Emily Gaines is a fucking strong woman.

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I told you guys not to get annoyed if I post two times in a day. 🙍😏😌


"I was young, wild, stupid... I-i was foolish, God!" Christian stuttered, shaking his head from side to side as he rambled on. Emily remained still, not saying a word.

"I was really wild at that time. Too rough, too dangerous, I loved bondage and all that hard sex you always asked for. I was obsessed with it. So this one time, on my birthday, I got drunk, took a girl up to my room, a-and w-we started. I was at the top, fucking her real hard, while I had my hands clamped around her throat. I was so intoxicated in everything, that I couldn't hear her strangled screams, instead, my grip tightened around her neck. Em, I choked her to death." he ended his story with a muffled voice. Finally, Emily nodded her head, calmly, like as if she was thinking about something really important. Her eyes found his, and she spoke.

"Does my dad know about this?"

Dreadful horror filled her face as she watched him shake his head in agreement. She took a step backward, licking her lips nervously.

"Your dad and mine, got rid of her body, and covered the whole thing up. They told me not to worry, and keep on living my life the way I was before, normal. But I wasn't really normal again, I had taken a life. It changed me, Emily. When I met you, I knew that you would be all I ever wanted, I needed you in my life, and just the thought of laying a hand on you, even if it was only for sexual pleasures, drove me mad. What if I panicked? What if I smashed your head against the wall hard, and ripped your skull open? What if I choked you to death?" the tears ran, unending, down his cheeks. He looked so broken, so unlike the Christian she had seen yesterday.

"Christian, please leave now. Let's talk about this later. I'm tired, and need to rest." she said, walking away from him, and up the stairs, again.

"I understand that you need time to think, and I'll wait for you my love. But please don't leave me." his voice was just like the passing wind to her, she couldn't hear him clearly, she didn't want to. Walking into her room, she locked her door behind her, stripped off her clothes, and walked into the bathroom.

While the water ran through her body, the only thing she could think of, was the fact that her father knew about it.

"He knew about it."


Emily did not wake up with a tear stained face, baggy pants and a huge t shirt. She did not get into her car and drive down to her father's house, and barge into his study room, where he spent most of his time. No. She had woken up that morning at the normal time she did every morning, at four, had her breakfast, brushed her teeth, took a warm bath, and after that, put on a turtle necked tiger print jumpsuit, with black polished heels. She freed her hair, and let it drop down around her shoulders in lengthy waves. A darker shade of red lipstick was what painted her lips, and as she strode downstairs, to her black Ferrari, she put on her sun glasses and hopped into her ride. It was time to have a long talk with daddy.


She had arrived exactly on time, to see her father already having his morning tea. She sat opposite him on the dining chair, where they had met the last time for dinner. Taking her glasses off, she crossed her legs, while her father's eyes scanned her with amusement.

"And look who remembered her father today! It must be my lucky day." he grinned, tearing his gaze from her, and he adjusted his reading glasses, as he read through the newspaper in his hands.

"I never knew a murderer was the best choice of a suitor for your beloved daughter."

His fingers gripped tightly onto the edge of the papers, squeezing them, but he forced a smile into his face.

"Ah, he's a changed man now, Emily. Believe me, Christian is the best man for you, forget about his past. Every one has a bad one." he shrugged it off casually. Emily could begin to feel the dark storm brewing in her, all the cool demeanor she had put on was slowly starting to slip away.

"Well, too bad, because the wedding's over." the chair made a low screeching sound, as it dragged against the floor. She stood up and made to leave, but his voice stopped her.

"We've decided on where you'll be spending your honeymoon. You'll be travelling to Hawaii. It's really cool there."

A loud disgusted scoff escaped from Emily's mouth, and she stared at him wide eyed.

"Did you not hear a single word of what I just said?"

"You are marrying Christian my dear, and that is final." he did not look up from the papers, as he sipped in his tea.

"I will not get married to a murderer."

"Oh you will." her father smiled mischievously, a faint smile staining his lips.

