❥ Melodramatic [Aomine x Reader]

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Aomine is your boyfriend. The two of you started off as friends, so now it is too embarrassing for the both of you to act like lovers. Especially on his side. You were dating him for two weeks now and there was no progress in your relationship whatsoever.

You were walking through the park at Too Academy with your boyfriend, you looked down and saw his hand next to yours. So you decided to take the initiative to hold his hand when he suddenly took it away from your reach, your plan backfired.

"What're you doing?" He asked as you blushed furiously and looked away.

"N-Nothing!" You denied completely the truth as you looked at the road ahead of you, walking silently.

There was an awkward atmosphere between the two of you, it was too quiet and it was killing you. So you decided to break the ice.

"Who'd've thought the two of us would start going out?" You blurted out of the blue.

"Huh?" Aomine stated as he turned to you with a confused expression. He was curious enough in what're you stirring now.

"Do you still remember that day at the beach?" You asked as curiosity piquing up your interest.

"Not a clue." He huffed in reply.

"You meanie! That was the day our love bloomed!" You shouted as tears formed at the corner of your eyes.

"I don't give a shit!" He exclaimed as a vein popped on his forehead, some of the students turned around to look at the two of you who were arguing.

"You refuse to hold hands and you don't understand how I feel at all! Do you even love me?!"

Aomine was surprised from your sudden outburst, it was so unlike you. Warmth spread across his cheeks as he was feeling embarrassed.

"Tch." He clicked his tongue as he took your hand and held it tightly. "Women are such a pain."

"You are holding my hand...?" You mumbled, blushing a lot.

"Of course I am, idiot." He pulled you with him as the two of you exited the crowd, you felt your heart thumping loudly across your chest.

"And don't ask the obvious, you know that I am in love with you."


The two of you are sitting on the bench at the rooftop since it was lunch break, you made lunch for Aomine, you cooked it with all of your heart and soul.

"Open wide up and say Ahhh~!" You said as you grabbed a chicken from the lunchbox using chopsticks.

"H-Hah?! Say ahhh, you say...? There is no way in hell I would do that!" Aomine grumbled, not wanting to be feed. "I'm too old for that...stop treating me like a kid..."

Then you felt kind of upset as you pouted your lips, his eye twitched a bit from your reaction.

"...Stop making that face..." He growled as you showed him your infamous puppy dog eyes, a vein popped on his forehead as you know that he was weak when you do that.

"Ugh! Alright! I'll do it...jeez, what a pain. But just this once..." Aomine scratched the back of his head as there was a small blush tinting his cheeks.

"Yay!" You cheered as you held the chopsticks near his mouth. "Daiki, say Ahhh~!"

He opened his mouth wide, "Ahhh..." You plopped the chicken in his mouth as he began chewing it, savoring the flavor.

"So how does it taste?" You asked curiously, thinking how would he react from your cooking.

"How does it taste? It's delicious..." Then he swallowed it as he opened his mouth again. "Gimme me more..."

You chuckled as you feed him some more food, it seems like he took liking of your cooking.

"Seriously, you should become our manager, Satsuki is a horrible cook." He stated as he heaved out a sigh.

"Manager, eh?" You stopped and think about his offer, but then shook your head. "I can't..."

"Why not?" Aomine scoffed.

"I have a part-time job, I doubt that I'll do much for you guys." You answered.

"It's fine, just do both." He lazily said but you shook your head. "If I can, I would have done that in ages...but I'm so beat up after work, no can do."

"Stingy." Aomine muttered but you heard that so you exclaimed. "Why?!"

"Well, if you don't really want to, it can't be helped..." He rested the back of his head on top of your lap, looking at you straight in the eyes.

"Since you are a beauty, they'll surely fall for you like I did and I can't have them falling for you." ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"You only fell in love with me because I'm beautiful, that's it?" (*゚∀゚*)

"Yeah, plus you also have a nice body and look at that huge tits! Any guy would go for you!" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"...vert..." \(//∇//)\

"Huh? What?" d( ̄  ̄)

"...PERVERT...!!!" ψ(`∇')ψ

You hit him as huge bump formed his head, he massaged it and angrily looked at you, getting treated like a trash by his own girlfriend.

"Ouch! Why'd you hit me?!" He snarled after getting hit.

"It's your fault for having a perverted mind!" You screamed, blushing.

"But it's the truth..." He says, rubbing the wound on his head.

"Then..." You started as he looked at you with a confused expression. "Then what?"

"What if I didn't have this nice body and huge tits? Would you still love me despite all of this?"

Aomine sat up straight as his back was facing you, he began humming while thinking about it and then he replied.

"...Of course." ( ̄^ ̄)

"What's with that long pause?!" ಠ_ಠ

"Damn, [First name] stop asking about the obvious stuffs." ( ̄∀ ̄)

He turned around and kissed you in your lips as your eyes widened in surprise, he wasn't the lovable type so you were startled that he took the initiatives. Then he leaned back as he smiled softly at you, and you swear that you melted from the gentleness.

