You Are A Perfection Even In Your Mistakes

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Adrienette and MariChat in one chapter, you're welcome. ;)
Aannnd Adrien gets a taste of his own medicine...

Just a quick note beforehand, I suck at describing dresses, like on a scale of 1 to 10, -40, no kidding. So, I will be just adding photos to save myself and more or less you.

"Okay, so you need to keep your chin up and be proud." Adrien directed Marinette. They were in her house and he was teaching her the basics of the catwalk. She was a fast learner and he knew that, but boy, walking in heels wasn't her thing. He knew just how torturing those shoes were, having worn them during 'Reflekta'. The poor bluenette had trouble balancing herself. "Straight body language, yeah, just like that."

Marinette was determined to succeed, she didn't have time to freak out about Adrien being in her house. She stretched out her arms in opposite directions to balance her weight while wearing those goddamn heels.

Why was she so short, again? This wasn't the first time she was jealous of others' height.

The girl being the queen of clumsiness tripped over her heels and came crashing down. Crap!

Surprisingly, she never met the floor, just someone's firm chest. Her saviour held her in place. She looked up to meet Adrien's piercing green eyes. She didn't even flinch when she realised that she had fallen right into his arms.

His hold shifted from her hands to her waist as he helped to get back to her feet, his eyes never leaving hers.

Déjà Vu. That's what she felt as the face of a certain feline flashed in her mind. That's also when she realised that they remained in that position for longer than intended. She blinked but he didn't as his arms held her gently yet firmly, his thumbs slightly pressed against her hips.

Miracles of miracles, she wasn't the one to blush.

"Kids, I've got cupcak-- Am I interrupting something?" Tom's voice startled them and they quickly pulled apart.

"N-No, Dad. No-Nothing is ongoing. I-I mean nothing's go-going on." Marinette stammered while Adrien rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"You sure?" He looked at them with pointed eyebrow and then to his daughter's utter mortification, he turned to the blonde, "Our Marinette is excellent girlfriend material, just saying."

The model's face erupted in a cherry-red hue.

"Papa, stop it! We're just friends!" The bluenette snapped at her grinning father.
Was that a look of disappointment on Adrien's face? No, that must be her overactive imagination.

Hold on! Did I just call him 'just friend'? Gah! My life is over.

"Really? 'cause I thought you both were--"


"Alright, alright, fine. I'll leave you be. Just eat the cupcakes and tell me how they tasted." He left the flustered pair of teen after he had placed the tray carefully on the dining table.

"Maybe we should take a break," Adrien suggested.

"S-sure." She took off her heels and immediately felt alive. These should be made illegal.

"You know, I am proud of you Marinette." He lifted a chocolate cupcake. "You just tripped twice today and that's an accomplishment." He bit into his treat and immediately felt an explosion of flavours in his mouth. "Annd thisz ish reaaly goood." He spoke with his mouth full.

Marinette chuckled fondly. "Thanks! My parents have been improving this recipe for a long time now. " She ate her cupcake. "But, do you think that I'll be ready in time for the show?" She looked at him.

He took her by surprise when he burst into loud guffaws. "What's so funny?" She interrogated.

He handed her a hand-mirror, continuing his laughter.

The girl shrieked at her reflection. She had a chocolate moustache, her lower lip was covered with icing and her teeth were brown due to it. She sucked her teeth in, swiping her tongue across their surface in order to clean them. She cleaned off her moustache. God, this is so embarrassing. But, before she could do the same for her lip, Adrien stepped in.

"Let me help." He gently rubbed his thumb across her pink lip and she blushed this time, but, that blush darkened infinitely when he put the pad of his thumb in his mouth, licking the icing. "Mmmm... Delicious."

Did he just--

A high-pitched squeak left her mouth and Adrien started apologising as he panicked but before anything else could happen...

"Are you sure nothing's going on, honey?" Sabine asked.




"You can do this Marinette." Adrien put a hand on her shoulder as he guided her to the makeup room. "Remember what I taught you, just be confident and go with the flow. Besides, you did great during practice, I don't see what could possibly go wrong."

Marinette gulped.

What could possibly go wrong he says. Why? I can trip over my dress, make an absolute fool out of myself or what if they don't like my designs and I never get to be a fashion designer. Ugh! Why did I sign up for this? I --

"-nette? Marinette?"

