My Love Is Yours If You're Willing To Take It

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Disclaimer: All the spells used in this chapter belong to the Harry Potter universe that belongs to JK Rowling.

I recommend non-Potters to see the video to get an idea of what the used spells do.

✓ I also recommend you to check out the [Explanations], the second last part of the book.

Warning: Slight mentions of death and murder. Read at your own risks.

"Yes, Cat Noir! Faster!" The sound of tinkling laughter filled the air.

Just an hour before the sunset, a boy clad in black leather cat-like costume can be seen running along the horizon. The golden light was refreshing and kissed the skin of the bluenette who was piggy-back riding him.

"Having fun, chérie?" He asked her.

She tightened her grip around his shoulders and took in the fresh scent of his soft blonde hair. "Yes!"

The boy giggled in response and increased his pace, "Isn't the view beautiful?", he said craning his neck towards his right to see the sun.

"You certainly are." Marinette couldn't stop herself from whispering softly. Her face illuminated into bright red when she realised she had said that out aloud.

A twitch in his cat ears indicated that he had caught that. Even though he wasn't facing her, she could practically see him smirking.

"Do I enchant you, princess?"

"Oh please!" She scoffed, rolling her eyes.

He chuckled and slowed his speed, an indication that they were nearing their destination. A squeal startled him and he came to a sudden halt.

"Cat look, a swing!" She pointed excitedly. He followed her gaze and sure enough, there a swing hanging off a tree's branch. "Chaton, can I please take a swing?" She stuck out her bottom lip and batted her eyelashes as she pleaded.

The fond expression he gave her warmed her heart. "Of course you can, Marinette."

He set her down carefully and she jumped in glee as soon as her feet touched the ground. She grabbed him by hand and trotted over to the swing.

Upon reaching the swing, she pulled the rope a few times to check if it was strong enough to hold her weight. When she was confirmed that the swing was safe, she sat on it. "Give me a push, please Cat."

The hero complied and took his position behind her. He brushed his hands gently against hers which were busy holding the rope, "Always at your service, chèrie." He withdrew his hands from hers to give her a push.

"Woohoo!" She raised her legs at the top of each swing to increase the height of the swings. Each time she reached the backwards extreme position, she would lean her forehead to the back and Cat Noir would plant a kiss on her forehead.

After enjoying for a while, her companion spoke up, "Alright, little lady, it's time we get moving or we'll miss the real thing."

"I don't wanna leave." She pouted childishly. Jumping off the swing, she took off running.

"Hey, come back here!" The blonde sprang into action. Chasing her around the grassy field for about just a few seconds, he caught up to her. He grabbed her hand from the back and pushed her flush against him. Tightly gripping her waist, he lifted her legs and spun her around. Their laughs creating a merry chorus.

Goofing around together for a few minutes, Marinette found herself back in her initial position. Cat Noir was running comparatively slower than before. She wondered how long it would take to reach the place he was taking her to.

She must have dozed off for longer than five minutes because the next thing she knew was that she was looking at a vast stretch of water in front of her. It was only when Cat put her down she realised that they were standing on a cliff.

The sea was roaring and the sun was sinking deeper and deeper into the horizon. "Wow." She was dumbstruck at the beauty of the sunset.

A pair of gloved arms wrapped around her waist and she found herself looking into Cat Noir's electric green eyes as he held her close to himself. She laced her fingers behind his neck. He leaned to press their foreheads together. "This isn't even what I brought you here for," his voice was in a low whisper, "The stars are always better to watch from here." His one hand rose to caress her cheek, "And if we do see a shooting star," he tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, "Then I have a wish to make too."

Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum.

The intensity of his gaze could've melted her into a puddle of goo, then and right there. It already made her insides go crazy. Instead, she let herself get lost in his embrace.

When she opened her eyes, she couldn't feel him anymore. She wasn't hugging him and she couldn't find him anywhere near. When had the sunset completely? How had she missed it? Why was it so dark around? Why couldn't she see his comforting green eyes?

"Cat Noir?" She called out softly, still wondering if it was a prank. When she didn't get an answer she called out his name again, this time her voice was more urgent.

Still, no reply. "Cat?!" Her eyes made frantic movements to search for him, her hands stretched out in front of her just so she could feel something against them. Her limbs carried her around in circles. She couldn't see anything. It was pitch black.