"Of course, I'll still love you. Idiot. Your the only person who I took seriously in my life, and honestly...I don't think that I can live a day without loving you anymore. So don't ever think even one second that I don't love you at all, if you do, I'll do whatever it takes to prove how much I am in love with you."

This was your first time hearing Aomine talk so long about himself and his feelings, you were surprised by his words that a huge smile formed your lips as you are ultimately overjoyed hearing that from the person you love.

"I have to work at Maji Burger later, come there after school. Order as much as you want, it's in the house!" You told him while giving him a hug.

"Yes! Gladly!" Finally, Aomine can eat a huge portion of food without paying for it, he was really glad that you are his girlfriend.


You are a waitress at Maji Burger, you served the customers, giving out their orders as they indulged the food and drinks they've ordered.

While in the middle of the work, a guy in his mid-teens walked in the restaurant as he took a seat near the window. Then he immediately spotted you, working so hard, he didn't want to bother you so he waited for you to come along his table to serve him.

Aomine watched every movement you make, the way you place the glass of water on the customer's table, the way you walk through the place, the way your [hair color] hair swings back and forth, the way you interact with your co-workers energetically - he found it extremely attractive as you are so dedicated in your job.

This was also one of the reasons why he fell in love with you, it was your strong dedication in doing something you like, it was one of your good points.

During the midst of confusion, you noticed a tall, dark, and handsome man sitting nearby the window. You immediately recognized his face as a smile graced your lips and you skipped towards him.

"Daiki! You came!" You energetically said, waving at him happily.

"Of course, you told me to. And it's a free food." He turned to face you and replied nonchalantly.

Your eyes sparkled like diamonds as you are overjoyed for him to be here, he looked at you dubiously.

"Daiki~!" You jumped towards him as you attempted to hug him, though he just dodges every attempt you make.

"Daiki~! Daiki~! Daiki~!" You chanted while trying to get a bear hug from him, but he was being persistent.

You sighed as you finally gave up in your futile attempts, a pout formed your lips as you put your hands on your hips.

"You're such a meanie!" (⁎⁍̴̆Ɛ⁍̴̆⁎)

"I can read your hug patterns so easily." ( ̄Д ̄)ノ

Then he gives out his order as you gave him what he wants, apparently he wanted 20 hamburgers, 10 french fries and 5 large cola. Gosh, is he Godzilla??

But then you can't refuse since your the one who told him that it was free anyway, Aomine is really an opportunist.

"Love you babe." He winked at you as he began munching on the burgers. "This is heaven~"

You rolled your eyes as you smiled back. "Love you too."


The skies turned dark as it was already night and your shift was finally over, Aomine walked you home since it is dangerous for a girl to walk by herself and you are his girlfriend after all.

"I'm so stuffed~" He gave out a satisfying burp while walking downtown with you.

"Goodness, Daiki, please." You said while waving your hand from his bad manners.

Though he laughed it off. "Thanks for the free food for today, [First name]. You're the best." He chuckled as he ruffled your hair.

"It's nothing." You said, blushing. Though your salary for this month will be cut since it was used to pay for your boyfriend's orders.

The two of you finally reached [Last name]'s household as Aomine was about to leave when you grabbed his hand, he turned around to face you.

"What?" He asked, confused.

"Where is my goodnight kiss?!" You pouted, unsatisfied.

"Eh? Goodnight kiss?!" He blushed as you let go of his hand and nodded.

"At this point, this is where the guy says Sweets dreams or See you later in my dreams. You suck at this!"

"Why the hell do I have to do that?! And where did you get this idiotic stuff?"

"...I watched it from a soap opera yesterday, and I wanted to try it."

A vein popped on his forehead as he sighed. "Girls are such a pain..."

"Excuse me?!" You blurted, blushing furiously, feeling slightly embarrassed from your own actions.

"Stop being so melodramatic."

Despite saying that, he leaned in and kissed you on the lips. "Good night." He said before walking back home.

You stood there outside your doorstep in a blushing mess. "Good night..."


"Hey [First name], I didn't think you'd do something like that for a living. Is there something you want so badly that you have to work?"

You stopped in your tracks after Aomine has suddenly asked you a question, he also stopped as well and faced you with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "[First name]?"

"You could say that...I have a special reason for working at Maji Burger, though I actually wanted to keep it as a secret though..." You answered.

"Secret?" He asked as you nodded.

"Yes, I'm actually saving up money for our wedding day, Daiki~"

Aomine scoffed as he was shocked from your reasoning, he can't believe that you would do such a thing.

"I want to be able to buy anything I truly want using the money I worked so very hard for." You said as sparkles  appeared at your background while Aomine's eye twitched.

"I hope I'll have enough to buy a house, one atop a hill that overlooks the sea. It will be white with a large backyard! And our children will be playing with our dog in that backyard. I want my first child to be a girl!"

Aomine grieved at your hopelessness as he was indeed dumbfounded by your really positive side, a sweat trickled down his forehead as he realized how serious you are in this.

"Girls are so melodramatic..."


So how was it? Did you liked it? Hope you did! Sorry if you were out of character XD

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