❥ Opportunity and Chances [Kagami x Reader]

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Kagami dunked the basketball in the ring passionately as he was in the zone along with Aomine - that final shot has decided everything with the buzzer beater, Vorpal Swords versus Jabberwock, his team won against the cocky American basketball team.

You were watching Kagami play on the court from the special seat in the benches that you bought for yourself so you can see the game more clearly, the guy that you had a crush on indeed shone in the game. Your eyes were focused on him throughout the game, he left you stunned and surprised as always, he was such a good player.

You saw how happy Kagami was as you approached his team, there was a huge smile on his face - not only him, but also the rest of his teammates that fought along with him.

"[Last name]! We won!" He energetically beamed at you, stating the obvious, but he was just happy.

"Yeah, we did. Congratulations!" You smiled with the same energy as him.

Then he lifted you up as he spun you in the air, he kept a huge grin on his face that seems to be not fading for awhile. You were happy for him, really happy for him that they won.

"Yosh! Let's have a blast everyone! It's all on me!" Kagetora punches the air happily as he was going to treat the winners in a huge meal.

"Osu!" The rest of the players replied as they began partying.

You didn't even know why you were also invited in the party when you didn't even do anything, but Kagami just insisted that it was fine so you go with the flow. Of course, you were out of place since you aren't a manager of any basketball teams - either way, everyone was kind and friendly so you easily blend in.

Most of the players were exhausted but still kept a happy smile on their faces, they talked to you as you congratulate them again and again for winning against America.

You saw Kagami leaving with Kuroko and the rest of the Seirin basketball team, he had a weird expression on his face that you can't express, but there was one thing you know - he was upset.

"Hey [Last name]-san, are you a manager of the Seirin team?" Satsuki asked you as she sat beside the empty seat next to yours.

"Ah, no...I'm just a classmate and a friend of Kagami and Kuroko, they invited me to watch so yeah..." You answered.

"Hmm, please answer me honestly—you are in love with Kagamin, right?"

Your face turned hot all of the sudden as your heart began thumping hardly in your chest...how did this woman knew that you love him?!

"H-How did you...?!" You flabbergast.

"Women's intuition." she grinned. "The way you look at him and interact with him is slightly different from how you do with the other guys, it is somewhat you are fond of him."

For a women's intuition, she knew a lot. She was able to see your feelings so easily as if reading a open book.

"Well, I'm glad that you didn't fall in love with Tetsu-kun~! He is my boyfriend after all." She said lovey-dovey.

"Kuroko? He's cute, but I already have feelings for someone else." You grinned while blushing.

"Oh my, you are so honest with yourself!" Satsuki lightly slapped your back while chuckling.

Then someone walked up from behind and called your name, "[Last name]."

You whipped your head as your face turned bright red to see Kagami standing behind you, you were worried if he heard what you and Satsuki were talking about earlier.

"K-Kagami?" You flinched, blushing, slightly nervous. "What is it?"

"Um, sorry for bothering you but...can we talk for a bit?" He asked.

Upon hearing this, the generations of miracles turned to face the two of you, he noticed this and coughed.

"Alone?" He added with a tone.

"S-Sure." You stuttered as you stood up from your seat. "I'll be back for a bit, Satsuki-san."

"Yes." The pink haired girl replied with a solemn smile as you exited the room with Kagami.

Did he heard our conversation earlier?! I hope he didn't...I'm kind of nervous!!! You thought while bitting your lower lip.

"Kagami..." You called his name as he turned his head to face you. "Yea?"

"Um...did you heard our conversation?" You asked, looking down on your feet with a slight blush.

"Conversation? What do you mean?" He asked, confusingly.

Oh, I see...he didn't heard it. You thought as you sighed in relief.

"No, it's nothing." You shook your head and smiled at him.


The two of you reached outside as there was nobody around - just the two of you under the moon and the starry skies from above. It was one quiet night.

"So...what did you want to talk about?" You asked him.

