Game 06 - New Rules Equals New Brutality...

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(Inside the Briefing Room.)

Ruby: I want to go home.

Maki: All of us want to, Ruby.

You: Guys, are we really gonna be stuck here for a while?

Yoshiko: Who knows? I can only assume that A-Rise is using magic or something to keep us in here. Seriously, I wouldn't be dumb enough to come to that assumption if nothing weird was going on at all.

Nozomi: I am just thinking what A-Rise could be thinking bringing all of us here. Geez...they should at least tell us why -

Guard 01: It's classified.

Nozomi: Oh? I did not ask you that though.

Guard 01: All of you must accept your fate. A-Rise brought you here for classified reasons you need not know. Just do as your told.

Maki: Oy! You think it sounds so simple?! And come to think of it, why do you guys allow yourselves to take part in this, huh?!

Guard 01: That is also classified. If you want to know our reasons for being here, you need to ask A-Rise for permission.

Maki: Fuck you! Why do we have to ask permission, huh?

Guard 01: Because they are the hosts. Simple as that.

Maki: Grrrrrr....

Soon after, A-Rise appeared on the monitor again.



1. There are TWO murderers this time around!!

2. Giving your gun to another player is now forbidden! If you want to get their gun, they have to be dead before you can take it from them.

3. Two types of guns have been added in the game: A shotgun and a submachine gun!! However, both guns require TEN ribbons in order to be unlocked. Also, there is only one shotgun and SMG - may luck find it's way to the right person!!

4. THERE IS A TIME LIMIT ON PLAYING DEAD!! A player who tries to pretend to be dead is allowed to continue doing this for only about 30 seconds!! If you exceed the time limit, you will be killed with a heart attack IMMEDIATELY!!

5. Just a reminder, we hosts are watching over you! If you guys do anything to displease us like not doing anything in a round, we have the right to reveal who is the murderer or detective!

6. There is a new punishment for Innocents/Detectives killing Innocents. Those who killed Innocents will be forbidden from getting guns in the next round. The only gun you guys are allowed to use is an old pistol which costs five ribbons! If you try to take other guns even though you know you killed Innocents, we will have you killed supernaturally! Also, a penalised player who got 9 ribbons shall get a rifle as a substitute for the normal weapon range. You will find the rifle at public places as well!

7. Lastly, exchanging ribbons is totally fine as long you know it will be beneficial and the person you give ribbons to is trustworthy!

8. By the way, MURDERERS can be called TRAITORS just for fun!

Everyone: EHHHHH?!!

Muse and Aqours each had their own comments on the new rules.

Tsubasa: Like the new rules, guys?

Riko: Rule 8 is totally unnecessary and stupid. Geez...

Dia: The only thing I like is the ticket exchange.

Kotori: Two murderers? Oh man, do they really have to do that?

Umi: Logically speaking, it's the only way for them to make the game a bit fairer to the Murderer.

Yoshiko: This feels like they do have Death Notes after all!!!

Nico: Oh crap, only the lucky ones will be able to afford ten ribbons.

Chika: I need to focus on getting the best gun.

Maki: Oh?! I bet you added that 4th rule because of me.

Tsubasa: EXACTLY! Our cute, slanted eyed redhead has been enjoying the game too much lately!! It would have been very unfair for the rest -


Yuuki: Hehe....what a liar.

Nico: Hey Tsubasa, you seem to be praising Maki-chan in a more sensual way.....



Hanayo: They are giving this game new versions now? Geez.....

Kanan: Oh my, so it means that in the next round, almost of us will be practically defenseless.

Tsubasa: Kinda! For everyone else except You, Hanamaru, and Ruby, you all face the same punishment from now on! So think twice before shooting!

Mari: They just made this game more brutal.

Kotori: Old pistol and a rifle? Oh gosh, that sounds underwhelming!

Everyone is given a quick demo in the Briefing Room on how to use the old pistol - a 1700s style matchlock pistol - and the rifle - a 1800s French rifle.

Riko: How do you use that?

