Rock Paper Scissors 🚫

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Ship: Nozomi x Eli
Note: As 🚫 suggests, this chapter contains mature content (Nudity, to be specific). Do avoid this chapter if you're not comfortable with it :)

"I'm definite... definitely... going to vin the neck round..." Eli slurs as Nozomi hoists her out of her seat.

They were currently seated at a round table in a peculiar restaurant Honoka had picked out, in celebration of their Love Live win and had decided to play a simple game of Rock Paper Scissors. For all Nozomi knows, Eli must really suck at that game, given that she keeps losing and having to down shots. The latter was currently dead drunk and thus Nozomi entrusted herself with the task of taking her girlfriend home.

"No, we're not playing anymore."

"Whaaaa..." Eli whines petulantly as Nozomi apologizes to the rest of the girls for their early departure. After a couple of courteous bows, the purple haired proceeds to drag her girlfriend away from the party table. Fortunately for her, Eli was a tad too drunk to be putting up a fight and merely staggered along obediently. They stood by the pavement as Nozomi attempted to flag a taxi down while supporting half of Eli's weight. The taller girl clung onto her girlfriend, leaning lazily against Nozomi as she mumbled incoherent words of protest.

When they arrived at their destination, Nozomi hauled the drunkard off the vehicle and proceeded to wrap an arm around Eli's waist. They listed into the lobby, waving at the concierge who easily recognized the two stars and buzzed them into the building. Once they got into the elevator, the vodka seemed to hit Eli even harder. She stood leaning precariously against the wall with her eyes closed, her head lolling backwards as she groaned from time to time. Nozomi took the opportunity to search her pocket for the keys to their apartment, which she found quickly and easily.

"Yew bringin' me back home while I'm dunk, yew naughthee little kitty." Eli teases as she loses her balance and tips forward. Nozomi catches her artfully, slipping one of Eli's arms over her neck as she brought the drunkard out of the elevator with her.

"Don't be silly, we live together." Nozomi says mildly. They inched towards their apartment, with Eli dumping her entire weight on her girlfriend by now. Nozomi struggles single-handedly with the lock, the ultimate goal being to simply dump Eli on their bed, assuming she'd be fine on her own. However, Eli starts mumbling about feeling sick, causing Nozomi to let out a deep sigh. They make it past the living room, depositing their belongings on the hall table and beginning the arduous journey for the bedroom.

"Where are you taking me?" Eli opens her eyes and squints before looking around, albeit sluggishly. Nozomi arched her brow in surprise at her clear articulation for once that night.

"To bed." Nozomi swings open the bedroom door, deciding to stick with her main goal since Eli was showing no signs of throwing up. Eli giggled in response, her giggles gradually building into hearty laughs.

"What's so funny?"

"You, Miss Tojou~" Eli breathes, her voice suddenly husky, "Yew agh taking me to bhe."

Nozomi closes the bedroom door behind them and just as she was about to refute Eli's suggestive remark, Eli struggled out from her hold. Much to Nozomi's surprise again, Eli straightened herself as if finding sudden strength to do so. The blonde's eyes grew wide as she fixated on Nozomi. Nozomi caught her breath for Eli didn't look the least bit drunk now. In fact, she looked remarkably lucid.

Eli took a step towards the shorter girl and as Nozomi tried to back up, she realised she already had her back pressed against the wall. Without hesitation, Eli came closer. With her elbows on either side of Nozomi's shoulders, Eli gazed down at her trapped girlfriend. Nozomi stared back into the blonde's bold and shining eyes as Eli began licking her lips.

Here comes the seductive three, two, one...swoon. Luckily for Nozomi, her mood was considered swoon-proof at the moment. The violet haired girl averted her eyes, for in truth, looking into the radiance of that smile was like staring into the sun. "What is it?" Nozomi blurts as she felt herself flush, her body growing hot as Eli continued to press up against her.

"I love you..." Eli's voice dropped to a satin whisper as she reached out. Soft hands cupped the elder girl's face gently and with that, Eli brought her lips to Nozomi's. It was warm and Eli's lips were soft and wet. Eli pressed into her girlfriend firmly but gently, while her hands tenderly floated across the other girl's cheeks.

By the time Eli released her, Nozomi's head was spinning and she was left wanting more — much, much more. "Nozomi..." Eli murmured before staggering backwards and whatever lucidity she had suddenly disappeared. She shut her eyes and abruptly sank to the ground, close to passing out.

"Elicchi?" Nozomi blinked multiple times as she spoke, trying to regain her senses from the heady kiss. She sank to the ground along with Eli, kneeling next to her girlfriend, a concerned hand resting on Eli's shoulder. When she received no response from the drunkard who was seemingly nodding off, she let out yet another sigh. Drunk Eli sure was hard to keep up with.