Kagami didn't answered right away, he was being hesitant and doesn't know how to tell you. But you needed to know, so he took a deep breathe and turned to face you.

"There is a really strong basketball team in America...they saw my potential as a player and invited me, there, I can make my dreams come true and to become a real NBA player...They gave me an opportunity to turn my dreams into reality!"

He had a bright smile on his face and you knew where was this going, you were extremely happy for him to be chosen but you couldn't help but feel a little bit sad.

"I told my teammates in Seirin about it earlier, they told me that I should go there and pursue my dreams—they support me in this!"

Your knees began trembling as your lips quivered, but you cannot hold a protest or an argument. Since this is Kagami's dream we're talking about, how could you disapprove with his choices?

"When are you leaving...?" You asked.

"Next week." Kagami answered.

Your eyes widened, next week, it was too soon. You felt like your heart was being crushed and torn into many pieces like a paper, your tears were threatening to fall but you didn't want to cry in front of the person you love.

"I-I see...good luck there in America, knowing you, you can be a truly amazing NBA player!" You cheered but anyone can notice that your voice was cracking.

"Thanks a lot!" Kagami smiled as he didn't noticed your change of voice.

But as long as Kagami is happy and won't regret his decisions, you can put any facade and acting as if you were alright and support him with everything you've got.

I can't really say what I want to say.


A week has passed as you were crying alone in your room, you heard your phone buzzing continuously upon the messages that you were receiving to the point it fell on the floor from the table.

Your eyes peered on your phone as you saw a name flashing on the screen, it was from Kagami.

You bent down and grabbed your phone on the floor as you typed the password on your phone as you viewed the messages.

There was 10 missed calls and 11 text messages in order that flashed in your screen as you scrolled down and silently read it with your eyes.

2:30 PM - May 13, 2017

Hey, I didn't see you today. Your Mom told me that you were sick. Hope you get well soon :)

5:16 PM - May 13, 2017

Are you feeling alright now? Did your fever got down? I hope it did. If you are reading this, please reply :(

7:40 AM - May 14, 2017

I went to your house today to see if you're okay, but your Mom said you wouldn't get out of your room. Please get well soon.

6:00 AM - May 15, 2017

[Last name], are you okay? Why aren't you replying to my texts or to my calls? Did I do something wrong?

10:56 AM - May 15, 2017

Is your phone off? I can't call you. What are you doing right now? Please...if you're reading this, tell me what did I do wrong.

1:28 PM - May 15, 2017

I'm begging you, [Last name], please reply to my texts. It makes me really worried, you aren't like this before. You used to reply fast :(

11:00 PM - May 16, 2017

Are you mad at me? Do you hate me?Please tell me what did I do wrong.

4:50 PM - May 17, 2017

I'm really sorry, [Last name], I'm sorry to whatever I did to you. Don't ignore me :'(

7:20 AM - May 18, 2017

I made your favorite food. I gave it to your Mom since you didn't want to get out of your room...please eat it!

1:50 PM - May 19, 2017

I can't sleep. I can't breathe. I'm going to America the first thing in the morning, I want to see you before I go. Is that too much to ask?

8:46 AM - May 19, 2017

Today's my flight to America, just thought you should know that I'll be gone for good. I've always wanted you to know that...never mind. You could've had at least said goodbye...

Your heart sunk after reading the last text message that Kagami sent you, your eyes glanced on the time on your device and saw that it was already 9:56 AM, he must've been gone to America right now.

"Kagami is pursuing his dreams to be a NBA player...I can't be with him and distract him in his goals..."

A lone tear rolled down your cheek as you stood up from your bed and went downstairs, your hair was unruly and sticky as your eyes were bright red from crying everyday for him not to leave. But this was reality, you'll soon have to let go of him.

"You finally went out of your room, I was worried..."

You turned around to see your Mom who was holding a pot of your [favorite food], but it smelled greasy and looks sketchy.

"What's that...?" You asked.

