❥ Taking Care Of You [Kuroko x Reader]

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Requested by : SaladHime

Kuroko is reading a book as he sits on a chair near your bed that you are currently laying on, he flips a page as he silently reads the hardbound book that he borrowed from the library. Suddenly you let out a cough as he lifts up his head and closes his book.

"Are you okay, [First name]-san?"

He sets aside his book and puts it on top of the table as he looks at you worriedly, you just let out a faint smile and nodded in reply.

"Yes, I am." You said as Kuroko was doubtful so he checked your temperature with a thermometer and to see that it was still 39 celsius.

"Your fever still hasn't gone up yet." He stated as he places down the thermometer on the table, he gets the linens from your head as he soaked it with a water in the basin, then he wrings it out and puts it again on top of your forehead. You felt the coldness of the linens and it gave out a refreshing feeling.

"Thank you..." You murmured as you looked at him. "...and sorry about all of this, Tetsuya-kun."

"It's fine, don't apologize." His lips curved in a gentle smile. "You are my girlfriend after all, it's my duty as your boyfriend to help you get better."

You closed your eyes slowly, "I really appreciate all you've done for me." Bullets of sweat trickled down your forehead as you felt really hot right now since you have a fever.

The reason why you got a fever was because you were busy doing a group project with the class, you weren't a president of the student body or anything flashy as that, but you are always the one being picked to be the leader in every subject by your teachers or classmates. There were lots of things to do and to pass before deadlines, stress is building up and you weren't able to get enough sleep because of the tons of projects. That's when your body reached it's limit and you suddenly collapsed and broke out a high fever that won't be going out soon. There were lots of things to do but you can't do it because you are stuck in the bed with fever.

"Should I get you some water?" He asks as he saw how much you've been suffering with a heavy cold.

"Much appreciated." You nodded as he stood up and went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

Hearing his footsteps from afar, your head was spinning and your body was still hot. You slowly shut your eyes and decided to take a nap for awhile.

Few minutes later, Kuroko came back with a glass of cold water in hand as he entered your room and saw you sleeping peacefully. He heaves out a sigh as he places down the glass on top of the table and takes a seat.

You snore out peacefully while your eyes were shut, he could tell how much your suffering because of the fever your feeling. He doesn't know what else he could do to help you get better. Kuroko caresses your cheek lovingly as he stares at your face, he was trying to figure out what he could do to help you.

[First name]-san is suffering a lot...what could I do to help her get better? he thought.

Then suddenly he was out of balance as he puts his hands beside your head and prevented himself from pouncing on top of you, there was a short gap between your face and your lips were inches apart from each other. One more push and you two would've kissed—it was a close call.

"So close..." He whimpered as his eyes landed on your lips, a faint blush appeared on his cheeks as he suddenly want to steal a kiss from you.

"But...maybe just a little..." He said quietly as he slowly closes the gap when suddenly—"ACHOO!"

You suddenly sneezed as your saliva landed on his face, a snot runs down your nose as Kuroko backs out. Your vision became clearer and realized what was going on as you panicked.

"I-I-I'm sorry, Tetsu—achoo!" You sneezed as he handed you a tissue to wipe away the sneeze as he began wiping his face with a tissue too.

"It's fine, [First name]-san." He replied as you blowed your nose in the tissue, after that, you threw it inside the trash bin.

Kuroko missed his chance to steal a kiss from your lips, he heaved out a sigh of dismay as you titled your head to the side, confused.

"What's wrong?" You asked him as he shook his head and handed you a glass of water.

"You should drink your medicines now, [First name]-san." He stated as you nodded and grabbed the medicines and drunk it.

After drinking the medicine, you laid back on your bed as Kuroko kept changing your linens and making sure that you are alright.

"Hey Tetsuya-kun?" You called you boyfriend by his first name.

"Yes?" He lifts up his head from the book he is currently reading.

"I'm...taking a nap for a bit," You stated. "...will you still be here when I wake up...?"

"Of course." He smiled as you smiled back at him, feeling safe, you closed your eyes and drifted to sleep.


It was one bright summer day when the two of you decided to buy some vanilla milkshakes at Maji Burger since Kuroko loves drinking it so much, then you two took a seat on a bench and began gulping the milkshakes that you two just bought.

"Vanilla milkshakes are really the best! No wonder why you love them so much!" You commented after taking a sip or two from the drink.

However Kuroko didn't responded as he blankly stares at space, this made you a little bit concern.

"What are you thinking about, Tetsuya-kun?" You asked.

"Nothing..." He replied as he looks down on the floor and then continued. "How is your project doing? It must be tough to be always a leader."

"It wasn't anything big. There were misunderstandings but it's all clear now—you bet it's really tough..." You answered energetically as you soon heaved out a sigh.

"Ah, I see..." He replied as the smile on your face faded. You saw a lonesome look on his face.

Why is he making a sad face like that? You thought, confused.

"Hey [First name]-san, do you want to go somewhere later?" He asked.

"I'm sorry, Tetsuya-kun, but I can't. I still have something else to do later, tons of projects to finish." You answered honestly.

"Is it important?" He asked again.

"Of course it's important. Why?" You asked, not noticing how he clenched the cup of vanilla milkshake.

"Is it more important than us...?"

You titled your head to the side. "I beg your pardon?"

His eyes widened a bit as he turned ro you, surprised. "You...don't remember?"

"Remember what?"

Kuroko stood up as he spilled the vanilla milkshake on your face, the white and sticky liquid crept up your face as your clothes were now dirty. Your eyes widened as you were so surprised in why he suddenly did that.

Anger crept up your veins as you gnashed your teeth, you stood up and slapped him across his cheek.