"Why the fuck is everyone so sure if what I'm going to do with my life!?" she screamed. The man was exasperating, her strong walls, now crumbling to the ground. He finally dropped the newspaper on the table, crossed his hands together, and stared deeply at her.

"Mmm. What was his name again? Is it Ciàran? Yes, that stupid lowlife of a human you've been secretly seeing."

Emily's eyes widened in horror, her heart danced wildly in her chest, how did he find out?  And just like as if he could read her mind, he replied.

"Oh, I know everything that's been going on in your life my dear daughter.  I know of the ruckus you caused at your reunion party, I know of the man you've been meeting under Christian's watch. I know everything. I'm not stupid."

"You've had me followed?" she breathed out.

"You're my daughter, yes of course, and plus, I didn't want you ruining this wedding."

"I have done everything you've ever asked from me, and yet, you do this to me?"

"You see princess, I really don't care if you're having sex with another man, other than Christian. You're a woman now, you know right from wrong. All I want from you is to not spoil this marriage. I do not want Christian to find out about your little sexcapades, because if he does, and it breaks his heart, he's going to ask for the wedding to be called off, and we both don't want that now, do we?" he smiled. Emily could not describe the emotions that ran through her, she had gotten enough surprises and didn't think she had the strength for more.

"So, what's going to happen? Now that you know about Logan. You can't tell Christian, you said it yourself that it'd break his heart."

"True. So that's why I won't tell Christian. I'll just deal with the young man myself. You know I can ruin him, right?"

Her chest painfully and slowly began to cave in, the breaths from her lungs seemed to escape. Her own father was threatening her, right to her face.

"I don't care about him. He means nothing to me, we just play around. So I don't give a damn about what you do to him." Even as she said those words, a small part of her told her it wasn't completely true. The few days she had spent with Logan had been blissful for her, she had smiled more, and whenever it was time for her to leave, a little part of her, pleaded to stay longer.

"True." her father nodded his head, in a thoughtful manner. "..but you do care about that small lively looking lady, that's always jumping around."

The world froze around her, she thought her breath left her for a second, the tears were begin to sting behind her eyes. She was not going to break down in front of him, she was not going to give him the pleasure of seeing her so weak.  She was Emily Gaines. And Emily Gaines, was a fucking strong woman.

"You threaten me with Drew now? How pathetic." she spat out bitterly.

"I am your father, young lady. Watch your tone with me." danger laced the edges of his voice, and his cold eyes stabbed through her soul.

"I will ruin both your so called lover and best friend, if you try to leave this marriage. I have everyone of them under my watch."

She chuckled sourly, and nodded her head.

"Do not touch a single hair on both their heads, and do not try to contact me. Don't worry, I will be present at your wedding."

"That's the spirit my dear. Christian's a really good man, you know I'm saying the truth." he grinned.

"You know, I'm beginning to think that this whole wedding thing isn't just about me finding a good husband in Christian. You are aiming for something through this marriage. You're getting something from it, and it's not for my sake. I'm certain of that."

"Think whatever you want my dear, feel free to."


Her grip on the wheel was not steady, but she had miraculously managed not to get herself in an accident. Her fingers, clumsily dialed on Drew's number. It rang, but she got no reply from the girl. Fear ran through her veins, filling her head and freezing her blood, she quickly dialed the number again. Luckily, Drew's voice came alive through the speakers.

"Hey babe, what's up?"

Emily laughed, as a tear rolled down her cheeks. She wiped the back of her hand against it, and snuffed.

"Are you alright?"

"Of course, why are you sounding that way?" Drew asked worriedly. Emily contemplated telling her friend about it, but she didn't want to mix Drew in all this drama shit.

'It's all great. I just missed you. I'll be leaving town for a while, I'll see you when I get back, okay?"

"So sudden? What came up?" she could hear the frown in her voice.

"Just.. Something. Love you."

Immediately Drew had told her she loved her back, she switched off her phone, letting her hands and legs control the car, and drive her to an unknown destination. She would let her fucked up destiny take her to wherever it wanted to. And as she parked her car underneath that tree, and watched him waving off to a couple, with a huge grin on his face, she realized that she had driven to him. To Logan.


Word count : 1,792.

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