"[Favorite food]. Kagami-san made it for you yesterday, he was very worried and looked so stressed." Your mother replied.

Kagami was worried...? You thought as you looked at the food.

"Mom, can I eat some of that?" You said which made your Mom surprised.

"You might've had already realized this but it's now spoiled, dear. You can't eat this." She replied.

"It doesn't matter. I want to eat it." You firmly stated as you grabbed hold of the pot and pulled it.

"No, as your mother, I won't let you eat a spoiled food...your stomach might grow upset and affect your health even more! I made you some delicious food, eat that instead." Your mother said as she began pulling the pot as well.

"Like I said, it doesn't matter!" You shouted and yanked the pot, until it fell on the floor as the food scattered from it's container.

You went down on your knees as you scooped a spoonful of [favorite food] on your hands and ate it - which made your mother surprised.

"What are you doing?! Stop eating that spoiled food!" She raised her voice a little, a bit irritated from your childish actions.

"What can I do about it?"

Tears began rolling down your cheeks as it startled your mother, you looked down on the wasted food scattered on the floor. You were sure that it tasted really good if it wasn't spoiled.

"This might be the last time I will be able to eat Kagami's cooking..."

You covered your face with your hands and began letting out ugly sobs, your tresses were all over your face as you were a crying mess.

"Go to him, [First name]. It may not be too late if you go now."

You looked up to see a gentle smile on your loving mother's face, you cracked a sad laugh as tears continued rolling down your cheeks.

"It's too late, Mom...he must've been in the airplane to America right now. Even if I tried to go now, I won't get in time...plus...what will I do there?"

"My little girl, do you love him?"

"...Yeah. I love him a lot, Mom. So much that I can't breathe..."

Your mother kneeled down as she wiped away your tears with her fingers, she gave you an embracing hug and made you realize something that you're about to lose if you don't go and take it back.

"Say it before you run out of time. Say it before it's too late. Say what you're feeling. Waiting is a mistake."

I don't want to lose Kagami... You thought as you stood up and ran out of the house and began running towards the airport.


Kagami gave his farewells to the Seirin basketball team who was seeing him off to America. After his last parting words with Kuroko, his amazing partner, he left.

He plugged his headset on his ears and began picking up a song for him to listen while standing up in a line, that he wished he should have gone earlier since there were lots of people who are lining up to go to America.

I found myself dreaming.

In silver and gold.

Like a scene from a movie, that every broken heart knows.

We were walking on moonlight.

And you pulled me close.

Split second and you disappeared and then I was all alone.

Woke up with tears with you by my side.

Breathe of relief and I realized.

No, we're not promised tomorrow.

While lost in the song playing in his headset, a memory of you flashed in his mind - it was just you smiling. Such a loving memory.

"[Last name] didn't come, huh...?" He sighed in dismay.

Meanwhile, you were ridding a car that your mother was maneuvering as she was taking you to the airport where Kagami would take flight, there was a traffic jam going on in the worst possible time.

"Ugh, traffic...this can't be happening now! My daughter needed to go to her prince charming!" You heard your mother growled in frustration.

"Mom, thanks for the ride." You said as you opened the door of your car.

"[First name]? What are you trying to do?" Your mother asked, turning around to see you walked out of the car.

"I'm going run to the airport." After saying that, you stay true to your word and run to the road towards the port.

So I'm gonna love you.

Like I'm gonna lose you.

I'm gonna hold you.

Like I'm saying goodbye.

Wherever we're standing.

I won't take you for granted.

'Cause we'll never know when.

When we'll run out of time.

So I'm gonna love you.

Like I'm gonna lose you.

So I'm gonna love you.

Like I'm saying goodbye.

After running for minutes since the airport was kind of near, you finally reached the port as you run inside the place, the only thing that was in your mind was to find Kagami.

You accidentally bumped into someone as you fell on the floor, a growl escaped your mouth as you were indeed in a rush and you just have to bump into someone right now.

"I'm sorry—eh? [Last name]-san?"