Picking Eli off the ground, the elder girl managed to half-drag her girlfriend towards the queen size bed that they shared and all would have been well. All would have been well and Eli would have accomplished her goal. All would have been well and Eli would have accomplished her goal if she hadn't picked that moment to open her mouth and vomit all over the place. All over Nozomi's beautiful and expensive green cashmere sweater which was no longer green by the time Eli was finished with it. Nozomi gasped and heaved at the sight and smell. It was on Eli's own prized Burberry trench coat and even in Nozomi's hair!

"I'm sowee, Nozomi... I'm sorrr... I'm such agh bad gurl." The younger girl muttered, discomfort apparent in her voice as she clung tightly onto Nozomi in a puerile manner. Nozomi held her breath and shook her head lightly in response.

"Its all right. Come on." She pulled the younger girl over to the master bathroom. Nozomi then positioned Eli on her knees over the toilet before the next eruption. She gathered Eli's long and silky hair in a bunch before holding it up. When nothing came up, Nozomi then proceeded to hand Eli a small but absorbent hand towel for her to wipe her mouth. Eli groaned loudly and ignored the offer. The elder girl had no choice but to lean over and gently swiped the towel over her face before giving her a sip of water to swish around her mouth.

Eli got off her knees and sat with her back up against the wall. She then pulled her knees up to her chest before burying her face in her hands, moaning incomprehensible complaints. Nozomi stared at her. Eli's vulnerability and clear discomfort tugged on her heartstrings, for it was a sight that she never got to see very often.

"Will you be all right for a minute?" Nozomi asked, pushing Eli's soft hair out of her eyes. Eli groaned again, eyes closed. It was the best semblance of a response she could give and the elder girl took it as an indication that she would be fine. Nozomi exits the bathroom and made her way for their bedroom closet. Rummaging through the the chest and drawers, she picked out two sets of new clothes. When she returned, Eli was still seated with her back up against the wall, hugging knees to her chest.

Given the latter was silent, Nozomi surmised that she could leave Eli alone for just a little longer. She tried to tackle the disaster which was her green cashmere sweater and Eli's Burberry coat. Wrestling the coat from Eli's arm, she took off her own and cleaned them both of their garments the best as she could. Soaking it a little in the sink before she placed them on the marble countertop in the living room to air dry. Finally, she made her way back to the bathroom, only to find the younger girl sprawled sluggishly on the ground.

"Eli, you've thrown up all over yourself. Do you understand?" Nozomi spoke slowly, with a lilt, "Do you want to stay like this, or..." Nozomi let her voice trail off. The younger girl shook her head with some semblance of understanding and made a futile attempt to unbotton her blouse. Of course, with her eyes closed and only one hand, she achieved little to no success.

"Right..." Nozomi pushed herself off her knees and straightened as she scratched at her scalp in obvious distress. This is going to be an uphill task.

First, she should get herself cleaned up. She quickly stripped off her foul clothes, giving them a quick rinse before blotting them in the water. She then hopped into the shower just to rinse the vomit out of her hair and the stench from her skin. When she was done, she found a grouchy Eli who had began undoing the buttons of her blouse. However, as it was much more difficult than drunk Eli had anticipated, the younger girl cursed and tugged at the buttons, almost tearing them off in the process.

Nozomi sighed. "Here, let me." The elder girl stepped out of the shower and knelt beside her girlfriend once again. She did not bother with getting dressed, considering she would probably wet her fresh clothes trying to get Eli to have a shower. Brushing Eli's long fingers aside, she quickly unfastened the buttons. The younger girl then attempted to shrug out of her top. Disoriented as she was, however,, she was unable to free herself. Eli eventually gave up with a huff and just sat there.

It really was quite funny. Nozomi stifled a laugh, wishing she had her cellphone close at hand so she could take a picture.

When she had finally managed to extricate the last of Eli's clothings, she settled back on her heels and gasped. Eli's naked body was stunning. While it was definitely not her first time seeing her girlfriend naked, it still never failed to amaze Nozomi. How Eli's entire body was a simply study in perfection.

Eli was now seated with one hand draped on the edge of the bathtub beside her, her hair sticking out of her head in all directions. Although there was probably nothing hotter in the universe than the sight of a half-conscious yet blatantly nude Eli, Nozomi had to snap the younger girl (and herself) out of her daze.

"Nozomicchi~" Eli snickers, the use of nickname being entirely uncharacteristic of Eli. Nozomi blushes at the endearment as she wordlessly picks Eli off the ground and attempts to haul her into the shower. Eli's entire body goes limp, not cooperating.

