Anju Yuki x Male Reader

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(Author's Note: Requested by ThePianoProdigy18.)

(Y/N)'s POV

I'm a third year student of UTX High School where the popular school idol, A-RISE was in. When I heard that they're the most well-known school idol across Japan, I decided to become their fan and keep supporting them.

I did meet with them and one of them had taken interest in me. The girl I mentioned was Anju Yuki, one of A-RISE members. She also offered me to be her friend and I'm beyond than happy to accept it.

As time goes on, me and Yuki become close to each other. I also befriend with her friend, Tsubasa and Erena. However, I would mostly be attracted to Yuki since she's really humble and someone that I can be around easily with.

As I was walking to school, a limousine stopped right at beside me and the window slides down to show A-RISE in it.

Yuki: Good morning, (Y/N).

Yuki greeted me with her sweet voice. This makes me quite anxious whenever I see her. To be honest, I do have a crush on her.

(Y/N): Hey, Yuki-chan.

Tsubasa: Want to come to school with us together?

She asked me for an invitation. To be honest, it's something I've been looking forward to.

(Y/N): Sure thing. Might save me some time there.

Yuki: Then, come and sit with us.

I entered the limousine and sit at the front of the girls.

Yuki: Why aren't you sitting beside us?

(Y/N): Well... I prefer to be alone for a bit.

Erena: There's nothing to be anxious about. It's only the three of us that you know.

I ended up obeying them as I sat beside Yuki. Not going to lie, she looks really gorgeous. I mean, she has the princess personality, so no surprise there.

Unfortunately, she saw this and asked.

Yuki: What's wrong, (Y/N)? Are you sick?

I had to come up with an excuse to avoid from suspiciousness.

(Y/N): Ahaha, of course not! It's just hot in here.

Yuki: Oh, really? Hmm... but, we have an air-conditioning in here. Maybe, you should

(Y/N): What an idea. Why didn't I think of that?

I followed Yuki's advice and let loose some buttons from my uniform to let the cold air into my shirt. But, I noticed something. Yuki was blushing when she saw me doing it.

Tsubasa: Button up your shirt. We're reaching school soon.

(Y/N): Okay.

Once we arrived at school, we went separate ways to our classroom for the day.

Yuki: Let's meet after school, okay?

(Y/N): Alright. See you later.

Yuki's POV

During Class...

Man, is it just me or has (Y/N) become even more attractive than before? How come he didn't have a girlfriend yet? Maybe he's waiting for the right one.

I can't even focus in my class right now because of him. I think he's the prince I yearn for. He'll be a perfect soulmate for my castle as we grow a new family.

Yuki: Oh (Y/N)... I really want you so bad. I want to give you lots and lots of love that you won't ever resist. As much as I love A-RISE, I love you the same.

I didn't realize that it's already recess time when I was busy daydreaming about (Y/N). I guess time flew so quickly when I did so.

I went to have some lunch together with Tsubasa and Erena. I couldn't even come up with something to talk about as Tsubasa asked me.

Tsubasa: What's wrong, Yuki?

I snapped out my mind as I looked at Tsubasa and told her.

Yuki: It's nothing.

Erena: Something is in your mind, am I right? What could it be?

I have never before too anxious to answer her questions, but luckily Tsubasa backed me up.

Tsubasa: Whatever that is, don't let it be a distraction to our goal as school idol. We want to keep A-RISE to be at the top.

Yuki: Y-Yes.

We continue eating our lunch and talk about random things and about Love Live as well.

Once the lunch break ends, we entered our classroom again. As the homeroom is going on, I hold myself from trying to find (Y/N).

Yuki: I can't take it anymore. I must speak to (Y/N) immediately. Come on, just please let the class ends already.

(Y/N)'s POV

After School...

Another day of school have finished and I decided to head home for the day to do my homework. But then, my intention got on hold as Yuki came to me. I forgot that she wanted to meet me after school.

Yuki: Hey, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Oh hey, Yuki. What's up?

She is quite anxious with something and I don't know what is it until she grabbed my hand.

Yuki: Can you follow me?

(Y/N): To where?

Yuki: You'll know later. Trust me.

She grabbed my hand and dragged me elsewhere. We arrived at the park and I released myself from her tight grip before asking her.

(Y/N): So, why did you drag me all the way here?

She fiddle with her finger while gazing away from me before telling me.

Yuki: I've been wanting to ask you something important.

(Y/N): Go ahead. I'll be listening.

Yuki: From the first time I met you, I already have feelings for you. Not as a friend, but more than that. More than even best friend. We spend so much time together and I really enjoyed it. I don't want other guy, I only want you. That's why...

She paused as she took a deep breath and say something that I'm not expecting at all.

Yuki: I love you! I love you so much! So, please be my boyfriend!

She bowed down at me right after she confessed her love. I'd never thought this would happen to me. A member of a school idol that I admired so much bow down at me just to make me her boyfriend. I was too happy that I couldn't resist, so I answered her.

(Y/N): I love you too, Yuki.

Yuki: You do?