A growl from her left alerted her and her heartbeat increased. She gulped and turned her head into the direction of the sound. "Chaton?" She tried one more time. A feral animalistic growl was all she got in return.

No. Whatever that animal was, it certainly wasn't a pet cat. Not her cat anyway. It was a predator. She was frightened, scared out of her wits. Where was Cat Noir? Where did he go? How will she save herself? She took a step back carefully, only to step on a twig and snap it into half. She jumped up at the sound.

At that moment, the animal launched itself towards her. Suddenly she felt an unfamiliar object in her hand. She looked at it and it was a knife. When did it get into her hand? Did she have this sharp knife on her all this time?

Well, it wasn't a time to ponder on those questions. As much as she hated hurting animals, she had to do it or else she'd become its dinner.

Readying herself for the attack, she gripped the weapon in her hand tightly and waited for the right moment to attack. When the animal reached close enough, she used her superhero instincts and ducked under it when it jumped at her.

A strangled noise assured her that she had slit its throat. She heaved a sigh of relief but, it was only short-lived because just then the animal SPOKE!


She turned her around so fastly that she was sure she could've snapped her neck but, she couldn't care less at that moment. "Cat Noir?!"

The eyes of her attacker became clear and her breath caught in her lungs as she realised that she had just hurt him.

Making weak attempts to breathe, he tried to reach out to her. His knees gave out under him and he fell down.

Marinette ran up to him and lifted his head into her lap. She cupped his cheeks as hot tears streamed down her eyes. "No! No! Cat, chaton, no! Please no!" She cried out.
She could see his features now that the moonlight and stars illuminated the sky.

His voice getting fainter and fainter by every passing second. She could see how he struggled to keep his eyes open. "W-Why?" Was the last word he uttered before sleeping forever.

The sea, the insects, everything around her silenced as he died in her arms. Her eyes went wide and she became breathless. "Nononononono No! CAT NOIR, NO!" She shook his shoulders as if he would wake up and tell her it was okay and it was all a prank but, he never did. "Please wake up. Don't leave me!" She cried helplessly into the crook of his neck. What had she done? Killed the only person she had loved more than her life itself. That's what she had done.

"You can't leave me. Please, not you. I love you, Cat Noir. Don't leave me. Please don't." She shook his lifeless body again, "You hear me? WAKE UP!" She hugged his body tightly and whispered softly, "I am sorry, mon chaton. I am sorry."

A question still hung in the air; WHY?

Marinette jolted up awake. She had killed Cat Noir. She had killed him in her nightmare. Beads of sweat rolled down her temples, she was hyperventilating.

I killed him!

Tears cascaded down her cheeks, tears she didn't register shedding. How did such a beautiful dream turn into such a nightmare? Did it mean anything?

Of course, it did. The dream was exactly what she did in reality. She ruined her and Cat's beautiful friendship because she couldn't handle a mere heartbreak and she stabbed him in the back. She didn't literally kill him but, she was pretty sure the wound she gave him would never let him live peacefully.

If he hated her, even though she knew that the boy could never hate, it would be very fair. She wouldn't blame him.


She was his bestest friend. He had said that many times. He was used to people using him, hurting him. And she was a new addition to that list. She had done just the same.

What have I done?

Tikki was probably downstairs fetching some cookies or else she would've panicked to see her in such a state. She wiped her tears and looked around.

Glancing down at herself, she realised that she was still wearing her dress from yesterday's night.

Memories of last night came back to her mind and her stomach twisted in realisation that she was a horrible person.

Breaking hearts of two sweet boys just because she let the sweetest go— it wasn't good. No, it was bad! The worst thing she could probably do to anyone.


Adrien and Luka had been nothing but absolute sweethearts to her the entire time and what did she do? Reject them, torture them.

That's rich, Marinette.

What was their crime? Nothing. It had been her fault all along. Had she been able to notice what was in front of her the entire time then hearts wouldn't have been hurt the way they were.

After breaking up with Luka, getting consoled by Adrien (God bless his soul!), apologising to Luka, she left The Ball. It was quite early but, she didn't want to be there, she wanted to be there with Cat Noir.

Alya had insisted her to stay and hang with her. Seeing her cheerful mood, she didn't tell her anything about her break-up. After promising her that she'd tell her all about her evening the very next morning, she went back home.