A pair of blue eyes were staring down at you as your eyes widened as you found your one and only savior.

"Kuroko! Nice timing! Did you saw Kagami?!" You asked as you instantly recovered from the fall and shook his shoulders for answers.

"Kagami-kun? Yes, I did. I was talking with him not so long...his waiting in the lines for the ride to America." He answered your question instantly.

"Oh god, thank you! I owe you big time! Thanks." You smiled as you hurriedly rushed towards to where Kuroko told you to find Kagami.

In the blink of an eye.

Just a whisper of smoke.

You could lose everything.

The truth is you never know.

So I'll kiss you longer baby.

Any chance that I get.

And I'll make the most of the minutes and love with no regrets.

Let's take our time, say what we want.

Use what we got before it's all gone.

'Cause no, we're not promised tomorrow.

The airplane heading towards to America has finally flied and soared in the sky, you looked on the glass window in front of you as you stared at the airplane and realization hit you.

"I was too late..." You mumbled.

Your lips began quivering as tears rolled down your cheeks, regret started washing up to your whole being as you didn't had the chance to tell him how you truly feel.

"No! Kagami! Don't go!"

You cried on your knees while covering your face with your hands, crying, not minding if people were staring at you. You were too late.

Kagami is gone.

Realization indeed hit you hard that made you go down on your knees and grieved in pain from your wounded heart as regret filled your head.

So I'm gonna love you.

Like I'm gonna lose you.

I'm gonna hold you.

Like I'm saying goodbye.

Wherever we're standing.

I won't take you for granted.

'Cause we'll never know when.

When we'll run out of time.

So I'm gonna love you.

Like I'm gonna lose you.

So I'm gonna love you.

Like I'm gonna lose you.

Why does people started to care when it's too late? Why do we always have to regret in the end? Why do you have to regret? It was because you didn't acted right away...that's why he left.

"I don't want you to go, please come back...Kagami..."

I'm gonna love you.

Like I'm gonna lose you.

I'm gonna hold you.

Like I'm saying goodbye.

Wherever we're standing.

I won't take you for granted.

'Cause we'll never know when.

When we'll run out of time.

So I'm gonna love you.

Like I'm gonna lose you.

So I'm gonna love you.

Like I'm gonna lose you.

"[Last name]...?"

It seems like you're wishes have been granted by a God as he was standing right in front of you right now, you were extremely happy as tears continued to roll down your cheeks.

"What are you doing here?"

You stood up from the floor and instantly tackled him with a surprise hug as you buried your face on his chest, you wrapped your arms around him as you hugged him tightly - like you're gonna lose him.

"I love you Kagami, so much that I'm scared of falling for you even more. Because the more I fall, the more it is hard for me to let you go! I decided not to interact with you before you go to America because I'm scared that you won't feel the same way I do."

You continued snuggling close to him as your body began trembling while you kept a iron like grip on him, because once you loosen your grip - he'll leave you for good.

"I'm so sorry for not replying from your texts and calls, I'm sorry for making you worried...but I just didn't want you to leave me...I'm sorry for being selfish."

You chocked a laugh as you didn't know what expression he was making right now.

"I just love you so much that it can't be helped...I'm sorry, goodbye."

Before you could let go of your grip on him, he suddenly pulled you closer and kissed you in the lips. Your eyes widened in surprise.

He planted a chaste kiss on your adorning lips, it was such a heart-fleeting and gentle kiss. He leaned back and pressed his forehead on yours while smiling.

"I love you too but I have to go, I just can't give this up no matter what."

Kagami gave up his chance to be with you, but opportunity doesn't knock twice on your door. If he wanted to have a solid way to be a NBA player, this was his only chance.

He choose basketball over you.

At least that's what you thought.

"But I also can't give you up either, so take my hand and come with me."


I watched Kuroko no Basuke Movie; The Last Game earlier in the cinema with my best friend! It was really good and worth the wait. Hope you like it!

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