp!!! I don't wanna die!!!

You: This is getting soooo bad!!

Chika: Gather up!! I am the detective!! All Innocents are safe!!

The remaining survivors gathered in a big room filled with furniture.

Umi: Hey, guys.....where is Nozomi!!?

Mari: Oh my god!!!?

Kanan: We cannot just assume yet that it is her!!

Maki: Everyone calm down!! We need to guess who the murderer is!!

Riko: I believe the murderer is someone from Aqours.

Mari: Stay away from me!!

Riko: No, you stay away from me!! You'd kill me!!!

Nico started running towards them!

Nico: Guys!! YOU IS THE MURDERER!!!!

Everyone: Huh?!!

Nico: Stay away from her!! I saw her kill Eri!!

You: Eh?!! No, it is not me!!

Chika: Hold it!! You discovered Eri's body......wait a minute!!? (brings out her gun)

You: Chika!!? I am not the murderer!! Believe me!

Maki: Hey, Nico!! Are you telling the truth?!! I feel like you are lying to us!!

Nico: Hey!!! I am totally not lying to any of you, alright?!

Dia: What should we do?! We can't just sit here, accusing each other!!

The entire group is thrown into confusion. No one knows who's who.

Kanan: Darn it!! It looks like we need to move out to get this game moving!

Mari: But the murderer will get us!!

Chika: Alright!! As the Detective, I am ordering all Innocents to leave this sector and go elsewhere!!

Riko: You serious!!?

Chika: We need to search for the murderer, Riko. At this rate, Hanayo, amd the others are probably dead.

It was decided that everyone spread out to find the murderer. Everyone split up into groups of three. Kanan, Dia, and Nico stayed together.

Umi, Kotori, and Ruby hid inside different rooms.

Meanwhile, Honoka and Yoshiko are still staying at the same area.

Honoka: I am scared....

Yoshiko: Please leave at once...

Honoka: But I am not the murderer!!

Yoshiko: Just get out of here!!


At the eastern room, Mari, Maki, and Riko stayed together.

Maki: I hate this game.

Mari: Riko, you've been with us this entire time. How suspicious.

Riko: You are making me suspicious.

The three are not aware that everyone else is getting killed by the murderer.

Maki: Hey, has anyone seen Hanayo?



Riko: Dia?!!

Dia: I just saw Hanayo's dead body!! I don't want to be alone anymore!!

Maki: What?!!

The four went to another hallway. There, they did found Hanayo's corpse.

Maki: This is sooo bad......what are we supposed to do now.....

Murderer: (stabbed Mari and Riko)

Maki: What the?!!

Meanwhile, still at the same spot, Honoka is staying at the corner.

Honoka: Geez......Yoshiko left me behind.....I dunno where to go....

Then she sees Dia running towards her.

Honoka: Hey?!! Dia?!!

Dia: What is going on? Why are you here?

Honoka: Yoshiko left me behind. I dunno why.....

Dia: I see.

Honoka: Good lord....I wonder who the murderer is....

Dia: Ummm....have you seen Nozomi?

Honoka: No, I did not.

Dia: I think she is the murderer. She hasn't appeared at all.

Honoka: that why you suspect her?

Dia: Yeah. Especially since.....

Honoka: (stabbed in the abdomen) ....!!!! way....

Dia: ....since the real I, Dia!!!!

Honoka fell into the ground. The culprit just revealed herself.

Dia: Let's see.....I killed Hanamaru, Hanayo, Rin, Maki, and Eri. I am glad I managed to escape Kanan and Nico while they were looking for murderer......gosh, I cannot believe I am doing this.

Dia plans to hunt down Nico and Kanan, finish off Nozomi who until now is missing, and hunt everyone else - saving Ruby for last.

Dia: Better get going.....I need to win this game -


Suddenly, someone started shooting at Dia. Dia failed to dodge and she got shot in the head. Dia, fell to the ground and died.

Yoshiko: (panting)I made time....I am glad Honoka listened to me to stay here and serve as bait while Nozomi gathered ribbons to give me a gun.

She looked at Dia's corpse. Yoshiko was not pleased with what she did.

Yoshiko: Darn it......I can't believe I had to kill someone. This is so awful.

Innocents win. Dia, the murderer, is dead. Time stopped.


(Back at the Briefing Room, everyone is alive again.)

Yoshiko: Oh........ummm?

Everyone: .........

Yuuki: Innocents won. Yoshiko won the game by shooting the murderer, Dia!!

Everyone is shocked that the game went so well. Just like before, everyone is alive again, and their memories of the previous round are still there.

Hanayo: I cannot believe that Dia is the murderer three times in a row!!!

Dia: was so stressful to be one......

Honoka: Wow....

Riko: Damn....Dia, the way you stabbed me kinda hurts....

Dia: I had to do it.....

Rin: That was horrible.....

Hanamaru: Yeah it is....

Ruby: I am happy that sister Dia finally managed to play.

Dia: Thanks.....

Nico: Hey, Nozomi!!! Where have you been?!!

Nozomi: I was looking all over the place for ribbons. I managed to gather six when I heard the scream. I decided to hide until then.

Yoshiko: Nozomi called me while Honoka and I were guarding at a corner. She gave me the bands so I could use my gun.

Kanan: Oh?

Chika: I am so sad that I never got to do anything as a Detective....

You: Don't be so hard on yourself!! You will have your chance next time!!

Umi: I am still worried about this game's violent nature.....

Everyone continued discussing the previous round. Moments later, A-Rise spoke again.

Erena: We are pleased to see you guys are finally cooperating.

Tsubasa: That was a fun round!! Well, whatever!! Get yourselves ready for the next round!!

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