It didn't help that she saw Cat Noir while she was on a date with Luka a few days ago. She saw him quite accidentally, just in time to see him turn around and leave. The fact that he saw her hanging out with someone else when her heart truly beated for him crushed her spirit. So much for moving on.

Imagine a guy you like witnessing you on a date with someone else. It felt like getting your heart ripped into a million pieces. Seeing him like that was so tormenting. She didn't even see his face but, his tense shoulders gave away his mood. Was he still upset that she locked him out of her life completely?

Had she been alone at that time, she would have called out to him. But, she wasn't, so she didn't. She wanted to hug him so bad, to be in his arms and talk heart to heart with him. But, she hesitated more than one time.

Love and fear were two different things. She knew that. People who love don't fear anything and those who lived in fear can never love.

The memory of Cat's departure and the bitterness she felt afterwards made her burst into a fresh bout of tears. Large hiccuping sobs stole her breath. Tikki entered the bedroom and immediately flew to her side and tried her best to calm her down.

"It's okay, Marinette." She made soothing sounds to shush her, "It'll be okay."

It isn't going to be okay!

Just then the trapdoor opened and Alya entered her bedroom. "Hey, Girl! How did your date go last night?" One look at her crying best friend and her face became more frightening than most of the akumas. "What. Did. He. Do?" She seethed.

Marinette heartbeat increased exponentially and she made frantic moments to search for her kwami.

Good! She is hidden.

Returning her attention to the journalist in front of her, she let her emotions take over her and she broke down. In a trice, Alya was next to her, hugging her, patting her head and consoling her with comforting words. She couldn't even hear those words over her sobs. She was thankful that her parents were down working in the bakery and couldn't hear her or they would've ran up to her to see if she was fine.

"I'll kill him."

Marinette tensed. Alya always adopted a protective mother nature towards her. She knew that her best friend knew that Luka was a gentleman but she'd probably chase him with a weapon that wasn't a plastic ruler if he ever dared to hurt her, Marinette.

"It wasn't Luka." She insisted. He didn't deserve any more trouble after the pain she gave him. "I just- I can't date anyone because everywhere I go, I see him."

She had never been so grateful of Alya as she was right then as the brunette was considerate enough to understand her faint reference to the guy that broke her heart.

Alya's gentle hands caressed her hair. "I know you're hurting, honey. But, you have to get through it," she sighed, "It gets better, it always does." She rubbed her back.

She doesn't know!

Alya didn't know that. Her only relationship was with Nino. And it was a serious relationship. Seventeen, and they already knew that they were going to spend the rest of their lives with each other. They were each other's world.

Marinette felt a pang of jealousy in her heart. Why couldn't she have something like they did? Was she meant to die alone?

It felt like Karma was finally getting her. She broke her kitten's heart way too many times and he rejected her when she finally opened her eyes. Her heart still ached when she was trying to move on and if that wasn't enough, she had to deal with the guilt.

The guilt of rejecting Adrien, the guilt of asking out Luka and treating him as a replacement. No matter how many times Tikki, Alya and even Adrien told her that it was the pain of rejection that pushed her into doing what she did, it still didn't justify using Luka.


And then Adrien, that guy was still a saint to her even after everything she did. She couldn't even imagine how painful it would've been for him to see her dating someone else after getting rejected.

Just what was I thinking?

This was the part of her brain where logic and Tikki's voice still resided. She was in pain but, that didn't give her any right to be the cause of others' sufferings. She should've behaved like a mature person. Seriously, locking out Cat Noir and ruining their friendship? What was wrong with her? Even after trying to fix things as Ladybug, which she couldn't do, she knew it would do nothing. It was Marinette who messed up and it had to be Marinette who should fix things.

Amongst everything else, she was grateful for the fact that she didn't ask out Adrien. That would've been terrible. Rejecting him was one thing but, using him as a replacement would've been a sin. It would've been a crime committed knowingly. She wouldn't have been able to forgive herself for that. That boy had a heart of gold and he didn't deserve that— her toying with his heartstrings. Of all the people, she didn't want Adrien, her ex-crush, to be the one to help her move on.

