part 7

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Hello everyone am here with the update .

Thanks to everyone those who all voted for last part .
Please ignore grammatical mistakes .

Happy reading .


Precapmanik going to Sydney .


Manik pov – 22 hours of journey , these 22 hours were like hell for me . I am driving my car at hugh speed , because its time for her to go to college and before she leaves to college I want to reach her first , and keep her safe from the world from all the evil.finallly I reached I was hell shocked by seeing the apartment I mean it had security but it was small according to me , and my princess is staying here , I mean she deserves the best , but now as am here I will make sure that she gets the best .i enetered inside the lift and punched 6 floor , her room no. was 602 , but when I reached the door was locked ,I felt I lost her , she just went to college but still my heart was dying , I found the key , as I know nandini always hides the extra keys inside the artificial flower pot , when she was in delhi she always used to this , i know weird but still she is mine .

Manik then opens the door it was small but a cozy one , her sweet smell was lingering around the house , when he inhaled that he felt that he has returned to his home , his nandini , his peace , his serenity .

Manik mutters – finally feels like am near you nandini , this time you escaped but not now I will make sure that you will be under my survellience .

Manik then checks the whole house ,when he went to kitchen what he saw made him laugh , there was 5 boxes which were stocked with all chocloates, in refrigerator there were very few vegetables ,juices , jam , butter ,chesse , he went on checking the whole kitchen , what ever he found was bread, pasta, noodles , all junk food not even healthy food was available in the kitchen

Manik irritated – this girl all she wants is junk and chocolates , and I don't think that those days are far by when she will be admitted in hospital due to her eating habits , I have to do something .

Manik calls his body guards who were watching the house from a short distance in sure to keep manik safe .


Manik – listen I want all the groceries in the home assigned properly in the house ,and listen get few locks ,and yes get me the details about the deal with the prince of england , I will be staying in Sydney for how many months I dont know , I want all my work ,buissness to be cooperated from here ,so make arrangements for that and finally call aman and inform him about the work I told

Body guard – yes prince , manik cuts the call .

Manik then checks her room and finds it to be neat and tidy .he sleeps on the bed and hug the pillow /cushion inhaling her fragrance , it was very soothing for him . he nuzzles his face in them .


Manik – I cant wait to meet her , I will go to her college only that's better .

Manik soon gets ready and drives to nandini's college , when he reached collge all the boys were ogling at his car ,and girls were ogling at him , few boys were jealous as he was getting all the attention from girls .

But manik with a stern look on his face enters in the college and goes to principal's room

Manik without knocking enters inside the office , the principal gets startled due to the sudden entry , but soon goes into shock when he sees manik , the prince of the india , only few knew about his identity ,and he was the one who donated lots of money to this college to provide free education for indian students also .

Principal – good morning prince

Manik directly sits and asks him to sit – am not here for some hello , hi and listen don't call me as prince ,call me as mr.malhotra , I don't want anyone to know about my identity , am here with some work .

Principal – am ready to help you sir

Manik – good now listen exactly 5 day back a girl named nandini has taken admission in your college but stops when principal speaks in between saying

Principal- yes yes , nandini I know her , she is such a star , that girl she joined the college 5 days back .

Manik confused – why ?

Principal – sir , yesterday she won the tournament of basket ball for our collge , whole collge is fan of her and her playing .

Manik pov – am so proud of you my princess .

Manikok now tell me where will I find her ?and next time onwards don't speak in middle until I complete my words , I don't like people who try to interfere .

Principal gulps – am sorry sir, next time I will be careful .and sir she might in basket ball court now , its their physical education class .

Manik nods at him and arrogantly walks away from there to basket ball court , and find the court to be highly packed up .he with great difficultly moves forwards and angers seeing the sight infront of him , all the boys were standing in the front and were ogling at one particular player none other than nandini .

Nandini was busy in her game ,she was sweating very badly , but her concentration was not now the boys , her motto was to win , all the boys eyes were on her flat belly , and toned legs which were milky white .

Manik pov – I will not leave anyone , and nandini I will directly meet you in the house ,and goes away from there angrily .while going he calls the principal

Manik angrily – why there are boys in the court ?

Principal – sir, its physical education class so

Manik angrily – so you will allow them while girls are practicing , listen to me carefully I want different courts for girls and boys and make sure no one I mean no guy is allowed to entered in girl's court .and I want it to be implemented from tomorrow , do you understand ?

Principal gulping his saliva – yes

Manik - and if I find that you crossed my words I don't think it will take even 1 minute for me to remove you from your job

Principal fears – yes sir , I will not give you a chance of complaint also .

Manik – good and cuts the call

Manik angrily drives his car and reaches nandini's appartment , he angrily snaps at his bodyguards ,the bodyguards leave him , as they are scared of his anger .

Manik takes the beer bottle from the bodyguard and shuts the door on their faces and starts drinking – no manik you cant force her , I have alredy done that mistake twice and third time I will be a fool , I have to explain her calmly and make her fall for me , but she is different she has a wall around herself , and I need to break that , I will explain her everything but this time manik malhotra will not repeat the same mistake.he drinks all the beer in a go and closes his eyes .


