I Feel Like I Am Yours

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This chapter circles around Marinette and her feelings. The timeline, more or less, coincides with the last chapter. Specific moments will be common in both chapter 9 and 10 and you'll be able to tell while reading.

There are specific incidents in this chapter that happened before Adrien's realisation and others are post-Adrien's realisation.

**This chapter has a mention of the menstrual cycle in section 2. Read at your own risk.**


Tikki had been around for more than 5,000 years. She had watched over every single Ladybug as they grew from a young teenager to a witty woman, capable and independent. She had watched them falling in love, the most beautiful thing ever created. She loved all of her holders very dearly, they were all so unique and kind-hearted.

Marinette was her youngest holder till date, she was just thirteen when Tikki first met her. She turned fourteen very quickly and in that short period of time, she had already won Tikki's heart. That was the thing about Marinette; she was so endearing— with her clumsiness, stubbornness and her code of ethics. She was strong-headed.

Watching her fall in love was so amazing in each and every way. Tikki knew that her holder had always been interested in Adrien romantically. There was no stopping it, they were soulmates— Ladybug and The Black Cat. Marinette was way too young to understand the depth of her feelings when she first met Adrien. She always had to witness the painful moments when Ladybug turned down her partner, thinking that she was in love with someone else, that she didn't love Cat Noir.

It was all so frustrating and when Marinette's and Cat Noir's friendship blossomed into something more beautiful, Tikki couldn't hide her glee. Her holder was still oblivious to everything in front of her, but watching her fall in love with her soulmate all over again was the most adorable thing she ever saw.

When a girl is in love, she starts getting jealous.

Marinette always had a strong disliking to Cat Noir's fangirls. Something, she would never admit.

She worries about her lover.

The ravenette was overprotective of her kitty. That needed no proof. Sometimes, the Ladybug kwami even worried that her holder would tear Gabriel Agreste to pieces if she discovered that he was her kitten's distant pathetic excuse of a father.

She is her lover's biggest fan.

That needed no explanation. Marinette was a die-hard Cat Noir fan. She had Cat Noir themed pyjamas, pieces of jewellery, dresses and hoodies. She even had his limited edition baton-like pen. She kept it all hidden from her feline friend who would never let her hear the end of it and tease her till eternity.

She is always there to support her lover and she deeply cares about him.

The secret heroine used to give head pats to Cat Noir, scratched his chin, gave him massages to make him feel better and release stress. She even stayed up late at nights occasionally to make him his favourite baked treats.

She blushes a lot around the person who stole her heart.

Tikki had noticed the lack of blush on Marinette's face near Adrien and the increased blushing around his alter-ego.

She takes out time for him and notices his small things.

Tikki knew that her holder had a tight schedule— between school and being the class president, helping her parents in the bakery, Jagged Stone's cover designing, Kitty Section, fashion designing, Ladybug duties and occasional hang out with her girlfriends, Marinette never once failed to take out time to spend with Cat Noir. Her diary was filled with illustrative descriptions of how adorable her Cat was and how cute he looked when he used to sleep curled up in a ball, like a real kitten.

She never fails to talk about him.

Marinette could go on hours and hours talking to or talking about Cat Noir.

The signs were all there, Marinette Dupain-Cheng was falling in love with Cat Noir, again. And it was beautiful!

The scribbled hearts, the unconscious smiling, cheek kisses, flirting, sweet one-liners, endless staring and longing glances.

The only thing that worried Tikki was her and Plagg's holders' absolute obliviousness to their feelings. She even wondered if they were just messing with them with their dumbness.

"Marinette?" Tikki asked.

"Hmm?" The bluenette was currently busy gardening as she was planting the flowers Cat Noir gave her in the pots.

"Do you know the meaning behind the flowers he gave you?"

Without sparing a glance at the little goddess, Marinette asked, "No, Tikki, I don't. What do they mean?"

The kwami flew over to a cluster of small white and greenish flowers, "The Angelicas," she pointed to them, "Mean inspiration and encouragement." She then pointed out another brightly white, sweet-smelling flower, "The Gardenias represent purity and refinement."

"He thinks of you a pure soul and gives you encouragement."

Marinette smiled at the pretty flowers. Tikki continued as she floated around the flowers, "The Jasmine represents beauty. While the Blue Violets represent affection and faith. Tulips are a symbol of attachment and caring."

She then flew over to a different set of pots and caressed the pink petals, "The Pink Roses symbolise grace and joy." She dived into the flowers and came out again in the sea of pink and white. "Pink Carnations symbolise gratitude. The Daisies represent spirituality and new beginnings, The White Clover symbolises never-ending feelings and promise." Tikki decided to omit the 'Be mine' part for now.