Because deep down, she knew that she'd never move on. And it was because she didn't want to. Falling for Cat Noir was amazing and staying in love with him was beautiful, even if he didn't reciprocate her feelings for him. He was real, too visceral. He wasn't her fantasy.

He was real and held a place in her heart that should have been reserved for her spouse or a long time partner. But, she'd given him her heart on her own accord, in her very consciousness. She'd given him herself.

That cat, whoever the boy behind the mask was, had managed to steal her days, her nights, her dreams, her thoughts, her very being. And she didn't mind, at all.

It was worth loving him. Despite all the confusion and uncertainty in her life and the ruckus that had been created very recently, one thing was for sure; she would always love Cat Noir— her sweet, lovely kitten.


"Cat try the ring of the Akuma." Ladybug yelled as she was thrown away by Dieu Malèfique.

"On it, Ladybug." The feline hero said.
"Cataclysm!" He called out. The ring immediately disintegrated but, no Akuma flew out.

"What the-?" Confusion laced his voice at their fourth failed attempt to get the akumatized object.

"Looking for the Akuma, dear?" The akumatized person grinned evilly.
"Instead you will be dealing with this..." He aimed his wand at the cat-themed hero, "Rictemsumpra!"

"Whoah!" Cat Noir was thrown across the Seine. "How is it up here, M'lady?" He asked as they both had landed on a tree's branch.

Ladybug chose to ignore his joke. "I don't get it, Cat. We have tried every single object on him and nothing is working." She was getting worried.

Dieu Malèfique had been akumatized at the nightfall and had caused serious havoc. He was made fun of by his bullies about his Harry Potter obsession, and now, he had the power of a wizard from the famous series. They had tried several times to get to him but had failed. This was a really dangerous Akuma.

"Imperio." They heard him call out as he changed one more civilian into his slave.

"What are we to do, Cat?" She asked.

"Maybe you can call out your lucky charm? Let's see how it helps us now." Cat Noir suggested.

"Lucky Charm!" Ladybug summoned her powers. A familiar necklace fell in her hands. Her eyes widened when she realised its use.


"Yes, LB?"

"We need Multimouse back in the game again."

Before he could even respond, the superheroine had sprung into action. Swinging across the rooftops, she arrived at her house. She had no idea how she was going to face Cat but, Paris was in peril and she wasn't going to abandon the people in need.




Multimouse arrived at the Louvre. It was the spot where Dieu Malèfique was last seen. The stupid thing could teleport or rather 'Apparate'. The Ladyblog had been blowing up constantly with comments as people claimed to sight the Akuma in different regions of the city.

"Look who finally showed up."

She turned to the direction of the voice.
It was Cat Noir. It pained her to see him like that as she remembered all the incidents that had happened in the past few weeks.

"Cat, look I am sorry but I..." Her voice trailed off as the girl looked down at the floor, she couldn't find anything to say in her defence.

"Save the conversation for next time, princess. We have work to do." He said.

Princess? Maybe he isn't that mad at me after all.

Her heart leapt a little as the thought crossed her mind.

"Where's Ladybug?" Cat Noir asked as they made their way to the Eiffel Tower, the currently endangered space.

Ah shit!

"She's- she's sick. Th-threw up a lot. She was in no position to con-continue the fight." She felt horrible about lying to him but, she couldn't just give away her identity.

"Oh, God! Is she going to be fine?" He was very worried about his partner. They hadn't really been on the best terms in the past weeks despite all the efforts they had both put in stabilising their friendship and partnership. Her getting sick was the last thing he wanted.

"Yeah. She's Ladybug. There's nothing she can't handle." She said.

His face clearly indicated that he was unconvinced but he didn't argue any further and she couldn't have been more thankful.

"Are you sure you've tried everything?" Multimouse asked him as they searched for the Akuma.

"I am paw-sivitive. This Akuma is different from the others." Cat said. "For starters, he is definitely more powerful than all the akumas we've faced till now. It has multiple powers. Then, it isn't easy to lure him into any trap. None of our attempts and Ladybug's powers has worked so far. Not to forget, I have destroyed every single object on him but, I have no idea where the Akuma is."

She hummed in response. Of course, she knew all the details but she had to play along in order to keep her identity a secret. She had wondered if Cat Noir had tried doing anything while she was gone, fetching the Mouse Miraculous. Apparently, he had not. Or rather, the akumatized person never gave him the chance to do anything. Tikki hadn't been of any help either. She didn't know anything about this Akuma. "I'd tell you as soon as I figure something out." She had said.

