Game 03A - First "Tactical" LIES

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As everyone began preparing for the next round, a guard (a short girl covered in mask) walks up to Eri and gives her a paper with notes.

Tsubasa: Just a heads up, guys!! From now on, the intro for each round will be slightly more organized. We already gave Eri the instructions so she will be showing you how it works!!

Umi: As if it will make this game any less immoral......

DAY 01 (AT ABOUT 11:00 PM)

Eri: Alright, everyone draw your cards!!

Everyone: (Each girl picked their own cards.)

Eri: Now, everyone close your eyes!! Heads down!! (Eri also closes her eyes and bows down since she is still part of the game.)

Everyone: (Do what Eri tells them to do)

Eri: Okey. Make sure your eyes are closed. A-Rise said that anyone who tries to peek will be killed with electric shock.

Umi: Eh!!!!?

Erena: The spot where you all are standing now has cameras below the floor and electric circuits meant to punish any "cheater".

Eri: Yeah, what she said.......okey....murderer, raise your thumb. Raise it high up so that A-Rise and the cameras can see it!!

Murderer: (raises her thumbs up)

Eri: thumbs down....detective, raise your thumbs!!

Umi: (geez.....raises her thumbs up.)

Eri: Alright! Everyone, open your eyes and let's begin the game by killing Dia!!


Hanayo: But you have been the murderer already, three times in a row!

Dia: STOP!!! I am not the murderer this time!! I swear!!

Yoshiko: As if!! Dia, stay away from me!!

Dia: Oh come on!!!

Everyone left to go to their area of choice. This time though, more girls are aiming to pick up six ribbons to get to use their guns.

Kotori: (hurries up to find six ribbons.)

Umi: Kotori?

Kotori: Excuse me, Umi-chan, I need to defend myself.

Umi: Okey....but you should calm down. The others will suspect you if run too hastily.

Chika, Riko, You, and Mari are all heading for the living room. It looks like all of them are planning to hide.

You, however, was too keen looking at the three of them.

Chika: Let's see.....ummm...I think You is the murderer....

You: Ehhh?!!! Why me?!!

Chika: I just had a gut feeling that you are!!

Mari: Oh?! Chika is biased because she prefers Riko over You!!!

Chika: What?!! That is not tru -

Riko: Chika....I can tell by your eyes...

Chika: .......

You: Hey....let us not talk about that for now.....please...

Chika: ..........

Riko: Sure....

Other players such as Kanan, Rin, Nozomi, Ruby, Eri, Nico, and Honoka are either hiding, looking for ribbons, or going about their business.

5 minutes passed. At a hallway near the central area where all players start at, Umi, Yoshiko, and Hanamaru are all looking for ribbons. Umi stays on guard - although the two are obviously sticking around with her for protection, she is on guard for any possibilites that any one of them is actually the Murderer.

However, the most suspicious girl here is Dia. She is standing at one spot, not doing anything.

Umi: aren't looking for ribbons nor trying to hide. Are you -

Dia: I am not the murderer!! I am just staying here to prove you all that I ain't gonna kill anyone.

Yoshiko: Standing there doing nothing is just making you more suspicious....

Hanamaru: Umi-sama, guard Dia-san for us.


Murderer: (Covers herself with a blanket, runs towards Dia's back, slashes the nape of her neck, then runs off)

Umi: What the?!!!

Everything that happened went too fast. Dia fell. Umi and the others ran to check Dia's body.

Yoshiko: The murderer aimed for the nape of her neck....wait...the murderer must be someone who watch Attack on Titan a lot!!

Hanamaru: Shoot Yoshiko, Umi-sama.

Yoshiko: I am just joking!! Hey!!?

Umi: I don't think she.......wait....Kotori!!

Hanamaru: Huh?

Umi: Has anyone seen Kotori?! I think it's her!!

Yoshiko: Oh!!? Let's find her then!!

No one is aware that this happened besides Umi, Hanamaru, and Yoshiko. The trio raced to find Kotori and warn everyone that Dia has been killed.

Meanwhile, Maki is searching for two more ribbons. She went inside a small room which had a closet and two chairs.

Maki: (Thinks: What is the point of being a Detective anyway, if anybody is allowed to use her gun after finding six ribbons?)

Maki kept searching. She looked under the chair, but there was none.

Then she noticed a closet. She went closer to open it - but she was nervous.

Maki: (Thinks: Hey, what are you waiting for? Open the closet, it is not like there is a ghost in there or anything!!)

Maki opened the closet after much deliberation....


Maki: Hwahhhh!!?? (fell on the floor)N-Nico!!!!?

Nico: Hey!! Close the closet - I am hiding in here!!

Maki: Why the hell? just scared me for a while!!

Nico: Just leave, okay? This closet won't fit more than one person!!

Maki: Fine!! I will be going then!!

Maki was about to leave the room when -

Umi: Everyone!! Dia is dead!! I repeat, Dia is dead!!

Umi ran by shouting to everyone what happened. When Maki heard it, she went back inside the room.

Nico: Hey....what was that about? (peeks out of the closet)

Maki: Umi just said that someone killed Dia.

Nico: Oh no!!