Guard 04: This gun has 10 bullets. First of all, this pistol has less penetration power and is not accurate at longer ranges so keep it aimed at shorter distances unless you have absurd aiming skills. This pistol is also able to shoot only one circular bullet at a time. For reloading, do what I am doing right now. First, put a small dose of gunpowder in this paper and then put this circular bullet afterwards inside the barrel. Second, use this stick called a ramrod underneath it and ram the inside of the barrel. Make sure the bullet and powder are deeply placed so that your gun fires. Third, pull this bronze hook at the side backwards and add the ignition material called a flint. Fourth, open this pan here. It is a hole where the flint will hit the gunpowder and make it fire. Lastly, pull the trigger, and the pistol will fire. Take note that it is very noisy and moderate amounts of smoke will come out of the barrel. This weapon may seem pathetic, but if you use your brain to get around it, you might master it.

Nico: So confused.

Honoka: Can you please repeat?

Rin: Smoke? Sounds very bad....

Hanamaru: Ohhhh....that pistol seems promising! It's the future....errr...past, zura!

Yoshiko: What the hell? That weapon is trash! I expect that the rifle is much better! Dear lord, why am I unlucky enough to get this!

Mari: Most of us suffer the same fate too, Yoshiko...

Guard 04: This rifle will provide you range and damage to take down your foes. It uses a pointy bullet with gunpowder inside so expect it to be not as smoky as the pistol. It can shoot three bullets per magazine. However, it uses a bolt-action mechanism - each time you pull the trigger you need to pull the bolt to pull the empty bullet out then pull it back to shoot again. By the way, it has a bayonet attachment, so you have a secondary weapon.

Hanamaru: Cool!

Eri: Definitely better than the pistol.

Umi: A bayonet? Does A-Rise want me to do a banzai charge or something?

Maki: I see. Both weapons simply have reloading times as main issues...

Chika: The pistol is useless though. One shot at a time only? How bad.

You: The only advantage both weapons have is that we can get them one ribbon less compared to your normal requirement. I think that can be really helpful.

Erena: Chill guys. Those antique weapons are better than you think they are. They are my favorites!

Honoka: Huh? I don't get it!

After the demo, everyone except the exempted are equipped with the old pistol in their holsters indtead of a normal M1911. Then they are sent off to start the next round.

DAY 04

Everyone started the game after picking cards. In this round, only You, Hanamaru, and Ruby are exempted from the penalty of killing innocents.

Yoshiko: (This is Round 06, huh. It looks the forbidden number will mean something...)

However, before anybody moved beyond the area, something happened.

Yoshiko: STOP!!
Everyone: Huh?
Yoshiko: This is absurd! The two murderers in this round will massacre us! I can only guess it will be You, Hanamaru or Ruby. Let's block them from leaving! They are suspects!
You: Ehhh!! Come on?!! Yoshiko!!?
Ruby: I am safe! Don't shoot me!
Hanamaru: I have not yet done anything!
Eri: Everyone, I kinda agree with Yoshiko. I am the Detective by the way.
You: Ehhh?!!
Dia: Eri-sama is correct! We cannot risk playing a round where most of us are at a disadvantage.
Ruby: But sister....
Dia: I am sorry....
Eri: Everyone stay here. As the Detective, that is an order. My plan is for everyone to go and find as many ribbons as you can so that every penalised player can get either the pistol or rifle. If you leave, ask permission. Anyone who leaves unpermitted and does not return will be considered Traitors and will be shot.
Rin: Eri-chan sounds like an officer, nyah!
Nozomi: A sexy Russian officer! I will be the first to search!
Eri: I will allow you if you don't call me that way again.

Everyone else followed orders and searched for ribbons. Meanwhile, Eri, Dia, and Yoshiko stay to guard them.

You: What do you plan to do once everyone has a gun?
Eri: I won't tell you or anyone yet until it is done.
Ruby: Eri-sama! Not to be shady and all, but I think you might be trusting big sister and Yoshiko-chan too much. What if they are the traitors?
Dia: Ruby, I would have shot Eri if I was. Same for Yoshiko once we all have pistols.
Yoshiko: Or we could have left already and killed everyone else a while ago without telling them.
Ruby: Okey....

Minutes later, Honoka and Chika were the first to give ribbons. Then everyone else followed. Except Nozomi and Mari.

