Best Airplane Ride (HonoUmi)

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"Umi-chan! Hurry up! The airplane's leaving in 30 minutes!" An excited Honoka exclaimed, waving at Umi who was left too far behind. The bluenette sighed, patiently following her girlfriend's commands.

Recently, Nozomi won in a street game wherein two people will go on a trip to Korea for 2 months as the grand prize. Yes, two whole months.

Since Nozomi and Eli were booked on a flight to Russia, Hanayo and Rin were traveling around the world, Nico and Maki decided to vacate on a rest house instead, and Kotori was given another chance to be scouted by a famous designer in America, Honoka and Umi were left behind.

Nozomi offered the prize to the ginger and bluenette. Umi tried to reject, but as she was about to, she noticed that Honoka was already pouncing on the purplehead while squealing with the tickets in hand. Umi also tried to object because by the sudden agreement, only to be cut off by Honoka's pleading blue eyes, she sighed in defeat.

Umi grimaced at the flashback.

"Umi-chan!" Honoka shouted again, gaining the attention of some passersby. Umi hid her face in embarrassment. "Honokaaa.. Stop yelling." The girl lightly scolded, as she caught up and walked with Honoka, occasionally glancing at the ticket and at the signs around them with their luggage in tow.

"Ehehe, I'm just happy that I could spend my summer with you, Umi-chan~!" The ginger cooed, making the other girl blush violently. "D-don't do s-something so s-shameless! W-we are in public, you know.." Umi replied, burying her face in her hands.

Soon, the pair arrived at the departure lane just in time for the flight. Because she liked jumping around and about, Honoka tripped while boarding the plane.

-Inside the plane-

"It hurts, Umi-chan.." the girl pouted, rubbing her sore calf to emphasize. Umi sighed for the second time in irritation and relief. "C'mon Umi-chan, say something for once!" Honoka said in exasperation.

"I feel like I'm not your girlfriend.. you barely show your affection towards me, and it's bothering me lately.." her happy voice quickly turned to a tone with a tinge of hurt.
Umi flinched, feeling a bit guilty of what she just did.

The bluenette wasn't doing any better, completely immobilized. 'What should I do?! Honoka's cheerful back at the airport, and it turned the wrong way because of me. Good job Umi.'

Seeing there was no response, Honoka sighed in desperation. "If you don't feel like it, we could go back once we arrived at the airport. I'm sorry for bringing you into this..Umi-chan." Honoka said, calling out Umi's name with the same voice she used whenever they argue.

Umi's eyes widen, she felt her heart sink, and she clenched her fists, her nails digging into her flesh. She glanced on the other girl who was bowing her head. 'Don't panic Umi, you can do this. Even though it's s-s-shameless.' Umi thought, blushing from the plan she was going to execute.

"It's okay Umi-cha--mmfmh!" Honoka was interrupted by Umi's lips. She looked at the older girl who was very red from her cheeks to her ears. The archer pulled away, breathing heavily and on the verge of collapsing. She looked away, unable to look at her lover in the eyes.

Umi tried to look at Honoka. The wide grin that was present on her face did not bode well for her. "W-why are you s-smiling?" Umi managed to choke out, still crimson red. "You fell for it Umi-chan~!" Honoka chirped, her voice is back to the normal, cheerful one.

Umi glared at the ginger-haired girl, "Honoka, explain yourself" the blunette smiled, indicating she was about to snap. "Umm, N-Nozomi-chan told me to do it! I swear! She was worried about our relationship!" Honoka pleaded, and looked at the older girl. Umi soften up a bit, weakening her glare at the ginger. "Really?" "Really!"


After a few hours after the trickster incident, a steward came by to their seat with a cart filled with snacks and drinks.

"Excuse me miss, would you like to have some coffee, tea or milk?" He asked, glancing at the ginger with a hint of interest. Which went unnoticed by Umi. "Hmmm.. coffee, tea or milk.." Honoka repeated, rubbing her chin as if thinking really deeply. "I'll have tea," Umi replied, but it seems that the steward didn't entertain her.

"Mine's milk!" The younger girl declared, and the man picked up the thermos and poured hot water onto the cup filled with powdered milk. Umi was gritting her teeth in irritation.

She was jealous.

After serving Honoka her drink, the steward also made Umi her order but not after giving the bluenette a glare. Then the steward sent a flirtatious grin at Honoka, who was oblivious to what's happening. Umi knew she wanted the man's smile to vanish by slicing him using her shinai, which she failed to bring.

Even after serving their drinks, the steward kept on going to their seat and tried to talk and flirt with Honoka, much to Umi's chagrin. Back and forth the man went, just to glance and smile at the ginger, who was still too dense to know everything.

The bluenette's face was unbelievably scary that made the ginger's face perk up a bit. "Umi-chan what's wrong? It looks like you wanted to kill somebody." The girl asked in confusion. Honoka thought that Umi was still upset about the incident, but she knew that Umi was the kind to let things go easily.

Umi was quite thankful that Honoka asked that question. She didn't want Honoka to be taken away from her. "The steward is flirting with you Honoka." She said with pure honesty, she couldn't risk the airplane ride with someone who was flirting her girlfriend anyway.

"Oh? He is? Well bad for him I only got my eyes on you, Umi-chan~!" Then she proceeded to give the archer another long, chaste kiss.

Let's just say that Umi had the best airplane ride of her life.


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