The mouse-themed heroine wondered just how long it would take for Tikki to figure everything out. She wondered if things would be different if Master Fu was around.

"Everte Statum!" A cruel voice yelled out of nowhere. The spell sent the two teens tumbling to the ground.

After bracing for the impact, they opened their eyes and blinked. They found themselves in a very compromising position. Cat Noir laid on top of Multimouse, his hands were balancing his weight while he straddled her waist.

They blushed profusely as they stared into each other's eyes. They couldn't move. It was as if the time around them had stopped and the world had frozen. Cat looked at Marinette, she looked absolutely adorable as Multimouse in those two cute buns. Absentmindedly, he licked his lips and started to lean in, eyes fluttering close. The last thing he saw was that she was staring at his lips before closing her eyes too— when she abruptly pushed him off of her.

He landed a little farther from her. He was confused and hurt until he heard her loud, pained scream. He looked at the Akuma. To his horror, the Akuma kept firing his partner with 'Crucio'. His breathing became ragged as he saw the girl he loved struggling, screaming at the top of her lungs.

Cat's blood boiled. The unforgivable curses. She had once told him that 'Crucio' felt like getting your head split into two while all the bones in your body were on fire.

"No, stop!" He yelled as he charged towards the callous man, twirling his baton in his hand as he readied himself to attack the person who targeted the love of his life.

"You think you can defeat me? Tsk, tsk, silly cat, you can't even come close to me.
Expelliarmus!" He yelled.

The poor hero was once again thrown back, his baton thrown elsewhere.

How are we going to defeat him if we can't even touch him against his will?

"I know what you are thinking Shit Noir. I can glance into your mind." The sadism in his voice made Cat's heart sink. "I can see, I know how much this mouse means to you... It's a little 'Ligilimens'. Ooh... So this is your friend, huh? Bet you wouldn't like this. Crucio!" He struck the poor girl again.

Cat felt himself shaking as he saw her writhing in pain. "Stop! Please stop! What do you want?" His voice cracked as he pleaded with his hands folded in front of him, fresh tears forming in his eyes.

"I think I have made it clear, haven't I? Your Miraculous."

Cat found himself in a dilemma. What was he to do? On one hand, there was the question of Paris' safety and his Miraculous, something that he couldn't compromise. On the other hand, there was Marinette. Dieu Malèfique was torturing her.  It didn't take him long to decide though. Marinette, his princess was in pain. He wasn't a Potterhead like her but he knew well enough that the spell 'Crucio' could cause a lot of pain.

He started taking off his ring when he heard Multimouse call out 'Shelter'— Wayzz's powers. She got up, free from the pain, having successfully combined the Turtle Miraculous with her own between the commotion.

He watched in appreciation as she extended the dome towards him. He was inside now, immune to the attacks, that is until Multimouse's time ran out.

"Cat we need to leave before he breaks my dome." She said running up to him, controlling the shield.

"He can do that?" He asked.

She nodded. "Only if he uses spells like-"

"Bombarda Maxima!" Dieu Malèfique called out, hitting the shield with all his might. A big crack appeared on the surface of the dome and his lips twitched into an evil half-smile.

"- those!" She completed herself, panicking. They kept running and sought shelter behind a building.

"Divide." She said. Wayzz appeared. She fed the exhausted kwami a cookie. "What are we supposed to do Cat? This one is very powerful. We can't even touch him."

"No idea." He admitted.

"Let's trust our luck on this one then." She felt for the earrings, "Tikki, Mullo, unify!"

"Lucky Charm!"

A Harry Potter book appeared and dropped into her hands. Deathly Hallows to be exact.

"Look, I know you love Harry Potter, but this isn't the best time to read it." Cat joked. Jokes to hide pain, huh Agreste?

"Seems like Tikki's running out of ideas." She examined the book nonetheless. Her eyes widened. "Cat!" She exclaimed.


"Tikki might be onto something. The cover of the book is of the Deathly Hallows but inside, the book is Half-Blood Prince."

"So?" Cat was still confused.