Eri: Alright, thanks to you guys we now have 25 ribbons. Six of us can use our pistols. Pistols only! If anyone tries to get nine ribbons and use a rifle, she will be considered a traitor...err...murderer...because she knows that a rifle is a better murder tool! I will use mine. Dia and Yoshiko will use theirs. Everyone else keep out and stay put or else!
Nico: Nozomi and Mari have not yet arrived!
Eri: Hmmmm....we will give them time.
Hanamaru: Wait!! Those two must be the traitors! You should -
Eri: I am risking to trust them over you!
Ruby: Eri-sama!
Dia: Eri-sama, what do we do next?
Eri: Next is....we execute You, Ruby, and Hanamaru.
Everyone: What!!!?
Umi: I can't believe you...
Hanayo: A firing squad!? You're serious?!!
You, Ruby, and Hanamaru: NOOO!!! DON'T KILL US!! PLEASE!!
Chika: EHHHHH?!!!
Honoka: Eri, how could you...
Dia:'re serious?!
Yoshiko: I knew it.
Eri: Don't hesitate.
Riko: Eri, wait!! That sounds so evil! Can't we be more sincere?
Eri: How then?
Riko: Eh...well...
Eri: You don't have an idea either, right? Besides, everyone has ribbons now. A shootout will happen soon. There is no other way. Besides, even if you guys aren't murderers, at least we won't be seeing the real ones shooting us with modern weapons.
You: Whoa, wait!! We can find some other solution to this!? Please! 😨😨😨

Eri ignores everyone's pleas to reconsider. She walks up to You and points her pistol point blank at You's head. You tears up as she looks at the pistol's barrel aimed right at her.

You: I beg of you, don't!!😭😭😭😭😭
Eri: I don't like doing this either. But don't worry, you will be brought back to life anyway. Just close your eyes so you won't feel anything.
You: I beg of you, cut it out! 😭😨😭😨😭😭😭
Eri: (BANG)....cough....cough....this pistol really does emit some smoke....

You falls down the floor dead. Blood from her forehead drops out unto the floor. Everyone is horrified to watch it all - even though they already played this game for a while now.

Nico: ......disgusting...😕
Maki: This game is turning us into monsters. 😟
Rin: This is so horrible to watch. Shooting defenseless people like animals isn't nice...😫
Dia: That was.....loud, dirty....and brutal....😖
Eri: Your turn, Dia. Take your sister out!!
Ruby: (starts crying)😭😭😭😭😭
Dia: Why?!!!
Eri: My wild guess is that You and Ruby are the murderers. Just a random thought. As much as possible, I want this round to end without any Innocent dying. That way, at the next round, nobody will need to suffer the penalty anymore.
Honoka: Eri-chan is such a nice person...
Kotori: She is willing to "justify her means by ends".
Yoshiko: Oy, why are you all describing her like Lelouch? 😒
Dia: I....understand...but I might not be able to do it. And don't even ask me to shoot Hanamaru. Besides, I feel like Nozomi and Mari should be the ones who try -
Eri: Alright. I will kill them myself. You want that? I am reloading right now...
Dia: can't let anyone hurt my little sister!!
Ruby: Onee-chan....
Eri: Make a decision now. We are losing precious time. Please.

Dia pauses for a bit. She thinks over every possibility and alternative. In the end, nothing got into head other than her obligation to fulfill her role as the elder sister....

Dia: I...I....sigh...(fists closed)...I give in...
Eri: Do it quick.
Ruby: Onee-chan....nooo.....
Dia: Ruby....listen to me okay...
Ruby: Ehhhh?
Eri: I am gonna look away until you finish. I shouldn't cry over this....
Dia: Ruby, I want you to close your eyes. Think about our performances together. Think of My Mai Tonight. Think of happy thoughts and doing your Rubestys. Do them all to lessen your stress.....
Ruby: Don't kill me, onee-chan!! I know you are doing this for everyone and because you are a loyal fan of Eri-sama! But this painful for me!
Dia: (hugs Ruby) Ruby....I have no choice....
Ruby: You still do, sis....
Dia: I....I don't....sorry....(BANG)

Dia shot her sister from the back of her head via one arm which was wrapped around Ruby. Ruby dies in Dia's arms as her blood falls from the front of her forehead. Dia holds her mouth to suppress the sound of her mourning while tears drop. The smoke does not flinch her a bit. Those who have sisters are deeply hit by this kind of brutality.