"And the Red Roses and White Dittany symbolise unmistakable deep emotions of longing and true love." She looked at her holder, hoping that she had caught on, "Marinette, Cat Noir had tried to convey his feelings for you through flowers."

"He's so sweet! Oh my god! I think I know what you mean-" The girl wore a subtle blush.

Tikki smiled, "I am glad you caught on. Now, what do you think you should do?"

"I am going to bake him down heart-shaped, passion fruit macaroons to thank him for his gift."

"What?!" The kwami gave her an incredulous expression, "That's all?"

Marinette realised her mistake, "Oh right! I should gift him a card too."

Seriously? All this for nothing? Is she really this oblivious?


"Yes, Tikki?"

"Gift him a Red Aster too while you're at it."

"Okay!" She chirped without bothering to question her.

Tikki smiled fake-sinisterly. Red Asters symbolise undying love.


Cat Noir stared at his baton's wallpaper, it was a photo of Marinette kissing his cheek. He smiled. He was waiting for Ladybug to start their usual patrol and she was running late.

He didn't mind as that gave him a chance to think more about his princess. Lost in his thoughts, he failed to hear the sound of approaching footsteps that his feline ears had picked.

Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around his shoulders as someone small pressed themselves to his back.

"Surprise hug!" A familiar voice said in a cheerful note.

A few seconds later, Cat Noir turned around to face his partner who was giggling. He raised an eyebrow. "Someone's in a good mood."

"I am." She confirmed and just as suddenly as she hugged him, her hands dropped to her stomach and she winced as she let out a low, pained 'owch'.

In a trice, the feline hero was by her side, supporting her, "Ladybug, are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah. It happens painfully every month." Her voice was weak.

The heroine looked at her partner in concern when his arms went rigid, his startled expression made her realise that she had said everything out loud and her cheeks reddened.

"Shit! C-Cat for-forget I ever said that." She buried her burning face in her hands, "God, this is so embarrassing."

Cat Noir studied his partner as if he was confused by her embarrassment. Why would she be embarrassed by something that every woman goes through? Was it because she told him— a boy?

Without saying a word, he wrapped his arm around her waist to bring her closer.

"What are you-"

He didn't let her complete as he extended his baton and vaulted across the rooftops, a familiar mode of transportation for both of them.

They landed softly in a beautiful garden in the heart of the city.

The leather-clad hero carried Ladybug to a shady spot under a tree and sat her down on the soft grass, there were beautiful flowers everywhere.

"Chaton, what are you doing?" She finally asked.

She didn't get an answer, instead, he told her to sit there and wait. He didn't even wait to hear her protest as he took off in a random direction.

Great going, Marinette! He is disgusted by you. Why did you mention your period to him?

Whoah! Stop with the mood swings, girl. He's Cat Noir, your caring partner. He'd never leave me.

Sure enough, Cat Noir was back after a few minutes. He was carrying a box with him.

She gave him a puzzled look as he sat down beside her. "Will you at least tell me what's going on?"

Cat Noir looked at her with such intensity that she was sure her heart had started jackhammering against her chest.

"M'Lady, you don't need to be ashamed of mentioning your menstrual cycle to me."

Her cheeks turned cherry red as she lowered her gaze.

"You're a ladybug, right?" He ran his hands through his hair and proceeded to rub the back of his neck nervously, "So, I figured that after feeling embarrassed about something you shouldn't be, the flowers will help you to cheer up."

She stared at him.
Please stop talking.

He wasn't in her situation, one misstep away from falling in love. Yes, she did add the two and two together but, she didn't want to admit it. Not when she'd been in love with Adrien for almost three years now.

To her utter despair and delight, he continued talking, "And I also know that girls crave certain foods while on their period and most of the times, it's chocolates so," he opened the box, "I brought you chocolates. They've got hazelnut in them. It's actually a friend's favourite. You both have the same taste in many things so I figured you'd like them too..."


"Here, have a taste." He popped one chocolate into her mouth.

It took her a few seconds to get her thoughts together and chew. How could anyone expect her to handle the sweet in her mouth when the sweetest guy was sitting right next to her. She munched the chocolate treat with content when the idiot opened his mouth.

"What do you get when you dip a kitten in chocolate? A Kitty Kat bar!" He snickered.

The poor girl blinked before bursting into a fit of giggles at the lame joke...

...And suddenly the step felt like a gaping pit.


