C h a p t e r 2

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(Your POV)

At the moment I officially have no clue what is even happening. That flower just disappeared! Well, this MUST have something to do with the glitch... NOTE TO SELF: be patient and dont go crazy with the reset button! Heh, yah... dumb me! Well, next time I see that flower, he will regret ever having the chance to exist!

(Flowey's POV)

(This is gonna be rare, only a few more after this.)

I soon found myself where I felt familiar. The flower patch. But I swear, things didn't feel right. It felt gloomy, quiet, and dark; unlike where I was always used to.

But oh, silly me! I know where I am! But that isn't good for me. For you see, a glitch has sent me to another version of the game. And a very dangerous version at that! Stupid girl, messing with timelines and resets! I would have to just find out a way to get back; to Undertale.

(Your POV)

I decided to make way toward what seemed like open air. I break through the small cave tunnel to a large, open cavern, with several "sky roofs" letting in light. All around, broken-down buildings, statues, and marvels of art littered the undergrowth. Out of nowhere, a soft, yet stern voice sounded to my Northwest.

"Child, are you lost?"

I turned my head to discover a goat-like creature. She had snow-white fur and calm, black eyes. She also wore a regal purple dress.

I nodded yes, speaking the truth, because I was literally new to this place.

"Here, come with me, I will help you." She gestured for me to follow her. I jogged up to her side, slowing as I caught up. She walked briskly, but still slow enough to the point where we were walking without looking as if in a hurry. "Now, I give you the choice to stay at my home while you get settled, if you wish," she said, still walking.

I nodded my thanks as we walk up to a rather large manor in the ruins. It was absolutely gorgeous. She smiled at me as I looked on in awe. She giggled a little, and she opened the door to let me in. The first thing that hits me is the smell! Cinnamon peach cookies, butterscotch apple pie, you name it and it tastes good, it quite possibly could have once been made here!

The creature laughed at me, for apparently my mouth was the Niagara Falls! "Dear, do you want something to eat?" I nodded my head quickly. She motioned for me to sit on a light-tan-colored chair. I waited calmly. she came back with 2 slices of pie and a plate of cookies. She took 1 piece, I took the other, and we shared the cookies.

Before I had just about finished a piece of pie, I look up. "Hey, I am so sorry, but what is your name?"

She looked at me calmly, and with a smile, she replied. "Oh dear, I'm sorry! I am Toriel! I am the keeper of the ruins, I protect them and make sure nothing bad happens to them." In my mind I am thinking, 'uh, they are called ruins for a reason, they don't need protection!' but i had no need to say that out loud. "Child, what is yours?"

I finished my last bite of pie and swallowed. "Oh, i am (Y/N), (Y/N) (Y/L/N)! It is nice to meet you, Toriel!" I lift my hand for her to shake, as she did. We smile at each other, and broke conversation a few times. Soon, before we knew it, it was getting late.

"Oh my, look at the time, (Y/N), I think it is about time for some rest..."

I laugh. "Agreed!" we both smile, and she shows me to a spare room for me to settle in. "Thanks again, Tori, for letting me stay!"

"Oh, it is no problem at all! I just love company!" This made me smile, and I hug her tight. She seemed to be surprised, but soon followed the act and hugged back. "Good night, Tori!"

"Good night, (Y/N)."

(Gaster!Sans' POV)

I swear to the good Lord! One moment I am walking calmly through the caverns, next thing you know, Boom! I am in the middle of Hotland! That's a shit move! I sigh, and turn my direction to where my home usually is; in Snowdin.

Before I knew it, I was already there. But something seemed... odd... I shrug it off, hoping it was just my mind. I walk in. This doesn't feel like my home. The arrangement is all wrong! meh, Papyrus must have rearranged. I hear a voice come from the kitchen. I-I swear, it didn't sound like Papyrus...

I walked weary over the the direction of the voice, my dagger in hand just in case. I round the corner the same time the other person does the same.


(CLIFFHANGER! sorry, I had to! Also, sorry for such a long chapter! I just HAD to keep going! See ya on the flip-side, my little bestiemush!)

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