Adrien's voice cut off her internal turmoil. She realised she was spacing out.

"You are right Adrien." She sighed. "But, it's hard not to be nervous when I know that people would be judging my designs in a few minutes and to top it all, I am modelling with the showstopper."

Adrien nodded, understanding her situation. "Don't worry, Marinette. You've got this. We believe in you. I believe in you."

She smiled. Once they arrived at the makeup room, she turned to face Adrien. "Thanks for bringing me here and thanks for the modelling tips. You better get going before your father comes looking for you."

He reluctantly nodded and left, practically dragging his feet.

She turned to face the door.

Okay, calm down.

She hesitated before touching the knob.
Suddenly, a hand caught her wrist and she shuddered. She looked up to see her silly kitty, wearing his usual goofy grin.

"Cat Noir! What are you doing here?" Her voice was urgent.

He grinned more. "Don't fret, oh fair princess! I am very stealthy."

She rolled her eyes at his theatrical behaviour. "What brings you here, chaton?

"I came here to cheer you up. I know you'd be nervous, all things considered. So, here's the thing, you pull this off and I will watch Princess Diaries with you." Of course, this was all his plan, he had to get her in her determined and competitive form and boom! She would do this without any hesitation.

"I thought you hated that movie." She asked a bit curiously. She didn't know about his plan.

"I do, purr-incess but, you see, I will see it only if you do this purr-fectly." He smirked.

Marinette blinked, finally cat-ching up.

"Oh, it is on!"


Marinette sighed as the hair and makeup team worked on her. Her stylist, Mia, was draping her dress perfectly. Her rest of the models were getting ready too, but the stylists were paying her more attention than she expected. Adrien had told her that the showstopper had to look perfect, and that's why they had to be dressed with perfection.

She smiled at the very thought of him. He had been so helpful lately. Her stressed-out state had prevented her from mixing her words up in front of him. Although they all used to spend time with each other more often, she couldn't help but stutter a little in front of him.

Most of the stammering had stopped as soon as she was hit by his hidden dorky personality.

~~ Flashback ~~

"Oh my god! My tongue is orange. What am I to do?" Adrien panicked as he looked at his tongue in the selfie.

Marinette, Alya and Nino, on the other hand, were laughing hard. They were all out, eating popsicles. They had gone in for a group photo in which Adrien had decided to stick his tongue out.

Now, he was freaking out. The blonde model clearly had no experience with popsicles, especially orange ones.

"It's just a temporary colour, silly. It will be gone in minutes. You got that from your popsicle." Alya said.

They laughed even louder at his pout.

~~ Flashback ends ~~

Marinette couldn't help but chuckle at his silliness. Sometimes, she couldn't help but wonder how much dorky both him and Cat were, and they were so similar in many ways too. But, they were two different people. She was sure of it.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror. She looked amazing. The people in the makeup team did know their job.

She took her position along with the other models. They complimented her designs and dresses. She smiled.

Let's do this... for Adrien, for Cat Noir.


Adrien waited impatiently for Marinette's turn to arrive. She had to present her designs at the third place. People were busy watching the show.

He was seated in the first row along with Alya, Nino and Marinette's parents. He wanted to see his princess' designs and more than anything, he wanted to see her in the dress she had been working on for days now.

He sat straight when he realised it was time she started her display.


First up, were the flower girls' design. The child models started walking down the ramp. Everybody gawked at the models.

Everyone awed at the cute little girls who were dressed up as angels.

Next were the bridesmaids' designs. Models after models did their usual catwalk.

Adrien smiled proudly. The dresses were amazing. The audience were whispering praises to each other. He was no fashion critic, but he knew that Marinette had a good shot at this.

He didn't even have to be biased to say this. The judges looked impressed too.

The maid of honour dresses came next, purely beautiful.

"Whoah!" Adrien heard Tom mutter. He was getting more impatient. The brides' dresses were next, thankfully.

The models dressed in white came soon enough.

Adrien's heartbeat quickened as he realised that it was Marinette's turn to come up. The grand showstopper. He heard the click of Marinette's heels. People silenced. You could've heard a pin drop. His breath hitched as soon as he laid his eyes on her.

Oh, mon Dieu!

She looked absolutely stunning in her dress. He didn't realise his mouth was hanging open until Nino closed it and gave him a knowing look. He blushed and tried controlling his crazy heart, it was no use though, she looked so beautiful, so graceful, so pretty, so breathtaking.