"Girl! Oh my god! How?" Alya squealed grabbing her best friend's arm as soon as they were out of Adrien's earshot.

"Huh? What do you mean?" The undercover heroine was confused.

"Seriously? Girl, you just maintained a normal conversation with the love of your life. You tied his laces, did not stutter and even made him blush." Alya laughed.

"I made him WHAT?" Marinette yelled, causing a few people to look at them.

The bespeckled girl looked around nervously as a few people gave them weird looks. Seriously, they were just talking loudly, NOT dropping hints about them being Hawkmoth and Mayura.

"Shush you, not so loud." She whispered into her best friend's ear, "It was funny, to be fair, to see the roles get reversed. I can get used to that. But, I am not entirely surprised. Your normal stuttering did reduce considerably ever since he started hanging out with us more often. Although, I noticed you turned into your old self on his birthday. Then, you were able to converse with him properly before, during and after the competition and well, today happened. So, I gotta say, I am proud of you." She patted her friend's back.

Marinette didn't react.

Weird, I didn't register my stuttering stopping around Adrien.

She frowned. Something wasn't adding up. She was missing something. She was sure of it. She wasn't blind to not notice herself getting more confident and comfortable around Adrien.

Maybe I am just overthinking. I've always wanted to be more confident around him. There's nothing to worry about. Or... is there? Ugh!

Alya practically dragged her best friend to their class, unaware of her inner turmoil.


Marinette flung her bag to a side as she flopped down on her bed. She was drained, emotionally, that is.


"Yes?" The red Ladybug kwami said as she got out of her chosen's purse.

"Today when Alya was talking about Adrien, I realised... I realised a lot has changed over these months."

"Go on." Tikki sat on a pillow, near the teenager. She had been waiting for Marinette to realise for a long time now but, she couldn't hurry the process up, even if it was frustrating to watch the two love-birds dance around each other. She couldn't hurry up LOVE. She was sure that the conservation she was about to have dealt with her lovesick bug's feelings.

"I realised that... that I don't feel the fluttering in my stomach anymore when I see Adrien, I didn't blush when he caught me today and now that I think of it, I haven't really blushed because of him in a while, when he hugged me when I was announced the winner of that competition, the hug wasn't as electrifying as I thought it would be. I mean- I mean I always swooned at his little actions and now, now I barely notice any of that. What does this mean, Tikki? Are- are these signs normal? Do they mean something?"

Tikki sighed before speaking. "Only you can answer that, Marinette."

Marinette groaned in frustration as she buried her head in her pillow.

"What do you think of Cat Noir?"

Tikki's question caught her off-guard. She didn't know why but she felt a strange feeling in her heart. A strange ticklish feeling

"Why are you suddenly asking about him?" She eyed her kwami suspiciously.

"No reason. Just that, we were talking about blushing... and just so you know... you've been um... you've been blushing a lot lately whenever he is around."

There! She said it, she couldn't hold it in any longer. Her holder could take an entire eternity deciphering her feelings and Tikki couldn't have that.

Marinette eyes widened when she realised what Tikki was trying to imply.

No! It can't be...

"Tikki, it's n-nothing like t-that. I mean y-you know that I c-can't be in... i-in love w-with Cat Noir." She babbled, "I mean I sure, I love him but, JUST like a friend, yeah! N-Nothing else. We're friends, all that's... uh I mean that's all. So what if he kisses my knuckles and flirts occasionally. He's Cat Noir, for crying out loud! I don't love love him."

"Sure! I believe you." Tikki said sarcastically. She had to do something and the best way to overcome Marinette's denial was to make her see everything clearly by herself.

It didn't take a genius to figure out that Marinette and Cat Noir loved each other. They always did.

"Okay, here's the thing. One of my previous holders more or less went through what you are going through. Her mother helped her. So, I will do exactly what she did. It will definitely solve everything. Let your true imagination and heart take over. Just do as I say." Tikki enthusiastically hovered over the bluenette's head.

Marinette considered this for a moment.

Well, it's worth giving a shot. I need to be sure about how I feel.

"Fine, Tikki. You have my undivided attention." She got up and sat cross-legged.

"Okay so close your eyes," Tikki instructed.

Marinette did as she was told.

"Now, imagine yourself in the future, where do you see yourself?"

The heroine saw a room, probably an office as it had a typical desk, chair, computer, shelves with files. That didn't interest her as she could very well see several fabrics lying around the room, huh, they looked like good quality products. Measuring tapes, mannequins, scissors, needles, rough sketches, crumpled up papers. She imagined herself as a designer in the future.