"What was that for?!" You yelled at him angrily as the cup fell on the crowd and was soon forgotten.

"Why did you spilled your shake on me?! I didn't do anything to you at all, damn it!" You cursed as your skin felt really sticky and you hated it.

"Didn't do anything? Your joking, aren't you?" He started. "How could you forget what day is it today..."

"Today? I don't know what you're talking about!" You stated.

"Heh. Of course you wouldn't...your always busy doing your project, no wonder you've forgotten...such a girlfriend you are."

"What...? I don't understand..." You said, confused.

"[First name]-san...we should just end this relationship after all, it's not going anywhere."

"...Huh?" You were so surprised as you had a problem in trying to digest what he just said. You just can't accept those painful words.

"I don't want to be in a relationship with someone who forgets what day is it today...I feel like I've wasted all of my days with you—"

This time, it was your turn to spill the unfinished shake on his face, you dropped the cup on the ground as anger was written on Kuroko's face but was softened when he saw tears running down your cheeks.

"I don't know why you're acting like this but I agree with you—I don't want to be with someone who spills his favorite drink on my face and began spewing nonsense! I just...can't bare with you anymore!"

After hearing you snap, your words cuts really deep in Kuroko, you choose the words that would hurt him the most but he started this.

"Maybe it's really the best that we should break up...but isn't it ironic? To break up in our first anniversary?"

"Huh? First anniversary?" He smiled at you bitterly as he nodded in reply. You completely have forgotten about it, no wonder why he was so angry.

"Yeah. How could you forget? I can't believe you." After that, he decided to walk away and left you standing there, stunned and shocked.

Then you decided to run after Kuroko as he didn't get that far right away, you started to find him through the town and when you did, you saw him with one of your female friends—Momoi, a girl who has hidden feelings for your now ex-boyfriend.

He got over me so fast...Am I that easy to be replaced?

Suddenly Momoi leaned closer Kuroko and kissed him on the lips, your eyes widened as tears rolled down your cheeks. Everything escalated just too fast—this wasn't what your expecting for....



"NO!" You screamed out as your eyes were wide open and you woke up from your 'peaceful' sleep. From your sudden outburst, Kuroko jolted up. You surprised him all of the sudden.

"[First name]-san? What's wrong?" He asked as he set aside his book and looks at you worriedly.

Hearing his gentle voice, you managed to calm yourself down after seeing him here still beside you.

"What happened? Your face is really pale." He stated as the linens on your forehead fell on your lap.

"Did you had a nightmare?" He bombarded you with questions. "Are you okay? Do you need some—"

He halted when he saw tears rolling down your cheeks, your cheeks were flushed as your fever still hasn't gone down one bit. Stress is now building up within you and it has gotten worser after seeing something like that.

"Tetsuya-kun...do you hate me?" You asked him while crying. "No." He answered right away.

"Then...do you love me?" You asked again as he smiled and nodded.

"Yes." Kuroko said.

"Will you break up with me if I forget the day of our anniversary?" You said as he seemed to be surprised.

"There is no way you will forget about that, will you?" He stated.

"But what if I did forget? Because of the many projects I am handling...will you hate me..?"

He looked at you momentarily, he was surprised about why your asking such questions. Then he smiled.

"Of course not. I know how busy you are in doing your work, I won't break up with you with a petty reason like that, [First name]-san..."

"Really? Is that true?"

"Why did you bother asking me if you are not going to believe in my words?"

You smiled, tears still rolling down your cheeks. "I see...thank goodness, really..." The tears started flowing faster down your cheeks as Kuroko's expression soften a little bit.

He held your hand gently and looked in your eyes. "Is your nightmare all about me breaking up with you?"

You nodded as you wiped your tears away with your hands, "Oh...I see, so that's why your acting like this."

Kuroko gave your hand a comforting squeeze as he used his other hand to wipe away your tears. "People with high fever tend to have nightmares just like you are now...however..."

His other hand left your eyes as he held your hand closer and left a chaste kiss on top of it, before looking at you in your eyes with sincerity.

"Do not worry, [First name]-san, there is no way I would break up with you so that's why you should smile—I like it better when I see you smiling..."


"What is it?"

"Me too, there is no way I would break up with a kind person like you. I love you so much and I don't think I would meet someone as great as you."

Kuroko's lips curved in a smile. "You took the words from my mouth, [First name]-san. Likewise."

Good thing that it was only just a dream...I would really be sad if it was really a reality.


"Hey, hey, hey Tetsuya-kun! Let's go out on a date today! Look, the weather is really great! Let's go, shall we—"


"Eh?" You were surprised that Kuroko sneezed, it's seems like he got your cold from yesterday.

He coughed and wheezed as he suddenly felt really dizzy as he slumped on the cushion.

"I'm sorry to ruin your day, [First name]-san...but I'm not really feeling well...sorry." He stated honestly.

"No, I'm the one who should be sorry...If you didn't come yesterday to help me get better, then you wouldn't be suffering now." You said.

"It's not your fault...stop blaming yourself." He told you.

"But..." You stated softly as you can't help but regret right now.

"Since I helped you get better yesterday, will you do help be get better too so we can go out on a date tomorrow, [First name]-san?" He asked you as you giggled. "That goes without saying."

"But wouldn't I get your fever and you'll start taking care of me again and you'll get my fever and I'll be the one to take care of you again—the cycle will just repeat." You joked around.

"Well, we can just always take care of each other, right?"


I'm so, so, so, so, SORRY for the late update!!! I was busy the past few weeks that I didn't had the chance to update my books, I hope you readers would understand my struggles :(

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