The elder girl frowns as she gently puts an arm around the drunkard's waist. "Elicchi, walk. I'm going to help you take a shower." Nozomi says as she struggles to balance the both of them.

"Oh...kay." Eli says with much effort, as if she's trying to concentrate. When they finally made it into the shower, Nozomi reaches for the shower head and lets the water run.

"The room is spinning." Eli chuckles as she half-leaned on the tiled wall beside her.

Is she going to throw up again? "Elicchi, bend over!" Nozomi abandons the shower head, brushing Eli's hair aside and collecting it in a bunch once again.

"Ms Tojou, yew agh a bosss syyy lil thing..." The blonde slurs. Nozomi frowns, and after a beat, decides that it was a false alarm after all. The purple haired brings the shower head over Eli before beginning to wash the vomit out.

"You smell good." Eli leans in and sniffs the aroma of the shampoo that wafted from Nozomi's hair.

"And you smell of hard liquor." Nozomi began soaping her girlfriend's hair as she spoke.

"You're funny." Eli says, grinning. The taller girl wraps her arms around her girlfriend's neck and staggers forward. Leaning onto Nozomi entirely, Eli almost knocks them both over.

"Ya!" The elder girl admonishes.

"Stay still... just... for a bit." Eli exhales audibly through her words, her voice low. Nozomi arches a brow. Though, she wisely remains immobile.

"Don't ever leave me..." The younger girl murmurs sadly as she sniffs at Nozomi's hair.

"What's with the 180 degrees change in mood..." Nozomi mutters to herself as the younger girl remains latched onto her. Silence engulfed the two as Eli fiddles with the elder girl's hair. After more than a few moments, Nozomi finally breaks the silence.

"Right, be good, I need to soap your body now." Nozomi says as she proceeds to peel Eli's clingy arms off her.

"Now you're talking." The younger girl smirks as she straightens herself and the shorter girl begins soaping her.

"And so we're back to being cheerful again." Nozomi casually remarks as her hands glide effortlessly over Eli's soft and silky skin. When she was done, she proceeded to wash the soap off quickly before the drunk blonde had any opportunity to get any in her eyes.

Getting Eli as well as herself dressed was no easy feat. By the time she had dried their hair and gotten both of them ready for bed, Nozomi was pretty sure she had no more energy left to do anything. "Elicchi, walk." Nozomi says yet again, "I'm going to put you to bed."

Eli puts her finger to her lips and smiles crookedly at the elder girl, "Shh!" She hushed at the elder girl before letting a giggle escape her throat. It was a lovely sound.

"Bed." Eli murmurs, grinning.

"Yes, bed." The violet haired girl maneuvers her girlfriend to sit on the edge of the bed but Eli holds onto her.

"Letzz play." The younger girl slurs.

"You're drunk," Nozomi sighs for the umpteenth time that night, "Let's get you into bed." With a gentle push on the shoulder from Nozomi, Eli flops down onto the mattress, sprawling in all directions and grinning up at her girlfriend.

"Join me." Eli grins widely.

"I think you need some sleep." Nozomi manages to cover the younger girl with the duvet as she spoke. Just as she turned to leave, a warm hand darted out to catch her.

"Don't leave me." Eli breathed. Her eyes were only half open, and they pleaded with her. "Please, Nozomicchi." The younger girl shifts, leaving an empty space on the bed. She pats the bed, indicating for her girlfriend to join her.

Sighing in defeat, the elder girl clambers in. "Kiss me goodnight." Eli's eyes grew wide, imploring and beseeching. Nozomi couldn't help the endearing smile that formed on her lips. Drunk Eli was something she could get used to, if this was how things were gonna be. Nozomi mused to herself as she leaned forward and gave Eli a light peck on the forehead.

"I'm sorry I've been a bad girl...." Eli mutters, almost too softly to be heard. Nozomi caught it nonetheless. Finally sated, the younger girl snuggled up to her girlfriend and let her eyes slide to a shut.

Nozomi pulls back cautiously, watching as her girlfriend breathed softly, sleeping the sleep of a seemingly innocent, oblivious drunk. Eli looks so serene, a sweet smile playing on her perfect lips. When the elder girl felt Eli's grip on her loosened, she pulls back farther to get a better view of Eli's immaculate features. She took a deep breath, held it, and ghosted a finger over the younger girl's eyebrows. When Eli didn't flinch or open her eyes, she then stroked them lightly, one by one.

"Good night, my sweet Elicchi." Nozomi murmured as she huddles closer, pulling Eli into her embrace as she too, falls into a deep slumber.

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