"Imagine your family now, your kids— Emma, Hugo and Louis."

Marinette smiled while imagining. Yes, she could picture everything.

A toddler, around two, blonde girl with green eyes, came running up to her as the kid's supposed older brother, another blonde but with his mother's blue eyes opened the door. The girl wrapped her arms around Marinette's legs. Emma.
She lifted her daughter in her arms and kissed her nose, the girl giggled adorably.

The other boy, around eight, came up to her and handed her a card as he grinned widely. On it was drawn a picture of her with her kids and a message– 'I love you, Mom'. Louis.

Out of nowhere, another boy, around five, midnight-blue hair with blue eyes, ran up to her and tugged at her right hand. Marinette leaned down, still holding Emma in her left hand, the boy placed a kiss on her cheek. Her heart brimmed with love and motherly affection. Hugo.

The photographs on her office's walls became clearer as she could see her photos with her pretty little kids.

"Imagine yourself playing with them, walking with them on beaches hand in hand, telling them bedtime stories. Imagine dropping them off to school, imagine cooking them their favourite breakfast."

Tikki could see Marinette's face had brightened up. Now was the time for her final move.

"Now, imagine your husband," Tikki said as she held her breath and looked at Marinette, waiting for her reaction.

Marinette was imagining a perfect family. Upon hearing Tikki's word she let her imagination and heart do the work.

She was in the kitchen, making some pancakes for her family.
A pair of arms wrapped around her waist as she was pressed against the person's chest. Supposedly, her husband.

He nuzzled his face in her neck as she smiled at the familiar blonde hair as he held her close to him. He kissed her right temple.

"Good morning, love." She could hear the familiar voice speak to her.
She turned to face him, her blue eyes met his captivating green. He grinned down at her.

Marinette's eyes shot open. Her expression changing. She was breathing heavily. Her heart was pounding against her rib cage.

This just did not happen. Oh god!

She would recognise those eyes anywhere. It was Cat Noir's electric green eyes.

Do I- Do I love you, Cat Noir?

"So, you figured it out?"

Tikki's voice caused her to jump. She brought a hand up to her forehead.

Wierd. Why am I sweating?

"Marinette, you didn't answer me. Did you figure it out?" Tikki tilted her head.

"I... I... This is wrong Tikki. I can't be in love with my own partner and best friend." Marinette protested.

"I don't see what's wrong with it, Marinette. Why don't you accept your feelings?"

"Because Tikki."

"Because isn't good enough of a reason," Tikki said. "Think about it."

Marinette laid back. She didn't really have a problem with Cat Noir.

He was so fun and silly. He always knew the right thing to do. It was impossible to feel sad whenever he was around. He always cheered her up. He always looked out for her. He had those most enchanting pair of green eyes she had ever seen. He had the most contagious laugh and a smile to die for. Messy hair, parted just the right way, long pointed nose, a serious face, cheerful voice.

He was a nice person. Always helping others and putting others' needs before his. He had sacrificed himself countless times to save her as Ladybug. He was the one who told her to believe in herself the day 'Stoneheart' was re-akumatised. She knew that she would've never been a great hero without him.

What amazed her the most was his ability to adjust his mood according to a situation. He was always so positive.

Sure, he was a tease, but, she found it kind of attractive. His smirk made him look so boyish and mischievous yet he was so innocent, sweet and caring. His lame puns and jokes always lightened her mood.

She remembered how adorable it was to watch him nuzzle against her hand as she petted his hair or how his ears twitched comically as she rubbed them OR how he actually purred when he was happy.

She smiled as she remembered all the memories she had with him, both as Marinette and Ladybug. She was so fond of him. So much that she was almost addicted to his presence, she couldn't help it and she knew that she would do everything in her power to make him feel loved and cared.

Her eyes widened as realisation hit her like cold water.

Oh. My. Freaking. Goodness!

She loved him. She had always loved him. She was never a misstep away from falling in love for she had fallen hard for him already.

She was too caught up with her crush on another blonde boy. Her Adrien tinted glasses disabled her to realise her feelings for Cat Noir.

She had loved him deep down. It was the reason why she was so confident around him. Because he put his trust in her and gave her all of his loyalty and she loved him with her every single cell for being so amazing.

She remembered the day when 'Stoneheart' reappeared, Cat Noir had played an important role in making her feel confident as a superhero. His words of reassurance had filled her with a newly found confidence.

Love makes one stronger and not otherwise.

For a minute she let the feeling wash over her heart and body, luxuriating the warm and ecstatic feeling that followed. Then she pushed her thoughts away, her breath caught in her lungs as she realised that she had rejected him one too many times. She had made him cry.

