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Alya growled when the bell rang and Marinette didn't show. She looked at a lonely Nino and sat in Adriens seat. He took off his headphones and looked at him girlfriend. "Hey Alya."

"Hey Nino. Do you know where Adrien is?"

"He's on a sick day. Marinette?"

"The same," she sighed and wrote down her notes for class. they stayed together all day and she groaned when they didn't come at lunch. She threw away her sandwich and grabbed Ninos wrist and pulled him by the stairs. "Don't you think it's weird they both ditched yesterday together and now they're both gone today."

"Yeah I guess it is." Nino ate his food. She groaned and started dragging him to the bakery. She barged inside and smiled at Sabine and Tom.


"Hello Alya." They smiled and she smiled back. Nino did too.

"Is Marinette here?"

"Yes she's upstairs." Tom smiled.

"Can we see her?" They nodded and the two ran upstairs. Marinette laughed senseless as Adrien tickled her on her bed. He stopped and kissed her lovingly and she kissed him back. He broke the kiss and held her as she went on her phone. She heard footsteps and guessed it was her parents. Her trapdoor opened and Alya screeched her name. "Marinette!" She flinched and Adrien froze.

'Go up.' She pointed to her open trapdoor and he snuck through it and hid behind the chimney. She sunk in her blankets. "H-Hey Alya." She coughed.

"Are you okay girl? You weren't at school."

"Yeah. I think I'll be fine tomorrow," she weakly smiled. "What have I missed in school?"

"No homework yet. Adriens not there so you're not missing that much." She blushed and hid behind her blankets. Adrien laughed into his hand to keep quiet.

"Why isn't he at school?" She asked and coughed.

"He's sick," Nino answered and eyed her. "And so are you. Do you mind me asking why you two disappeared yesterday?"

"We wanted to see Ladybug and Chat."

"Why? Alya would've gone." Nino laughed.

"H-He likes Ladybug and I wanted to see Chat again, so we could talk." She turned away from them.

"Girl it's okay," Alyas phone rang and she sighed. "Can I go onto your balcony? My moms calling me." She shook her head, forgetting Adrien was up there. He flinched as the trapdoor swung open and hide even more behind the chimney. Plagg was snickering. He growled at him.

Nino looked at Marinette and saw her face over come with worry. "What's got you so worried?"

"N-Nothing!" She blurted. Alyas scream broke through their long silence. she jumped back into her room, dragging someone with her.

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