Nico: Fuck....
Honoka: I can't take this anymore! Hey, Tsubasa! Why are you making us do this!?
Eri: (weeps her eyes with her arm, then looks at Yoshiko and signals her to do it...)
Yoshiko: Crap. I knew this will happen.
Hanamaru: Uhhh....zura?
Yoshiko: Hanamaru, I am Yohane, a Shinigami (Death God) tasked by the Frost Princess to take your soul. Bear with me. (points her pistol)
Hanamaru: Yoshiko....please...I beg of you...don't kill me!!
Yoshiko: It's Yohane and....tsk...just shut up and stop crying!! I am crying too cuz I don't want to shoot you!! But I have no choice!!
Hanamaru: I am Innocent!! Please spare me!!
Yoshiko: (cries) up!! Your mortal soul is nothing compared to the situation we are in...
Hanamaru: Yohane-sama!! Please have mercy!!!
Yoshiko: SHUT UP!!! DARN IT!! (closes her eyes and pulls the trigger)

The trigger is about to be pulled when...

Tsubasa: GAME OVER!
Everyone: ?!!!! 😧😧
Eri: Huh?!
Tsubasa: I SAID IT IS DONE! INNOCENTS WIN!! You and Ruby are the Murderers so you don't have to kill Hanamaru! Besides, Eri is awesome and this round was entertaining! Time to restart!!

Then time stopped. Again, everyone found themseoves in the Briefing Room.


Yuuki: Come on, Tsubasa! I wanted to see Hanamaru die! Why did you stop that!?
Tsubasa: Cuz it was getting too dramatic.
Hanamaru: (heavy breathing) Oh my Buddha, zura! I almost died! I am so relieved!!
Yoshiko: I wanna take a nap after what I almost pulled off.
Dia: I am sorry sis.
Ruby: (wipes away her tears) is okay....I am good now. We are alive again! (hug)
You: That was so scary!
Chika: You-chan, let me give you a hug to calm you down.
You: Arigato gozaimasu!
Maki: How far will you make us do this, huh?
Tsubasa: As long as possible...
Nico: The fuck that means?!!
Riko: Eri-sama, may I ask what made you think of such a brutal idea?
Eri: Sigh. I figured that the real traitors would do the following: shoot people I order to kill and they do not hesitate, attempt an escape, try to talk their way out of their situation, or using a rifle. Those three did it all.
Everyone: Amazing!!
Umi: Wait...sooo....oh my god, your setup is fantastic!
Riko: What a detective!
Nico: That is way too subtle! Your logic is cold!
Nozomi: Ericchi is so smart. Perhaps I can use her analysis for my tactics next time...
Chika: Hey!! You two were gone in the game!! Where were you!!
Hanayo: Yeah!! I thought you two were traitors!
Mari: WE'RE SORRY!! Actually, blame Eri. She came up with the idea!
Everyone: Huh?
Mari: Eri secretly whispered to us two to do that in order to distract everyone. She thought if the others thought we could be suspects, then she might give the real traitors a false sense of security. Thus, it will be easier to identify them! ISN'T IT AMAZING!!?
Umi: She is too good!
You: Overpowered.
Kotori: So Eri-chan is too superb lately. She is dangerous...
Nico: Hmph! You two should have stayed there and witnessed that brutality yourselves!
Tsubasa: We are looking forward for more entertainment! Keep it up! Prepare for the next round! Since no one killed Innocents, expect a normal playthough!


A/N: I FINALLY UPDATED THIS PAGE AFTER SO LONG. You see guys, I have moved to a new village/home, a land without Internet. Thus, I can no longer make quick updates unless I am lucky.

Also, give thanks to DancerChic for messaging me to continue this. I did not plan to at first because I got caught up with my other stories, but he/she requested for an update, so I fulfilled his/her wish. At the moment I published this page, it is already his/her birthday so happy birthday DancerChic!

See you guys in the next chapters hopefully.

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