Life is a bitch.


Ladybug swung across the rooftops of Paris as she made her way to Alya's.

She had just given Adrien a suggestion who was in the same situation as hers. She wondered who the girl was.

She had told him what she felt was right, what her heartfelt was right.

Is it really that simple? Can I really pursue Cat Noir? Will he reciprocate my feelings for him?

As far as she knew, he hadn't moved on from Ladybug, which was hardly a problem considering she was Ladybug.

She entered an alley near Alya's house and dropped her transformation. She needed to talk to her. She wanted to confide in a human.

Marinette soon found herself in her best friend's room. She sat down on her bed. She looked at Alya, who was expecting her to say something.

"Okay," She sighed. "So, before I tell you everything, I want you to listen very carefully. No interruptions. And then, in the end, answer me very honestly."

She nodded, encouraging her friend to go on.

Marinette took a deep breath. She cleared her throat as she prepared to tell Alya.

"Alya around three years ago, I met this guy, he became my partner and we used to see a lot of each other. He used to flirt with me a lot. He confessed to me many times but I always rejected him saying that I was in love with someone else who you know is Adrien." Marinette gulped.

Alya gestured her to continue.

"A few months ago, we- we became closer and I saw a side of him that I never realised was there. We used to spend a lot of time together and we still do. He is a great person. Everything was fine until... until today you pointed out a few certain things."

Alya's eyes widened as she realised the direction of this conversation.

"I r-realised that I, that I like him, no I absolutely and most certainly love him. His presence became a part of my being, I grew used to him that I never realised how much he meant to me. I think- I think that a part of me will always love Adrien but, I got tired of waiting... What I mean is that I really want to try things with the other guy because I am afraid I love him more." Marinette admitted, "Does this make me a bad person?"

Alya scooted closer to her. She slowly patted her back. "Of course not, girl. You did nothing wrong. I agree you did pine after Blondie for a long time and if you think that your feelings for the other guy are genuinely deeper then go for it." She gently caressed her hair.

"I don't think, Alya. I know I love him so much."

"Who is it? The boy that captured your heart... How come you never told me about it?"

"I-I honestly never thought it w-was that important detail o-of my life, I mean he is very dear to me, it's j-just that it's o-our secret. And no, I c-can't tell you who he is. Sorry." Marinette felt really guilty about hiding things from Alya.

Her best friend squeezed her hand reassuringly, Marinette returned her gesture gratefully.

"Can you at least tell me a little about him?" The young reporter pulled her best friend head to her shoulder as she hugged her.

Marinette smiled. "He's amazing as I told you. He is such a great person. I look up to him, he is so kind and selfless. I've seen him working hard to make the world a better place to live in. He will do anything to make others around him happy. He's an amazing cook, excellent pianist, awesome human. He is talented and smart and goofy. He's so considerate and understanding and protective and sweet and charming. He has a dashing personality, he's so cheerful. Ooh! He is handsome too, with his green dreamy eyes, soft blonde hair, a perfect nose. He's just so- WOW!." She sighed dreamily.

Alya frowned as she released Marinette from the hug. Something about the description of her best friend's love was awfully... familiar? She just shrugged it off. She was happy for her friend, no matter how much she was suspicious of this guy. "So what are you planning on doing now?" She asked the lovestruck teen.

Marinette smile widened.
"Simple, I am going to confess to him. I am not going to waste my time now, not anymore like I did with Adrien. I am pretty sure he is still into me and hasn't moved on like he pretends. Alya, I am going to tell him how I truly feel as soon as I see him after school."

Alya hugged her best friend again who hugged her back without hesitation. "Good for you, Marinette. I am so happy for you."


** Hey guys! I don't need to remind you as it's the news of the hour, COVID-19 is spreading at alarming rates and many people are affected. So, I just want to say, stay safe at home and isolate yourself to prevent the virus from spreading. We can do this! Don't panic and take the precautions issued by WHO and maintain hygiene. Never lose hope and pray. **

A/N: Extremely sorry if Marinette's realisation wasn't what you expected. I have to admit, it didn't turn out as I had initially planned.

Get ready for some drama, because I am just getting started. And honestly, things are going to get a bit messy.

Anyway, the last chapter is pretty much the only chapter where you'll get Ladrien. Truth to be told, I am not a big fan of this ship.
This book is mainly focused on Adrienette and Marichat, if you didn't notice...

Keep reading to find out how the confessions turn out.

Peace ✌🏻

I'm out!

{Edited: March 21, 2020}

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