"Oh my god! Nino, she looks perfect." He heard Alya squeal.

"My baby girl has grown up so fast." Her dad wiped fake tears and Sabine just chuckled.

But nothing could persuade him to take his eyes off of her. No one could blame him. They were all gawking at her.

He watched as she gracefully walked down the ramp in that dress.

Oh! That dress.

It was a champagne ball gown with cap sleeves and cathedral train lace tulle. The embroidered intricate patterns and details were flawless and bejewelled. She walked confidently. She concentrated on what Adrien had taught her.

Step, two-step, three-step, four-step, five-step and stop.
Count till four for next pose.
Don't forget to shift your weight to your opposite leg.
Smile a little.
One, two, three and turn to show the back of the dress.

As she was casting her spell, her eyes met his and he blushed even more. She gave him a small along with a wink and he managed to give her a weak smile.

Step, two-step, three-step, four-step, five-step, six-step and backstage.

"Dude, I think she broke you," Nino whispered to him, smirking.

Adrien was too busy to retort. She disappeared behind the curtains and he released the breath he didn't realise he was holding.

She had done it. Now, he had to watch that stupid movie with her.
Oh well, at least it was worth it.


Marinette was tackled into a bone-crushing hug by her best friend, Alya as soon as she stepped out of the dressing room, back in her normal clothes.

"That was epic girl!" Alya squealed. "You should've seen the judges' faces when you walked down the ramp."

"She's right, dudette. Some people just couldn't take their eyes off of you." The DJ put on a serious look.

Adrien blushed, knowing that the comment was directed at him. "You were really good out their Marinette. I told you there wasn't anything to worry about."

Marinette smiled at her friends gratefully.

"You sure did great, honey." Her parents hugged her. "Well, we will leave you here with your friends, the show isn't over." They went back to where the show was still going on.

The four friends chatted excitedly as they waited for the results to be announced.


It was five in the evening in Paris. Nothing new there, except for the fact that Marinette Dupain-Cheng was holding her breath as the winner was being announced.

The moment of truth...

"And the winner of the Fourteenth Gabriel Agreste's Competition for Rising Designers is..."

What was I thinking? How can I win this? I have no chance, no talent. I am a hopeless case. Maybe I wasn't destined to be a desi--

"...Marinette Dupain-Cheng. The fact that she designed all those dresses when she is still a high school student is really impressive."

Marinette was blank at this point.

Wait... I won?

She was enveloped into a hug by her friends. Her parents hugged her as they told her that they were proud of her.

She went on the stage to receive her certificate and trophy.


Marinette bid goodbye to the designer who had come to congratulate her. She turned around to see her friends.

"Well hello, miss designer. Can I get an autograph?" Adrien teased.

"Adrien, please." She whined.

"Hey, I say, why don't we all go out to have ice-cream to celebrate?" Nino interrupted.

"That'd be fantastic." Alya agreed with her boyfriend.

Marinette and Adrien couldn't agree more.

"Great! Then the last one it has to pay."

Nino truly regretted saying that because he couldn't possibly outrun Ladybug, Cat Noir and Rena Rogue, despite being Carapace.


Marinette made her way to her room, tiredly. She had a long day, not that she minded. She had just won one of the most prestigious competitions in the fashion industry. She was so happy.

Her parents nodded when she told them that she just wanted to sleep and would celebrate her victory with them the following day. Although their faces clearly shouted out to her that something was up but, she was too tired to care right now.

The girls had decided to take a walk around the city after the boys had left and that had drained the heroine's energy considerably. The fact that she hadn't slept peacefully in days didn't help either.

The young designer opened her trapdoor to find her room decorated with ribbons, balloons and fairy lights. Her room smelled fresh. She blinked and found out that her room was filled with bouquets of different flowers. She recognised them as Angelicas, White Dittany, Gardenias, Jasmines, Blue Violets, Tulips, Red Roses, Pink Roses, Pink Carnations, White Clovers and Daisies.

A few cushions were arranged on the floor and upon concentrating her vision she noticed a very nice, cosy blanket fort. Along with the cushions were a bowl of popcorn and a laptop.

"What's happening right now?" She wondered out aloud.

Before she even knew it, she was lifted off her feet and was spun around by a delighted Cat. She giggled.