Marinette sighed. "So, what if the last two books of the Harry Potter series have the information that can give us clues to defeat Dieu Malèfique?" She was excited because they had found a part of the solution but, the solution was yet to be discovered.

"Huh. Wait... Is that a bookmark?" Cat noticed a peculiar looking ribbon sticking out from the pages.

Marinette checked. Yep! Definitely a bookmark. She read the title of the chapter that was marked.

Oh no!


"Yes, Multimouse?"

"You know what a 'Horcrux' is, right?"

"Yep." He said, popping the 'p'. "Lord Voldemort split his souls into seven pieces excluding the one inside his own body. His soul entered an object every time he killed someone, making the object cursed and a Horcrux." He shuddered.

She beamed at her partner. "Brilliant! Glad to see, I finally taught you something."

"Don't get used to it. But what are you implying?"

Multimouse's expression returned to that of serious. "This Akuma clearly possesses all the power that a wizard from the Harry Potter universe would have."


"So... What if he got inspired by the Lord Voldemort and chose to make himself indestructible the same way the villain did." She suggested.

"As much as I know you're smart, I don't think creating Horcruxes is possible. I mean even if he killed someone, which I am pretty sure he did not, I don't think his soul will split." He grimaced.

"No silly, I am saying that the Horcruxes were very powerful, they could affect people negatively because they did have an evil force within." She reasoned, "Remember the way Ron acted when he was wearing Salazar Slytherin's locket? It was a side-effect of wearing that damned Horcrux. They couldn't be destroyed easily and on the first look, they couldn't be recognised either." She started explaining. "There are several theories, fanmade, arguing over the most powerful Horcrux, Harry himself was one of them though that was unintentional. But, Nagini, Voldemort's snake was certainly the most powerful Horcrux. She could kill people instantly. Not to forget she killed Snape. Others Horcruxes could just harm people but not kill them." She finished.

"And we cannot forget that in The Cursed Child, the alternate reality of Harry Potter in which Nagini wasn't killed by Neville Longbottom, had a rule of the Dark Lord," Cat added.

"Exactly!" Multimouse said. "And Dieu Malèfique does have a snake, it bites some selected people and turns them into real Death Eaters. Those minions even have the snake-bite mark to function as The Dark Mark." She shuddered at the creepy name.

"But, I don't think that Hawkmoth's akuma can invade into a living being's body." Cat interrupted.

"No, but this is Harry Potter we are talking about, there are transfiguration spells that can bring inanimate objects to life and vice versa."

"Okay, so this villain basically turned the akumatized object into a snake so that we won't suspect anything... Gotta say, this one's claw-ver." He tapped his chin. "What's the plan?"

Marinette smiled a wicked half-smile. "It's time to bring in the vixen."

"Don't you think that he will be able to see past the illusions?" Cat questioned.

"He would but, not in time to save himself." She rubbed her hands in anticipation, clearly wanting to test her theory. "We just need to distract him for a little time."

Cat looked at his friend sadly. He wished that they could stay trapped in this situation forever, that Dieu Malèfique would never be defeated. He knew that it was wrong of him to think that but, he could talk to Marinette like nothing wrong had happened between them. Their priority to save Paris enabled them to act like normal friends. Little did he knew that Marinette was thinking the same thing.


"Come out, come out wherever you are..." Dieu Malèfique cooed eerily.

"Expulso!" He cried as he turned another building into ruins. "Stupefy!" He hit a poor person.

"Hey, puny god! Wanna play a little game of the cat and the mouse?" Multimouse appeared out of nowhere.

He turned to face her and smiled sadistically, "Why not, my dearest Multimouse? Here we go, sectumsumpra!" He fired at her but she dodged easily.


He kept firing curses at her but she kept dodging them. He yelled out in frustration.

"Immobulus!" He yelled, freezing Multimouse at her spot. With a wicked grin, he approached her.

"What a sight! The mouse is finally trapped. Where is your kitty-cat? Abandoned you already?"

Before the villain could touch her, a yo-yo appeared out of nowhere and quickly disarmed him of his wand while he was distracted. His eyes blew wide, "What in the-"

"Who abandoned who now?" A male voice called from somewhere behind.

He turned to see Cat Noir standing near his snake. His eyes widened in fear. "No!"
But before he could think of anything, Cat Noir had already done his job.