Maki: The murderer must be on a killing spree by now. I hate to say this....but please, let me stay here.

Nico: Ehhh?!!

Maki: I trust you, Nico.

Nico: No way!! Get out of here, Maki-chan!!

Maki: Why?!! I am scared to die, alright!!? Do you want me to get killed?!!

Nico: It's not my problem!! Also, what if you are the murderer?!!

Maki: NICO!! (makes a desperate face)

Nico: stay outside of this closet, okay? If you try to get inside, I will scream!

Maki: .......yeah, whatever....

At the southernmost area, Kanan and Eri are alone, busy talking about the game's mechanics.

Kanan: far, we found that it is possible to give your ribbons to someone else.

Eri: Yep.

Kanan: It still bothers me that there is only one murderer though. It would have been really unfair for her.

Eri: At least we can worry less about staying alive in this round.

Kanan:'re not the murderer, aren't you?

Eri: If I was, I would have killed you already.

As they talked, Umi, Hanamaru, and Yoshiko found them.

Umi: Hey, you two!!

Kanan and Eri: Umi?!!

Hanamaru: Dia is dead!! We are suspecting that Kotori is the murderer!!

Eri: What!!?

Kanan: We should not be wasting time, then. Let's go!

At the western section, Kotori, Nozomi, Ruby, and Hanayo are all inside a large room with lots of boxes and at least one cabinet and sofa. There is a lot of tension.

Ruby: .......

Nozomi: Isn't it dangerous that all four of us are here, searching for ribbons?

Kotori sees a ribbon at the bottom of the cabinet. She picks it up - it was her sixth ribbon, so she pulls out her gun.

Ruby: Oh no!! Kotori is the murderer!!!

Kotori: It is not me!! I am just holding my gun for self-defense!! Believe me!!

Hanayo: Oh no!!! If the murderer has a gun, she can shoot us now -


Just in time, Umi and the others arrived before the situation got worse.

Umi: What is going on?!! Kotori!!?

Kotori: Relax guys!! I have a gun now because I completed the ribbons required to use it!! I just want to defend myself!!

Suddenly, everyone heard a gunshot. It came from a nearby room.

Kotori: Huh?!

Hanamaru: Someone just shot someone!! Over there!!!

As everyone ran to investigate the noise, Nico started running towards them.

Nico: Maki is the murderer!!

Everyone: Huh?!!

Umi: Wait, what do you mean?!

Nico: Maki is hiding inside the room when she heard you say that Dia is dead. It made me suspicious of her, like she wanted to hide with me so badly. So I shot her before she tried to kill me.

Umi: What!!? Nico?!!

Umi went inside the room to inspect Maki's corpse. She took her time to analyze what happened. However, she was too distracted to be aware of what was going outside.

Kanan, Eri, Kotori, Nozomi, and Ruby surrounded Nico as she explained herself.

Ruby: Ummm...I do not believe what Nico just said. What if she killed Maki because she is the murderer!

Nico: No!!.....what are you talking about!!?

Nozomi: It is possible!!! Nico-sama is probably trying to get away!!

Nico: Guys, I am totally innocent!!

Kotori: An innocent would never shoot anyone.....

Nico: I am totally innocent!!!

Kanan: Who has a gun? Let's just shoot her -

Nico: What the hell!!!?

Afraid that anyone will try to shoot her, Nico drew out her gun threatening a firefight.


Kanan: Alright! Let's do it, then! Kotori-sama, shoot her please!

Kotori: Ehh?!

Eri: Kanan?!

Kanan: Sorry, but this game has to progress either way. Besides, if everyone does resurrect after a round, I will not mind to take a life then.

Kotori: Ummm....okey, I guess I should.....sorry, Nico.....

Nico: Oh come....geez....CURSE YOU ALL!!

Nico started shooting at them. She succeeded at killing Ruby, then she quickly ran away.

Eri: Shit!

Kanan: Ruby!! I knew it, everyone after her!!

Kotori: Oh okey....

Nozomi: Catch her!!

The four chased Nico in hot pursuit (among them, only Kotori was the one who had a gun). Ruby lay lying dead on the floor. It was at this time that Umi went out of the room surprised by the gunshots. However, she is unaware of what happened.

Umi: What's going on?! Guys........where did they go......ahh!...Ruby?!!

Umi is stunned after seeing Ruby's dead corpse at the hallway. She felt very uneasy.

Umi: This....this is wrong....everyone is being taught to kill for the sake of entertainment.

Umi stood up and readied her gun. As a Detective, she had to do something.

Umi: Darn it....I hate this forces players like me to kill someone regardless of our role...

Uncertain of what is going on, Umi left to search for the other players. She uses the gunshots that she hears as reference to where she will go.

Both Maki and Ruby died. Nico is the prime suspect. Umi is moving on to solve the case....even though she does not want to.....


A/N: I have been absent this past months because of lack of Internet in our new home (yes, we just moved to a new house). This part is a revised one because I changed the original plot for this chapter because I felt it seemed inconsistent.

This part is only half of the chapter. Stay tuned for the next chapter. By the way, I thank everyone for supporting this book and enjoying it. I hope you could share this with your friends and all.

Keep following for the next update on the next chapters!


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