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Ten Years Later

"God I hate you!" Emma yelled as she clenched her hands into fists. She slammed the door to her room and Louis looked up from his book and to his brother.

"Emma open this door right now!" Adrien shouted and Louis sighed.

"Father, you may need a different approach with her. She is a teenager after all," Louis flipped the page while his brother was glued to the TV. "Am I correct Hugo?"

"Yeah yeah, whatever." He waved his hand to his brother to tell him to stop talking. Adrien growled and Marinette put her hand on his shoulder.

"Adrien, she's 14. What's so wrong about a party?" Marinette asked.

"There are still akumas out there and she's only 14! I don't want her going to a party with people who are older then her!" Adrien banged his fist on the door, making everyone flinch. He stormed off and Marinette looked at the hole in the door. She sighed and opened the door and looked at her daughter on her bed, curled into a ball.


"Why doesn't he trust me?" Her red eyes looked into her mothers.

"He does. He just doesn't think you're old enough to go to a party with Philip." Philip, Chloe's 17 year old one night stand of a son.

"It's not like I would do anything bad. It's just one party. Jamie is allowed to go to parties." Emma crossed her arms.

"But that's because Alya and Nino know the parents. We don't know who's party it is or where it is," Marinette softly said. Emma groaned and faced away from her mother. Marinette sighed and walked out of her room and to the basement. She grabbed a door and replaced Emma's. Adrien broke doors often. He's been getting angrier. "Louis, Hugo," they looked at their mother. "Why don't you go next door and play with Oscar and Mia." They nodded and left the house. Marinette walked into their room and found Adrien punched the wall. She ran to him and grabbed his arms. She pulled him back and he collapsed into her and cried.

"Why is she so difficult!" He shouted. Emma walked by the door.

"Adrien, she's a teen and wants to be free. She doesn't want someone breathing down her neck and some freedom." Marinette sighed and he looked at her.

"I feel like I'm turning into my Father." Marinette kissed him gently.

"You are nothing like him. Just give her a little freedom is all she's asking for," Marinette gently kissed away his tears. "You are such a sensitive man." She giggled and he laughed lightly.

"I just don't want to loose my only little girl." He sighed and Marinette giggled.

"She's always going to be your daughter." Emma knocked on the door and Adrien and Marinette looked at their daughter.

"Papa, I'm sorry. It's just, everyone's going to the party and I don't want to miss out on anything." Adrien straightened up and looked at his daughter.

"If I let you go, what time would you be home?" He was regretting this already by the mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Like nine." A smile started to crack on her face.

"Be home by eight thirty and you can go," Marinette hit his side and he sighed. "You can go. Just be home before nine and call me saying what you're going to do."

Emma squealed and hugged him. "Thank you daddy!" She smiled and ran off to her room to find something to wear.

"And no drinking!" Marinette giggled and kissed Adriens cheek.

"You're a good dad." She giggled and he kissed her gently.

-The End-

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