"Cataclysm!" He yelled, touching the snake, immediately making it disintegrate. The Akuma flew out.

"You have done enough harm, little Akuma." The real Multimouse said, getting her yo-yo ready. "I free you from evil, Dieu Malèfique." She captured the Akuma and purified it. She re-opened her yo-yo to let out the innocent butterfly.

A young boy appeared where the villain earlier stood, looking extremely exhausted.

She looked at Cat and smiled. He smiled back at her. The nightmare was over. She looked around herself, the city was in ruins, but her healing wave would bring everything back to normal.

She was about to throw her lucky charm in the air when suddenly, out of the blue, the wall near Cat Noir, weakened from the blow of the Akuma collapsed on him, burying him in the rubble.


"Nononononono no! Cat Noir!" She yelled rushing over to him and immediately trying to move the boulders out of the way.

"Just throw your lucky charm into the air." The boy who was akumatized said to her. He was worried about the hero's safety too.

What? Oh! Yeah, I forgot.

"Miraculous Multi-Bug!" She did her thing and watched as a swarm of ladybugs made everything go back to normal. The last thing they fixed was the wall. An unconscious Cat Noir lied beneath, the bleeding wound on his head was healed.

Why isn't he conscious yet? Did he-
No! Don't think like that.

She knelt down beside him and slowly lifted his forehead. Her nightmare haunted her thoughts. It couldn't come true.

He has a slight fever!

"Hey, do you think you'll be able to manage yourself? I need to take him somewhere safe." She asked the boy.

He nodded.

Multimouse gripped Cat protectively and swung around the city. His breathing was normal but he was still unconscious.

Cat, please be okay.


Cat Noir slowly fluttered his eyes open. His eyes took time to adjust to the light. He saw pink. His mind went blank as he realised that it was Marinette's room.

What in the world happened? The last thing I remembered was Marinette had purified the Akuma when that bloody wall came crashing down on me. Must've passed out.

"Cat!" He heard a delighted scream as a bluenette ran up to him wrapped her arms around him.

"God! Cat I was so worried. Thank goodness you're okay." She said.

Wait... Is she crying? Why is she crying?

"Why are you crying, Marinette?" He voiced his thoughts.

"Be-Because you got me worried whe-when th-that wall collapsed on y-you, a-and when you didn't open y-your eyes, I t-thought that... I tho-thought that I-I h-had lo-lost you." Her voice cracked between her sobs.

He felt a sudden fury getting ignited in him. "If you care about me so much Mari, then why did you lock me out? Huh? Why did you stop talking to me? Are feelings a game to you." He gripped her shoulders tightly and made her look at him in the eye.

"N-no Cat. I-It's c-complicated..."

"Oh! I see how this is, you fixed me only to break me, you never really cared, did you? You just abandoned me like everyone else and now you are all 'I thought I lost you' as nothing happened." He snapped," You know this friendship means a lot to me, you mean the world to me. Why did you do it, Mari? Do you even care?" He shooked her.

Marinette was in tears. Did she really do this to her kitten? She didn't mean to, she was so heartbroken at that time to think rationally. She felt even sicker of herself than before.

"I didn't d-do i-it bec-because I d-didn't care..." She croaked out.

"Then why did you do it?" Cat asked, trying his best to control his anger. He didn't want to be mad at her but he wanted his answers. Too late for that now.

"I di-did i-it bec-because... because I..."

"Because what, Mari?" He asked impatiently.


"I did it because I LOVE YOU, Cat Noir!"

A/N: Harry Potter X MLB... Woohoo!

I wrote it when a friend of mine was very cross with me because I wrote an MLB fanfiction just six months after getting introduced to the fandom whereas, I've been into the Harry Potter universe for a lot longer period of time.

So, I wanted to write an Akuma battle for this chapter and I thought of using a bit of HP in it. And, I was pretty excited to write something about two of my most favourite universes. Although, I favour Harry Potter more than MLB, No Offense! It's just my perspective and I find it more elaborate and fascinating. The entire chapter isn't about the crossover, just the battle part.

Non-Potters, please check out the next part of the book that's titled as [Explanations].

Also, an early update because if I don't do it today then we can kiss this update goodbye and would have to wait for the next week.

Peace ✌🏻
I'm out!

{Edited: April 15, 2020}

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