"You did it, princess! Congratulations!"

"Thank you, Cat, though I wouldn't have been able to do it if not for you and my friends and parents." She hugged him tightly.

Cat hugged her back and purred in satisfaction. He had wanted to do this all day but, had to restrain himself from doing so. Marinette didn't hug Adrien, she didn't cuddle with his civilian form. He had to wait until now to actually express how elated he was.

"And as you can see as a gift, I brought you, DUN DUN DUN, flowers!" He said in a sing-song voice.

"Are you DONE DONE DONE?" She imitated him

He smiled sheepishly. "But, seriously chaton, this is too much and they must be expensive too, you shouldn't -"

"Nope. I am not taking them back. Only the best for my princess." He rubbed his cheek against her forehead. "But, now I guess I will have to watch that damn movie with you, little lady."

Marinette looked at his arrangements. She was tired and could most certainly not watch a movie right now.

"Cat, can we do it tomorrow? I am really tired right now." She asked sleepily. Before he could even reply, her legs gave in and she collapsed as exhaustion took over her. Cat held her gently yet firmly to prevent her from falling.

One look at the tired bluenette and Cat knew that she had to sleep. He held her close as he guided them to her bed. He cradled her in his arms as he leaned over the headboard. Her head was on his chest as he made her comfortable in his lap.

"Have I ever told you that you are really comfortable to sleep on, Cat?" Marinette mumbled groggily.

"Only about a hundred times now, princess." He chuckled.

Marinette managed a tired pout. "Hey! It's not my fault that you're practically a human pillow."

Cat chuckled even more at her cuteness. But, he quickly silenced himself as he knew she had to sleep.


"Yes, purr-incess?"

"Sing me a lullaby please."

"Seriously, Mari? You know I don't sing."

She gave him an innocent look, the puppy dog eyes and he signed in defeat. He couldn't say no to those. He cleared his throat as he prepared himself to sing.

"Life was like a moonless night
Shrouded in the stars
Beauty can be such a fright
But now you're in my arms

You are my life now
Can't you see
I'd cross oceans
I'd swim seas
To be with you
That's enough for me

Your face is like a poison
Intoxicating me
How can we live forever
When our love can never be

You are my life now
Can't you see
I'd cross oceans
I'd swim seas
To be with you
That's enough for me."

Marinette's light snores clearly indicated that she had fallen asleep. He looked at her, she was sleeping like an angel. He kissed her forehead gently.

"My princess." He whispered.
"Warm kitty, soft kitty." She mumbled and he smiled fondly.

This was a really great day, nothing could go wrong now. His princess was in his arms, sleeping. He was happy, she was happy.

Little did he know that it was just the calm before the storm...


Lydia Wong was sitting on the floor of her designing studio, shattered. She had lost... to a teenage girl. She was infuriated.

"How could she win? I am a better designer. How can the judges do this?" She yelled out in frustration.

She didn't notice a dark butterfly making it's way to her. It entered her brooch. A butterfly outlined mask appeared on her face.

"Couturière, I am Hawkmoth. They wronged you, the judges of that competition. That girl Marinette stole your dream. Don't worry, I will give you the power to get your revenge on them. But in return, you must give me the Ladybug and Cat Noir Miraculous. Are we clear?"

The voice was so alluring that she couldn't help but surrender herself to it, to the darkness it brought.

"Yes, Hawkmoth."

The feeling of having power enveloped her. Her heart full of hatred, anger and resentment, she was ready for her revenge.

First target, Marinette Dupain-Cheng...

A/N: Does this qualify for a cliffhanger? I hope you guys liked the chapter. If you didn't then I really hope that you liked the dresses. It took me an hour to get all of them. Marinette's took another 20 minutes to find, no kidding.

That look of disappointment
on Adrien's face was there, it was almost like a reflex and the oblivious cinnamon roll himself didn't register it.

And, BTW, did Adrien really sing Edward's lullaby for Bella to his princess?
Yes, he totally did it. This particular lullaby was the first that came to his mind.
While Mari was too tired to figure it out, Adrien is an oblivious person and would really require someone to spell out his feelings for Mari.
Try searching for the meaning behind the flowers he gave to Marinette.


I am out!

P.S: Guys, please don't forget to vote and please leave comments. They inspire me and make my day. LY!

{Edited: March 2, 2020}

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