Nandini pov – god today its so tiring all my legs and hand are aching due to practice , I just want to have some food and sleep , but I don't even have energy to cook now ,and top of that I fucking forgot to do grocery shopping , ughhh why life has to be so tough? , but I will have bread and nutella and sleep , today in the evening job also there were so many customers, and I guess today my room mate is gonna join me , I hope that her cooking skills will be good .

Nandini then opens the door of her appartment and sees lights to be on – ok , I think that my new friend has come , but she even cleaned all the house , perfect haan , I think I need to learn some manners from her , chi chi nandini you are also perfect I dont need to learn anything from anyone , who ever it might be I need to meet her .

Manik was sitting in the dinning hall and was observing her action on hearing her words a smile appears on his face .

Manik pov – I need to make aware you of my presence , and slowly walks towards her in backward direction .

Nandini was busy in her thoughts , but she shouts when she hears some one whispering in her ears – home sweet home princess .

Nandini gets startled and turns back to find a smilimg manik looking handsome s hell ,she was glancing him from his toe to head ,and manik saw that

Manik smirking – atleast now you notced how good I look?

Nandini – what are you doing here ?get out of my house .

Manik slowly walks towards her and says – you mean our house.

Nandini angrily – manik pease don't test my patience , you have already created so many problems in my life ,now don't make it more difficult for me .

Manik – and If I say I won't leave then ?

Nandini – then I can leave and walks away , but manik holds her arms , she winces in pain as she was already having pains in her body .

Manik –and who told you that you can leave haan ? how could you leave me and come over here haan ? you know I died thousand times when I didn't find you in palace

Nandini – and why are you bothered about me and my safety , who am I to you haan ?

His next words shock her to core

Manik looking in her eyes- my everything , you are my everything , my life, my breathe ,and my queen .and this my heart it beats for you , my heart will stop the day when your heart will stop, but my love for you will never end .

Nandini – what rubbish you are talking manik ? don't you remember how you insulted me two times and I think in those two times you made me realize that what is my position ?am just a daughter of servant , whose husband left her for some other woman .

Manik – chup , now listen to me I love you nandini and madly I know I did so many blunder mistakes but I regret them from bottom of my heart , these eyes were sleepless just to see you , and this mind it was all captivated by you , from three years am carrying this secret in my heart that I love you , I felt suffocated when you got sinus attack and you were admitted in hospital , I visited you, and I was the one I sent those get well soon chocolates and boqeuts .when you first time went for trecking with mukthi and both of you were sepearted in different teams, and your team members left you ,and you didn't have map, and even didnt knew the way to go back , you fainted due to dehydration and stress , I was the one who carrid you to till your camp.i have so many moments with you nandini ,but you didn't knew that it was me .do you still think that am talking rubbish .

Nandini angrily slaps him – yes , you were not loving me , you were stalking me and thanks god that mom knew your rael afce and she was the one who suggested me to come over here but no you have the tag with you – NEVER LET NANDINI LIVE IN PEACE , and this is one of your other trick ,and that was the reason I hate you ,and I left you , you don't know the meaning of love , you just lust me.

Manik was silently hearing her accusations but the limit broke when he heard her saying his love as lust and that is why she left him manik angrily holds her hair – how could you leave me haan?

Nandini – manik leave me its paining , I hate you , you are a sick bastard that is why god took away your parents from you , you are just like my father who used my mom , you lust me not love me , but I will not bend infront of your will .

Manik gets anger hearing her words and slaps her – you dare to talk to me like that , you want to know what pain is right ?listen what all I did to gain your love , no but you are also like them only , no one loves me , am bastard right then did I force you rape you like how your father did to your mother , your father is a bastard nandini , and my parents they left me bloody yes they left me to rot in this world alone with so many responsibilities, you had love from your mother , you had your mother's care , nourishment , but I had nothing I craved for them nandini , I regret that day of my life when I bursted on you , you know why ? I was in search of love nandini and then I met soha I fell in love with her , who used me for my money .she slept with many guys behind my back , tell nandini did I deserve this haan ? all I gave her was my love and inreturn I got betrayal and that was the day I saw you for first time , I was angry I need to take my frustration out and I was such a jerk I agree and I removed all on you , but after that did I bother you no , but you haunted me in my dreams you made me fall in love with you .


Manik angrily walks out of the appartment .

Nandini was now in tears and guilt -am sorry manik , please forgive me , I was angry on myself please come back .and she sees that the dining room was ready with her favourite food.

Nandini pov – I took manik in such a wrong way , god please forgive me , give me a chance to ask for his forgiveness.

The end of this part .


Those whose all like this chappy then please do vote and share your views in the comment box, silent readers please do respond .this is the big chappy guys with 2700 words .

Few words for manik ?

Few words for nandini ?

Few words about the chappy ? do tell me how it was ?


Nandini – manik am sorry

Manik was ignoring her and was going out of the house with his luggage

Nandini angrily shouts – ok manik if you wont stop then I wil cut my hand

And on hearing that manik stops dead on his track and turns back to find nandini on her knees with a knife in her hand .

Manik runs to her .


Till then


Take care ,

Love you all,

Bye .

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