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As usual: This book contains curse words, themes of violence, mental health, suicide, threats, and trauma. If you are uncomfortable with any of those, don't comment shit, and please leave.

AN: HELLO MY JAMMIES ITS ONE OF YOUR AUTHOR-NIMS, NIA HERE. I know it's been legit more than a week since we've updated, we won't kill you any longer. (Or will we-) ENJOY!!

-Eric's POV-

I embrace my daughter, who's shivering uncontrollably. I think the adrenaline from the event has worn off from her, and the temperature's gone down, so she probably needs to go and rest.

"D-daddy, wh-what happened to m-mommy?" my angel asks.

I freeze, thinking about what BTS said earlier.


I run up to the house, mindlessly searching for evidence that my wife...

Shaking my head, I think to myself, "Solar's strong, she couldn't have just...died like the figure in the video,"

Clenching my fists, I walk over to where the video was supposed to be filmed, hoping there wasn't the blood that proved she was...

I can't say it...



My legs are trembling as I get closer to the site. My eyes sting and my nose burns from the soot and ashes, but I keep on walking.

I can feel my blood run cold as I see blood. Scarlet red blood, like the juice of a pomegranate.

No. No, I refuse to believe it! Solar can't be dead...

I refuse to believe what's right in front of me and call a forensics team to make sure this is Solar's blood.

I patiently wait as the scientists analyze the blood. Suddenly my mind drifts to Chaerin and Ravn.

Hopefully, they have fled to somewhere safe or at home-

Wait. How come I haven't seen them at home or at the company building?

I'm about to run out to look for them when Dr. Danna (Nia: YES YOU DANNA U DAMN GIRL ) comes out with a sober face.

Before she even tells me the results, I sadly smile at her and say,

"It's her, isn't it?"

Dr. Danna softly walks up to me and starts speaking.

"The blood sample we took from the site matches perfectly with miss' blood we took from her past visits. I'm very sorry sir."

Before I can even comprehend all this, my voice unconsciously blurts out,

"Was she in pain?"

Dr. Danna scrunches her nose up and asks,

"Excuse me-"

I cut her off and rephrase the question, loudly sighing.

"Was she in pain when she... passed?"

The doctor looks sadly at me and replies,

"Judging by the video, it looks like the attackers used a gun on her hip and forehead, and the amount of blood also confirms that. If all this is not a set-up,"

I raise my eyebrows at that comment.

She sees me and lightly smiles before going back to her explanation.

"As I was saying, IF the video is showing what it is, then yes. She would've been in a lot of pain when the missus passed."

I sigh and I can imagine how much it would've hurt to suffer like that.

Wiping the tears with the hem of my shirt sleeves, (Nia: OMG ERIC IS SOFT~~) I head outside but stop in my place.

"Can I have a copy of the test results?" I ask softly.

Dr. Danna replies back with a single nod. She walks away for a moment, and I can hear the photocopier whirring away.

She comes back in just 2 minutes and she hands the file to me while saying, 'I really am sorry for your loss, sir."

I nod back and walk out, getting in the car and heading back to look for Chaerin and her brother.


All of a sudden, my mind flashes back to my children. The only link I have to Solar...

Sighing, I gently wrap my jacket around Chaerin who is still shivering, and put her inside the car.

"Daddy's going to go look for Ravn Oppa, so be a good girl and stay here. Daddy's going to be back in a minute."

She lightly nods and winces.

Just then I notice her cuts.

My eyes widen and I ask her, "Chaerin, where did you get these?"

Her face turns white but she shakes it away,

"A weird Oppa came and started threatening us and saying weird things," she says shivering.

"I took this from him."

She says softly and slides out a dagger with an emblem I know too clearly.

I stammer as I ask her some questions.

"Are you sure you got this from HIM??"

She nods and focuses her attention on a seam in the seats.

"Can you tell daddy his name?"

"A d-different guy s-said his name w-was Jimin or something..."

My eyes almost pop out of their sockets when I hear that name.

"Did they mention anything else?" I ask softly.

She sakes her head but says something that catches my eye.

"I'm not 100% sure, but I think it was BTS who did this. The emblem on the dagger, the voices, the work. It has to be them or linked to them somehow..."

I nod and tell her,

"Daddy needs to go find Ravn Oppa, okay?"

She smiles and I close the door.

I rush to where the guards tell me my son is.

He looks awful, cold beads of sweat on his pale forehead, his shirt soaked with blood, and his body covered with burns.

He's covered with blankets and has a heater next to him.

I wrap my arms around him, carrying him to the car when he wakes up.

"I-is Chaerin okay?" he croaks out.

I shake my head at my son, smiling at his concern for his sister when he's doing far worse.

"She's doing okay, but how are you, son?" I ask worriedly.

He coughs and replies back, "I-I think I'm not do-doing so well. H-he got away. I-I'm sorry."

I ruffle his hair and tell him, "Son, you were injured pretty badly, I don't think I would've had the guts or the courage to stand up like that."

'And the stupidness' I add in my mind.

He lightly smiles and I put him in the car as well.

The two siblings smile and embrace each other, causing uwu's from the staff.

I cough loudly and ask the driver, "Please take us to the hospital on ARMY street as soon as possible. Make sure that you get there in under 10 minutes, or I'll have you fired on the spot,"

I add a glare.

The driver turns pale and soon we're cruising at no more than 80 miles per hour and I can see Chaerin and Ravn struggling to keep awake.


Ravn is sleeping soundly after his treatment.

Luckily, the doctors said a bit of hydrogel can heal the burns and the bullet wound and knife wound aren't that deep.

On the contrary, Chaerin is faring far worse than I thought.

Her cuts on her neck weren't that deep except for the one that is right above her right collarbone.

She also had a sprained ankle from running away from that bastard, Jimin, along with the respiratory problems they'll both have for quite a while.

Both of them are sleeping peacefully and that's when I finally remember I have work to do.



I'm now 13 years old, the same age Ravn Oppa was when he entered Appa's mafia.

I'm still sour about the fact Oppa will be the head of the corporation while I'll be stuck at home married will some other bitch from a different mafia.

He's 16 now, and Appa and he are outside delivering some rounds for the customers.

I sigh loudly and toss my phone onto my bed, getting ready for bed as it was already 2AM.

That's when I hear the alarm.

Everything is coated in a glow of red, the lights illuminating the moonlit bedroom.

I grab my glasses and rush out, quickly tying my hair into a ponytail and pulling on a pair of black jeans and a matching black t-shirt.

"What's happening?" I ask.

One of my brother's friends, who are also in the mafia, Hwanwoong asks me,

"Is your brother or father here Chaerin?"

I shake my head, answering,

"They left 3 hours ago to deliver, why? Is something going on?"

Hwanwoong winces as he hears my words, and then runs his fingers through his hair.

"Well... since they're not here, I suppose you can help. Do you know how to shoot a gun and hand-to-hand combat?"

I scoff, replying, "Oppa, I've been learning since I was 7. What do you think I am, some spoiled princess?"

He smiles when he hears my sassy response, and I SWEAR he looks so damn attractive. (Nia: Ofc she's FALLING for him. It's Hwanwoong. {or IS she})


AN: Nia's here, I wrote this story since Gemi was busy, hope there aren't;t any grammatical errors that made it uncomfortable to read. :c I didn't leave you EXACTLY on a cliffhanger, but I suppose you are wanting to know about what the alarm was for... you'll find out in 2 days MAX since I forgot it was this fun to write. :D WELPPP stay safe my JAMMIES, I love ya!! 



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