(Y/N): Yeah. To be honest, I have a huge crush on you. I'm just afraid that you'll reject me.

Yuki: Oh (Y/N), I won't ever reject a true gentleman like you. You've caught my heart and attention. I would accept you anytime.

We hugged close to each other and I can feel Yuki's breath on my face.

(Y/N): Yuki...

Yuki: Shhh... Just relax and enjoy the moment, okay?~

Our lips met and we shared a passionate kiss. The moment is so beautiful that it feels like the world stop spinning for a second. After a while of us kissing probably like a few minutes, we separated and smile at each other.

(Y/N): I love the moment.

Yuki: Fufu~ Me too.

???: Knew it that you two have something.

We heard the voice out of nowhere and saw Tsubasa and Erena looking at us.

(Y/N): Tsubasa-san... Erena-san...

Erena: You guys are having fun for sure, right?

Yuki: Y-Yeah.

(Y/N): I can explain.

Tsubasa: It's fine. Although, I want to ask you a favor while dating her.

She make a serious expression the second after.

Tsubasa: I don't want Yuki to slack off when we're aiming for our goal in Love Live just because of you.

(Y/N): You got my promise.

Tsubasa: Good. We don't want our reputation to fall off like nothing.

Erena: A new love couple is here.

I brushed my arms as I invited her for a date

(Y/N): So, want to go on a date somewhere?

Yuki: I would love to, sweetheart. Although, I'm the one who should invite you since I'm humble.

Our nose booped each other and it makes my face as red as a tomato.


A few weeks later...

Me and Yuki have been dating for weeks and she's still doing really well despite us dating. I don't know how to feel when there's other people making a gossip about us.

It's another Love Live and once again, A-RISE stays on the top chart. But somehow, Muse's are starting to catch up with them.

Once the event ends, I went to meet Yuki at the backstage when her love finished.

I decided to do something romantic. I hide my face behind the bouquet of flowers and let Yuki react to this.

Yuki: Oh~ What do we have here?

After that, I show up from behind the bouquet.

(Y/N): Hey, Yuki-chan. Congratulations for winning Love Live once again on #1.

Yuki: Thank you, darling.

She kissed me at the lips and I enjoyed it. Luckily, there's only the two of us, so things are less awkward.

Yuki: We'll be sure to keep our position on final.

(Y/N): I'll be giving you all of my support!

Yuki: Thank you, (Y/N). I love you.

(Y/N): I love you too.

Yuki: Alright, I got to go. I need to practice for Love Live. See you.

She kissed me at the cheek one last time before going as she brought the bouquet with her.

A few months later...

It's been a few months since me and Yuki has been dating. This time, the finale of Love Live is happening with Top 4 school idol competing.

The bad news is Muse's the winner of Love Live this year. A-RISE no longer at the top and become people's gossipping topic. But, that's fine by them.

Tsubasa: We lose to Muse's... for the first time.

(Y/N): Umm... hey. You girls did your best, okay? So, no need to feel down.

Erena: Thank you for the support, (Y/N). But, there's no need to do that anymore. Muse's have won and A-RISE will no longer become a gossipping topic.

Tsubasa: Want to come with us or not?

(Y/N): Of course I do.

Just like before, we drove back to our house. Tsubasa is the first one who arrived home, Erena is the second and lastly, Yuki. However, she's asleep by the time we arrived at her house. So, I had to do what it means to be a prince for a princess like her.

I carried Yuki all the way to her room and was about to leave. But then, my hands got grabbed by something as I glanced at it and it was Yuki who's awake.

Yuki: Please stay longer. I want to sleep with you by my side.

(Y/N): Okay.

I giggled by her tantalizing look and lay down beside and keep her accompany for the night.

Yuki: Hey, (Y/N). May I say something to you?

(Y/N): Go ahead. We have all night together.

Yuki: The reason why we lose in Love Live is not because of you. It's because Muse's just far too good than us.

(Y/N): I can see that.

Yuki: But, I don't mind. We tried our best, just like what you said.

Hearing from Yuki make me smile and get a sheer amount of happiness.

Yuki: We may be lose in Love Live, but I won't ever lose you no matter what happens.

(Y/N): Guess that I can say likewise to you.

She giggled and then admired me.

Yuki: Is it just me, or you have gotten handsome and cute than before?

(Y/N): Well, you have gotten more beautiful and cute too.

We compliment each other as our face blush.

(Y/N): Yuki...

Yuki: (Y/N)...

We lean closer and closer as we said until... our lips met again. My love to Yuki are very strong and nothing can ever break it. Once we separated, I heard the words that I've been wanting to hear for so long.

Yuki: I love you so much, (Y/N) my darling.

(Y/N): I love you too, Yuki.

We cuddle close as we enter the dreamland together on the bed. I love Yuki, my precious school idol and I'm not afraid to admit so.

(The end...)

(Author's Note: I had barely know anything about Anju Yuki, so this is the best I can do. Hope you like it.

Also, to ThePianoProdigy18, Happy Belated Birthday! Sorry if I published this late. Hope you're happy with your surprise.)

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